The Artificer in the Party (G...

By Littletrouble2k

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On the way back home after fulfilling a contract with another party The Artificer is ambushed by a group of G... More

The Artificer Bio
Goblin Slayer
The Sky City Pt 1
Sky City Pt 2
Side Story (Sky City)
The Tinkerer
Autumn Festival Pt 1
Autumn Festival Pt.2
Side Story: White Spire
Goblin Crown
Side Story: Silvers
Side Story: Artisan's first invention
The Boys
Wedding Guest PT.1
Wedding Guest PT.2
Artificer's Skill update & Gear
Wedding Guest PT 3
Side Story: Shop
Side Story: After the Wedding
Side Story: The next Phase
The life changing mission

Wedding Guest Finale

189 3 3
By Littletrouble2k

"Thank you for meeting with me you two." The Artificer said very early in the morning as he sat across from Hea's Sister and Brother-in-law.

"He did tell me you wanted to see us before you guys left. May I ask the reason?" Hea's Sister asked with a sweet and gentle smile.

"Last night I told Mith my promise to make sure Hea comes back alive; Especially if my life is the cost. I wanted to do this a little before or after your wedding, but I believe now is the best time."

"You have the floor and I appreciate the sentiment."

"Thank you... I wanted to tell you that... I've been seeing your Sister in a respectable and romantic relationship. When we first started this relationship I wanted nothing more than Hea's love and your blessings to continue my relationship with her... I had brought these for you guys, one a wedding gift and Pure Mithril Sword, perfectly balanced at the hilt decorated with Iron Buloke Wood with gold lining and a steel guard for smooth and perfect handling; this fingerless glove has a special rune for this sword so that if separated it'll return to you without any problems." The Artificer said wrapping an Elvish blade from cloth as it's scabbard had the Artificer's mark at the end of it to show the Elf Couple that it was his original work.

"The next is... This Orb... This Orb is the courtship gift I wanted to give you all to show my devotion and promise that I'll take care of Hea for the rest of my days. It's a fully grown Sky Lotus cased inside a glass orb inside are runes to mimic the conditions the Sky mountains give the flower to bloom most beautifully. The Flower will live for another several hundred years as long as the water rune inside is untampered for the Sky Lotus can live for several hundred years, this Lotus despite being fully grown is only Seven months old." The Artificer said taking the Orb out surprising Hea's Sister as she knew Hea broke it by accident.

"These are my gifts to you. They're both the best works I've ever done before as a craftsman. The Crystal Orb took me several hours to master, and three days to make sure the Lotus stays healthy in the Orb. The Sword took me five days to complete for me to try and match the style your Elvish weapons have." The Artificer said showing no fear on his face as the two inspected the gifts the Artificer gave them.

"This sword is beautifully crafted... If it wasn't for his mark I would've believed this to have been stolen. And it's very sharp just by the sound it makes when I gently move it through the air." Mith said to himself inspecting the Blade and the amount of devotion put into the blade as no imperfections were spotted and it felt smooth with great grip on the handle.

"This flower and orb is certainly beautiful Sir Artificer. However how did you fix this I believe my sister broke it rummaging through your things."

"I used the spell Mending on it... To be honest I wasn't sure it'd work but it wouldn't have hurt to see whether I was able to or not."

"I see, Do you know what this Flower represents by chance."

"I do. Lotuses often represents purity, rebirth, and strength, but the Sky Lotus to the People of Sky City represents; Love, Determination, and Devotion. It's customary for a man to climb the mountains and find a Sky Lotus to present to the one they love in an effort to ask them out or propose to them. And for them to ask their parents blessings they'd gather a bouquet of them with the largest Lotus being the one they picked from the Mountains. This Flower is one I grew at home with lots of care."

"I see, They're certainly are incredible gifts... Wouldn't you agree my dear?" The Princess asked her love as he blushed at the comment composing himself.

"This sword is... Beautiful to simply put; even an untrained eye can see the hard work you've put in such a blade. You forged this blade as a ceremony blade that will double as an actual sword for defense, you intended for the user to have the best possible blade despite never meeting them. This is a truly heart felt gift." Mith said laying the sword down waiting for his love to speak.

"Sir Artificer... My Husband to be has told me about your success with the Orb, And my dear sister has talked very high of you showing how close you two have gotten, The love you share for each other is very real; Which is why I want to ask you for a favor." The princess said catching both men's attention.

"Sure thing."

"I want you to break up with my Sister."

"I'm sorry?" The Artificer asked a bit shocked at the Elf's request.

"I appreciate your promise to bring my sister home safely from this mission, and her love for you is very clear. However as you probably know she's very naïve and clueless of the world. Her resolve to stay with you is very clear but she does not know what she's asking for. A part of me approves of you Sir Artificer; however the other parts don't and its nothing against your character because like you I love my sister dearly and I don't want her being in despair. While it's true we elves fall in love and marry once its possible for us to feel puppy love as you humans would say. Something I believe she's feeling for you. Do you understand?"

"I do agree that she can be a bit naïve at times... However I must formally disagree with such a statement. I also once thought the same where she'll be better off without me that like you she'll find an Elf to spend her eternity with... However I was inconsiderate of her feelings that I ended up hurting her to a degree which I'd never want to do again."

"But if you also continue this relationship you'll hurt her again when you will pass."

"I-I Don't like the idea of her ending up alone in the end... Which is why I'm happy I got to see her family especially to ask this... When I asked for your blessing to continue my relationship with her... I also wanted your Blessing to take her hand in Marriage when the right time arises, I desire to grow old with her, take care of her, provide, start a family with her. Ever since we first met she's been nothing but a caring and supporting friend and in recent times she's been my supportive Lover, the one I can rely on to pick me up when I'm down. As the clo-"

"I'm sorry... But I can't give you my blessing." The princess said as he fiance sat quietly observing the Artificer noticing how calm and collected he was being.

"O-oh... Is there... Perhaps a reason for-"

"It's as I said before it's nothing against you Sir Artificer. But you know as a human your life is limited, if you really love my sister you'll let her go." The Princess said making the Artificer physically flinch as he looked down at his hand in silence for a few seconds.

"Remember Master Elves are very protective beings especially when it comes to their families. So when your talking to Lady Ranger's family be prepared for disapproval. It'll hurt but your Strong Master and I know you love Lady Ranger a lot so stand tall with your head up ok." The Artisan's words echoed through his mind relaxing his tension looking up at the two with a calm aura and a sweet smile.

"I understand your concern Princess... But you don't have to worry about her safety alone, Allow me to carry that burden as well, In my limited time here in this world I'll strive to make happy memories with Hea. Memories that will warm her heart, put a smile on her face, that'll love by her side, and will comfort her instead of making her lonely. And you have my word that if I ever hurt her then... I'll happily allow you both to claim my life." The Artificer said showing his honesty through his eyes in a gesture of acceptance.

"You know... That sounds very familiar to what I said to- Sorry..." Mith said looking away with a blush as his fiancé had a slight blush glaring at him before composing herself elegantly.

"I've seen Humans who're more developed, pretty, and more suited to marriage."

"I'm quite aware of that, but they're not Hea."

"She can be stubborn."

"Indeed but she's opened to learn."

"She's very messy."

"I don't mind cleaning up after her."

"She's very unladylike." Mith chimed backing his fiancé's attempt.

"She's has her Ladylike charms. She just hides them."

"She gets bored easily."

"Good thing I'm not boring."

"Would you give up adventuring and inventing to be with her?" Mith asked as the Artificer smiled.

"Despite how one sided that question is... Yes I would."

"Your just as stubborn as her..." Hea's sister said holding the bridge of her nose to hide a faint smile.

"I like to say I'm dedicated." The Artificer said with kind smile as he looked at his locket opening it to reveal a picture of Hea.

"Hm... There they go..." The Artisan said with a bit of a disappointed look on her face as her and her team watch Goblin Slayer's party sail down the river.

"Can't be help... Besides Master Bronzeheart had a point. if there's a caster powerful enough to control a hydra, then we'll just be in the way." Kitty said fishing.

"Plus if it had to go to stealth then we'll be at a disadvantage." The Loxodon said looking at the cat.

"From the Adventures Master told me about their Goblin slaying quests it appears to me that those little devils are getting stronger... There is something happening and I don't like it... Hm?" Artisan said as she turned her head looking to see Lady Ranger's Sister and her husband to be talking to which she decided to eavesdrop from the distance thanks to her ears.

"You really gave the Inventor a hard time."

"Naturally... She's my Younger sister and even though I may not approve of her falling for a Human... I can't help but admire their resolve... As much as I don't like to admit it... They truly love each other... This Flower really showed the love he put into it... Despite her breaking it." The elf giggled looking at the Glass Ball.

"He withstood the Orb very well. Luckily he wasn't of Draconic Line."

"Would that have made a difference?"

"Very much, any being of Draconic blood comes even close to it succumbs to its evil. It's how the Red Manakete in the Story came to be He was a Mage of the younger family so kind hearted and curious and Tiamat came. You see Tiamat has a special hold on all those with Draconic blood and that orb is her extension."

"So you believe if he had Draconic blood then-"
"He would've turned... Heh try explaining that to your Sister about her Dead Lover if he did succumb to the orb."
"That... Would be a nightmare."

"Man sounds like Master went through a lot this morning... Imma go see if the girls want to hang out... Bye boys!"

The Fog is high and thick just how we like it. We May not be able to see much through this blanket but our wolves are capable enough to guide us to the Elves Territory. We stick by the river banks attacking any boats that pass by. We get lucky here and there with weapons and women. The Adventurers we came across several days ago was certainly a good catch a few women we grabbed to bare our spawn, several fought too much and escaped, though they didn't get far so we killed them and displayed them in our territory. the remaining few we kept as our toys their screams had given us such joy. Sooner or later thanks to our leader we'll take that Elf Territory into our own and their women will be ours and we'll soon enter that town on the lake and raid the holy women's domain.

Speaking of... There's a boat approaching and it's Elvish made by its shape! we have the advantage of the fog since we're used to darkness this Elf stands no chance. If it's a He-Elf we'll kill him and eat his meat and if it's a She-Elf we'll torture her and have her birth our spawn.

As we silently make our way closer all we hear is the ripple of the water and suddenly our wolves start to whine. Stupid beasts with a quick whack they fall back into line. As soon as we're ready we release the arrows and hit the rower ready to plunder everything in the boat and deal with the Elf however way we like to.

Only... The rower is still moving... Why are they still moving? The Wolves are freaking out why are they freaking out?

"GRAOO! GA-" One of ours died along with his wolf just how did that happen and where is his body?!

The others screamed out as they see a long shadowy figure rise from the water with two glowing Green Eyes... It looks like a... Serpent. And to makes matters worse... The Slayer has arrived...


"How dare you friends come close to my home!" The Elf shouted firing off five arrows all hitting their target despite the limited vision the fog gave; All the While The Artificer sat next to priestess as his eyes glowed green sharing his new construct's vision as it attacked the Goblins in the same pattern as a Basilisk with a serpent like body and a very tail that sliced Goblins with ease, even dragging a rider with its mount under water with its crushing jaws and claws that although small was big enough to grab a Goblin's head and crush it.

"Two boats sure come in handy." The Dwarf said slinging rocks at the Goblins covering Goblin Slayer as he and The Artificer's Construct were mowing down the Goblin Riders and Scouts.

"Sir Artificer are you doing ok?" Priestess asked looking at him as sweat started appearing on his face.

"Y-yea Just concentrating on two Spells at the Exact same time... Never done this before Probably won't do it again." He said keeping his posture as everyone filled their roles for this encounter. It was only a matter of time when all the goblins were killed effectively by the group insuring not one Goblin survived such an attack.

"It looks to be Clear Boss." The Artificer said as his vision split in two one his own the other his construct as they used a special seeing spell to make sure all the goblins are dead.

"Right... Let's keep going rest up as much as you can." Goblin Slayer said as everyone kept their guard up While the Artificer's Construct cleared the river of any debris.

"So... How did it go?" The Elf asked the Artificer as the two had telepathic bond up.

"Hm... I think it went ok, They told me to wait for their answer." The Artificer said doing maintenance on his vambraces.

"Oh c'mon your gonna have to give me more than that!" The Elf pouted keeping her composure on the outside.

"I wish I could say more... I'm freaking out wondering whether or not I left a Good impression." The Artificer said scrapping his skin on the tool he was using mildly annoying him as he finished up.

"Well let's hope for the best... You and me can always come visit in the near future, it's not going to stop us from seeing each other." The Elf smiled as she took a quick glance at him.

"Thtat's true but I rather- What is that smell? It's horrible." The Artificer said holding his nose as something every sour entered his nose and it had an odd scent to it something he has never came across only thing close was a Goblin Hole.

"I don't smell anything of the sort Sir Artificer. There something sweet in the air a sort of flower perhaps?" The Lizardman said as they had edge closer to the edge of the fog.

"Could be flowers are blooming. Cause I smell something sweet too." The Priestess said murmuring a bit as the other had gotten ready when Goblin Slayer had mentioned they were nearing the Goblin's territory.

"I don't know of any plant with that kind scent." The Archer said grabbing her now readying herself as she looked at the Artificer who still held his nose suffering from something.

"You must really not like the smell Sir Artificer." The Dwarf said patting him on the back.

"I don't know what it is... But it's messing with my breathing." The Artificer said taking a mask out to block out the smell as the fog seem to get thinner and thinner.

"We should be ready, the mist is clearing." The Lizardman said as several shadows had started to appear in the distance.

"What are those?... Gaaah! they're Totems!" The Priestess Cried out with a gasp escaping her throat as the other saw the shadowy figures in plain view.

"Those sick little devils..." The Artificer said swallowing his vomit back in his mouth as he almost puked at the sight and knowledge where the smell was coming from.

The Totem they saw in question was a truly horrifying site to the Adventurers as they never seen anything like this before a Body impaled from bottom to the top rotten with juices flowing from it as the race the body stopped them from seeing whether she was Human or Elf. They only knew it was a she because of her rusty armor as the bugs and crows clung to her body eating the remains. The site was simply unbearable as the elf's first instinct was to hide in the Artificer's arm as she held the urge to vomit burying her head into his chest with her hand over her mouth.

"Was she skewered alive or mounted after death?" The Lizardman asked as he glanced around putting his hands in a prayer.

"Knowing those devils... Probably alive... and she wasn't the only one...." The Artificer said tightly holding the Elf as they all saw a forest of impaled corpses from between the legs and through the mouth. He attempted to hide it from the Ranger who was hiding in his arms but with a quick glance her already pale skin had lost it's blood as the Artificer felt her grip on his chest get tighter. The corpses appeared to be Merchants while most the others had ornaments that showed they were adventurers.

"So... Many..."
"Is this what's going to happen if we lose?... This is... no joke..." The Elf said coming close to vomiting as she saw Priestess lose her own Constitution as a series of splashes was heard.

"Is no explosions still a no?... If not I'd like to blow this nest sky high..." The Artificer said as rage boiled in his blood as electricity sparked a bit on his fist as he and the Elf separated so she could pick up her bow.

"I don't we Can... Arty... Looks like this is the one who stops the waters." The Elf said tapping his shoulder showing him a massive elegant structure covered in moss and vines showing it was an ancient structure.

"Hm... Hey boss we should dock here the fortress isn't that far ahead from us." The Artificer said with his eyes closed as he saw what his Construct was seeing through it's "eyes".

"Agreed we have a job to do." Goblin Slayer said after giving some encouragement to Priestess in their own way.

"Hold on you two, Night is coming and it'll be harder for us to sneaking is going to be tricky." The Dwarf said to the two men as they looked at each other already brainstorming.

"If that's the case. Click click... Hmm fp fp... Heh... I have an Idea!" The Elf said trying to pop her knuckles several times but failed at it much to the Artificer's amusement.

"And you Arty."


"Are going to be going through a class change!"

"Wait what?"

"Tch... This was your idea?... Get me to be some kinda Man-Spider..." The Artificer said with telepathic bond to the Elf as the entire team was linked.

"Yes it's gonna work now just wait for my Orcbolg to go."

"Ok... Scaly... Are you sure he's asleep?" The Artificer asked as he was sticking to the side of the tower directly below the top all the while his invisibility was up thanks to a water rune stone.

"Hm... Yes soundly asleep..."

"Good... By the way Goblin Slayer, there's two more Goblin guards down there." The Artificer said looking down at the Goblins waiting for his leader to make a move as he peek at the top to indeed see one Goblin asleep but another one awake but yawning and slacking on it's Job.

"All too easy." The Artificer said to himself as the moment Goblin Slayer made his move the Artificer quickly kick the sleeping Goblin off the tower and snapped the other Goblin's neck as it turned around confused.

"Six... Is it clear up there?" Goblin Slayer asked looking up as the Artificer scanned the area.

"So far so good I can't see the very top of the fortress though. That thing I much larger than the tower. I'm heading down now." The Artificer said as he felt the invisibility fade away.

"Man I felt like an assassin just then... Not sure I like it." The Elf said as she rejoined the others as they waited for the Artificer to rappel down thanks to his vambraces.

"Imagine how I felt."

"Hehe Man-Spider Man-Spider!" The Elf teased for a sec before giving Goblin Slayer her attention.

"Artificer how many spells and rune stones do you have left?"

"I have Two rune stones both water. And I have five spells left, but I do have six infusions left as well."

"Hm that leaves Eleven then... We may have to do a frontal assault... I'll need you and Artificer to be in the front."

"I agree."

"So I'm going in as the Tank then ok give me a second to prepare.... Enhance Attack, Enhance defense, Repulsion Shield..."

"Now then..." Goblin Slayer said grabbing on of the Goblin corpses taking his dagger out making the girls flinch.

"Eh... Do we have to?"


"Are you serious?" The Elf asked as her Ears dropped a bit.

"Unless you have some perfume of sorts on you."

"U-uh... No... I didn't think a trip home would involve this... Hehe..." The Elf said scratching her cheek avoiding the Artificer's glare as he knew he gave the Elf a perfume bottle just for Goblin Slaying adventures.

"It's part of the Job." Goblin Slayer said walking to her with rag in hand as the Elf started backing away running into the Lizardman and Dwarf.

"C'mon quit resisting."
"Indeed this takes some guts."

"Awful pun Scaly." The Artificer thought looking at the Lizardman.

"W-w-wait Arty can't you use Prestidigitation on me?"



"..." The Artificer stared as he walked to the Elf hand held her shoulders.


"... Quick GS!" The Artificer said holding the Elf tightly.

"Eh?! W-w-w-w-" She should've been used to it by now. Maybe that's why she didn't scream keeping the element of surprise on their side.

"Those group of Silvers are begining to be a problem-ho."

"Your whoing again!" A Veldaken barbarian said sharpening his Axe

"I who who who! When I'm frustrated! Who! Besides it's not my fault the Artificer-"

"The Artificer what?" A blonde man asked walking to the Owlin and Veldaken with a monkey like construct on his shoulder.

"Not my fault the Constructs you gave me are failing to capture those Silvers prolonging my quota! Who!" The Owlin said without skipping a beat pointing it's feathered finger at the Artificer.

"I see... My constructs are only here to keep people from leaving and entering the city. Your job is to focus on Orc production. Speaking of; how are they?"

"The learning ability of a Goblin and Human makes them even more effective. There are several specimen that is the equivalent level of Hobgoblins but to orcs. I'd like to call them Gundabad Orcs the strongest of these Orcs are up to Seven feet tall, incredibly powerful, smart, and ruthless. Here come follow me." The Veldaken said gesturing to the Artificer to follow as the Owlin crept behind.

"The Goblin Workers are excellent assistants as long as have their entertainment and relief in the women who aren't baring." The Owlin said as they saw Goblins Mine, Move Orc babies to one another like a assembly line wrapping them in some kind of fertile matter before putting them in dirt.

"Hm, the Orcs?"

"Yes over here. This section is where our newest Orcs are fighting each other to grow and to establish dominance against one another. The one who comes out on top gets the respect of the others while the one on the bottom... Well." The Veldaken said gesturing to one of the Orcs who stood triumphant, however the next second the orc on the bottom instantly got surrounded by other Orcs as they ripped him to pieces stuffing themselves with the meat of their weakened kin.

"I see... And they're learning to ride... What're those?" The Artificer asked looking at the wolf like creature in the section.

"Hehe those are Wargs. Bigger, smarter, and deadlier than Wolves. The Orcs succeeded where the Goblins did not when it came to taming them."

"I see. Wargs by themselves are ranked pretty average in the monster manual... But they are dangerous."

"Indeed... Now for the Gundabad Orcs." The Veldaken said escorting the Artificer to a room on the far end of the cavern they were entering it as the Artificer saw several Orcs around seven feet tall with very strong builds physically all the while their armor, weapons, and Wargs looked even more dangerous.

"So these are the Gundabad Orcs?" The Artificer asked as one of the Orcs walked up to him looking down on him.

"Yes sir."

"Hm... You've out done yourself Master Breeder fine specimens indeed. How are they in combat?"

"Oh they're to be ex-"

"You Orc understand Common?" The Artificer asked the Orc in front of him.

"Yes. Little Human." The Orc said with a growl staring at him.

"Ok good it's a mess to speak Goblin. Ehem have you ever fought an Adventurer? or Man, Elf, Rhea in General?"

"No... We only Fought and trained each other."

"I see. Well then let's give you that opportunity, Choose two other companions and follow me." The Artificer said as the Construct Monkey screeched at it when they turned around and left.

"S-Sir Artificer What're you doing?"

"A Final test run."

A little over half an hour the Party had managed to make their way through the maze of fortress that was just a an over sized Tower. Along the way they had several encounters with Goblins along the way being swift in taking them out although they had experience in many Goblin Caves this trip so far had been smooth sailing so far because they caught the Goblins lacking in their duty leaning on their spears falling asleep. Right now they had just finished ambushing two Goblins guarding a large wooden door.

"The Key doesn't fit." Goblin Slayer said as he tried to unlock the door with the Key he looted off the goblin.

"I guess I'm up." The Elf said crouching door to the lock as the Dwarf and Priestess got to work cleaning the metal part of the door so there would no loud creak when they opened the door. All the while The Lizardman and the Artificer kept an eye out just in case of any guards. However for The Artificer who still had his mask on kept having an uneasy feeling as every step he took the hair on his body stood stiffer, and the skin on his body became colder.

"I don't like this place... It's giving me a weird feeling..."

"We're not even inside yet." Goblin Slayer said noticing the Artificer still had his mask on being effected by the smell.

"I don't... This Nest is different... It feels more... Sick." The Artificer said as the group opened the door and started to head inside.

"Arty may have a point it reeks of moss on top of the Goblin smell." The elf said covering her nose a bit as the Lizardman starting to put his own mask over his nose as well.

"Artificer your up."

"Right." The Artificer said bringing his hands together as blue aura had spun in front of him into a shape of an Eye as it floated ahead of them revealing to the Artificer the the path ahead is a straight forward hall that resembled a tunnel that can be quite claustrophobic for them but nonetheless there weren't any traps nor any hidden doors in the walls and floor through out the Tunnel.

"No traps, no hidden doors, The tunnel is long and diverts to different one but ultimately come to dead ends or to these large spiral stairs further up ahead." The Artificer said with his eyes close exploring each Tunnel as nothing came up to be of importance as there were surprisingly no guards, and if there were he would've dispelled his Arcane eye as it's not invisible which is why he didn't use it to scout the stairs; which they all understood as the spell did have limits.

"Any Goblin Patrols?"

"Hm... Not in the tunnel so far... Perhaps in the stairs we should still proceed with caution because I might've not seen it all cause I was moving Arcane eye a certain way to avoid detection just in case." The Artificer said transforming his rod into a short sword while shortening the length of his shield that it looked similar in length to Goblin Slayer's shield.

"You can see in the dark right?"

"With these goggles I can." The Artificer said pointing to his goggles as the Priestess had lit a torch per Goblin Slayer's instructions.

"So me and Arty has the front?" The Elf asked inspecting one of her arrows.

"Yes he'll be your shield."

"As always."
"As always." The two thought with a smile and slight blush thankful the dark tunnel hid their faces a bit.

"I'll prepare a silence Sir Goblin Slayer!"

"Yes please do Artificer, Ranger you'll be lead and kill any goblin that you two see."

"No Goblin will get away from us." The Artificer said after the Elf as they both had a look of confidence.

"Good let us go then." Goblin Slayer said giving the queue for the Artificer and Elf to advance as Priestess casted Silence masking their assault as they swiftly killed the Goblin guards down the stairs. during this time the Artificer had used three of his spells to disarm them for less resistance.

"Testing, Testing... Looks like Silence is out just in time." The Artificer said as they came across a door at the bottom of the stairs.

"Yea not this door doesn't appear to be locked... But I do feel an air current coming from here." The Elf said looking at the door.


"I'm on it." The Artificer said taking a card out that laid on his hand as a small puff cloud appeared as a Tear shape then bounces into an insect like Construct with a razor sharp metal tail as thin as wire while illuminated blue on its sides.

"Ok little guy scout for us real quick." The Artificer said setting it on the floor as it went out sharing it's vision with the Artificer.

"Hm... We appeared to be back on ground level, still inside the fort yet it appears to me that part of the Forest in  here. We're clear outside this door but it is dark outside, were going to have to lose the torch." The Artificer said as the insect construct had returned to his hand.

"I got a lantern Sir Artificer, hold this please." The Priestess said asking the Dwarf to hold the torch as she  pulled a lantern out of her toolkit while the Elf and Artificer gently opened the door to look around. After getting her lantern ready the Adventurers continued on carefully while on high alert using the river they saw ran through the fort using its sound to cover them.

"Arty you doing ok?" The Elf asked seeing he was growing tired.

"Yea I used quite a bit of spells. We may have to rest soon... Not to mention I used three out of my six infusions, so I may be a bit droopy." The Artificer said as Goblin Slayer noticed he and Priestess had started to look a bit pale and bloodless.

"Try to take- Hang on..." The Elf said as her ears cutely twitched up; looking ahead and in cover looking like like a small rabbit in the Artificer's eye as they hid in the nearest bush. "There are about five to six of them... They're enjoying themselves and they appear to be next to a Millstone, or Mortar."

"We're not doing spells here we'll attack them straight on." Goblin Slayer said shifting his sword to his right hand.

"Are we going to use Silence again?" The Elf asked getting her bow ready.

"No we're not using the same tactic... How much glue do we have?" Goblin Slayer asked the Artificer and Dwarf.

"I have two bottles worth."
"I have plenty of it here." The Dwarf said after the Artificer as they both brought out their seal bottles of glue.

"Good; Everyone give me your Socks." Goblin slayer said as Priestess pressed a hand in her thigh with a blush and the Elf just looked at him confused.

"What'd you need them for?"

"I'm going to use them."
"That's a bit vague of an answer... Note to self bring an extra set of socks when were Goblin slaying."

"You can use mine Sir Goblin Slayer." The Lizard Priest said somberly.

"Wait since when do you wear socks?"

"You know... Working down here is the worse." A goblin said in their tongue as he chew a finger he took off a rotten arm.

"Ain't that the truth." several Goblins said as two had been feuding over a leg of the meal that they eventually split in two.

"You know... Rhea isn't all that good compared to Elf meat, and Elf meat lacks a certain taste Humans have." One of them said as they all came into agreement all the while complaining that the higher ups didn't understand them one bit and that they have it easier; Despite their job having only minimum labor.

skit skit skit... skit skit skit

"What is that?" A Goblin said as the group saw a big insect glowing blue and skittering around them even coming close to them. whether it be their curiosity or their petty nature whenever the bug came close they'd try to grab it until one finally did. 

"Aha! stupid little bug! It's carapace feels like metal I wonder how it taste." The one with a necklace said looking at it. This would be a mistake as the Bug had sparked blue on its tail whipping it like a scorpion as it sparked the goblin showing its skeleton as the goblin threw it in response annoyed  earning laughs from their group.

"Sti- GRoa!" The Goblin shouted as he felt his head being hit with something sticky and hard, this was funny to his companions until they were hit with the same thing. Just as quick the Goblins amusement faded into anger seeing two adventurers with sword and shields in hand charge at them with a Lizard man. 

And that would seal their fate just as quickly.

"That's the last of them... This is a Sapphire Badge..." The Artificer said yanking the badge off the Goblin's neck then looking at what the Goblins were eating. "That poor Rhea..."

"I wonder if he had family. or perhaps a party." The Dwarf said as Goblin slayer responded with a "most likely".

"Hea, what're you doing?" The Artificer asked going to the millstone out of curiosity.

"I just wanted to see this was... what is th- Eek!" The Ranger shriek as she jumped back realizing what she saw as the others went to look grossing them out as they saw what the Goblins had been working on. In the Millstone the group saw slim hands and feet belonging to a young woman who's glassy eyes were staring at the skies. It was clear that the Goblins doing this a mode of torture.

The Mill was connected to a dam pool in the river by a gutter made by the goblins separating it with the rest of the river for clear reasons. When the Artificer saw the horror in the millstone along with Priestess almost throwing up he decided to look at the pool that was separated from the rest of the river, immediately he saw what was wrong and tested the water grabbing a flask getting a sample of it seeing it filled with rotten blood and sediment making it undrinkable and showing how thick it was to the Artificer.

"They had fun doing it... The little devils... Poisoning the water here waiting for enough build up to poison the River downstream." The Artificer said tossing the flask into the pool and kneeling next to it as Goblin Slayer picked a drop from the gutter.

"It's like they were thinking-"
"How does it feel drinking, bathing,  and living with the water full of excrement and blood." The Artificer said with a disgusted look on his face then turned worried as he heard the Elf hurl looking back at her for a second before focusing his attention to the pool.

"Sir Dwarf can I have you remove this gutter real quick keep it away from the river... Scaly, Boss break down the dam once I'm done." The artificer said putting his hand in the pool as the others did as he said.

"Just how many people did they do this for it to be this thick?... Purify Water..." The Artificer said as his hands glowed blue and the dirty maroon colored water had cleared up into fresh clean water giving them the go ahead to destroy the damn.

"Ugh... Man... This is ridiculous... But if I learned anything from our time together... This is a clear case of a Goblin Shaman isn't it?" The Artificer asked going next to the elf offering her a rag.

"Yea... We'll stop here. when she gets buried we'll rest." Goblin Slayer said as the Artificer patted his Elf's back walking to the Mill to close the woman's eyes.

"You should Sleep... A tired Magic Caster could be a set back." Goblin Slayer said quietly to not disturb the other magic casters who were soundly asleep.

"Can't Sleep all that well... Especially with the situation at hand... Besides burying a body... Is neve pleasant... I'm sure you understand."

"I do... But you still need rest... The Elf will be upset."

"And we don't like her upset huh?"
"No... She'll kick me again."

"Heh... Yea... You know I made a promise to her family."
"And what was that?"

"To get her home safely even if it costs me my life. Of course that's my same promise to all you." The Artificer said handing Goblin Slayer a scroll.

"What's this?"
"A Scroll of Teleportation, goes to the Elves Forest. I don't need to explain any further do I?"

"We won't need it."
"You sound certain... Highly uncharacteristic."
"Is it?"
"I see."
"Heh..." The two continued laying against the wall of what they discovered to be the Goblin's torture room.

"Hey in the future when I marry... Want to be the Godfather?" The Artificer asked looking at the bronze orb in his hand.


"Why not?"

"I'll..." Goblin Slayer paused unsure of what to say for the Artificer's question as it caught him off guard.

"No need for an answer right now. She'll be coming around soon I'm going fall asleep here if that's ok?" The artificer said making himself comfortable near Goblin Slayer as his back was against the wall.

"That's fine..." Goblin slayer said making himself comfortable as he looked over at his team that circled around the dimly lit lantern.

Not long after the Elf had returned and started a conversation with Goblin Slayer mainly about  the Goblins next to her home even her aforementioned disdain for goblin slaying quest, Then about the Goblin Shaman they believe . during this time she had knelt down next to the Artificer and gently moved her fingers along his Light Blue hair that had seemed to get darker in recent times.

"Don't wake him up... He'll need his rest."

"You don' think I know that?... He's just scared so I'm soothing him." The Elf said with a smile as her Artificer's troubled sleeping face was replaced with a comforted smile.

"I see... How could you tell?"

"Just a feeling.  Though I do have to say he's scared for us but keeps it in. Much like a priestess we know." The Elf said looking at the corner the Priestess slept at.

"I see... I'm sorry I haven't come with a plan for the shaman just yet."

"Meh either way I'm just gonna shoot it, You and Arty are our front row specialist we'll be fine... Whicch is why you need sleep Orcbolg." The Elf said tapping his helmet a bit

"Ok..." Goblin Slayer said listening to the Elf as she made sure their leader fell asleep before Kissing the Artificer on the head and going next to Priestess side to sooth her much like the Artificer.

"Why couldn't the ancients just build an Elevator?!" The Ranger said complaining because they had to venture back up the stairs the descended yesterday.

"Stairs... My natural Enemy..." The Artificer said joining the Elf clearly more gloom than her as they both had point.

"We should search for an Elevator because this is such a drraaggg!" The elf said as the Artificer noted they were traveling further up than they had yesterday thanks to a location mark he left.

"We don't have enough time to look for one. If there was one then we'd use it." Goblin Slayer said continuing forward even while the Ranger and shaman bickered for a bit.

"Besides if there was one sir Artificer would've found it yesterday." The Lizardman said getting the Elf to stop bickering and look forward with a pout.

"I probably wouldn't have found it using Arcane eye, if it was thicker than One inch then I wouldn't have seen it through the wall... Woah... Huh that's quite a huge hole."
"Oh the stairs are missing." The Elf said as she and the Artificer saw the broken stair with a gapping hole and water from underneath them.

"how are we going to cross it?" The Dwarf asked taking notice of the water below.

"Oh we can use-" 

"Stone Shape!" The Artificer Said touching the Wall making makeshift stairs to fill the gap for a little bit, unaware of the fire stolen from Priestess as she was reaching for the rope in her bag.


"Hm something wrong Priestess?" The Artificer said noticing her disappointed face.

"N-Nothing..." Priestess said as the Party moved on hearing the Stone Stairs the Artificer created break apart behind them once they had finished crossing it.

"What's up?"
"That water was awfully high no?" Goblin slayer asked the Artificer as thought back to the hole using Flash of genius for an explanation with his deduction.

"It could be a build up... Because the location is weird for a reservoir. Could be natural gas build up underneath making a pocket underneath the water bed pushing it's depth." The Artificer said holding his chin and looking at his two rune stones.

"I see. Do y-"

"Look there it is! An Elevator!"

"That's oddly convenient." The Artificer thought to himself as the group went to the elevator taking a few minutes to figure it out and start heading to the one destination . Up, The Artificer  checked his gear, armor, and sparking a rod transforming it into a Warhammer, The Ranger puffed her modest chest in confidence with bow n arrow in hand showing she was ready, the Priests did their prayers readying themselves, and Goblin Slayer checked his equipment readying himself for a fight. No problems with their gear.

"We'll kill all the Goblins."

"Agreed." The Artificer said as an electric current sparked on his arms.

"This could be ugly."

"Yea... Resistant armor (Goblin Slayer's armor) , Enhance Weapon (Ranger's bow), Enhance Weapon (Lizard Priest's Sword claw), Enhance Arcane focus (Shaman's catalyst) , Repulsion Shield (Artificer's Shield), Mind Sharpener (Priestess's hat). Aura of Purity... This Spell is going to require all my concentration... Whatever we're facing we'll have to be quick." The Artificer said joining Goblin Slayer in the front both with their shields up.

"Will it stop a sleep spell?"

"Not guaranteed but it we'll have some resistance to it... Really depends on how powerful the magic caster is." The Artificer said as Goblin Slayer informed the others of their formation with him and the Artificer as the lead While the elf played Support with Priestess behind her with the Dwarf and lizardman in the flanks. 

"This is going to be hell." The Elf said curling her lips looking at the Artificer holding back from saying three words they both would want to say to each other despite who was around them in this situation. But instead found the courage for something else.

"Guys... Thank you for everything..." The Elf said readying her bow.
"Just remember us in a hundred years... After all we are... Friends." The Dwarf said stroking his beard.
"We rely on you Miss Ranger... It's the Least we can do." The Lizard man said with a chuckle to lighten the mood.
"This is true, Goblin Slayer would've jumped at this either way if the word goblins came up." Priestess said earning a chuckle from the Artificer and a glance from Goblin Slayer.

"Am I wrong?"

"We'll have to target any spell casters as a priority... My aura can only help us fight off ailment spells a wide range attack spell will spell doom." The Artificer said as a final crash of the Elevator happened signaling it's go time.

"Miracles only you two." Goblin Slayer told their Clerics as the door was slowly opening as they both nodded in agreement getting their prayers ready.

"ni mel tye (I love you)." The Elf said with a slight blush quickly hiding it the moment Goblin Slayer yelled out "Go."

Despite being a Shaman he felt like a true Goblin Lord as he sat on his throne of human and elf bones. Every single Goblin Subordinates under his command has Glistening chest plates, Spears and swords. His horde was very well ready for whatever would be thrown at him. Not them Him being he couldn't care less about the goblins beneath him. He is the Smartest Goblin to ever exist (Self Proclaim), and most powerful Goblin to have exist (Also Self Proclaim). His brilliant Mind had built all this before him, The Fortress they found, the Magic he has, the control over his horde, and much more (Even though it stupid luck).

His Horde was much more inclined to follow him because of the Sermons he'd give their feeble minds. The promise he'll lead them to conquer and pillage the world all for a new world ruled by them. His plan was fool proof clearly the curse foundation he had laid will poison the Elves and the People of Water town, They'll eat the merchants, hunters, and the adventurers all to prove a point. And with his masterfully planned cursed his Goblins are perfectly set to attack the elves, rape, kill, and destroy their very way of life. and if his Goblins failed then it'd be their fault. Course nothing so little as set backs would hurt his resolve; as Goblins are beings of hate. He hated the Elves for mocking Goblins and the Sword Maiden who ranged herself against the Dark gods. The greatest revenge and lust he'd want; To trample the elves, torture them, force their forest princess to bare his children in front of the severed head of her fiancé. Then pillage Water town of its riches and force himself onto the Sword maiden til she's unable to move again. Even though he's a Shaman he's still a Goblin driven by their greed.

And now is the time to set his plan in motion. If it wasn't for the unexpected variables that had came through the wall. Another group of Adventurers what a joke.

Following Goblin Slayer's lead the Artificer steeled himself in order to not lose concentration of the Aura while he made several attacks to the Goblins in this horde and this horde was quite massive. Even with the Repulsion shield infusion sending several Goblins back or off the tall building; they still kept on coming and his target wasn't just the Goblins no it was the caster he was trying to find. and thanks to Priestess prayers the goblins were having no success getting through her protection as they dove right into the heart of the horde.

The sounds of weapons, screams, death, and the smell of blood and guts is what all the Adventurers had heard and felt. Since he had his mask off he was pushing through the smell no matter how much it got to him because like Priestess he needed to keep his Aura up while dealing with the horde however he can until Priestess Protection runs out and he'll have to go on the Defensive. In all this he heard his Elf yell out that she found the Shaman huddled by his fellow goblins. However the Priestess's Protection was starting to fade even with the Mind Sharpener boost, but despite the feelings she had dwelling inside her she was able to push through for the Miracle Holy Light that blinded the Horde giving the Artificer the chance to help his Elf get a shot. In that split moment he raised his shield in a certain position the Elf was all too familiar with and took that opportunity to use the make shift spring board to jump high up and take a shot at the shaman. Unfortunately doing so a Goblin who had been in the Artificer's shadow by chance had plunge his sword into the Artificer's hip not going all the way through thanks to the Artificer's armor underneath his attire, however it did make him lose concentration on his Aura of Purity at the worst possible timing.

"Stinking.... Fiend!" The Artificer said crushing the Goblin with his Warhammer unintentionally getting the sword out of his wound causing him to start losing blood at a rapid rate but not enough to stall him, as he started to focus on a new spell ignoring the pain he was in. Unfortunately The Elf's arrow was too late to stop the Sleep Cloud spell from forming.

"Dang it! G-guys... Guys c'mon no stay focus! Tch Qui-Gah!" The Artificer said as almost succumbing to the spell but thanks to his generator giving him a slight shock to stay awake he immediately tried set a wall up but in that moment Priestess Protection had dropped and the Artificer felt a hand axe lodge into his shoulder thanks to a goblin throwing it at him inadvertently stopping him from casting a wall spell.

"Dang it! No No No My cards! Hea... Everyone... These stupid things are all over me!... They're Swarming her..." The Artificer thought to himself fighting off the Goblins who were all tackling and lunging at him eventually making him drop to his knees as he swarm his team being over ran; Goblin Slayer like him was being beaten, slashed, and stabbed in the ground trying to fight back, The Dwarf was clubbed to the ground, The Lizardmand was being dragged down as a Goblin was working his knie on the scals of his neck, the  Elf he cherish who was currently surrounded by goblins that were tearing her clothes apart, and the Priestess who clung to her staff was being approached by the Goblin Shaman. This was a bad situation they were in and withthe amount of blood he's losing... He's beginning to see himself fade...

"Enough... Leave them... Alone..." The Artificer said in a low tone causing some laughter in the Goblins who were beating and kicking him mockingly.

"I said...Leave them alone... Leave... Leave... Leave them Alone!" The Artificer yelled out as his generator had gone into over drive wildly sparking Electricity and lightning in the shape of a dome that electrocuted all the goblins around him as the wires and vambraces he had one glowed blue with Electricity even in his eyes dashing towards the Elf zapping a few Goblins off his teammates thanks to the wild discharge his generator was giving out.

"Step away from my friends and family... Especially My ELF!" The Artificer yelled out as his voice had sounded like Thunder as Electricity had seemed to magically spark into his eyes giving a sort of jade color to them as he held the Elf to him successfully intimidating the Goblins as they reeled back in fear for a moment 

At the same time Priestess in her moment of pure survival instincts had watched the Shaman approach her and in the moment the Artificer sparked up She had said a keep prayer in her mind granting the miracle of Purification watching the Goblin Shaman reek in pain as he felt his blood boil and form as it was being transformed into water. This also cause the horde to reel in fear seeing their leader and several Goblins being caught in the Priestess's Purification Spell.

"Hm?... A-Arty?..." The Elf exhaustively said looking up at the Artificer realizing she was in his arm.

"Hah! C'mon we don't have much time."
"R-right... Thank you.." The Elf said as she was helped up steadily by the Artificer as he saw she was in very bad shape, he wasn't fairing well either but with the elixirs Goblin slayer handed them they'll live.

"They nearly got us there." The Lizard man said as he clasped his hands together giving his party a Refresh miracle.

"Yea... we're surrounded alright... It's a good time for Def-"

"No... Can you run?" Goblin Slayer asked the Elf and Artificer as they stood side by side picking off the Goblins next to them.

"Yea I'm good."
"I'm hurt but good." They said as The Elf tried to pull what remained of her shirt over her chest.

"Priestess you ok?" The Artificer asked as the party got into a defensive formation near the edge.

"I'm ok... I'm ready to move... I will Move!" The Priestess said making both the Artificer and Ranger smile while the Dwarf and Lizardman gave Goblin Slayer a sign they are ready as well.

"It's now or never... These guys are very angry." The artificer said as his generator died out and he held up his shield.

"Now!" Goblin Slayer said as the others jumped from the edge of the tall building.

Taking a moment to recover the shaman regurgitated water from his mouth. Those filthy Adventurers, especially the man with the Blue hair... If it wasn't for his thunderous roar he would've counterspell whatever that little girl did to him. and then these stupid goblins letting them get away and even worse them not helping HIM; the one who lead them to greatness. He'll have to get them in line later but right now it was a time to recuperate as his curse will do most of the work for them. but now he has two new targets that Elf who shot him and that little girl as well they'll be good to rebuild his horde along with that forest princess. Now he had an even better pl-

What's that sound of water? The Shaman thought to himself as the sounds of a Wave was apparent underneath him and his horde, and in the next second he felt his body fly up into the air dazed at the sudden impact. He was a spell caster with knowledge of some useful spells. However Much like a Goblin he never did learn why a spell call Feather fall existed as his head landed first on a pointed rock far down below as half his body followed through. The irony.

"Ah... Even though its not healing me at this moment... This water does feel nice." The Artificer said wiping his hair back as much like the others were very soaked thanks to the geyser of water that shot up in the air. the sun was starting to rise in the horizon as the party could see thanks to them slowly falling thanks to Dwarf's falling control.

"Hehe... You should keep that look Arty." The Elf teased as she had held Priestess hand during their jump still holding it as she shook water droplets out of her hair.
"Hmm... Here." The Artificer said tossing her a shirt from his bag as he looked away blushing.

"Th-Thank you... I was starting to feel chilly." The elf said quickly putting it on as it covered her upper body and wen down to above her knees.

"Priestess you need one?"
"N-no no I'm good thank you sir Artificer." 

"Just let me know..." The Artificer said with an embarrassed face as he looked away to the horizon remembering what he said up there hoping no one brings it up.

"So Elf, Planning on getting married anytime soon?" The Dwarf asked with a sly smile.

"Wel-Well Not for another Millenia..." The Elf said taking a Glance at the Artificer who's ears turned a bright red.

"You sure you should've heard the artificer up there. Step away from my friends and family... Especially My-"

 "Shut it shut it shut it!" The Artificer Said waving his hands in surrender blushing a deep red color.

"Both him and Priestess saved us." Goblin Slayer said looking at the Priestess to see if she was doing ok.

"Indeed. But the way the Artificer did it cam to suggest he has more than platonic feelings for you Elf." The Dwarf said as both the Artificer and Elf blushed Red.

"No no no y-you got it all wrong dwarf!" The artificer said trying to divert the topis.

"What you don't a three thousand year old wife would you?"
"Why are you doing this to me?!"
"Because you kicked me into the river young man!" The three bickered earning a chuckle from the Lizardman soon all coming to silence as the Sun rose revealing a rainbow for the group to see in amazement.

Several days had passed as the Wedding finally took place. Hea's Sister and Brother-in-Law had finished their vows and shot their arrow into the night sky. The Dwarf and Lizardman were mingling and sharing tales of their adventures especially the Goblin Slaying adventures; course thanks to these stories and the crowd of young curious Elven women surrounding them they naturally dragged the Artificer into their group getting him to share stories of his travels, even conversating with the Elven smiths who wanted to talk to the Artificer and the Artisan about their inventions which the two were mildly uncomfortable with, due to them being surrounded. Peanut had several other Elves attentions as he was quite the conversationalist with great manners much opposite of the their Samurai Kitty who kept stuttering at the beautiful Elves around him.

And while this was going on the Ranger and Goblin Slayer had shared a conversation with each other about being siblings, finding love, and home. While the Elf knew this forest was her home and that the Elves wouldn't miss her that much because of how they perceive time. That's when she started thinking about her and the Artificer's relationship the good qualities and the few bad ones which are only mild compared to other couples. They're relationship is considered young to humans and puppy love to Elves and despite telling her resolve to her sister before they had set to eradicate the Nest. She wants to stay with the Artificer but would they be happy enough to marry each other? Start a family? Was it possible for her to share her immortality with him? If so then how would one do so? These were the thoughts the Elf in the silky white dress asked herself after Goblin Slayer had congratulated her bringing a smile and these thoughts to her. Maybe this is what her sister was talking about but... It all soon faded as she saw her Artificer glance from the conversation he was having with several elves smiling at her with pink hues on his cheek.

"I guess when the time comes We'll know. I'm Sure he has these thoughts too... And he looks good in that outfit as well." The Elf thought to herself returning his smile as she admired the Dark green Waist coat with light green Cravat as it went well with his white shit white pants and black rider boots that suited him well.

"Well time to mingle... And after that flower toss I'm dragging him to dance with me." She said to herself with a big smile on her face as she left to ask Priestess to pray for her sister and brother-in-law before dragging Guildgirl and Cowgirl who also dragged Artisan and Priestess as they all wore similar dresses like the Elf but made her annoyed a bit with their proportions being better but dismissed it the next sec as her sister the Forest Queen arose to the top with her husband taking her Flower crown off and tossed it into the crowd.

"Artisan?" Priestess asked looking at the young Artificer as she had a devious smile on her face noticing she crushed a stone in her hands.

As the Flower crown drifted down to the women all wanting to catch it a sudden gust of wind had taken it away making it float into the spectating crowd where and unexpecting Artificer felt something soft land on his head.

"Hm? what's... Eck!" The Artificer blushed a deep red turning his hair red for a second as he realized what happened as he met the eyes of his Elf who was also Blushing a deep Red color. Despite this there was a great cheer and he festivities continued.

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