Percy abused. BEING EDITED

By PJO_HP_123458

55.4K 1.2K 816

Okay so Ive been harboring this idea for a while. I decided to mix together a few of the Percy abused books a... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Username change.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.

Chapter 3.

4.3K 134 47
By PJO_HP_123458

Dedicated to Adin17_2

Percy's pov.

I wake up with a pounding headache. I open my eyes and see two goons fighting. I look over and see that Leo is already awake. He has a determined light in his eyes. Despite the circumstances, he grins ruefully at me. I look over back at our captors, and I see a woman with only one eye come up to us. "So sleeping beauty awakes" She cackles while sneering. She has an annoying high pitched voice sort of like a witch. "What are you going to us" I croak. She grins a twisted smile, exposing her yellow teeth, and says "Why eat you of course!" She cackles again. I shudder. She has one eye, the other is an empty eye socket. She notices me looking and says "You wanna know what happened?" Pointing to her empty eye socket. Continuing, without waiting for our answer, she says "Some wacko ate it. Cannibal." I look at Leo, eyebrows raised. How ironic. "So, I decided to make others feel my pain. I created a gang. Only my sons," she gestures to the two other psychopaths, "Sump and Torque would join. As initiation, you must eat your own eyeball!" She cackles a screaming laugh, that sends chills up my spine. This lady's messed up. "Why are you telling us this?" I ask. At this, her creepy smile widens. "I want more people to join our cause. You two will do nicely." The wart on her cheek wiggles as her grin stretches even further. "And if we refuse?" Leo asks. "Then we eat you!" Sump and Torque, who had stopped fighting and walked over, said "YEAH!! WE EAT YOU! WE EAT YOU WITH SALSA!! HEHEHEHE!" Leo says "We will never join you! Well, at least I won't. What 'bout you, Perce?" He asks me. "NEVAAA!" I scream. It looks like Leo want's to laugh at my dramatics, but quickly puts on a poker face. "But if you're going to eat us, let me give you a tip. We would taste much better with mango chutney. Nummy nummy." Leo says in what I was guessing to be his 'convincing' tone. "Mango chutney?" Sump asks. (A/N It took all my willpower not to put the name George there. Because those cartoons where this giant weirdo is like "I will pet him and love him..." Blah blah blah. Am I the only one imagining his voice for this?) Leo nods really quickly. "Oh yes. My mother's special recipe would go, just splendid on us. But being upside down, all the blood is rushing to my brain, and I might pass out. Then you would just have to settle with salsa. And we wouldn't want that, would we Perce?" Leo asks me, eyes pleading with me to go along with it. "Oh no, Leo. It would be such a shame to eat us without mango chutney." I say. Leo shoots me a sharp glance, as I had gone overboard with it. But luckily for us, Sump and Torque seemed to believe us. They started pleading with Ma to let them eat us with mango chutney. Leo feigns swooning. At least, I think that was feigning. Ma still looks suspicious but she says "Let him down, but don't untie his hands." As soon as Leo is down he falls to his knees. Huh, guess he wasn't faking. After a few seconds, he struggles to his feet. He was slowly inching backwards, while saying "So the ingredients are, um, mango," "Obviously!" Snaps ma."And, erm, chutney." Leo says. At this point e was around four feet away from them. The three look at each other for a second. Leo takes this opportunity to turn tail and run. He looks behind him, without stopping, just as the two males yelled "HEY!!" and Ma yelled "YOU IDIOTS!! YOU LET HIM GET AWAY! YOU JUST LOST YOU SHARE! I GET THE LESS SCRAWNY ONE ALL TO MYSELF, AND YOU DON'T GET DINNER UNLESS YOU FIND THAT BOY!!" She bellows to them. They nod and race off in the direction Leo had gone. I wonder if he's going to get me help, or try to help me at all, or if he had just left me for dead. I guess I'll just have to see.


Leo's pov

I scramble away and hide. I need to free Percy before he get's eaten. I look around, hoping for inspiration. I don't see anything helpful. I take another look and my eyes land on the bulldozer. If I can get that working... I look around to see if the coast is clear, and dart towards the bulldozer. I start tinkering with the controls. I just nearly had it, when the two idiots show up. I roll my eyes but start working faster. Im so close, but then I realize that I need a screwdriver to finish it. I get out and quickly find a screwdriver on a crate. Its convenient for me, making me a bit suspicious and start working again. By now, those two goons are a few meters away from me. I hear the engine whir to life just in time. I drive it over to them, and knock them both to the hard concrete floor, knocking them unconscious. Now to deal with Ma. I head over and see her starting to boil water, for a 'nice warm bath for Percy'. I urge the dozer on, and hit Ma, knocking her to the floor. She falls, but unlike her boys, she stands back up again. I back up s-l-o-w-l-y and then go forward again. She tries to run, but like an idiot, she runs straight forward instead of to the side, making it possible for me to hit her again. This time she stays down, but it probably won't take her long until she gets back up again, and although there's no one else in her gang, she probably still has connections. I hurry up and get Percy down. We quickly run outside, and speed walk away. Hey, we may want to get away, but it won't help anything if we use up the little energy we have and pass out. After we're a few more miles away. We lay down and go to sleep.


Still Leo's Pov.

Once I awaken, I see Percy's already awake, and has some food and water with him. I stare. "Where'd you get that?" I ask him. He shrugs and points to the west.Convenience store down that way a few miles. I had a few bucks on me, that Gabe had not managed to sniff out, that were in my clothes when I went to the hospital. I used them. Here's some food and water for you. It was the most balanced thing I could afford." He explains, handing me a lunchables, a bottled water and half a bag of jerky. I quickly eat it, and stand up. "C'mon, lets go, while there's still daylight." I say. He nods and gets up. And then we set off again.

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