As it was |FRED WEASLEY|

By maddiec1103

4.7K 57 13


Party People
Familiar faces
Friends of Friends
Late night hookups 
Breakups and Rebounds
Lockerroom Suprises
Blast From The Past
Daddy Issues
Dress shoping
Yull balls and jail cells pt. 1
Yull balls and jail cells pt. 2
The burrow
Christmas tragedy
Falling apart
Wake Up
Moving Forward
Let Me Go
Final battle Pt. 1
Final battle Pt. 2
Life no longer
1 year later....
Back From The Dead
Will You Marry Me?

Mr and Mrs

75 1 0
By maddiec1103


4 months later.....

" I can't believe my best friends getting married!" Jazz yelled. I laughed. Today is the day I will remember for the rest of my life I'm going to marry the love of my life... these past four months have been weird to say the least I ended up forgiving Molly, Arther and Harry.

I talked to theo and we both decided that what we had were over and said we'd stay friends. Me and Fred have been looking for houses and have official found one that we both love.
In addition to everything Sam and George had big news along with Jazz and Draco. Sam and Jazz are both pregnant! Im honestly so excited. They keep telling me I'll end up pregnant soon enough but I don't think so.

" how is it going?" Molly asked walking into the room. I smiled and hugged her. " how's Fred doing?" Jazz asked. We all looked at Molly. She rolled her eyes. " Merlin you don't even know! I had to yell at the boys to get ready for twenty minutes before any of them moved!" Molly said. We all laughed. " sounds about right." I said.

" okay hairs done! Now the dress!" Sam said excitedly. I went by myself and picked my dress I wanted it to be a huge surprise for everyone.
" okay guys out!" I told all of them. " come on! We've waited two months to see this dress!!" Jazz said. " I know but you'll see it in about 10 minutes all be out soon." I said they all said okay with sad expressions then walked out.

I quickly locked the door and took the dress out of the bag it was In. This dress made me feel like an absolute princess. I am so happy.



I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't believe I was actually here in this moment... I looked at myself and wanted to cry but held it together. I took a deep breath before I opened the doors and walked out to see Molly, Jazz, Sam and Ginny all lined up waiting for me with there eyes closed. " okay are you all ready?" I asked them exaltedly. " bloody hell yes!!" Jazz yelled.

" okay open." I said. When they all opened there eyes they all bursted into tears and ran up to hug me. " your so beautiful! Fred's gonna die when he sees you." Sam said. Molly looked at me up and down then hugged me.
" your so beautiful ella your mum and dad would be so proud of the woman you've became." Molly said with a smile. This absolutely got me. " stop your going to make me cry!" I said they all laughed.

Just then Remus came into the hall. " wow" was all he said with a smile. He started tearing up and walked up to me. " you ready?" He's asked. I nodded. This is it...... the moment I've been waiting for all my life.....

My father apparently made Remus keep his word on "If im not there to walk her down the aisle one day you would for me." thing and he kept his word..

When the doors opened and I seen the rows of people standing there waiting for me I got nervous up until I looked at the man standing down the aisle. Then it seemed like everything stopped and it was just me and Fred. Then music began to play and I kept my eyes on Fred the whole time. He couldn't hold it together any longer he smiled and had tears of which I'm assuming were joy.

When I finally made it to him he grabbed my hands and looked at me. " wow your so beautiful love." Fred breathed out. I tired my best not to start crying. " you don't look to bad yourself..." he laughed lightly.

Everyone sat down and the service officially began. " we are all gathered here today to celebrate the joining of these two people." The pastor spoke for awhile and talked more about marriage. " now please Fred and Ariella join hands." The pastor said. I held onto Fred's hands tightly and looked at him in the eyes.

" now Fred repeat after me..... I Fred take you Ariella to be my lawfully wedded wife". " I Fred take you Ariella to be my lawfully wedded wife." Fred repeated his voice breaking slightly.
" to love and to hold from this day forward threw sickness and in health." Once again Fred repeated then it was my turn.

" for better or for worse till death do us part...." I chocked on my words slightly. " okay now may we have the rings?" The pastor said. Archie quickly ran up and handed Fred the rings with a huge smile on his face.

" now Fred repeat after me, I Fred give you Ariella this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." Fred quickly repeated and I did the same....

" do you Fred take Ariella to be your wife?" The pastor asked. " I do" Fred said with a smile. " do you Ariella take Fred to be you husband?" He asked me. I looked at Fred and smiled. Tears of joy brimming my eyes. " I do" I said.

" does anyone object?" The pastor asked and looked at everyone...... nobody said anything. Most people were smiling while sobbing.
" okay now by the power vested In me by the ministry of magic I now pronounce Mr and Mrs Fred And Ariella Weasley! Fred you may kiss your bride " The pastor said happily.

Fred wasted no time leaning down and kissing me with the most passionate kiss I think I've ever gotten. We eventually had to pull away for air and we turned to look at everyone. They all cheered for us.

We quickly all apparated to mine and Fred's new house for an after party with Just our friends and family. " so how does it feel to be married?!" Jazz asked me excitedly. " meh..." I joked. " okay cheers everyone!" Sam said holding up her glass. Everyone held up there glasses. " to Ella and Fred!!" Everyone yelled.

After an eventful night everyone left and it was just me and Fred in our new home....
I walked upstairs and looked into our bedroom. New bed. New sheets. Everything I could've asked for. Then I felt Fred wrap his arms around me and start kissing on my neck.

"Eager are we Mr Weasley?" I said laughing. He hummed. " anything for you..... Mrs Weasley..." he said. I turned around to face him and he kissed me more roughly. " tonight your all mine love." Fred said. " just for tonight?" I asked sarcastically. " forever and always my love." He said. I absolutely melted.

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