A Certain Magical Keyblade Wi...


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Waking up in an unfamiliar city, Sora has no idea where he is now. After saving Kairi and bringing her back h... More

Chapter 2: Encountering Misfortune
Chapter 3: Meeting New & Old Faces
Chapter 4: Confrontation
Chapter 5: Hospital Friends
Chapter 6: The Good & The Bad
Chapter 7: Explanations and Events to Come
Chapter 8: Late Night Fights
Chapter 9: New Day, New Friends
Chapter 10: Eventful Situations
Chapter 11: Light Meets Light
Chapter 12: Challenges That Await
Chapter 13: First Clash of the Night
Chapter 14: Secondo scontro del destino
Chapter 15: Prelude to the Road
Chapter 16: Rising Tensions
Chapter 17: Magical & Scientific Issues

Chapter 1: City Lights

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*Disclaimer - I do not own the Copyright for Kingdom Hearts or the Toaru Universe. Any and All characters featured in this story belong to their respective copyright owners.


*A/N - Greetings everyone, and welcome to a brand-new story featuring two of the most amazing series that I've had the pleasure of being introduced to. These two series are Kingdom Hearts and Toaru Majutsu no Index. I've had this story on the back burner for a while and now I've got a good idea on how to go about my other stories along with making this story. Seeing as the Toaru universe has so many characters and stories to tell, I'm gonna come out and say that you should expect timeline changes. Alternate Universe. I have many ideas for this story and with my ideas sadly there comes the risk of diverting from the Toaru timeline. I apologize if that is something you are not a fan of and ask you to give the story a chance at least. Moreover, with the spectacle that was the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer. I am very excited for what's to come in Quadratum and how Versus XIII or Verum Rex will play a role in pushing the story to a brand-new future. For this story, I may include Sora's outfit change but that's up in the air for now. If anything changes, I'll be sure to make a note of when Sora does change his attire to fit the Kingdom Hearts 4 look.

In any case, please look forward to where this story goes and all the crazy scenarios that Sora, Touma, Mikoto, Accelerator, and all the other Toaru characters will run into. Once again, expect this story to divert from the Toaru timeline and go into the Alternate Universe (AU) route. However, I will still be sticking close to the timeline via the anime so you can spot the differences between this story and the actual timeline. In a city where Science and Magic are clashing with each other, Sora's involvement is bound to flip the city on its head. 


Opening his eyes and seeing the night sky was the first thing Sora saw waking up. The night sky did not have a cloud in sight; however, it was difficult to spot any stars given that tall skyscraper buildings were blocking the night sky view leaving no chance at all to see the stars.

Turning his head to the side, Sora spotted many more buildings of various sizes with lights illuminating the inside of the buildings. Sora also noticed all the windows around the buildings were either the same color or different colors lighting up the building like a Christmas tree. That idea of thinking brought a smile to Sora's lips. If he had to be honest, Sora liked that during the nighttime the city was still illuminated keeping the darkness at bay.

Moving his body so that he was sitting upright, Sora got a better idea of his surroundings and found that he was sitting in the middle of a road with cars parked along the sides. Sora also spotted screens that were displaying advertisements for various types of food products and clothing. The clothes being advertised looked to be fancy suits and dresses for people who wanted to be caught in the spotlight by their peers.

Sora also began to take note of how many buildings he could see from his position and realized that he was in a very big city with numerous buildings in sight. Wanting to get a rundown on his situation, Sora began to get up and check to see if all his limbs were still in place. Running a hand through his hair, Sora let out a sigh of relief that all his body parts were intact and that he wasn't missing any. Remembering his time back in the Final World.

Speaking of the Final World, Sora began to recall the events that happened to him and how crazy it all sounded. The process he went through was to go back in time again and find the seven hearts that would restore Kairi's. Going through all of his friends' hearts and reliving the events of the Keyblade War. Sora then remembered meeting Master Xehanort and the piece of information he dropped on him.

Bringing a hand to ruffle his hair, Sora recalled the moment when he connected all of the Guardians of Lights' hearts towards the location of Kairi and successfully found her. Guiding her through the Final World, Sora wanted his last moments to be filled with joy and tranquility with Kairi and his new friend Chirithy. Traveling to various worlds, Sora took his friends to celebrate their victory over the Keyblade war saving all the worlds from Xehanort.

After dropping Chirithy off in the Land of Departure with his lost friend who turned out to be Ventus, Sora continued to travel with Kairi even helping restore Namine's heart at Radiant Garden. All seemed peaceful and nothing could ruin the moment. That was until Sora realized that his hand was starting to disappear more and more.

Finally reaching Destiny Islands and having spent all of his energy to stay whole, Sora spent his last moments in this world with the people that helped him to become a part of something new, something amazing, something beautiful. The people whose hearts he was given the privilege to be a part of. His friends...

Saying goodbye to Kairi, Sora realized that everyone would be ok and get to live the lives that were taken away from the. If his sacrifice brought happiness to his friends, then he would gladly sacrifice himself however many times it took. With these thoughts being his last, Sora let out a smile for the last time before disappearing from reality and those he holds dear in his heart.

Sora then recalled waking up in the Final World, but it was nighttime which highlighted just how beautiful this plane of existence truly was. Remembering that this was where Sora randomly encountered someone who he never even thought was possible. Yozora...

The idea that a video game character was here truly did give Sora a lot to think about and consider especially since meeting someone from a video game was something completely new. However, the conversation between him and Yozora did not turn out as he thought it would and eventually led to him having to fight Yozora.

Feeling a headache hit him out of nowhere, Sora had to hold his head with his hands while letting out a tired sigh. Recalling what happened with Yozora was causing him to feel pain and even though the headache was irritating, Sora wanted to remember everything that happened.

Closing his eyes and letting his mind wander, Sora recalled how he and Yozora were standing in the Final World which then transformed into his Station of Awakening showing the people who were connected to his heart. Donald, Goofy, Riku, and Kairi were all there. However, the area around him and Yozora lit up within an instant and caused the two to be surrounded by buildings. Even his Station of Awakening transformed to the top of a circular building.

Sora then remembered how Yozora claimed that he, "accidentally wandered into this place, and went through some trials. Then, I was told to "save Sora"."

Confusion hit Sora as he was clueless as to what Yozora meant. However, Sora recalls having to summon his keyblade while Yozora transformed his laser sword along with his crossbow gun. In a matter of flashbacks, Sora remembered having to dodge and roll constantly to block the beams of red and blue lights that were shot toward him. Having to consistently move around and stay on his toes, Sora recalled all the close calls he had while blocking the sword slashes from Yozora.

Stuck in a nonstop loop of blocking all of Yozora's attacks and countering his attacks with a quick slash or slamming his keyblade into Yozora's side. Sora then remembered Yozora summoning a strange-looking orb that projected star constellations around him in a dome-like barrier that prevented him from leaving. Out of nowhere, Yozora summoned mecha robots out of red cubes that were all gunning for him. Having to roll out of the way, Sora tried hitting the mechas which did damage but the mechas were heavily armored.

Being slammed to the side, Sora remembers seeing Yozora winding his arm back and stopping for a moment before teleporting out of nowhere and appearing in front of him slashing him across his chest managing to knock the wind out of him and fall to the ground and letting his keyblade fall to the ground and disappear in a flash of light.

Feeling his body hurting all over the place and having to force himself to stand up on one knee, Sora recalled what Yozora said to him.

"Sorry, but I don't lose."

Before Sora could process what Yozora had said, he felt something crawl up his body quickly and remembers seeing Yozora looking at him with an unreadable expression before letting out a quiet "No..." and his vision being consumed by darkness.


And right after that, Sora found himself staring at the night sky having recalled everything that happened to him in such a short amount of time. Feeling his headache leave him, Sora brought his hands down from his head and began to get up off the ground and get a better look at where he was currently.

Standing upright, Sora began to check himself out to see if anything was missing. Realizing that he had a bunch of items on himself, Sora began to reach into his pockets and get a feel for what he had with him. Grabbing a bunch of things in his pocket, Sora pulled his hand out and was intrigued by what he saw.

"What the... what happened?"

In his hand was a bunch of items ranging from a sack full of his Munny that he had collected while traveling through the different worlds even picking up Munny from the Heartless. Why the Heartless were holding onto Munny was something Sora never did find an answer for and just ignored the weird coincidence. Checking the sack full of Munny, Sora realized that the last time he checked how much was in there it was a crazy amount he had saved up during his travels.

The Moogle shops he encountered in each world always had different prices on items and he even recalled one Moogle selling hi-potions for 8000 Munny. The nerve of that guy! Pushing that greedy Moogle to the side, Sora remembered the amount Donald told him that he had saved up and was astounded by how much was in the sack. About 80,000 Munny had been saved up thanks to all the Heartless that were stopped. Hopefully, the Munny could be used here at least to some degree.

Another thing in his hand was a few of the various keychains that he collected during his time in the most recent worlds he visited. The keychains that he had were the keychains he got from Twilight Town and San Fransokyo. The formchanges that let him dual wield guns and the blade is made up of nano cubes created by his friend Hiro. These two keychains changed up his fighting style quite a bit allowing him to pull off some crazy attacks.

However, Sora noticed that two other keychains were in his hand, but the strange thing was that the two keychains were partially there. The keychains were for sure in the palm of his hand, but their appearance was partially gone. It reminded him of when he was in the Final World with parts of his body missing and replaced with a blue see-through veil effect on his body. Looking back at the keychains, Sora let out a sigh as the keychains that were affected were two of his most precious keychains.

Oathkeeper and Oblivion.

Not wanting to stress too much about why the keychains were affected, Sora put the items in his hand back into his pocket and began to reach into his other pocket. Immediately feeling something familiar, Sora pulled out his Gummiphone which was in perfect condition even with his time-traveling shenanigans that went on.

Turing his Gummiphone on, Sora was able to see that the phone was working in perfect condition. Thanks to Donald and Goofy's help he was able to navigate his way through the phone. Plus, with the help of Hiro, he was given an easy-to-understand lesson on just what the basics of using the phone consisted of. Along with the process that went into creating the phone and getting it to work such as internet service or Wifi as some people called it.

With the help of his friends, Sora was able to use his phone instead of just spamming button after button. Opening up his photo gallery, Sora was able to see all the pictures that he took with all his friends in the various worlds he visited. Pictures with Captain Jack Sparrow, Rapunzel and Flynn, Sully and Mike, Hayner, Pence, Olette, Hiro and Baymax, Aqua, Ven, Mickey, Kairi, Riku, Donald and Goofy, and everyone else he encountered in his journey. A feeling of happiness hit Sora remembering all the fun times he had with everyone.

Continuing to look at his phone, Sora saw his reflection off the Gummiphone screen and realized that he was still standing in the middle of the street. Deciding later would be better to reminisce about his adventures, Sora began to walk to the curbside and see what else the city had in store. Before he put his Gummiphone away, Sora realized that since he was in a modern like city as Hiro put it, then he could try to connect to an internet source to help him find his way around.

Opening his phone and going into the settings which were changed thanks to Hiro's help, Sora was able to easily access his phone settings and find the scanning program that would allow him to connect to the city's internet. Within a matter of seconds, Sora heard a ping sound that alerted him that his Gummiphone had successfully found an internet connection.

Pressing the button that had the three circles next to each other, Sora was able to go to his phone's home screen and began to check what had changed. Realizing that his phone was now fitted to this city's internet service, Sora checked the time and became wide-eyed at what he saw.

"4:49 A.M."

Having to blink several times, Sora was taken aback by what time it was. Realizing that the time of night explained why he didn't see anyone wandering the streets and why it appeared he was the only one out. Putting his phone away, Sora decided to take a walk around the city and find any landmarks to help him better navigate his way while getting a layout of sorts.

Walking along the sidewalk, Sora noticed that many of the buildings had a professional look to them. In addition, Sora was infatuated with all the lights helping illuminate the city even with it being the middle of the night. Basking in the cool night air with no one around honestly brought a sense of comfort as it allowed Sora to just relax for a moment given that he had been fighting nonstop.

Continuing to walk along the sidewalk, Sora turned the corner and noticed that the street began to break off into countless different streets filled with so many buildings that it was difficult to keep count of. Along the way, Sora tried looking for any significant landmarks of sorts that would help him to navigate his way around. But to no avail, nothing stood out enough to be classified as a landmark.

Sora did spot what appeared to be robots that were a couple of streets away and looked to be picking up trash. In awe at what he was seeing, Sora continued to observe the robots who were clueless about his presence and continued going about their business. With the confirmation of cleaning robots, Sora realized that this city was implementing technology that was impressive on all accounts. Plus, Sora remembered Hiro talking about how difficult it was to create a working robot so with that in mind this city must have many scientists working here.

However, in the distance, Sora was able to spot a park of sorts with trees spread out giving a break from the constant view of buildings. Wanting to get there sooner, Sora began to jog to the park while also watching out for any late-night traffic to which he facepalmed as it truly did seem that no one was out and about.

Several minutes later, Sora finally reached the edge of the park and got a better look at the size of the park. The park was a fairly good size that was beneficial for people who may have been overwhelmed at the sight of buildings and just wanted to see regular nature consisting of trees and bodies of water. Walking into the park, Sora decided that this would be a good spot to relax for a while seeing that it was the middle of the night, and no stores would be open.

Making his way further into the park, Sora spotted a bench that was looking very comfortable. While walking toward the bench, Sora heard birds flapping their wings and crickets making a sound that filled the quiet evening. Or would it be morning since it was the start of a new day. Shaking his head of these thoughts, Sora reached the bench and sat down with a thud having a wave of tiredness hit him.

There were several things Sora needed to consider especially since he was now in a brand-new world with rules, he wasn't aware of. Maintaining the World Order was something he feared that he would slip up on. Realizing that he would need to watch what he says or explain why he carries a large key that acted as a sword was something he would come up with on the spot. Who knows what sorts of random conversations he'll wind up getting himself involved in.

Moreover, the currency of this world still remains a mystery, and that worried Sora greatly. One of the first things he would need to do is find a bank or pawnshop of sorts where he could try to exchange his Munny. However, thanks to Captain Jack's wise words, Sora knew to try and bargain the price for the Munny. Seeing that the Munny was a resource that was conveniently used in most of the worlds that he visited. Sora silently prayed that this world used the Munny currency at least to some extent.

Another thing that Sora began to ponder was how he would go about using his powers in this world. Again, Sora had no idea how this world's rules worked so he wasn't sure if his summoning his Keyblade would cause problems with the people. While Sora didn't run into any real problems in all the other worlds he visited, it was still a good idea to be aware of his surroundings and the way he would need to summon his Keyblade. Of course, Sora wasn't much of a brawler, but he would still put up a fight with his fists if it came down to it.

Speaking of his Keyblade, Sora raised his hand in front of him and summoned his Keyblade, and began to examine it for any damages. Kingdom Key, his Keyblade that has been with him through his many adventures brought a sense of warmth. Remembering Chirithy's words about him losing his power and the Power of Waking, Sora wanted to see just what powers he still had.

Getting up from the bench, Sora brought the Keyblade in front of him before getting a feeling of what powers he could sense inside his heart. Feeling a rush of familiar energy flow around him, Sora could sense that the spells consisting of Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Thunder, and Cure were still around. However, something felt off with the energy in his heart. Wanting to test his spell powers, Sora aimed his Keyblade towards a tree not that far and began to cast spell after spell at the tree.


The Keyblade glowed a bright red color while creating a fireball that was shot right at the tree. However, the fireball wasn't what Sora was expecting, and once the ball of fire hit the tree sure it left an impact, but it wasn't as impressive as what Sora has cast before.

Deciding to try another spell, Sora cast a blizzard spell at the tree to see the spell's results.


A shard of ice shot straight at the tree where the fireball hit the tree only for the ice to cover the tree around the area where the fireball impacted it. Realizing that something was wrong, Sora cast a thunder spell to see how the spell would work.


In front of the tree, a multitude of lightning strikes hit the ground shining in a bright yellow light before instantly flashing away and leaving the ground burning.

Having realized what was going on with his spells, Sora lowered his Keyblade and let it vanish in his hand in a flash of blue light. Walking up to where his spells impacted the tree, Sora let out a sigh as he realized that his once-powerful spells were once again set back to the basic level of spell power. Something that Sora was undoubtedly familiar with since it's happened more than four times now.

Sora was really getting tired of having his powers get reset repeatedly.

"Oh, come on, for once can't I have some of my powers stay with me?"

However, before Sora could wail in despair, he felt familiar energy in his heart and wanted to look at that sudden energy. Closing his eyes and analyzing his heart's power, Sora felt many of his old abilities still with him. All his abilities that improved his fighting techniques were still there along with his flowmotion abilities, but they too felt weak compared to where he was at the of the Keyblade War.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Sora made his way back to the bench to sit down and further think about what his plan would be now that he gave himself a checkup. While Sora usually traversed the worlds with his Gummiship with Donald and Goofy, there was no way for Sora to get around. Plus, he lost the Power of Waking which did leave him stranded in this new world.

Realizing that he would most likely be here for a while, Sora began to plan ahead for what he needed to accomplish once things started to open up and people would be out and about. Pulling out his Gummiphone to check the time, Sora saw that a great deal of time had passed since he first checked his phone.

"5:53 A.M."

Since it wouldn't be that long for people to start waking up and opening their businesses or start flocking to the streets. Sora began to lie down on the bench to enjoy a moment of relaxation before getting ready for the busy day to begin.

However, right before Sora could make himself get comfortable, he heard what appeared to be a group of people running towards or away from something. The next sound he heard was that of a boy screaming out loud something along the lines of, "Misfortune! ".

Pushing himself off the bench and standing upright, Sora began to jog towards the direction that he heard the boy scream and the group of people running.

Not wanting to lose the sound, Sora slowed his pace and made a funnel around his ear to hear if the group of people was still running. To his relief, Sora could still hear the group running. Picking up the pace, Sora now started to sprint towards the sound of the people running while also realizing that he was leaving the park that served to give him a moment of rest. Sora made a note to himself about the park and the poor tree he blasted with his spells.


Continuing to follow the sound of people running, Sora turned the corner and jumped over the hood of a car trying to keep up with the sound that was moving at an incredible speed. How could a group of people all run so incredibly fast? Wanting to get an answer, Sora bolted down the sidewalk while in the pursuit of whoever it was that screamed along with the group of people running.

Spotting in front of him along the sidewalk a tall lamp post, Sora instantly jumped along with the lamppost and began to spin around several times at an incredible speed all while having a blue glowing light surround his body. With his flowmotion kicking into effect, Sora leaned his body towards the direction that the sounds were coming from and shot forward with his entire body managing to roll onto the ground and sprint towards the sounds.

Sora very clearly heard the group of people running now and was so close to catching up with them. However, before Sora could continue moving forward, he faintly heard what sounded like someone breathing heavily from an alleyway attached to the sidewalk, and very easy to miss. Unsure of what to do, Sora decided to check out the alleyway in case of anything malicious hiding away.

Checking his surroundings for anyone around to which there was no one, Sora summoned his keyblade and held it up so that it could light up the alleyway. Even though the sun was starting to rise, the alleyway was completely covered in the darkness making it difficult to see anything.

While holding his keyblade up, Sora began to make his way further into the alleyway stepping over broken glass and food dumped all over the ground. However, Sora did double-take once he saw more food sprawled out on the ground and crouched down to get a better look. Upon closer inspection, Sora realized that the food on the ground was still fresh and had barely been dropped.

Moving further into the alleyway, Sora felt another presence close by and decided against better judgment to call out to the presence.

"Hello? Is anyone out there?"

Not hearing a response, Sora was about to start walking forward when he did hear something out of nowhere.

"Y-yeah, I'm here alright"

Surprised that he got a response, Sora called out to the mysterious voice which sounded like a boy.

"I'm not going to hurt you or anything like that. Do you mind coming out so I can see you?" Sora asked the voice wanting to figure out who was hiding in the alleyway.

After a moment of silence and no response from the voice, the sound of someone walking toward Sora began to get louder and louder. Preparing himself for the worst possibility, Sora gripped his Keyblade while still holding it as a light source and readied himself for whatever was about to make happen.

However, what Sora did not expect to see was that of a teenage boy with spiky black hair that almost rivaled his own spiky hair wearing an orange shirt with a red collar and a black jacket around his arms and shoulders. The boy also had on a pair of black pants with white sneakers. Moreover, the boy was holding what appeared to be a ripped grocery bag with food spilling out from a hole at the bottom of the bag.

While holding the tattered grocery bag in one hand, the boy raised his other hand and tiredly waved at Sora before greeting him.

"Ehh... nice to meet you. You're not with those guys chasing me right...?"

Looking at the boy carrying the destroyed grocery bag, Sora replied to him with a friendly smile on his face.

"Those guys chasing you? I'm not with anyone. I was sitting in the park when I heard someone scream along with what sounded like a couple of people running. I take it that was you running away from those people chasing you?" Sora asked while observing the boy looking like he was about to bolt out of there.

"Ah... I see. That's a relief to hear. Maybe this Kamijou still has some luck after all. For a second there I was prepared for you to attack me with your... with your... why do you have a giant key?" the boy with the ripped grocery bag said while noticing Sora's Keyblade.

Remembering that he had his Keyblade out, Sora quickly lowered it to his side while bringing his free hand up to ruffle the back of his head looking sheepish.

"Have you never seen anyone else carrying around a giant key before?" Sora asked slowly coming up with a valid excuse for having his Keyblade without spilling unnecessary information.

"Unless it's for a cosplay of some sorts, I've never seen anyone lugging around a giant ass key before. Are you a cosplayer?" the boy asked while staring blankly at Sora.

"No, I'm not a cosplayer... wait what is a cosplayer? Putting that to the side, no, I'm not a cosplayer. The reason I'm carrying a giant key around is so that no one would suspect the key to having some power stored in it" Sora replied having made up the whole idea of his Keyblade holding some sort of power that let him use it as a light source.

"Power stored in the giant key? Well, I don't think I've ever heard of an Esper doing something like that before. But who am I to judge, there are all sorts of Espers in Academy City with different powers" the grocery bag boy said while providing Sora with some very vital information.

"Academy City... Esper... " Sora said to himself trying to get a better picture of the city he woke up in.

The boy with the grocery bag then began to further observe Sora and his attire immediately feeling like something was off with him. Wanting to ask him a few questions, the grocery bag boy was about to say something but was cut off when he heard someone else yelling.

"The bastard's probably hiding this way!"

"Let's get 'em!"

"Let's kick his ass!"

Multiple voices could be heard getting closer from where Sora entered the alleyway. Hearing the various yells and the sound of multiple people running, Sora turned to look at the grocery bag boy and questioned him about the sounds.

"I take it those guys are the ones who were chasing you?" Sora asked while having a blank expression looking at the boy.

"Yeah, I accidentally slipped and ended up knocking over their bikes and their to-go food while walking home with my groceries. They've been chasing me since about midnight" the grocery bag boy said while grasping his torn-up bag and getting ready to sprint away.

Seeing that this boy was quite friendly and knew a great deal about the city, Sora made a quick decision to help him get away while asking more questions about this "Academy City" that he ended up in.

"Hey, wait!"

"No time. I'm not looking to get my ass kicked in the middle of the night. Or at least not on this night maybe tomorrow night but not right now!"

"Let me help you!"

"Wh- what? Why? This poor Kamijou can't afford to hire you for your protection services as nice as that sounds"

"No! You don't have to pay me!"

"Oh, so you're taking pity on this Kamijou being dirt poor. I see how it is"

"Look, I help you; you help me by just giving me some information"

"Information? Oh, no. That sounds like you are dangerous to be around. I'm not looking for any trouble right now. I've already got an angry Biri Biri after me I don't need a porcupine after me as well"

Confused by what the grocery bag boy was saying, Sora was beginning to get frustrated at his antics and was about to start yelling at him, but he could hear multiple people running and getting closer. At the rate they were running the group of people chasing the grocery bag boy would reach them in 30 seconds. Making a haste decision, Sora charged at the bag boy and pulled him to start running away.

"Ah! What are you doing! You almost made me spill my bag!"

"Your bag is already spilling!"

Reaching levels of worry as the sounds of the group of angry people were getting closer, Sora just flat out said what he needed from the grocery bag boy.

"Look, can you help me please? I'm not from the city and I don't know how I got here. All I need is some information and in return, I can help you get away from those guys chasing you. What do you say?" Sora said while running next to the grocery bag boy.

Realizing that help was offering its hand which wasn't too common, the grocery bag boy looked at Sora before shaking his head.

"Alright, deal. Now please! Stop those guys from chasing me!" the grocery bag boy said as he took off leaving Sora by himself with the incoming group of angry people.

Stopping in his tracks, Sora aimed his Keyblade in the direction of the group of boys and shot a spell to slow them down.


Instantly, the tip of the Keyblade glowed a light blue color before an ice shard shot forward and hit the side of the alley creating a wall to stop the group from chasing the grocery bag boy. However, Sora did not think the ice wall would be enough, so he started shooting ice spell after ice spell to further fortify the ice wall making it impossible to get past.

Once Sora checked his handiwork and was confident that no one would be able to reach them now, he began to catch up with the grocery bag boy. Lifting his Keyblade in front of him, Sora then let it disappear in his hand and continued to meet up with the boy.

After having been running for a few minutes, Sora caught up with the boy who was leaning on the side of the alleyway, he called out to him and told him the good news.

"We're all good. They won't be catching up to us for a while" Sora said while putting both of his hands behind his head.

"Oh man, you're a big help thank you... err... sorry, I didn't catch your name"

"Ah, right, my name is Sora. Nice to meet you"

"Sora... got it. I'm Touma Kamijou. Thanks for stopping those guys" the grocery bag boy now identified as Touma said while having a tired smile appear on his face.

However, Touma noticed that Sora did not have his giant key weapon with him anymore. Hence, he decided to not bring it up but keep a close eye on Sora since there was something that seemed off about him.

Deciding to check what time it was now, Sora pulled out his Gummiphone and was blown away by how much time had passed.

"6:10 A.M."

"Oh, wow. Guess the day is moving pretty fast huh, Touma?" Sora said while showing Touma the time on the phone. Taking a closer look at the time, Touma became pale-faced and began to sweat like crazy.

"Oh crap, my roommate is gonna kill me! If she doesn't eat by 6:30 then I'm a dead man!" Touma yelled while clutching his destroyed grocery bag.

Realizing the predicament that Touma was in, Sora decided to step in to help the frightened boy.

"Hey, why don't you let me take the blame, so your roommate doesn't go ballistic. I mean think of it as your way of paying me for the information I'm asking about" Sora said trying to reach a compromise with Touma.

Without even taking another second to think about Sora's offer, Touma started crying tears of sadness...happiness? Sora wasn't sure. And shook his head franticly.

"Yes! I'll gladly take that payment. You can face my roommate's fury" Touma proclaimed while looking like a giant weight was lifted off his shoulders.

Not sure what to make of Touma's reaction, Sora just merely looked at Touma and shook his head with a smile on his face.

"Alright, well, lead the way to your place, Touma," Sora said while gesturing to Touma to take them to his place of residency.

Nodding his head, Touma began to walk through the alleyway with Sora next to him having a get out of jail card with him in the form of Sora. No way was that crazy nun going to bite his head off today.

Continuing their way out of the alley, Sora and Touma came across an opening with a blinding light that caused them to cover their eyes. Once their eyes got comfortable with the light, the two blinked several times to re-adjust their vision and were greeted with the sun rising in the sky. Signifying that a new day was beginning in a general sense and quite a literal sense. This would mark Sora's first day beginning in a whole new world on his own awaiting the challenges that would come his way.

However, what he didn't know was that the boy next to him would walk him into countless other challenges in a city where science and magic were always clashing. Directing him to plentiful more stories to be told for the Keyblade's chosen one. 

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