He's not afraid (a Scott Hoyi...

By fxrnrock

43.8K 1.8K 452

"I fucking love this book. I WISH there were books as good as this, but this book tugged at my heartstrings l... More

Prologue (REVISED APR'22)
Royalty Living (REVISED APR'22)
Burglary! (REVISED APR'22)
Once again (REVISING APR'22)
Teaching and Annoying Part. I (REVISED)
Teaching and Annoying Part. II (REVISED)
Moments (REVISED)
Dialogues & Searches (REVISED)
Agility (REVISED)
He's Not Afraid (REVISED)
Last First Kiss (REVISED)
"My" Prince (REVISED)
Touch My Body (REVISED)
Sneaky Ninjas (REVISED)
We Cannot Stop (REVISED)
Memories & Memories (REVISED)
Fuck Me! (REVISED)
It Mitch. (REVISED)
Assaulting Love (REVISED)
Pissing off the one I love- Part. I/II (REVISED)
Pissing off the one I love. Part II/II (REVISED)
Sweet Problem (REVISED)
Listen... I love you! (REVISED)
Relax! (REVISED)
Together (REVISED)
Files & Events. Part I/II (REVISED)
Again. (REVISED)
It's Time to Fuck Shit Up! - COUNTDOWN! (REVISED)
Things. - Third from Last (REVISED)
And so it was. - Second from Last. (REVISED)
He's not afraid to be free. - Last Chapter (REVISED)
[Author's Note]
NEW STORY!!!! <3

Files & Events. Part II/II (REVISED)

663 42 2
By fxrnrock


 "I hate my life... but I can't live without it!!"

"Call Scott, tell him his boyfriend's here." I could heard Troye's voice echoing inside those four walls. I opened my eyes and looked at him: he was different from the last time. "COME ON, ESTHER!" he shouted and I looked at her. Blonde. Esther was blonde, with the same sad black eyes. She looked at me and gave me a disapproval glare, obeying his orders.

"I need to go out to buy us dinner." she whispered, looking at me. She wasn't going to buy dinner... I knew it. Troye looked at her and walked towards her, whispering something before turning around to face me.

"So, Mitch... I saw the files you were carrying!" he said, petting my face and I quickly kicked his shin. Then I realized I was trapped to a chair, only being able to move my legs. "Look, cutie... don't get wild, it'll be worst." he grabbed my face but I quickly turned my head, freeing myself.

"You don't know what you're messing with, Troye! Let me go!" I said and he laughed.

"Oh I know... I know all the shit you've done, how you almost got your man killed, not carrying a gun with you and being kidnapped in the middle of the night, Cinderella. You've been doing fine, Mitch... Very fine!" he clapped and I rolled my eyes.

"You're not gonna get away with this..."

"You killed my father, Mitch... you don't do that to your friends..." he said, holding his gun and playing with it.

"Why don't you check if your cock reaches your ass and go fuck your very self?" Do you think this is over?" he stared. "You're no one, without your dad around."

"Watch your tone... I can steal the life away from you!"

"You wouldn't kill me, coward!" I bit my jaw while staring at him.

"You're right, I don't want you. Mostly because you're literally worthless to me. I want your leader, your man!" he laughed and I thought of Scott. "He'll arrive any moment now, and I don't wanna miss the chance of shooting his little skull..." he raised an eyebrow and stared.

"You will not touch Scott." I said and he laughed. "I'll kill you, Troye! I'll kill you!!" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I hear a loud "boom". Something was going on outside and Troye was worried about it. He glanced at the window and bugged his eyes. "What's going on?" I asked, trying to free myself from that damned chair while he pointed the gun at me.

"It seems your friends came to the rescue!" he said, approaching me. "Bitch!" he whispered as he reminded himself of Esther, surely she was already against him again, which reminded me that she's in danger now.

"SCOTT, OVER HERE!!" I yelled as Troye slapped me. "SCOTT!!" I yelled again, not caring about my fate.

Troye rushed to the stairs trying to run away, but Scott broke down the door and stood in front of him.

"Don't fucking dare to move, Sivan." he whispered, glancing at my red face, from the slaps. "Idiot!" he quickly tackled Troye, starting a fight between them. Troye was the one getting beaten up, but Scott wouldn't leave the place without some marks as well. Somehow, Troye was able to take control and straddled him, punching his face hard.

"LET HIM GO, TROYE!" I yelled, trying to free myself from the ropes tying me up and I saw Scott trying to reach for the gun. "FUCK!!" I was enraged.

"Release him!" Scott said while Ben and Kevin came in and untied the ropes on my wrists. When I was free, I quickly grabbed Kevin's gun and shot Troye in the hand, making him fall backwards and Scott jumped on top of him.

We started leaving the place, Esther was already inside of the car hiding when we heard the police sirens from the distance.

"Shit!" Ben said while the cops arrived and pointed their guns at us. Esther, Candice, Alex and Avi, which were already inside the car, were stopped by the police and slowly got out.

"We found them! SURRENDER NOW!" one of the cops said while Ben and Kevin put their hands up. I immediately did the same.

"Mitchell?!" I heard what I didn't want to hear the most. My Grandma was there, with Rick and Mars. "Is this what you were hiding from me?!" her eyes were flooded with tears. "You're a criminal!" she stared at me. "They robbed my house and it was YOU who helped them! You were the one who stole the files from my desk!"

"ENOUGH GRANDMA, ENOUGH! I'M TIRED OF THAT, YES, I'M A CRIMINAL IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT TO KNOW! THEY'RE A PART OF ME AND IF THEY GO TO JAIL THEN I'LL GO TOO. I WON'T LEAVE THEM!" I said, running towards a policeman. "TAKE ME! I'M NOT AFRAID!" I yelled, trying to grab the handcuffs while the policeman handcuffed Ben. He then shoved me when I finally grabbed them, making me let them go.

"Don't say that, Mitchell. You're coming back with me, to our house and you'll stop seeing these people." my Grandma said.

"You can't do that, I know what I want for myself." I was about to continue when I heard two more cars arriving. When I left the house, I stayed outside, watching them entering the police's cars, one by one. I then saw Scott, handcuffed and looking at me. "My love..." he was looking at me what seemed to be upset, but his face changed once I said those words. "I'll get you out of this..." I approached him and hugged him, making him kiss my cheek. The cop quickly pulled him and basically shoved him inside the car. "LET HIM GO, YOU IDIOT!!!" I yelled, punching the cop's back while another one pulled be my the arms.

"Let's go home, Mitchell!" my Grandma said, pulling me. I quickly freed myself, looking at her.

"You can't let them go to jail!" I said, moving the hair from my face.

"They're criminals!!!"

"THEY'RE MY LIFE!!!!" I yelled, not knowing what else to say.

"Your life will start when you arrive home and follow my demands!" she said and I ironically laughed.

"Sit down and wait." I raised an eyebrow and entered the damn car. I wanted to escape, but I wasn't able to once they locked the doors. I was silent, not crying and keeping a straight face: I needed to talk to someone, and that someone had to be Mike. Mars seemed worried with me but she didn't say a word as well. And it was better that way, or else I could've get angry at her.

"You'll go back to college." my Grandma said while Rick drove.

"I'm not one to go to college. I'm not going back, whether you like it or not. And if not, let me go with them!" She didn't say a word afterwards, while Rick kept driving.


I got home and I started kicking everything that stepped in my way. I didn't speak to anyone and went straight to the guest room, while Mars and my Grandma followed me.

"Mars exchange rooms with you and..."

"No, no she's not. That room is hers, not mine. She lives here, I don't." I said, calmly and they stared.

"Whatever. I'll be downstairs, I'm gonna call the embassy." she said and I turned around. Mars didn't look at me and left as well.

I grabbed my phone and called Mike.

Mitch: Hello?

Mike: Mitch! How are you? I saw the news, are you okay?

Mitch: I hate being the Queen's grandson! I need you to do me a favour. Will you take the risk for me?

Mike: Of course. Anything.

Mitch: Scott and the guys were arrested. Give them some attention, please. I'll write a letter, and I want you to hand it to Scott. And please clean their house, not a deep cleaning: just somethings they left out of place.

Mike: Are you sure?

Mitch: Never been surer. I haven't talked to Scott since... well... you know. I'm not gonna let things stay like this for long.

Mike: What are you thinking of doing?

Mitch: I'm gonna change myself. I changed a lot, but I need more. I got to go now, if you need anything call me. I'll meet you tomorrow to give you the letter.

Mike: Whatever you want, darling. See you tomorrow, sleep tight. I adore you.

 Those words. How I loved to hear them, although they kinda sounded like an animal warming up its children.

All I could think of was Scott.

And my change... because now, I needed a change. An even bigger one.

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