Ever After High: A Wonderful...

By Morning_Blankets

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Y/N Ozymandias, son of the Wizard of Oz, and his friends at Ever After High return for more Royal Vs. Rebel s... More

The Neutral's Return
Ever Academy
An Evil Alliance
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Boulevard
The Way Home
Spring Unsprung Begins
Tasty Wonder
Cook Off
Topsy-Turvy Trouble
Save The Wonder!
On A Train With A Hare
The Jabberwock 2: Electric Boogaloo
Card Tricks
Jester's Wild
Shuffle The Deck
A Royal Flush
Back Home
An Interview With A Princess
A Boys Camping Trip
Another (After)Life
The Fellowship of The Waterfall
A Big Family Secret
Shatter The Mirror
Here There Be Dragons
The Ones We Knew
Dragon Games
Into The Woods
Destiny Calls
Battle For Ever After High
Life Goes On

A Bit Of Chaos

1.2K 50 7
By Morning_Blankets

Oswalt stared at the ring in between his fingers. He wouldn't place it on his own hand, that would take away most of his powers since it was one of the only sources of Good Witch magic left in Ever After, but he also couldn't just throw it away at Ever After. No. Someone else would find it.

He looked down the corridor of the Well of Wonder and smiled. He reached his hand out, and dropped it into the waters below. Now it could end up anywhere. Even if it landed in Wonderland, the chances of finding it were close to .00000001%.

Besides, you were still missing. Even if you did somehow find the ring, you would have no way of using it. Your magic was his. You had no actual access to it anyway. He made sure of that when he took back his body.

Cheshire: So, what is the plan?

Oswalt turned around to look to where the Chesire Cat was lounging. He smiled.

Oswalt: It's simple. I just need you to keep an eye out for the Storybook of Legends. It passed through here not long ago.

Cheshire: And then what?

Oswalt: Should anyone try to return it to Ever After, I need you to switch it out for something else. And should you get the chance, make sure to keep the book in Wonderland.

Cheshire tapped her chin. She then grinned from ear to ear.

Cheshire: I see now. This is sure to be quite the fun trick to play.

Oswalt: That's what I'm hoping for. Now, if you'll excuse me, my dear, I must be returning. I have someone I need to talk to.

He began to ascend the steps to Ever After, but stopped. He then turned back to Cheshire.

Oswalt: I'll remember my end of the deal as well.

Cheshire: I certainly hope so. My Kitty needs a lesson or two about how to be truly a Cheshire. A real trickster.

Oswalt smiled.

Oswalt: Of course. You can count on me.

The strangly blue water splashed as a pebble bounced along the water. In the bank of the river was Alistair and Bunny, freshly defeated by the Queen's guards.

Alistair: The curse on Wonderland has made the Queen of Hearts afraid!

Bunny: I know, Alistair.

Alistair: Afraid that if anything happens to upset the balance, that green encircling chaos will close in and destroy Wonderland.

The two looked up into the sky where the ugly green curse swirled overhead. The outer rim of the curse was brown and the entire thing smelt oddly of sulfer when you got close enough.

The Evil Queen cursed Wonderland years ago. The threat still remained, however.

If she had finished her spell, this evil would have closed in, devastating everything. This was why the Brothers Grimm magically severed every path between the worlds.

Alistair: One day, I'll help solve the riddle and lift the curse.

And then, maybe he'll see his mother again. That was the dream, at least. He didn't remember much of her or of his life before Wonderland. And when the curse came, he lost most of his found family as well. All he had now was Bunny and the White Rabbit himself.

He didn't even know his last name. Only Wonderland.

Bunny watched as he kneeled down to grab another pebble. She wished she could help him, but she didn't have any magic. She wasn't very useful in a fight either. She was only meant to guide him to Wonderland when the time came.

Alistair stopped when he noticed something in the water.

Alistair: Whoa. What is that?

He looked closer to see the glowing item was in fact a book. Bunny walked over and nearly gasped.

Bunny: I don't believe it.

Alistair pulled it from the water where it glowed in all of it's glory.

Alistair: It's the Storybook of Legends! But, if the book is in our world then that means....there's a portal that isn't sealed anymore!

Bunny and Alistair both looked at each other and smiled. Bunny jumped into the air and poofed herself into her rabbit form. She began to lead the way, hopping along the river side, while Alistair followed with the Storybook.

Indeed, there was one passage between Ever After and Wonderland.

The Well of Wonder. And this allowed a critical trickle of creativity to flow through the well to Ever After from Wonderland.

This inspiration began to flow through Lizzie Hearts as her hand gently moved along the water. She smiled, feeling the sense of familiarity. The sense of home. Of family. Of friends.

She opened her eyes and pulled out her MirrorPad to finish her designs.
You looked at yourself in the mirror that was hung upside down in the armory. You had no idea how it worked, but that was just Wonderlandian logic, you figured.

You had made a few adjustments to the armor that the Queen of Hearts gave you. You kept the helmet and the left sleeve of armor, but you got rid of the chest plate, the thigh plates, the right arm, and the right shoulder. Your hands were protected with the gauntlets and the sword was sheathed on your belt.

You didn't want to have your speed lowered by all the weight of the armor. Plus, it didn't really fit you right. It was made for a bigger person, who you had assumed to be the previous Knave of Hearts, and not for some Ozzian.

Guard: The Tournament will begin soon. Please proceed to the throne room.

You turned back to the guard and nodded. You followed him through the long hallways, up the stairs, down the stairs, around the tower, through the bridge, across the ladders, up the slides, and finally through the hall of paintings that were all just splashed with red paint.

You entered the throne room and found a few other contestants already there. You took your place among them and looked up to the Queen. Looks like they modified the room to act as a kind of arena. Wonderlandians had gathered here to watch the fights, it seemed. They all cheered and shouted for their favorites.

Queen Hearts: SILENCE!

Everyone stopped.

Queen Hearts: Now, we introduce our champions. Proceed.

A guard dressed in white took a step forward.

White Guard: On behalf of the White Queen, we offer the White Knight!

The White Knight took a step forward and bowed.

White Knight: My Queen.

A woman dressed in red, and like a chess piece, took a hop forward.

Red Queen: Representing yours truly, The Red Knight!

The Red Knight took a step forward and bowed.

Red Knight: My Queen.

A figure dress from head to toe in black stepped forward and bowed.

Black Figure: Representing the Queen of Black, The Black Knight!

A large figure stepped forward and bowed, not saying anything but huffing.

Black Knight:...

That was a....a really big guy. And a really big sword.

Guard: And finally, representing the Queen of Hearts, The Knave of Hearts!

You took a step forward and bowed.

Y/N: My Queen.

The crowd cheered for all four of you. As they did, you looked over to the figure dressed in black. They seemed short, but their accent sounded like yours. They couldn't be Ozzian, could they? No. That wouldn't be possible.

Then again, you didn't know that One Reflection were Ozzians.

You all rose back to your feet and the Queen smiled.

Queen Hearts: Now, we shuffle the deck!

52 guards all ran out from behind the wall and immediately began to pile ontop of each other. One by one they took turns "shuffling" by switching spots.

Two stood up and turned to the crowd.

A 6 of Clubs and a King of Diamonds.

Queen Hearts: Oh, goody! The Black Knight and the Red Knight!

Is that what that meant? Either way, it looks like you and the White Knight wouldn't be fighting this round. You both walked back and waited.

Though, the White Knight couldn't help but wonder if they had heard your voice before.
Alistair and Bunny stared at the Well of Wonder. Alistair smiled as he handed the Storybook of Legends to Bunny and turned so she could place it into his bagm

Alistair: Now this is a riddle, and it's begging to be solved.

Alistair jumped ontop of the Well and held his hand out towards Bunny. She smiled as she took it.

Bunny: You say that about everything.

Alistair pulled her up and caught her so she wouldn't fall. They looked at each other and quickly separated, though they continued to hold hands. And then, together, they jumped in.

The water hit their skin as they began to fall through the currents. Then, they emerged from the tube and slid to a stop just before a ledge.

Alistair: Watch out!

He grabbed Bunny and pulled her away from the ledge. However, by yelling, he alerted someone else in the Well of Wonder.

Cheshire opened her eye at the sound of new voices. She began to smirk.

Bunny: Oh...I've never been under Wonderland before.

Cheshire peeked out from her her ledge at the two children. She rubbed her hands together as she began to hatch up a plan for a bit of good old Wonderlandful Chaos.
Back at Ever After, Lizzie got to work with sewing her Spring Fairest dresses. She needed the distraction and she found it in her art. When she finished Cedar's, she showed it to the girls who had gathered in her room.

It wasn't long before they were on the fairgrounds.

Blondie: It looks like some students went all out for this year's Spring Fairest!

She stepped out of the way to show the girls in their new attire.

Looking good, ladies.

Holly: Look! We're on the jumbomirror!

Holly pointed to the large Mirror over the festival. Sure enough, they were front and center. Kitty, who was enjoying her ice cream, looked over and saw their outfits. She then looked down at herself and smirked.

Using some Chesire magic, she gave herself a bit of a make over as well.

Kitty: Meow.

Oswalt watched from below. He smiled, slightly happy that she was having some fun.

Blondie: You all are just Spellbinding! Lizzie, can you tell us what inspired this spring fashion fling?!

Blondie held the mic to Lizzie who smiled shyly.

Lizzie: Since we don't have "Spring Fairest" in Wonderland, I embrace this lovely holiday through my fashion designs.

Cedar: And these look amazing, no lie!

Cerise: I don't normally change my look, but this is big, bad, and bold!

Blondie: And take it from.this reporter, the "Fairest Five" make this faire just right!

The crowd cheered. Ruby was even now getting into the mood to relax and have fun. She wore her own outfit that Lizzie made her, the two having since gotten close after Oswalt's reveal, but she was still pretty camera shy when it came to this short of thing.

An interview where she was asking the questions? No problem.

Covering a story in the field? She had it in the bag.

Being the center of attention? Not a chance.

So, she stood back and watched her friends. It kinda felt like that regular school life she always wanted.
Clank! Clank! Clank!

You stood off to the side as you watched the Red and Black Knight go head to head in their fight. They were both good fighters, but for different reasons. The Black Knight was strong, but the Red Knight seemed to be more calculated.

Every time their swords met, you were sure that the Black Knight would break through the red blade and land a hit, but it never happened.

Y/N: This is pretty intense.

White Knight: They are formidable oppents. When it becomes our turn to do battle, I hope we have one just as good.

You nodded.

Y/N: Yeah, I guess. Whatever gets me home faster.

The White Knight turned to you.

White Knight: Home? Are you not from Wonderland?

You realized what you said. You quickly waved off their suspicions.

Y/N: I-I mean hone in bed. I'm really tired after all the training I had to do, you know?

The White Knight didn't quite believe you. Suddenly, there was a clattering on the ground which got your attention. It looks like the Red Knight lost his sword and the Black Knight won the battle.

Queen Hearts: OFF WITH HIS HEAD!

A guard rushed over and whispered in her ear.


The crowd cheered while some booed. The Red Knight groaned as he sat up and held his head. The Black Knight simply walked off to his area, leaving the Red Knight to pick himself up.

Y/N: So, I guess we're next?

White Knight: Perhaps. They have to draw more cards.

You looked back to the stacked guards just as two more stood up. A Jack of Hearts and an Elephant of Spades.

White Knight: We do battle.

Y/N: What the hex is an Elephant doing in a deck of cards.

White Knight: And Elephant can be anywhere an Elephant want to be. Who will tell it no? And even if some one did, would the Elephant listen?

Y/N: I.....well.......huh.....

When they put it like that....

Queen Hearts: Halt!

You all stopped. You looked up to the Queen to see that she was looking around the room. You raised a brow in confusion, but she stopped.

Queen Hearts: Something isn't right. Someone who shouldn't be here is here.

She didn't mean you, did she? She was the one who dragged you into this whole thing. You then noticed the White Knight shift nervously on their feet. Not just them, but the black figure also seemed to be trying to hide among the crowd.

Queen Hearts: Guards!

The cards all got up and immediately went into a defensive stance. They surrounded the Queen and escorted her out of the room while everyone looked around, unsure what to do.

Y/N: An intruder? Here?

White Knight: Perhaps. But it seems like the tournament is on hold for now. I suppose that gives us time to take a break.

You frowned, upset that you wouldn't be fighting anyone. But, still, you were more concerned over who the intruder was. Was someone here to hurt the Queen?
Alistair and Bunny walked through the corridors of the Well of Wonder. Distant echos of cats filled their ears as they reached a bride.

Cheshire: Stories you seek that are not your own, lest be found down her all alone.

A large cat shaped shadow jumped down onto the ledge across the bridge. It then darted underneath their feet and reappeared behind them. They turned around as Thr Cheshire Cat appeared.

Bunny: Oh! Hey, Kitty's mom. 'Sup?

Alistair and Bunny smiled awkwardly. It was always weird running into your friend's parents without them around.

Cheshire: The real riddle is not what's up, it's what you're doing down here.

She disappeared and reappeared behind them, pulling them together with her grasp.

Alistair: We found the missing Storybook of Legends. We're trying to return it to Ever After.

Cheshire began to grin. Oswalt was right. It was only a matter of time before someone came through with the book. And now, it was here, within her reach.

Cheshire: Curiouser and curiouser! To get to Ever After, follow the Floe of Wonder. Two lefts, three rights, four lefts, five rights and so on, until you are there!

She lead them to the steps and smiled.

Cheshire: Good luck!

She then vanished.

Bunny and Alistair looked back then at each other.

Alistair/Bunny: Wait....what?!

The End Is Just The Beginning.....

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