My Baby - Regie x Oliver (Nor...

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Relationships are the down fall to many groups, so what happens when Regie and Oliver realize their feelings... More

An :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Beach Day
NYC Meet & Greet
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Thank you!

Part 6

4.9K 89 56
By Multi-Topics

Literally pushing myself to write more before I mentally give up haha 😅 I kinda have writer's block because I don't want to write everyday stories that y'all have already read on Wattpad....

Oliver's P.O.V

"I love you Oli"

"I love you too Regie"

Our lips moved in sync as his muscular arms go around my waist. It was a moment too good to be true. He placed me onto my bed and we continued to make out. As always he takes off his shirt, and we continued to undress each other.....


I jolted awake. Dammit it was just a dream! I got up and realized I do need to make up with Regie. But how? I'll write him a song! I went to my computer where I keep all my recordings and began to work on a song. Someone knocked on my door.

"Come in!"

"What's up bro" Seb said

"Hey Seb"

"Is this a bad time?"

"No I'm just writing a song"

"Oh? What for?"

"Ummm I thought that maybe if I write Regie a song he'll forgive me"

"Aww that's a good idea. Need some help?"

"Yah give me ideas. What words come to your head when you think of someone special?"

Seb and I started to write some killer lyrics and we got started on a beat for it. I was imagining how I will play this for Regie. I decided to perform it on my guitar to make it special. It was our day off so all the boys were in their rooms relaxing. I decided to name the song "Sunshine"
*I don't know all the lyrics so I'm not gonna go guessing until NSB releases the song

Seb said he was going to the bathroom and I finished the song and rehearsed it. Until he came bursting into the room with a drained expression.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Ummm I think you need to see this for yourself" He said

Confused I walked downstairs and saw the boys at the table. As I got closer, I stopped dead in my tracks and I saw Sophie, the girl from the beach, sitting at the table next to Regie.

"Sophie? What are you doing here?"

"Oh hey Oliver..." She said "I didn't know that you lived here"

I glanced at Regie as he wrapped a hand on Sophie's waist

"Babe, you didn't tell me you already knew about us" Regie said to Sophie

Babe? Why did he call her babe? No they can't be dating!

Manager Ty walked into the room "Boys we have a guest here tonight, let's be on our best behavior"

Regie stood up "I have an announcement. This is Sophie, we met a couple days ago. We chatted and we just clicked so she's my girlfriend."

My heart ached, I tried to hold back my tears. Why would he get a girlfriend?

"Sophie why are you dating Regie? That day on the beach did you just use me to get to him?" I snapped

The room went silent. Regie's expression was unreadable. Until Sophie started to speak

"What? No Oliver, I had no idea that you guys were friends! Well I hope that we can become good friends!"

"But that day on the beach—"

"Shut the fuck up Oliver! Be happy for me bruh" Regie shouted angrily

I couldn't speak, my emotions were all over the place right now.

"Oliver maybe you should go cool off" Tyler said trying to ease the tension

"No" I huffed "I'm not hungry anyways. I'm very happy for you guys"

I stormed out and went to my room slamming the door behind me. I couldn't help it, tears began to run down my face. I slumped on my bed and buried my head into my hands. I cried for what seems like an eternity. Now I know what Regie must've felt like when I rejected him. The heaviness in my chest increased, but some time passed and I drifted off to sleep.

Regie's P.O.V

Man I'm fucked. I was just scrolling through my Instagram and liked some girls pictures and this girl Sophie hit me up. She seemed nice so I decided to ask her out to maybe get my mind off of Oli. Then when we met up I realized it was the same girl he talked to when we went to the beach. I thought it was strange, but I asked Ty if I could bring her over. I saw Oli's expression, he was hurt, I felt like a dick. I fought the urge to go after him when he stormed out. Remembering that he didn't want to be with me, he caused this. The boys did give me some weird looks when I talked about me now dating Sophie. Seb gave me those looks of disappointment, but fuck him, I don't know why he's so mad at me. After everyone called it a night, I said bye to Sophie, and walked through the house. Oliver wasn't there at dinner, maybe I should check on him. I found myself at his door, which wasn't locked. Entering his room, I saw him sprawled out on his bed. Getting closer, he didn't close his curtains so the moonlight lit up the room, I noticed his face was flushed. Was he crying? Did I hurt him that bad? I carefully caressed his cheek. Why did he have to be so beautiful?

"Why can't I resist you? I want to be with you so badly! I'm sorry that I'm with this girl, I wish you feel the same way" I whispered hoping not to wake him up

I left his room. This situation was bringing some stress, so I went outside to the terrace and brought my JUUL with me thinking about the future.
*Yes people Regie smokes, he's a grown man

Still thinking about the rest of the storyline. But I promise this is gonna have a good ending and none of those depressing endings. Also I'm on my summer break so I'll be uploading whenever I'm bored. During the last days of school, I've been writing another story about Darren and Ryan. So stay tuned for when that story comes out!

Byeee! ~ Cristel

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