Her innocent love

Par pinal003

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Today,after 3 years I am back in this country where I never thought to return. 3 years of that horrible incid... Plus

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Par pinal003


Vansh, Rohan along with Ridhima descend down the stairs connecting first floor to the living hall in the ground floor. Mr Ajay Rai Singhania and Mrs Uma Rai Singhania is very happy seeing their son and thinking that he is now finally a family man, and also they feel themselves lucky to have Ridhima is the daughter in law. Three of them came towards the dining area where all family members are present and then take blessing of Dadi, Mr Ajay and Mrs Uma along with Chacha in chachi. Ishani just wished good morning to Vansh and ignored Ridhima completely, Like she doesn't exist.Aryan and Sia wish them good morning and also pulled their leg by asking whether yesterday night is good or not.

However, Vansh doesn't pay any heed to them and take his seat on the dining table. Mrs Uma says Riddhima to serve breakfast to everyone, but she doesn't say anyone that today's breakfast is not made by her. She want to see if anyone recognise that today breakfast is made by Ridhima and also she want to see the reaction of her son. Ridhima nod and begin to serve breakfast to everybody, she first so to Dadi then Mr Ajay and than Rudra Chachu. After that she serve to everyone on the table, when she reach to Vansh plate he stops her and take it by himself without anyone notice.

Firstly Mr Ajay found it quite disturbing, as Uma never make kheer in the morning. But then he understand that maybe it's made by Ridhima as it is her first Rasoi. He just simply smile and continue his breakfast without saying anyone and decide to play along with Mrs Uma. Next it is dadi who understand that today breakfast is not made by Uma. Same as Ajay she also decide to play along and continue her breakfast. Here, our Rohan is happy to get kheer in the morning so he doesn't realise that today its taste different and is busy in munching on it.Apart from them both not a single person on the dining table realise that today breakfast is not made by Uma.

But Vansh had still not eat it because he get an important call. After disconnecting the call he came and start his breakfast. As soon as he put the first morsel of Paratha in his mouth he realise or can Say feel something, but he shrug off his thoughts and take a spoon of kheer and put it in his mouth. It's like he's suddenly remember something and his facial expression gets totally changed. He get up from his chair with lightning speed and after bidding by to Rohan And other family members he Leave for the office.

Here, Ridhima feel sad Because she thought that maybe Vansh will like breakfast made by her and will eat it. But eating is far away he doesn't even complete it and just by taking one morsel he left. By seeing sad face of Ridhima Dadi ,Mr Ajay and Mrs Uma finally decide to praise her so that her mood might get changed. They Knew it very well that equation between Vansh and Ridhima is not good but reason is a unknown to them, till now they always thought that Vansh and Ridhima are best friends but by seeing current behaviour of Vansh towards Ridhima it seems that there is something that happens between them.

So they decide that till the time they both doesn't clear their misunderstanding it will be their duty to keep their relation alive. It's dadi who first praise Ridhima And then all youngster came to know that today breakfast is made by Dhara bhabhi. Mr Ajay, Rudra Chachu and Chachi praise her while Dadi and Mr Ajay also give her the traditional necklace. By seeing this Chachi feels like someone put her on the burning coal, but she controls the emotion and pretend like she is happy.

Till now Ishani is happily munching on the breakfast and enjoying every bit of it. But when she comes to know that it is made by Ridhima She starts to say her that it is so much oily and kheer is too much sweet. So she advised her to use less oil and sugar next time when she made breakfast for her. Aryan and Sia mimics Ishani in a funny way in their mind, after mimicking her to their hearts content to finally came to the present. They also praise their bhabhi very much And demand to make kheer for them on every Sunday. Here our Rohan also says her that from now on she will make his breakfast and also feed him by her hand. Riddhima happily node her head. while Mrs Uma is so happy that from now on there is someone who can handle this family Like her only in her absence also.

Everyone leaves the dining table and go for their respective Work. Mrs Uma take Rohan with her to the temple, though he first denied and wants to spend his time with his Ma. Mrs Uma make him understand that now his ma is busy so after coming from the temple they can play. He finally agreed and go with her. Ishani is the last to leave the table,so after seeing that no one is present around she go towards Ridhima and taunt her.

" by listening to everyone praising don't start to fly high in the sky you middle-class trash. If your breakfast was that much good, then Vansh bhai will never leave the table. He always completes his breakfast and then go, even if there is some important meeting then also he will always complete his breakfast. Because according to him breakfast is major meal of the day and one should never skip it. But because today it's made by you he left it in the middle and went. 0h he also not left it in middle but just by eating one morsel he went away. So on the first itself you fail as a wife." By saying this she went away in attitude. She doesn't know that her this word will act like a sward to Ridhima already broken heart.

After she left Ridhima thought that already she is failed as a wife, And now Ishani also gets to know it. But one thing is disturbing her that why Vansh left the breakfast in the middle when he consider it as the major meal of the day and never avoid it. However she distract herself and get busy in completing post-breakfast work and also she has to set her wardrobe because in presence of Vansh she will never able to do it. So she think that it will be best time to do it as Vansh will came at night.


I don't know what I am thinking at that time when I say yes to the marriage proposal that my Dadi keeps in front of me. Listening that my child is crying silently, I can't able to hold it more and agreed to it. For my child I can bear that a girl for my whole life, but I will make her life a living hell as it's all her plan only to enter in my life. Once in the past because of her I lost my love but, now I will not let her to do something with my child.

After completing the marriage, I directly went to the place which gave me extreme peace and that is the open ground near the outskirts of the city where I and Ragini usually used to go. I sit there and apologise to Ragini by continuously looking towards the sky. I know she will not happy by seeing me with some other girl, as she always wants to be my first and last. But I was forced to do it as I have no other option left.

After sitting there till my heart content, I again start my car engine and drove off to Rai Singhania mention. Once I reach there I see that no one is present in the hall, then I looked towards the clock and it shows 1 AM. Might be everyone was fast asleep due to this tiring day, after drinking water from the refrigerator I make my way to the room. As soon as I open the door my eyes land on the petite figure Wearing a wedding attire and was looking towards the photo frame in my room.

After seeing her my anger knew no bounds, all this is happening because of her. I gave her a chance to go out of my life and never show me her face again, but she came again. I agree that she is my wife but none gave her right to check Out my room. She flinch when I said done with your examination, I start to walk in a direction and she walk backs. Again she Start her lecture about our marriage, I am silently listening to her but when she says that we can clear that misunderstanding which took three years ago ,at that time I can't control myself and catch her  with both my hands and increases my grip on her arm.

What ever happens three years ago is not any fucking misunderstanding, it is purposely done by her. Today because of my son she is here, today she is mother of my son that child whom she tried to kill when he is in her mother warm. And all this thing she considered as a misunderstanding, fucking No.I said the same thing to her and leave her with a jerk. She fell down on the bed and again she has no right to touch that bad which belong to me and Ragini. I clearly warn her To not touch this bed and sleep in the balcony or swimming area wherever she  want. After saying her certain rule I said her to get out and I don't know why but seeing her this broken something also break inside me, but I assure myself that this girl doesn't deserve any sympathy. So after she went I sleep on the bed in Sherwani only.

In the morning when I woke up my head feels so much heavy might be due to heavy drinking that I have yesterday. I see that I am in Sherwani only and then remember whatever yesterday happens. I look around in the room and when I doesn't found her I conclude that whatever I said to her yesterday she get it. Good for her, I make my way towards the bathroom and after getting ready I will directly go to my champ room.

Once I am ready for the day, I go to Rohan's room. As soon as I open the door he came and hug me from the leg I also take him in my arms and kiss his whole face. This little munchkin always makes my day even if my mood is bad. I felt quite surprise as he never wake up this early and today he's not only woke up but also is ready for the day in fresh clothes. I think that maybe he want some new toys so he is doing all this, but when I ask him The same he says me that he doesn't want anything and today his Ma Woke him and make him ready.

That is when I look and realise that apart from us Ridhima is also present in the room. When I look at her I am completely mesmerised by her look, she is looking very different and beautiful today in Mom sari. For sometime I completely forgot our present situation and also the world around me stop and I continue to look at her from top to bottom. She is looking down in nervousness, but suddenly I remember Her true face-and avert my gaze from her. What even I am thinking about, what has happened to me that I am looking at her in this way.

I compose myself and that is when Rohan put forth the condition to kiss Ridhima. Now this is the last thing that I want to happen this day, I tried to make Rohan understand but my all effort go in vain in front of him. After all he is my son then how can he will agree this easily. I go towards Ridhima after agreeing to Rohan, I go too much close to her at the point that our most is almost touching and I can also hear her heartbeat. Sweetheart you are in big misunderstanding that I will even touch you,I slide towards her right cheek so that from the Rohan angle it will visible like I am actually kissing her. I enjoy to look her getting feared, so I tell her that her first day will be memorable. And as expected she get feared that what I will do now but in real I have planned nothing for her, I have many important thing then her in my life. Then why will I waste my time For thinking some punishment for her. Sweetheart the game is just begin and we have all life so I will punish you slowly but right now Seeing you in this state give peace and happiness to my heart.

After all this drama we all are sitting on the dining table for breakfast. Mom ordered Ridhima to serve everyone ,after she served everyone start to have it but I get important call from Lisa and She inform me that some foreign clients are coming in one hour for the meeting. After informing her about all arrangement that she has to do I disconnect the call and start my breakfast. First when I Eat Paratha, it seems unusual. It's not giving me the taste that I get when mom make it. Maybe today Asha Tai make the breakfast , but mom always make it for us. However not having much time I taste my favourite dish that is Kheer.

As soon as I put spoonful of kheer in  my mouth it remind me of my college days. It has the same test that Ridhima used to make during our college days. Instantly I understand that today breakfast is made by Ridhima. I will not even take water from this girl's hand so the breakfast is long on. Not wanting to create any scene in front of Rohan and family members I silently bead  bye to them and decide to take breakfast during my way on the office.

In office also It is not an easy day, I have back-to-back meetings with foreign client but today my work get over early. I call Lisa and ask her if anything for the days is remaining and she answer me negatively. I thought to go home early today and surprise Rohan, therefore I inform Lisa that after completing her work she's also free to leave and if anything urgent came then give me a call. She notes and after seducingly beating me bye she went out. This girl will never change, I mean that after my continuous ignorance also how can she sticks to me like this. I inform Dad that today all meeting is over so I am going to home, if you wants to came then I am waiting in the parking area. But Dad informs me that he will be in the office and will came after hour or two. I say okay and bid bye to him.

I drove to Raisinghani mansion and when I enter in the hall I found all ladies with tensed face. I analyse the situation and found that Ridhima and Rohan is missing. I got alert, if this time Ridhima has done anything wrong to my child then I have promise of Rohan that I am going to kill her. Now I will not spare her. I ask Siya if Ridhima I said anything to her or Aryan both of them says that they know nothing. Now I am losing my patience, somewhere I am also tensed because in the past she snatched my love and now I fear that she doesn't snatch my only hope of living that is my child. I ask mom did she know anything and she says the same that she knew nothing.

I tried to call Ridhima but her phone is switch off, now somewhere my doubt is turning into reality that this girl as again enter my life for some motive. I immediately call angree and inform him to find Rohan and Riddhima, I also alert me Detective team and send them picture of Ridhima and Rohan And ask them to give me Information where both of them are seen at last. Chachu  told me to have some patience because in sometime maybe they came, but I can't. Chachu is saying like this because he doesn't know true colour of this girl and her reality ,I am sure when He came to know about your true intention he himself will push her out of this house. But for now instead of this finding them is important.

I inform mom that I am going to find them, Aaryan says that he will also join me. We are about to go when we hear giggling sound of Rohan, I immediately turned back and see that Ridhima has carried Rohan in her arm while Rohan is eating chocolate and they both are laughing their heart out. I scrunch my bro together and look at them in utter confusion. When they are done with their laughing session Ridhima put Him down and he came towards me and cling to me like a monkey.

Rohan starts to describe that how much he enjoyed in the park, He says that they have candy and also Ridhima Make him sit on the swing. Now I understand that Ridhima take Rohan to the park. But how can she be this careless, she can at least inform Asha Tai and then go, even she has not take bodyguard with her. She clearly know that I have so many enemy then how can she roam like this Without any security. Before also my enemy has Tried to attack Rohan and therefore only I increase security around him this much.I am about to scold her but before that mom told Rohan to go in his room.

" Ridhima It's okay that you take Rohan with you to the park but dear you can at least inform anyone of us. We Are so much tensed thinking that something might has happened to both of you in our absence, and you are also not picking your phone. From next time if you take Rohan like this then first inform us and dear also take security guard with you as this family has many enemies and in past also they have tried to attack Rohan." mom said while Patting head of Ridhima. My mom can be this much normal with her  for this but not me.

" Go to the room right now Ridhima, I want to discuss something very important with you" I said calmly and in dangerous tone. My mom signals me while shaking her head In no but I can't listen to her this time as it is a serious matter and she has to understand some rules.


Holla guys,

Surprise, today is double update for you all. This is the biggest chapter I have ever written, but as it Sunday and I am alone in the home so thought to update. Do tell me your views regarding this chapter and If you are finding this story boring then please tell me through comments. I am a new writer and is writing something first time so I don't know exactly what will be your reaction, so please tell me if story is going okay or not? Will update next chapter soon till then take care and

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