An Impromptu Rescue

By Lana_Organa

2.8K 168 54

When Regina is about to be executed, by her own knights no less, she starts to give up on the idea of getting... More

Queen in Distress
Being Conscious
The Lion Tattoo
Hidden Meaning
Healing Hearts
Inner Conflictions
A Dual Compromise
Plan Initiation
Embezzlement and Carnage
Saving the Outlaws
Taking a Moment
A Trail For Two
Veiled Affection
The Road to Love
Her Final Decision
End of the Road
A Heart's Turmoil
No More Hiding
Out in the Air
A Fork in the Road

The Beginning of the End

131 8 26
By Lana_Organa

Chapter 20: The Beginning of the End

A/N: Yes! I am still alive! Life may have tried to pull me down, but I am back!

You all probably hate me and have lost interest in this story by now. But for those of you that have been hanging out for an update, I now give you the long-awaited chapter!



As she's slowly pulled from the land of dreams, Regina registers the weight of a strong arm wrapped tightly around her middle, holding her securely against the chest where her head currently lays. A contented smile pulls at her lips upon slowly opening her eyes and lifting her gaze to upon Robin's slumbering form. He looks so peaceful, she silently muses, using the tips of her fingers to softly trace every edge and curve of his handsome features.

If she's being honest, Regina still can't quite believe that he's still here. She had convinced herself that he would run for the hills the moment the truth spilled from her lips. Instead, Robin had showered her with his affections and words of love. And now, here he is, holding her close as he continues to sleep on. Regina doesn't know what she's done to deserve such a wonderful man, but for once, it seems that fate is finally on her side for once.

And she'll be damned if she doesn't take this chance at love and run with it.

Overcome with the love she feels for this man, the brunette leans upwards to place a tender peck to Robin's stubbled cheek. The thief gives a contended hum in response, tightening his hold on her waist and pulling her closer towards him. Regina lets him, wrapping one of her arms securely around his torso and nuzzling against his chest with a quiet chuckle.

"How long have you been awake?" she hears his sleep laden voice ask before he's pressing a lingering kiss to the top of her head.

"Not long." Regina replies with a smile, shifting her head to gaze upon her thief once again.

Robin returns her smile, lifting a hand as he does to tenderly cup her cheek, "So, I take it you slept well?"

Leaning into his touch, the brunette gives a throaty hum and raises her head to brush her nose against his. "You're going to have to be careful," Regina says upon placing a quick peck to the tip of his nose, "I could very easily get used to falling asleep within your arms."

"You'll hear no complaints from me." the thief responds, giving her waist a tender squeeze as he lifts the hand that's cupping her cheek to tuck a few fallen strands behind her ear.

"Good." she murmurs before closing the remaining distance between them to capture his lips against hers in a soft kiss, relishing in this quiet moment of pure bliss with her thief.


For a while they exchanged lazy and languid kisses within the comfort of each other's arms. It was only when Robin's stomach violently rumbled that the couple decided it was time to break their fast and reluctantly parted. Once the couple manage to make themselves somewhat presentable, Regina grabs his hand with a blinding smile and proceeds to lead him through the maze of corridors that make up her castle.

Just as they round another corner, Regina calls out to a raven-haired teenage girl further down the corridor, "Leonora, would you please alert the kitchen staff that I shall have my morning in the solarium?"

"Of course, my queen." Leonora replies, her purple eyes widening as she bobs into a hasty curtsey before hesitantly asking, "Shall I request three settings, your majesty?"

"Yes, please do." Regina nods, giving a kind smile. However, Robin is sure the girl missed it as she's soon scurrying down the hall towards where he assumes the kitchens are. Clearly unfazed by Leonora's jittery behaviour, Regina merely gives a gentle tug of his arm and proceeds to lead him through the stone walls, presumably in the direction of the solarium.

After taking a few more twists and turns, Robin finds himself standing in front of a pair of intricately carved wooden doors before swinging open when Regina gives a graceful flick of her wrist. The room within is nothing short of magnificent with several tall windows that threaten to touch the vaulted ceiling, its ornate grooves and intricate etchings illuminated in the morning light. A graceful round dining table is neatly situated atop a clearly expensive rug in the centre of the room. And off to the corner furthest from the windows sit a pair of comfortable-looking armchairs in front of a currently empty fireplace, creating what Robin can only describe as a cosy little nook.

"I rarely ever came here," Regina murmurs from her place beside Robin, breaking the comfortable silence between them, "and whenever someone asked me if I would prefer to take my morning meal here, I'd deliver the same excuse every time."

Turning his blue-eyed gaze only to be met with hers, the thief gently asks, "And what excuse might that have been, milady?"

"That I didn't see the point in breaking my morning fast in a room where the sun shone far too brightly." Regina playfully replies before she's turning to walk further within the room as she adds, "Though deep down I suppose I didn't want to appreciate how beautifully this room lit up, especially after I thought to have lost everything." Wanting to offer some form of comfort, Robin walks up to her, however before he can do anything, Regina turns back to face him with a brilliant smile. "But, that's no longer the case, because now, I have you."

Giving a nod of his head, the thief returns her smile, its brilliance far too contagious to do otherwise. "That you do, milady," he agrees, moving forward and placing a hand to her waist whilst the other comes to rest against her cheek, "And I plan to be here for as long as you'll let me."

Briefly closing her eyes, Regina leans into his touch before her brown orbs lock onto his blue ones. "Good. Because I'm planning on you sticking around for a while."

Unable to help it, Robin chuckles at her words as he leans forward to tenderly press his lips against hers in a soft and sweet kiss. "I love you." he murmurs into the space between them, pulling to gaze into the alluring depths of her shining whiskey-coloured orbs.

"I love you too, so much." Regina replies, gently nuzzling her nose against his.

Just as Robin tightens his hold around the woman in his arms, the doors burst open. Turning, the outlaw looks on as several housemaids march into the room, their arms cradling trays of food and every piece of cutlery Robin could possibly think of. Seemingly unfazed by the sudden lack of privacy, Regina merely turns within his arms to watch the maids set the room's small table with a surprising amount of speed.

Upon finishing, the maids turn to face the couple's direction as one, before bobbing a curtsey and proceeding to race out of the room. However, just as the maids reach the threshold, Regina calls out, "Leonora!"

The maid – Robin now recognises from earlier – comes to a halt, briskly turning around and meeting Regina with a tentative gaze, "Will there be anything else, your majesty?"

"Yes, could you please send for my father?" the brown-eyed woman asks in a gentle tone, "I doubt he'd think that breakfast will be served in the morning room."

"Of course, your majesty," Leonora replies with another curtsey, "I shall send for him straight away."

Once again giving the girl a soft smile, Regina says, "Thank you."

Robin watches as Leonora's eyes widen in what appears to be shock before turning on her heel and scurrying out into the corridor.

"You certainly have a way with people." the thief quips once the wooden doors close with a soft click.

Facing him, the former evil queen cutely scrunches her nose as she replies, "It's something I should probably work on, huh?"

Giving a shrug of his shoulders, Robin lifts a hand from its place on her cheek to make a gesture with his thumb and forefinger, "Maybe just a little bit."

Chuckling, Regina leans forward to nestle her face within the crook of his neck, "God, I am such a horrible person."

"Hey now, none of that." the blue-eyed man murmurs as he brushes a kiss to the top pf her head, "You've made mistakes. But now, you have the chance to make up for them."

Humming, the brunette looks up at him with a soft smile as she says, "Yes, so long as I'll have you by my side."

"Always." Robin replies with a smile of his own before leaning forward to tenderly press his lips to hers. It's only a quick thing – something short and sweet. But if the bright smile and contended look in her eyes is anything to go by, it's exactly what Regina needed.

The moment is abruptly broken when the wooden doors swing open once again, though this time it's to admit a man. He appears to be much older than either himself or Regina, the deep lines and creases on his skin acting as a marker for each long year he has endured. And yet, the man holds himself with a sense of decorum that is only possessed by those of noble background. Robin's silent question as to the newcomer's identity is soon answered when Regina gently moves from the outlaw's hold to greet the man with a warm hug, one that he returns.

"Morning, daddy." Regina says to the man, who Robin now assumes to be the woman's father.

"Good morning, sweetheart." the man replies, pulling back from the embrace. Suddenly his gaze shifts to focus on Robin who meets the man with a small smile. "And who is this?" Regina's father asks.

Turning to face him with an expression the thief can only describe as pure adoration, the brunette beckons him over. Robin complies, taking her outstretched hand as he comes to stand by her side. Grinning, Regina turns to her father, "Daddy, I'd like you to meet, Robin."

Following suit, Robin faces the older man with a polite nod of his head, "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir."

"So, you're the man I've been hearing so much about." the older man replies with a light-hearted chuckle and unable to help it, Robin sneaks a glance over to Regina, only to notice the light shade of blush now colouring her cheeks.

"All good things I hope, sir." the outlaw quips, turning to face the man once again.

"Don't worry, you'll have nothing to fear from me. And please, call me Henry." Regina's father replies, giving a kind smile whilst placing his right hand over his chest.

"So, Robin, it's become very clear to me that Regina loves you very much, and to be honest, I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time." Henry remarks, his expression suddenly sombre as he walks closer towards the thief, "Can I trust that you will protect my daughter's heart and continue to make her smile?"

Unable to help it, Robin smiles, giving a quick glance towards Regina as he grabs her hand and intertwines their fingers together before turning back to her father, claiming, "I will guard her heart with my life and do everything within my power to make her happy. You have my word."

A smile overcomes Henry's features as he places a hand upon Robin's shoulder, "Thank you."

The outlaw returns the smile before facing the woman beside him only to find her misty-eyed and gazing at him intently. "Hey, what is it?" he asks, concerned that he's said something he shouldn't have that has hurt Regina.

Much to his relief, the brunette gives a slight shake of her head as she lifts her hands to tenderly cup both of his cheeks, "It's nothing I just–I don't know how I got so lucky."

"Believe me, darling, we're both lucky." Robin replies, leaning forward so that his forehead rests against hers.

Humming, Regina gently pulls back and gazes up at him with a soft smile before once again grasping one of his hands within hers and giving it a gentle tug. Then, turning to her father, she states, "Come on, our food is waiting."

"So, it is." Henry agrees, rubbing his hands together and making his way towards the awaiting table.


"I think that's the best breakfast I've ever had." Regina murmurs, her head currently resting against Robin's shoulder as they stroll through the luscious garden beds of the royal grounds around and hour later.

"Well, it certainly beats a handful of fruit and bread crusts." the thief quips, his arm giving the woman's shoulders a gentle squeeze.

"You're right about that one." Regina breathes, stifling a chuckle as she turns to bury her face within the crook of his neck where he feels her place a kiss to the skin there. "But that's not exactly what I was getting at." she admits, moving to stand in front of him and causing Robin to halt in his tracks.

For a moment, Regina merely stares at him, her sparkling brown orbs delving deep into his blue ones as she seemingly searches for right words to say. So, the thief remains silent, instead he grabs one of her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze to offer whatever form of support he can.

Regina rewards him with a smile before lifting her free hand to cup his cheek as she says, "Promise me, that we will have many more mornings just like this one."

"I promise." Robin declares without a shred of doubt, raising the hand that isn't holding hers to tenderly cup her cheek, "And promise me, that no matter what crosses our path, we'll find a solution, together."

Leaning to rest her forehead against his, Regina replies, "I promise."

Wanting to officially seal their new promise, Robin gently bumps their noses together before leaning down and claiming her lips with his. She responds instantly, moving her arms to wrap around his neck and pulling herself flush against him as she flicks her tongue to run over his bottom lip. Not one to deny her, Robin grants her access, opening his mouth and darting out his tongue to meet hers.

They continue to exchange open-mouthed kisses until the need for air burns within the thief's lungs, causing him to release her mouth with a soft pop. Upon doing so, he allows his eyes to scan over the stunning brunette in his arms. She truly is beautiful with her whiskey-coloured orbs shining up at him as the sun captures her raven locks, giving her an ethereal glow.

In that moment, he counts himself truly lucky that this woman chose him of all people to fall in love with.

"What is it?" Regina asks, breaking the thief from his musings.

Giving her a loving smile, Robin tells her, "You're absolutely stunning."

Bashfully, the brunette lowers her head before looking up at him through her lashes murmuring, "You're a flatterer, you know that?"

"I'm merely stating the facts, milady." the blue-eyed man replies with one of his infamous dimpled smiles.

In response, Regina rolls her eyes as she leans forward to peck his lips, then upon giving his arm a tug, she proceeds to lead him further into the gardens, "Come on, there's something I want to show you."

They continue for a while in silence, walking amongst decorative hedges, small trees, pines and flowers of all sorts from roses to bluebells. And, on occasion, Robin spots several benches along with an arch or gazebo scattered around the place.

Suddenly, Regina brings him to a halt in the middle of what appears to be a small courtyard with intricate stone arches that surround a raised garden bed that contains a clearly, well-established apple tree.

"I've tended to this tree ever since I was a little girl," Regina reveals, breaking the silence between them, "It's one of the only things I was allowed to bring with me after being forced to marry the king." Lifting a hand, the brunette gently inspects one of the lower hanging apples as she continues, "To this day, this is the only place that I feel I can run to if I'm ever in need of solace or comfort."

Walking up behind the woman, Robin gently places his hands onto her shoulders and tells her "It's beautiful."

Humming, Regina silently lifts both of his hands from her shoulders and lowers them so that they wrap around her waist before placing her own atop of his as she leans into him. Smiling at the simplicity of this moment that causes a warmth to spread within his chest, Robin tightens his hold on the woman he loves and presses a tender kiss to the side of her head before resting his cheek against her head.

But as much as Robin wishes he could remain here forever with this wonderful woman wrapped within his arms, the thief knows that sooner or later, they must face their new reality. "Regina?"


Hating himself for springing this on her in this moment, Robin inhales a deep breath before declaring, "I need to go back to Sherwood for a little while." He pauses, waiting for the woman in his arms to say something, but when she merely tightens her hold on him in response the thief continues, "I know I've only just got here, but I need to make sure my men have received no trouble from the sheriff after giving our spoils to the people of Nottingham."

Regina releases a shaky breath as her body goes rigid, her fingers shifting so they securely intertwine with his upon asking in a wobbly tone, "Do you plan on coming back?"

Confused, Robin firmly presses his lips to the side of her head before adamantly stating, "Nothing could ever stop me from coming back, my love. What would make you think otherwise?"

Shrugging, the brunette replies, "I don't know. I guess I'm not used to people sticking around just because they want to."

Tightening his hold and practically crushing the brunette within his arms, Robin presses another kiss to the top of her head, "Well, get used to it, because I plan on sticking around for a while."

Letting out a hum, Regina turns within his arms, letting go of his hands so that her own come up to rest against his chest. Her brown orbs delve deep into his blue ones as she asks, "How long will you be?"

"No longer than a week." the outlaw replies, lifting his hand to cup one of her cheeks and stroke the apple of her cheek.

Nodding, Regina lowers her head and gives a slight shrug of her shoulders, saying, "You know, you could always bring some of the men here, Roland too. But it's only if you wanted to, of course. I'd understand if-"

Robin cuts her off with a firm kiss. "I think that's a wonderful idea." he says upon pulling back, a grin plastered on his lips, "And who know? They might prove to be of some help to us in our fight against the Dark One."

Grinning in return, Regina claims, "Then I'll be sure to expect them upon your return."

"That you shall milady." Robin replies before descending his lips to capture hers once more in a kiss that is both long and deep. He basks in the moment, hoping that he'll never grow tired of how this woman makes him feel and in turn, she will never grow tired of him.

The couple reluctantly part when the need for air becomes too much. Robin gently brushes his nose against hers before pulling away slightly to grab a small object from his belt. Once in hand, the thief lifts a worn feather into the space between them as he tells her, "This is my lucky feather. It's from an arrow that practically saved my life." Grasping her right hand with his free one, the outlaw places the feather into her now upturned palm before closing her fingers around it. "I want you to have it," he says, gazing into the depths of the brown orbs he loves so much, "that way, a piece of me is always with you, even when we're apart."

"Thank you." Regina murmurs, giving him a soft smile. "But, I believe it's only fair," she continues, untying a strap of leather from around her wrist and holding it up to him, "for you to have something to remind you of me, in return." Then, proceeding to retie it around one of his own wrists, she adds, "It's a binding from the leather of the first saddle my father ever gave me. Though the saddle may not have saved my life, it sparked my love for riding and without riding I most certainly would be lost."

"I love it." Robin says, gazing over his new gift before lifting his hands and cupping both of her cheeks, "And, I love you."

"I love you, too." she replies adoringly as she leans forward and presses her lips to his.

Yes, he may be apart from her for a while, but now Robin's absolutely certain that nothing can stop him from finding his way back to his queen.


Though the sun had long set below the horizon, Regina couldn't bring herself to sleep – not even with her eyes are burning from skimming through page after page of books that have failed to provide a possible answer to her current dilemma:

How to cross over into the World Without Magic.

From what she has read so far, this particular field of magic seems incredibly complex and lacking in information as the objects traditionally used for realm travel are only known to reach realms that are embedded with magic. But, Regina refuses to give up or lose hope. She will find the answer – otherwise Robin and his men will be forced to pay the price.


For a moment, Regina allows her mind to wander to the thief. Her lovable, ruggedly handsome thief. Though it's been merely a few hours since she last saw him, Regina cannot deny how much she misses him and how she currently wishes he could be by her side.

Patience, Regina silently says to herself, in just a week's time, we'll see him again. Though the thought gives her some semblance of comfort, the brunette still finds herself releasing a weary sigh, her gaze falling to the feather currently poking out from its place within her dress' sleeve.

Suddenly, the tell-tale creaking of the library's wooden doors echo within the four walls of the room, alerting Regina to the fact that she is no longer alone. But as she turns to face the intruder, she cannot help the smile that pulls at her lips.

"What are you still doing up, my dear?" her father asks, walking to the desk where Regina currently resides.

"I'm not overly tired," Regina replies with a slight shrug, gesturing to the open books strewn over the desk in front of her, "so I figured getting a head start on some research would be a better use of my time rather than staring off into space."

Humming, Henry pulls out the chair beside hers before taking a seat, "And what are you researching exactly?"

"Crossing the realms." Regina replies without missing a beat.

Upon giving a slight nod, Regina notices how her father glances over the closest book, "Have you managed to find something of use?"

Releasing a heavy sigh, Regina slowly shakes her head, "Nothing that would harness enough power to reach a world without magic."

"I see." Henry murmurs before shifting his gaze to look at her, "And why would you want to reach such a world exactly?"

Dropping her gaze to intently watch her fiddling hands within her lap, Regina shakily admits, "Because of the deal I made with Rumplestiltskin."

For a moment, silence is all that can be heard between the pair, neither of them daring to move or speak.

Seemingly the first to regain his composure, her father states what can only be described as pure distain in his tone, "I thought you no longer wanted anything to do with that imp."

"I didn't and I still don't." Regina states firmly before once again levelling her gaze to his as she reveals, "But daddy, this is a deal I cannot wriggle myself out of. Because if I don't find a way to meet my end of the bargain, he'll kill Robin."

Henry's expression instantly falls into one of concern as he reaches forward to grab her hands within his, murmuring, "Oh, Regina."

"So, I have to do this daddy." the brunette tells her father, tightening the hold she has on his hands, "I have to figure this out because I will not let Robin die for the same reason Daniel did."

Without hesitation, Henry leans forward, wrapping the former evil queen tightly within his arms in a comforting embrace. Regina allows herself to fall into it, giving into her father's comfort and releasing a few silent tears. And, as she breathes in the familiar scent of cigars and well-aged whiskey, the brunette cannot help the soft smile that pulls at her lips as childhood memories of moments similar to this one swim around the forefront of her mind, generating a soothing warmth deep within her heart.

After giving a gentle squeeze, Regina pulls back only for her father to lovingly wipe the remaining tears from her cheeks. "You will find a way, Regina. You always do." he claims with an encouraging smile.

Returning it with a grateful one of her own, Regina states, "You always have such good faith in me."

"And I always will." Henry replies, reaching over and giving one of her hands a comforting squeeze before breathing deeply as he moves to his feet. "But I think it's time you also started to have some faith in yourself." he declares with a gentle sternness.

Appreciating the sentiment but unable to help the uneasiness that suddenly settles within the pit of her stomach, Regina can't help but to ask, "How can I have faith without knowing for certain that I will succeed?"

Grabbing her right hand and gently placing it over her heart, Henry states, "Look inside yourself, Regina, and you will find you have everything you could ever need."

Regina faintly feels her father remove his hand as her mind goes over his words, contemplating the exact meaning behind them. But before she can find an answer, Henry suddenly calls out, "Oh, and Regina?"

"Yes, daddy?"

"I'm glad you've found someone to love again." he says with an affectionate smile, causing a warmth to settle deep within her heart.

As a grin overcome her features, Regina replies, "Thanks, daddy."

Henry gives her a slight nod before turning on his heel and proceeding to walk through the pair of heavy wooden doors, once more leaving Regina alone with nothing but silence and her own thoughts for company.

Letting out a heavy sigh, Regina gently pulls the feather out from her sleeve and holds it within the palm of her hand. "I miss you. I know it's only been hours, but I do. So much." she whispers, moving one of her fingers to tenderly stroke the feather's delicate spine, "God, I wish you were here."

Tears brim within her brown orbs, her heart suddenly heavy within her chest with the realisation that finding a substitute for the Dark Curse will be practically impossible. But, I refuse to give up, Regina silently swears to herself, her jaw set in determination as she lovingly tucks the feather back into her sleeve, I will defeat Rumplestiltskin if it is the last thing I do.


A/N: What trials and tribulations await the Queen and her Thief in their battle against the Dark One? Will their newfound love grow in its strength? Or will their relationship crumble at their feet? Stay tuned to find out!

It's almost been two years since I first posted this story, and I want to give a big thank you to those that have stood by this story. I know my sporadic updates have probably frustrated you all to no end, but I do promise that I will finish this story even if it kills me!

The next chapter is already in the works and I'll do everything in my power to have it out in a month. (I will NOT leave you hanging for another six months)

Anyway, hope this was a nice surprise and that you all enjoyed!

Please let me know what you thought on the way out.

See you all soon!

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