Gone Cold. -Luke Hemmings Lov...

By awkwardwritinggirl

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"Feel the pain, don't show it. Don't let anybody know that it's there." -Luke. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 2

67 3 0
By awkwardwritinggirl

-Kit's POV-

"Kit sweetie, wake up okay?" My mum says as she genitally nudges my shoulder. I groan in response. "I know, but you don't want to be late your first day, do you?" She asks. I shrug. "Well, you're not going to be, time to get up, love." She says before walking out of my room, softly shutting the door behind her.

I sigh as I roll over to get out of bed. I end up rolling over too far, landing on my floor with a loud thump. I sigh as I  get up, rubbing my head that smacked off the floor. I walk into my bathroom slowly as I turn the shower on.

When I get in the shower, the cold water wakes me up, as it always does. I quickly wash up before getting out, wrapping a towel around me. I go over to my closet and pick out some black skinny jeans and my American Idiot shirt. I quickly get dressed before going back to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup. My hair is easy as always to do, since it falls not too par past my shoulders I just have to throw a straightener through it quickly. "You again." I say in an evil tone as I pick my liquid eyeliner up. I do the eyeliner perfectly, a nice thin line, ending in a perfect wing. But, when it was time to do the other eye, it didn't take me too long to mess up. The line is thicker and the wing goes up higher.

I look down at my phone to see that I don't have enough time to battle with my eyeliner today, so I just wipe off both of the wings, and even out the eyeliner, giving me two thick lines on my top lid. "I don't mind this." I say to myself as I do a half smile at my reflection. Noticing that the black over my eye, makes my light eyes pop. I quickly apply my mascara as I run down stairs to sit at the table with my mum and my dad. 

I'm an only child, so life can get pretty boring. But, when it's all you've ever known, it's really not all that bad. Lonely from time to time, yes, but it also means I get spoiled times however many other kids they would have had. The single child life really isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. "Are you excited for your first day?" My dad asks with a warm smile after taking a sip of his coffee.

I shrug. "Not really." I reply. 

"Why not, sweetie?" Mu mum asks with a slight frown. "You always manage to make friends."

"Not good ones." I reply. "Plus, by the time I actually let them grow on me, we always move again."

"Yeah, bu this is the last move for at least-"

"Three years. I know." I cut my dad off with. But feel a little guilty right away. We only move a lot because of his job, so we can have a comfortable lifestyle. 

My mom sighs. "I didn't assume you were hungry this morning." 

I shake my head. I'm not much of a morning eater, I never have been. "I should get going." I say as I but my shoes on and walk out, grabbing my car keys and a granola bar on my way. "See you guys after." I say before walking out the door, before they get a chance to reply to me. I unlock my car and sit down in the drivers seat with a sigh, my heart pounding. I always got over nervous on my first day in a new school. 

I pull out of our drive way and make my way to the school, which isn't too far away from my house. Too far to be a comfortable walk, but close enough that I could if I really wanted to. But, knowing me, I can guarantee you that I'll never want to walk. Soon enough I pull up to the student parking lot at my school. It very crowded, but still not as bad as I was expecting. Before too long, I find a spot to park. I slowly get out of my car and lock it nervously. I then place my keys in the front pouch of my book bag. 

My heart rate starts escalating more and more as I start approaching the school. I walk in what I assume to be the side door. I can't help but gasp as I walk in. This is easily the largest school I've ever been in. There is people everywhere. "Jesus Christ." I say to myself as I start to trudge through all of the people, trying to find my way to the office. I make my way down the long hall, peeking my heat at every turn in hopes of finding the office. 

Soon enough, I find it after a teacher felt pity for me and asked me if there is something he could help me with. I must have looked about as lost as I felt for someone to go out of their way to help me like that. "How may I help you?" A lady with a friendly smile asks me. 

"Um, I'm new." I say. "I was wondering if you would possibly have my schedule ready?" I ask, as polite as I could.

"What is your name, dear?" She asks.

"Oh, right. Sorry. Kit. My name is Kit Linkin." I say with an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry, dear. I don't have it yet. I'll just get you to take a seat inside of there, and the principal will talk to you as soon as she's done him." She says, hesitating to say the word 'him'.

"Thank you so much." I say as I walk into the small waiting room, with a big window surrounding it. I look around as the bell rings. I'm going to be late to my first class on my first day. As if people didn't look at me strangely enough already. 

I hear yelling coming from the principal's office. I try not to listen, but I find myself intrigued. The one yelling is defiantly a male voice. His voice is deep, and strong. Very cold. Just hearing the way he yells makes me nervous to see what is going to walk out. He sounds inhumane. He sounds- miserable.

The principal's voice on the other hand, is overall remaining calm and collected. Letting a little bit of a yell slip from moment to moment. I can't say that I blame her, though. I'd be screaming back if someone talked to me like that. "You used to be such a good kid." She says, in a loud, but soft at the same time voice.

"I guess some things change." He says, not quite as loud, but still loud enough to make me squirm in my seat.

"Look, I know that what you went through is-" She begins to say, but only to be cut off by the loud boy.

"I don't have time for this shit." He yells and storms out of her office. I get a quick glance at him before he is out of sight. He has blonde hair, that is styled up in a perfect quiff, his eyes are cold and blue. His face was almost expressionless, but I could still see a trace of anger.

"How may I help you?" A small blonde lady asks as she walks out of the office with a smile. Is this really the woman that boy was screaming at. I quickly decide that that is none of my business and shrug it off.

I get up off the wooden chair and walk over to shake her hand. Even I tower over her. "I'm Kit Linkin. I'm new here. The secretary sent me here about my schedule." I explain. 

"Very well, come in and take a seat. I'm Ms.Owens." She says as I follow her in. Taking a seat in the comfy chair that is in her office. She takes a seat behind her desk and types a few things down in her computer. "Here it is." She says with a smile. I forgot to transfer it over, that's my mistake. I'm sorry. It's there now." 

"Don't worry about it." I say with a smile.

"Is there anything else I can help you with while you're here?" She asks.

"No, thank you. I'm good." I say and get up. "See you later." She just gives me a smile as I walk back out. I walk over to the secretary. "Ms.Owens said that it would be there now." I tell her politely.

She presses a few buttons, then it starts printing. "Here is that." She says and scrimmages through her messy desk for a second. "And here is a map of the school. It's rather large, and very easy to get lost in at first."

"Thank you." I say as I walk out of the office. The halls are now bare. I look at my schedule to see what my first class is. Music. I can't help but smile when I see that. Music had always been one of my favorite classes.  It is on the fourth floor, class 23, building two. What the fuck does that mean? Most schools have one building and three floors. I sigh as I walk around hopelessly, through the now empty halls. I pull out my map to see that the second building is through some long-ass hallway. Soon enough I make my way to the right building. Go up to the fourth floor. And walk down the hall until I find the 23rd door. I sigh as I knock on it.

A short and stubby teacher who is balding answers the door. "How may I help you?" He asks.

"I'm new." I explain. "I was just given my schedule about five minutes ago." I fib, not wanting him to know that it took me so long to get to class. I look into the class room to see that it only has desks. Nothing musical. "I may have the wrong class. I have music."

"No, you're in the right place. You must be Kit." He says with a smile. I just nod. "Welcome to class." He says and walks into the class. I follow him behind. "Take a seat wherever." He smiles.

I walk into the class to see a dirty blonde boy with curly hair, gigantic smile with huge deep dimples, basically jumping up and down, waving me over to go sit next to him. He seems very friendly, so I go over and take the seat next to him. "I'm Ashton." He says with a giggle.

I smile. "I'm Kit." I tell him.

"Kit, I like that. It's different." He says. "I'm assuming you're new." He states. "I haven't seen you around before, not that I know everyone in the school- that would be nearly impossible, I think there is a few thousand of us here."

"Yes, I'm new." I say. 

"Let me see your schedule!" He says. "We might have more classes together. I hand him my schedule. He looks over it with a smile, but then a frown. "We have all of our morning classes together. But the other three, you're on your own, sorry." He says.

I shrug. "What time is lunch around here?" I ask.

"After third class." He says. "You can eat with my friends and I if you want." He offers with a smile. "There is only two of them. Michael and Calum." He says. "They're nice. You should like them. Unless you have something better to do."

"No, I have absolutely nothing better to do." I say with a smile. "When you're the new kid, nobody really wants anything to do with you." I let a giggle out. "Automatic outcast."

"Yikes." He says. "Welcome to the world of outcasts, I guess." He smiles at me as the teacher goes on rambling shit that seems to have nothing to do with music.

The teacher continues to tell us about everything, and I soon figure out that there is an instrument room. One that we can go to on our own times whenever we want. I may just have to check that out sometime. 

Before too long, even though it seems like much longer than it actually has been, it's time for lunch. I have noticed that the grumpy kid from the office this morning is in my last class before lunch. He sits alone, clearly not paying attention to the teacher. He sits in the back of the class, mostly on his phone. I can't help but wonder about that boy. He seems so mean. Ashton, who has been talking my eat off all morning directs me to the small table with his two friends already seated. Nervously, I flash them a smile, sitting beside Ashton and across from a boy with black hair. "I'm Kit." I tell them.

"I'm Michael." A blue haired boy tells me with a smile.

"I'm Calum." The one sitting across from me says.

"She's new." Ashton says. "And in all of my morning classes. I didn't figure you'd mind if I invited her to eat with us."

"Not at all." Michael says with a smile. "The more the merrier. 

I take a bite out of my apple as that blonde haired and blue eyed boy walks past our table, fast and with his head down. "What's up with that kid?" I ask casually, when he's out of hearing range.

"Who, Luke?" Calum asks. I shrug. "I assume you mean Luke. He's just a dick. He used to be friends with us. But he's changed. He's not a good person anymore."

"Why?" I ask. 

"Why isn't he a good person?" Michael asks. I nod. "He just isn't. He smokes, gets drunk all the time, uses girls for sex, and he's an ass to everyone he comes in contact with." Michael explains. 

I look over at Ashton who has a small frown on his face. "He wasn't always like that, Michael." He says, almost defensively.

"No, but he is now. You need to accept that, Ash." Michael says.

"Why did he change so much? Is there a reason? There must be a reason." I say. "He couldn't have just woke up one morning and decided to cut everyone off."

"No. It's not like that." Calum says. "His mom died a little over a year ago. They were in a car crash. His dad and brothers were out of town. They didn't get back until about twenty hours later. I assume in all of that alone time is where it went wrong." 

"That's so sad." I say and look over at him, picking at his sandwich. He's sitting at a table with a few other people. "He seems to have made friends." I say.

"Those freaks?" Michael asks. "I wouldn't call them friends." 

"They're actually quite popular." Calum says. "I don't know why Luke made friends with them. He hated them before everything."

After a few minutes small talk, the bell for next class goes off. Luckily my next class in on the same floor as the cafeteria, so it wont be too difficult to find. I have English class. I wave goodbye to the boys and start making my way towards my class. But, even though it's on the same floor, I still manage to get lost. Barely making it on time. I walk up to the teachers desk and he tells me to take a seat in the middle desk in the third row. He has an arrangement, and it was the only open desk in the class. 

"Who the hell are you?" I hear a familiar voice say. I turn around to see that Luke kid standing there.

"Kit." I say. "I'm new, and I take it that I'm in your seat, I'm sorry." I say, brushing off his mean tone.

"No, the one right beside it is." He says, taking his seat. "I don't want to sit next to you. I saw you hanging out with Ashton and them at lunch. I don't associate myself with people that chose to hang out with losers like them."

"Well, the teacher told me to sit here, for one." I say, getting annoyed with how he is treating me. He has no reason to be mean to me. I've done nothing to him. "And for two, while I was hanging out with them, they gave me a brief background of who you are. You used to be friends with them. Don't you judge me for doing the same thing."

He opens his mouth to talk, but just as he's about to, the teacher walks up to the front of the class and starts talking about a new book that we're reading, and how he expects an essay for each chapter. I groan as I copy down the notes so I wont forget what I have to do. 

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