Escape My Game: Stanarrator

By CynicalCake

10.9K 476 186

‼️(Temporarily) Discontinued‼️ This is a Stanley Parable Fanfic :D I really really wanted to do this. Of cour... More

Not So Bad After All
Stumbling Into Stanley
Pain of remembering
Is This What Regret Feels Like?
Parable Round Two?
Last Chance

New Story

1.2K 62 9
By CynicalCake

Stanley's vision faded from white until he could see his office. As soon as he was awake and moving again, Narrator began crying. Stanley winced at the sound of heartbreaking sobs coming from the only person he ever heard from. His confident anger soon turned into guilt and sadness.

"Why did you do that, Stanley? Are you really that upset with my stories? With my hopes? You do know I only want the best for you, right? I only want you to be happy. I made all of this for you. How can I prove to you that I really do care about you? What am I doing wrong, Stanley?"

Narrator cried a bit louder, removing his glasses and covering his eyes, not bothering to mute his microphone. He couldn't muster the energy to. Stanley fell into his seat, staring at the ground.

Up until this point he hadn't thought of the Narrator as a real person, just an annoying voice in his head that wouldn't leave him alone for more than a few minutes. But now...he saw that wasn't true. He felt horrible. But he couldn't summon things at will so he had no idea how to make it up to his friend. He ran through all his memories until one stuck out to him. Narrator's serious room monologue. It was a joke just put in for fun, so it was worth a shot to try and make the mood lighter and lift the tension Stanley had with him.

"'Stanley. This is me being serious. In fact, this is my serious room. It's where I come to be serious. That table is the most serious table I could find. I looked at many, many tables. Hundreds of tables. It's possible I looked at over a thousand tables, I honestly don't know, the specific number isn't as important as the understanding that all of the tables I looked at, this one is the most serious. I relate this story to impress upon you the extent to which this is the most serious room I have, which is why I've brought you here. You just tried to activate server cheats, which of course runs the risk of breaking the entire game. You've got no respect for the strict order of scripted narrative events and I just can't have that. It's time to get serious, Stanley. no jokes, no games. Outside of this room I might be more tolerant of those things, but now we're in the room. Which is why I'm subjecting you to the most serious punishment I can think of: One hundred, billion, trillion years standing here in the serious room. Perhaps after that we can talk about the severity of your actions and whether you've learned anything, but until then, serious room. GO!'" Stanley thought, a small smile creeping onto his face. He had done every ending so many times he had memorized most of the dialogue, this one was one of his favorites just because of how silly it was. Narrator stopped crying, he could hear Stanley's thoughts so when he heard him perfectly quoting one of his scripts he froze. Then it occurred to him.

"You...remember all of my stories?"

Stanley nodded silently. Narrator paused again, then soon, he began chuckling.

" Are you trying to cheer me up?"

Stanley nodded again, keeping his head down smiling sheepishly.

"I suppose that is fitting. But how did you manage to memorize all of that? I know I say things and expect you to remember, but even I know I ramble a lot. Tell me your secrets."

Stanley faked being in thought for a moment then shrugged. "Stanley, don't you know that you can't lie. You're lying, stop it." Narrator smirked behind the screen. Stanley laughed silently, knowing exactly what Narrator was quoting. For the first time since they started this, they both felt as if they were truly bonding.

"Stanley, whatever I did before you jumped... I'm truly sorry. I am sorry for anything I have said to you and what I have called you. Please don't ever do that again. I can't stand being alone. Don't leave me alone."

Stanley pondered this. He did feel awful for making Narrator cry, and he did want to make things better.

"I'm sorry, too. I...I won't do it again. We can try a new story. One where we can both be happy."

Narrator nearly jumped at the opportunity, but quickly stopped himself.

"Is that what you want to do?"

Stanley was slightly taken aback by the question. He'd never been asked or told that he had a choice.

"Yes. This is what I want to do."

"Alright, let me find the right story..." Just as Narrator began rummaging around his notes, Stanley jumped in again.

"Actually, I was thinking we could make one up and see where it leads us. You know, like how I usually disobey and go off track from a lot of your storylines."

"Oh. Hm," Narrator smiled a little to himself. "That sounds like a great idea. Well, lead the way, Stanley. This is your story. Let's make it a memorable one."


sorry this chapter is shorter than the last, I figured this was a good stoping point so I can save more lore for the next chapter :3

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