Ever After High: A Wonderful...

By Morning_Blankets

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Y/N Ozymandias, son of the Wizard of Oz, and his friends at Ever After High return for more Royal Vs. Rebel s... More

The Neutral's Return
Ever Academy
An Evil Alliance
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Boulevard
Spring Unsprung Begins
A Bit Of Chaos
Tasty Wonder
Cook Off
Topsy-Turvy Trouble
Save The Wonder!
On A Train With A Hare
The Jabberwock 2: Electric Boogaloo
Card Tricks
Jester's Wild
Shuffle The Deck
A Royal Flush
Back Home
An Interview With A Princess
A Boys Camping Trip
Another (After)Life
The Fellowship of The Waterfall
A Big Family Secret
Shatter The Mirror
Here There Be Dragons
The Ones We Knew
Dragon Games
Into The Woods
Destiny Calls
Battle For Ever After High
Life Goes On

The Way Home

1.2K 57 22
By Morning_Blankets

You looked at your clothes and tried to fix your collar. You had the white button up that you wore for your uniform with a pair of trousers and suspenders. You also wore black loafers and a sailor's coat that once belonged to Alice's father.

You took a breath before you looked over and saw a picture on the wall.

You looked down at yourself. Wasn't that the same exact outfit you were wearing? Must be Alice's father. You turned to mirror and struck the same pose.

You looked kinda good like this.

Alice: Kid, you dressed? We need to head out soon.

You looked to the door. Alice was waiting for you downstairs. You quickly grabbed your bag and headed downstairs.

Alice was dressed in a blue dress with her hair tied in a bun. She also wore long white gloves, probably to hide the tattoo on her wrist.

Today was the day that she took you to this Susan Pevensie person. From there, you will be able to get to Wonderland and then Ever After. Well, you were skipping a few steps, but the plan was still there.

Alice: Are you ready to go?

You nodded. Alice, however, smiled and placed a hand under her chin.

Alice: You look handsome in those clothes. You should keep them.

You looked down at yourself.

Y/N: Are you sure? I mean...

Alice: Of course. And if you don't want them, then you can give them to my son when you see him.

You stopped and smiled.

Y/N: Okay. I'll be sure to do that.

The train ride itself was pretty uneventful. You had considered sleeping through it, but you were too excited. You would be going back to your world today. It was only a few weeks, but it feels like months. You missed everyone.

You began to wonder what Wonderland would be like. Maybe you would meet Kitty's mum. Or maybe even Lizzie's. Surely the Queen of Hearts could help you if you plead your case.

Then you started to think about Lizzie. If she was anything like her mother......oh godmother.

But, for now, you were still here.

Y/N: Ms. Alice....

Alice: You may call me Alice, lad.

You nodded.

Y/N: Alice, who is this Susan woman? You said she was a friend?

Alice: Yes. Susan Pevensie. She is the last member of the Pevensie family. She had managed to gather a small fortune and moved to the countryside during the war.

Y/N: And she knows of a way to get to Wonderland?

Alice smiled.

Alice: She has something I had entrusted her with. That will be what gets you to Wonderland.

Y/N: And does she know that?

Alice: She knows it well. She was actually one of the firsts to enter the other world. The Storybook World before it was called as such.

Y/N: The Storybook World?

Alice smiled fondly.

Alice: It was a name we gave it since, you know. Fairy Tales.

Y/N: I guess that makes sense. So is this the World of the Readers?

Alice: I suppose it is.

The World of Readers. Here, your world was no more than a series of stories. A series of nonsense. And in your world....well, this one just didn't really exist. At least to your knowledge.

Y/N: What story did she enter?

Alice: Not a story. Not really, at least. It was a world before the one you know. Before the one I know.

A land before your own? How was that possible?

Y/N: What land is this?

Alice: A land, called Narnia.
Lizzie ate her breakfast angerly as she stared at Oswalt. While a few knew who he really was, everyone else still thought that he was you. Seeing him laugh and smile made her so angry that she ended up bending her fork.

Cerise: Hey, Lizzie. What's up? You look like you're trying to burn a hole in Y/N's head.

She sat next to her.

Cerise: I mean, I get it, but what did he do to make you so mad?

Lizzie: He....

Lizzie wanted to yell at her for believing that Oswalt was you. For he not seeing the clear picture. But she couldn't. Oswalt said he would hurt everyone if they tried to do anything to stop him.

Cerise: He...?

Lizzie: Is too cocky.

She clenched her teeth, seriously wondering if she could just punch him. Just once. Really hard. With a croquet mallet. In the head.

Cerise: I guess. I haven't really talked to him since Thronecoming. I guess I've been trying to avoid him.

So she wouldn't even know that "you" were acting strangely? Interesting.

Betina: Excuse me.

The two girls looked back to see Betina walking towards them. One of the other Ozzians at Ever After High.

Betina: Have you guys seen Ruby lately? I've been looking for her.

Cerise: I don't think so.

Betina turned to Lizzie. She was just glaring at Oswalt.

Betina: Thanks. I appreciate your help.

She walked off without another word. Cerise didn't like her. She was cold hearted, if she even had one. She began to wonder if Ozzians all had a coldness to them. She then thought about Reggie and Candice. They seemed pretty nice, if a bit odd.

Across the way, Oswalt playfully chatted to some of the other students. Hopper, Darling, and Humphrey. They annoyed the hex out of him, but he needed to keep up an appearance.

He happened to look over and spotted Kitty. They locked eyes and stared at each other. Oswalt narrowed his eyes, almost as if to warn her to remember his words.

Kitty frowned, lowering her head and walking away. As she did, Oswalt found his gaze softening. He really had no vendetta against her. When he looked at her, he found himself wondering if he would also be like her if things turned out differently.

Would they have been....friends?

Oswalt shook the thought from his head. He didn't need friends. He didn't need the distraction. Friends made you weak, and he refused to fall victim to the same ploy.

Still, he couldn't help but feel the sense of longing in his heart. If he had a friend, he would want themnto be just like Kitty.
You and Alice walked along the road towards the estate of Susan Pevensie. The sky was clear here. It wasn't nearly as cold as it was in Booken. Birds chirped and sang as you approached a large mansion.

Y/N: Your friend is quite wealthy.

Alice: Indeed.

Y/N: Yet you live in the slums?

Alice: I could afford a home like this, but what would be the point when I'm the only one who lives there?

You couldn't argue the point. Such a large home with no one in it seems lonely. You wondered if that would be how the Emerald City would feel. An entire kingdom with no one in it.

The thought made you shiver.

You both approached the home and found that it was much larger than you thought. Alice approached the door and grabbed the large metal knocker. She then hit it against the wood three times before taking a step back.

It took a moment, but the door did open. An older man in a suit looked out at the two of you. He smiled when he saw Alice.

Butler: Lady Alice. This is a surpise. Lady Pevensie did not tell me you would be visiting us.

Alice: This was a last minute trip. We need to see Susan. It is urgent.

The butler nodded and held the door open. You and Alice walked in together and he excused himself to go and fetch his boss. As he did, you found yourself smiling.

Scarecrow: Young Master, you shouldn't be up there!

You laughed as you balanced on the tall wall behind the main house. Reggie had told her father that you and Oswalt were daring each other to see who could climb the wall the highest.

Scarecrow: Come down.

Oswalt: Nah!

Oswalt and you both laughed. You knew no danger. Barely any 5 year old did. You were immortal. At least, that was what you believed.

Then, you slipped.

Ozwalt: Y/N!

You fell from the wall, closing your eyes and bracing yourself for what was sure to be a painful fall. Instead, you landed into a pair of soft arms.

You opened your eyes and found Scarecrow looking at you with wide eyes.

Scarecrow: Are you okay, kiddo?

Alice: Y/N?

You snapped out of your thoughts when Alice called your name. You turned to her just as someone walked down the stairs to greet you both.

A tall and gracious woman with black hair that fell almost to her feet. Her smile was gentle and her dress seemed to shine in a magnificent light. She somehow looked like a fair queen.

Susan: Alice!

She hurried to her friend and the two women hugged. You smiled at the sight, glad that Alice wasn't completely alone in this world.

Susan: What are you doing here?

Alice looked to you and you quickly stood tall.

Alice: This is Y/N Ozymandias. He's from the Storybook World.
Oswalt found himself walking along the Enchanted Lake once again. It was weird that such a place was the only time he had time to clear his mind. He had his plan and he couldn't let anyone stop it.

But, he had a ping of worry. You were always so unpredictable. If anyone was to find their way home, it would be you.

He stopped and looked over to the water. You loved to swim and splash and do whatever most people did in water. Oswalt himself couldn't step into it unless he wanted to burn and boil.

He hated it, but that was just life. A shame, really. He wondered what it would be like to swim.

Y/N: Come on!

Oswalt turned around and could almost see you and him holding sticks as if they were swords.

You ran towards your brother who blocked your attack. You both laughed and ran around, trying to hit each other. Every swing was blocked. Every counter was dodged.

You were eventually matched. It made sense seeing as you were always together.

Oswalt found himself smiling, but he quickly shook the memory from his head. Stupid childish games. He had no time to reminisce.

Evil Queen: You're slacking~

Oswalt turned back to the water where the Evil Queen's reflection was watching him.

Evil Queen: My daughter knows who you are. How will you go about your plan now?

Oswalt: It doesn't matter if she knows me or not. Evil is in her blood. And I know where the Storybook of Legends is. Once she signs it, once I force her hand, she'll unlock her full power and she'll fulfill her destiny.

Evil Queen smiled, clearly interested in what he had planned.

Evil Queen: Really, now? Where is the Book?

Oswalt: Wonderland. No one else knows, not even the fool that threw it there.

Evil Queen: Well, good thing no one here has a way to get there. But that also means that you have no access to the Storybook of Legends yourself.

That was true. But, Oswalt had a plan. He always did.

Oswalt: I have a way. Let's just say, I know someone who knows someone.
Susan was a welcoming presence and you felt at home here. Of course, that was only a fleeting feeling. Your real home was waiting for you and soon, you will at least be back in the Storybook World.

Susan: Ever since you gave me it, I've been keeping the Looking Glass safe in the chambers below. No one is allowed near it just in case.

Y/N: Why is it locked away? Is it not a way to Wonderland?

The two woman looked at each other.

Susan: That's why it's locked away. The power it holds it too great to let it sit out in the open.

Y/N: But, why haven't you used it to return to Wonderland? Surely you could.

Alice shook her head.

Alice: I am too old, Y/N. Travelers such as ourselves have a time limit on when we can return to the Storybook World. You belong there, but we don't.

Susan: My world doesn't exist anymore either. Narnia was erased what would be eons ago for you. The land you know as Ever After would have been built upon the land that once was my story.

You never knew. Maybe you could ask Baba Yaga about it when you get back. Surely she would know, right?

You all entered the basement where the Looking Glass was. You stopped as Susan approached something that was covered by a red blanket. She grabbed it and pulled it away, revealing what appeared to be a large mirror.

Susan: Here it is. The Looking Glass.

Alice: The way back to the Storybook World. Or, at least to Wonderland.

Your way home.

You turned to Alice and smiled.

Y/N: Thank you. I, I don't know what I could do to...

Alice pulled something out of her pocket. She handed you a blue envelope with the words Read Me written on it.

Alice: All I ask is that you find my son, and give him this.

You took the envelope and nodded.

Y/N: You have my word.

Susan: I hope the supplies I gave you will be enough to last you until you find the way back to Ever After.

You turned to her and pulled on the strap of your backpack. She had given you plenty, maybe more than you would need.

Y/N: I believe so. Thank you, Lady Susan.

Susan just smiled. The two stepped out of the way as you approached the Looking Glass. You stared at your reflection, realizing that you were smaller than when you had Oswalt's body. Your hair was also longer.

Shame, you had just got it done too.

You took a deep breath and placed your hand against the glass. It began to ripple, which told you that it would work.

However, you stopped. You then turned back to Alice.

Y/N: I'll be back for you. And when I do, I'll have a way to bring you to Wonderland again. I promise.

Alice smiled.

You then turned back to the mirror, and walked forward.

It lasted for a moment, but you seemingly walked through water before you touched solid ground again. You opened your eyes and found yourself standing in an open field.

You looked around and realized that you were alone now. No Alice, no Susan, no Looking Glass.

Y/N: Did it...work?


A gust of wing began to disturb the grass which stood up and ran away in fear. You lifted your arms to protect yourself while the large creature grew closer.

You opened your eyes to see that it was a large paper swan. It's folded face had black dots drawn on to act as eyes and the sounds of crumpling paper echoed through the air with every flap of it's wings.

It flew off as you watched. It was then that you saw it. All of it.


You stopped when you saw the Castle of Hearts. You smiled.

Then, you started walking towards it.

The End Is Just The Beginning.....

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