Naruto: The Elemental Shinobi

By rio_senpai

31.2K 598 184

He has been lied to his whole life. His true talent has been sealed all along. What happens if he gets into a... More

Prologue: Awakening of Bloodlines! The True Naruto Uzumaki!
Preliminary Rounds- Naruto's Wrath!
A Talk With The Old Man
Enter The Finals: Naruto vs Neji!
Meeting the Future Uncle-in-Law
Konoha's Comes Crashing Down: Part 1
Konoha Comes Crashing Down: Part 2

Konoha Comes Crashing Down: Part 3

2.7K 54 15
By rio_senpai

"Naruto Uzumaki! How wonderful of you to join our little party! Unfortunately, you arrived a little late and we will be ending this party with the both of you dying!" Gaara said with an evil grin as he laughed darkly.

Naruto narrowed his eyes as they glowed a crimson red with black slits as he brought up his lightning covered hand. Sasuke's matured Sharingan spun wildly as he unconsciously charged more chakra to his Chidori, creating the Rakiri, a stronger version of Kakashi's Chidori.

The two brothers in all but blood looked at each other before smirking themselves. Naruto chuckled darkly before looking at Gaara with intense killing intent.

"That's funny, I take many things serious but death isn't one of them. After all..." Naruto stopped before throwing Sasuke towards Gaara at insane speeds, shocking Gaara greatly.

"-death is something that we simply laugh at. It's nothing but a mere joke to us!" Sasuke finished as he grinned darkly before punching Gaara with the Rakiri, sending him through multiple trees.

But the onslaught wasn't over as Naruto appeared behind Gaara and grab him by the face before slamming his head harshly against the hard ground causing the boy to scream in pain between Naruto's hand. Naruto heard this and smirked darkly before he grabbed him again and slammed him against a tree.

His eyes then glowed an emerald green as the tree limbs started to wrap around Gaara. Sasuke was running full speed towards the two with lightning covering both of his hands, creating a two Chidori's simultaneously, increasing his speed.

In no time, Sasuke was already behind Naruto, everything seemed to play in slow motion as Naruto slowly turned around and looked at Sasuke with a smirk, shocking Sasuke greatly, before flashing out of the way of Sasuke's attack.

(A/N: Basically how Superman turned around and looked at the Flash in slow motion in the Justice League movie)

"Twin Style Chidori Rush!" Sasuke yelled as he landed his attack on Gaara who's scream were muffled by the tree branches that Naruto wrapped him with. Naruto elevated up towards the sky, as the sky began to get dark in color, causing thunder to roar loudly and the lightning to dance dangerously in the sky.

Naruto's eyes began to glow an electric blue as he raised his hands up to the sky before bringing them down, causing a large lightning bolt to strike the tree that Gaara was bound to. The said tree exploded into wood chips, causing Naruto to teleport to Sasuke who was slightly breathing hard.

"Is he dead?" Sasuke asked while taking slow deep breaths. Naruto didn't answer as he stared at the spot that Gaara was recently in. A dark growl came from the said spot causing Naruto to narrow his eyes in aggravation.

"Persistent bastard. Well there goes your answer Sasuke." Naruto stated sarcastically causing Sasuke to sigh in aggravation.

"God dammit. What's the plan now Naruto?" Sasuke asked as he cracked his knuckles. Naruto twisted his neck to both sides before each sides popped, causing Sasuke to cringe.

"Well. Good news is that Gaara is knocked out. Bad news is that his tailed beast will have full control of his body now. Meaning that as of now, we are fighting against a tailed beast." Naruto informed Sasuke as he popped his shoulder causing him to release grunt of satisfaction. Sasuke eyes widen as he stared at Naruto.

"Wait! So you are telling me that we are about to fight against a tailed beast? But nobody hasn't done except-"

"-Hashirama Senju, Madara Uchiha, the third Raikage and my father Minato Namikaze. Yeah I know. Tsk. When I said I wanted to follow my father's footsteps I didn't mean literally. But I guess this is a family thing." Naruto smirked as he ripped off his shirt, showing the scars he got from the villagers at a young age.

"But unlike my father, I won't be dying today. What do you say Sasuke? Being the first two genin to ever take down a Tailed Beast doesn't sound bad am I right?" Naruto grinned as Sasuke's Sharingan spun with anticipation.

"When you put it like that, it doesn't sound bad at all." Sasuke with a smirk. In a poof of smoke, the large tailed beast appeared and stared at Naruto and Sasuke with so much killing intent, Sasuke gulped but he steeled his nerves. Naruto on the other hand, wasn't phased by the killing intent. Kyu's killing intent was way worser than this.

"You little shits! You think you can defeat me?! I'll squeeze you body until your blood is drenched into my sand!" The One Tails yelled out in anger as he sent a wave sand towards the duo. Naruto reacted quickly by sending a wave of water towards the sand, pissing off the large beast even more.

"YOU MOTHER FUCKING BRAT!!!!" The beast yelled as he sent a strong gust of wind towards the duo. Naruto then created a wind barrier around him and Sasuke, causing the strong gust of wind to blow over them but the landscape behind them was as lucky.

The One Tails growled in aggravation as tried to rush towards the two, but he was stopped by some wires. The said wires began to tighten around him as did tree branches from the trees around him.

"Now Sasuke!" Naruto yelled as Sasuke jumped from out of the trees and in front of the tailed beast.

"What the fuck?!"

"Fire Style- Fire Ball Jutsu!!!" Sasuke yelled mentally as he released a large fireball towards the beast. Due the One Tails being made out of sand, he began to turn into glass.

"You gotta be fucking kidding meee?!" He yelled before being turned to glass. Sasuke then landed next to Naruto on one knee, breathing heavily.

"Nice Sasuke. Everything went according to plan. Now we just have to wake that red headed bastard up." Naruto said seriously as Sasuke slowly stood up.

"And how are we going to do that when he's encased in that glass?" Sasuke asked as Naruto gained a thoughtful look before his eyes gained a dark look.

"He's never felt pain until today. A little more won't hurt as much." Naruto chuckled darkly before his eyes glowed a Cyan blue color as the temperature around them began to drop. Naruto then began to create a large spear made from ice. He observed the spear closely before spinning it around professionally to get the hang of it.

"'s missing something." Naruto said to himself as Sasuke just watched on curiously. Naruto then snapped his fingers before aiming the spear towards Gaara. He took a deep breath before releasing the spear from his hands, while adding lightning to the spear to make travel extremely fast.

The spear made contact with the glass in no time, as it shattered through the glass and went through Gaara's shoulder, waking him up instantly.

"Heavenly Spear of Calamity." Naruto said as he released a cold breath from his mouth. Gaara screamed in pain as the glass began to break into pieces, causing him to eventually fall to the ground. Gaara desperately crawled to tree to rest on as he grabbed his shoulder in pain as it was bleeding profusely.

Naruto and Sasuke then appeared in front of the boy with emotionless looks on their faces. Naruto then pulled out a cigarette and placed it in his mouth as Sasuke lit the match and lit his brother's cigarette before throwing the match to the side.

Naruto pulled from the cigarette, letting the smoke travel into his lungs before he exhaled the smoke out of his mouth. Sasuke began to chew on a senbon as he stared at boy against the tree.

"A-Are you two going to kill me?" Gaara asked frantically causing Naruto to snort at him.

"Nah. But you will be turned into our Interrogation System." Naruto answered causing Gaara to look down at the ground.

"I see." Gaara said silently.

" until then..." Naruto trailed off causing Gaara to raise his head as Sasuke activated his Sharingan and instantly put Gaara into a strong Genjutsu.

"Sleep Tight." Sasuke finished in a monotone voice.

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