GnR โ€ข Heaven's door

By justsumfantrash

191K 5K 967

โƒ "Mama take this badge from me, I can't use it anymore. It's getting dark, too dark to see. Feels like I'm k... More

one [open up]
two [AN]
three [shower]
four [morning]
five [goodbye]
six [knocking on...]
seven [broken glass]
eight [morning II]
nine [gotta Slash]
ten [goodbye II]
eleven [killed]
twelve [embrace]
thirteen [talk]
fourteen [band]
fifteen [paradise]
sixteen [get going]
seventeen [ice]
eightteen [goodnight]
nineteen [morning III]
twenty [fivefingerdiscount]
twentyone [voila]
twentytwo [p.i.m.p]
twentythree [sugar]
twentyfour [boys]
twentyfive [shhh]
twentysix [tornado]
twentyseven [makeup]
twentyeight [close]
twentynine [dance]
thirty [dirty]
thirtyone [fucked up]
thirtytwo [leaving]
thirtythree [missed it]
thirtfour [what happened]
thirtyfive [fucked anyway]
thirtysix [bad pills]
thirtyseven [your messes]
thirtyeight [makeover]
thirtynine [can I]
forty [outta place]
fortyone [come on]
fortytwo [walking]
fortythree [selfcare]

fortyfour [FINALE] *extra long chapter

3.3K 83 47
By justsumfantrash

"Oi missy, that's an artists only entrance. You need to go the main door like everyone else".

I pulled my hand off the doorhandle that I had been planning on opening.
A security guy with a thick rural accent stepped in front of the door. "Like I said artists only".

"I uhm" I wasn't prepared for this, "I'm with the band. Debbie told me to...".
"Nice try" the bouncer grinned "but Debbie herself warned me for groupies tryna sneak backstage" he pointed around the corner, "you can go to the main door and stand in the crowd with the rest".
I tried one more time to convince the guy that I knew the band but he wouldn't budge.

I sighed.
It sucked that I wasn't able to get to the guys before they had to go on, but experiencing their music in the crowd was the next best option.
I nodded at the bouncer, walked to the main entrance and went inside.

It was pretty quiet because I was so early. Only a couple people were sitting at the bar and the stage was filled with sound equipment, but no people yet.

I sat down at the bar. A couple stools to the left sat two girls around my age and they were very giddy while sipping on their cocktails. I caught a couple words from their conversation
"I get it, Axl is super hot but I'm still gonna go with Slash. He's my favorite!"
"We always like the same guys! Slash is definitely the cutest".

Hearing about their crushes on Slash made me put my hand over my mouth as I tried not to gasp or laugh.
It was crazy to hear them talk like that, about the guy that I knew liked me.

The bartender asked what drink I wanted and I snapped out of my daze.
"A Jack n' coke, please" I said definitively, because I wanted to try Slash's favorite drink.
She went to make it for me.

I heard a couple more giggles from the girls that were talking about the band when the guy that had been sitting on my right tapped my shoulder "hi there, let me introduce myself".
Out of reflex I shook the guy's hand when he stuck it out.
He had short blonde hair and was wearing a blue suède jacket. When he smiled at me I noticed his bright teeth and 5 o'clock shadow.
"I'm Marcus"
"I'm Heather"

What did this guy want?

"Are you here to see the band?"
"Yeah, I am"
"Aha, and you're probably here as a groupie right? Or are you a real music fan?"

That pissed me off. Like I couldn't be a girl going to a concert and be a 'real music fan' at the same time...
Before I could answer the bartender handed me my drink.

"Is that Jack Daniels with Coca Cola?" Marcus sniffed my drink "now that's a good choice right there! I might just have to take you home with me... Heather".

Now I was really annoyed with this guy. As the lights dimmed and the room filled with people coming to see the show, I hopped off my stool taking my drink with me.

"No thanks. I am already going home with someone else tonight".
"And who is that lucky fella?"

I took a big sip of my drink and answered:
"Oh, you might know him... It's Slash".

The Marcus guy looked stumped and I felt the two girls on the left staring at me as I made my way through the crowd with a smile. Downing my drink as I went.

(AN: I suggest you listen to some GNR songs right now to get in the mood, if you want).

I was standing in the middle of the crowd but couldn't get any closer to the stage. I had a decent view so it was all good.
After waiting for a little in the dark with the murmur of the excited audience around me, a shadowy figure walked on stage.

A spotlight turned on and it was Debbie!

She was in the same corporate pantsuit as this morning and leaned into the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and every rock fan...
Here is...
Guns... and... Rosesss!"

After she announced the band the crowd went crazy and applauded loudly.

I could hear a couple testing sounds of soft bass riffs and banging on drums.
Then the music started.
I recognized the song as It's so Easy.
I knew it because a couple nights ago Axl had insisted on showing me a bunch of their songs.

Gradually the stage lit up and after the intro, when the song got a lot louder, the five musicians jumped from the  shadows.

Steven in the back on drums.
Duff on the left side with his bass with Izzy on guitar beside him.
Axl was standing in the middle and was now singing.

"I see your sister in her sunday dress..."

There, on the right I saw Slash. I couldn't take my eyes off him for a second.
He was in dark clothes as usual but for the show he had dressed up a little more with his favorite tanktop, earrings and a big tophat with silver details.
His focus was completely on his guitar as he took a wide stance and played with a lot of passion. A cigarette between his lips.
A spotlight tried to follow him around but he was jumping and running energetically whenever he got the chance.

The five of them were electric.
I could feel how they had to crowd in the palm of their hands with their hardrock sound.
Axl had his attention directed at the audience and at one point I could've sworn he recognized me, but it was hard to see from a distance.

They transitioned into the next song, one with a pounding beat. The people around me started jumping and I joined in as the guys gave us everything they had. The energy in the venue was insane.

At one point in the song Axl backed off to go stand near Stevie. Slash took the center spot with a wailing guitar solo.
I stopped jumping when the sounds hit me.
Slash was completely wrapped up in his playing. Manipulating the string into a deep and captivating melody.

He played with such emotion that I felt a whole new understanding of him.
Right now I was hearing all the feelings that he had been struggling to put into words.
I watched him until Axl stepped up and they changed songs again.

Axl screamed for the intro of Welcome to the Jungle. One of my favorites!

I danced and jump just like the other screaming fans.

While singing, Axl walked to Slash and they leaned on eachothers backs. They got even closer when Slash yelled some words into the mic.
After Axl walked off again Slash took the opportunity to rip off his shirt. His body glistened from the heat of the stage lights.
I watched him closely.

Then I noticed that Duff had definitely spotted me. He nudged Izz and tried to wave at me. But Izzy quickly pointed out that Duff still had to use both hands to play.
Duff quickly went back to his bass and Izzy and I exchanged funny looks.

The song had ended and Izzy was strumming more softly as Axl took to mic to talk to the crowd.

"Welcome motherfuckers!"

The crowd woo'ed and jumped.

"Thankyou for being fucking explosive tonight!"

More woo'ing.

"We're gonna slow it all down a bit, okay. We're gonna do a song. A little cover of mister Bob Dylan".

The stage lights turned red and the energy became more intimate.

"This is a song, that holds very special meaning to us. Because of someone we met when we were in need of help. This person, god knows why, lend us a roof over our heads when we had nowhere else to fuckin go, alright".

The audience listened curiously.

Axl smiled widely "her name is Heather".

My body tensed up when I heard him speak my name up there. Why was he saying all these things?

Axl walked to the right side of the stage 
"This girl has become very special to all of us. But I gotta say, she's quite obviously extra special to a certain guitar player...".

My eyes shot over at Slash who was sitting on a big amp with his legs spread and his feet dangling. His naked torso leaned over his guitar as he fiddled with the strap.

"I think Slash here should be the one to do the honors..." Axl handed him the mic.

The crowd went wild when Slash took it and he chuckled shyly "oh shut up" to the roaring fans.
Slash tossed his cigarette, took off his hat and spoke.
"Alright everyone, we need Heather to come up here. I don't fuckin know where, but she's in here somewhere so make way for her, okay?"

People started frantically looking around and I heard their whispers "where is this girl?".

My heart was pounding out of my chest as I took a couple steps to the front. People started noticing and pointing at me as I shuffled to the edge of the stage.
There stood the security guard that had denied me entrance earlier. He didn't seem to recognize me but took my hand and hoisted me up, to the higher stage area.

I felt extremely nervous as I turned around to face the crowd and so many face stared back at me, letting out wolf whistles and more screaming.

I almost felt paralyzed until I heard a familiar voice "hey".

I turned around and way closer than I had realized was Slash. He smiled down at me from his high amplifier and reached his hand to lift me up there.
I grabbed on and sat down next to him.

I was glad he was there. When we looked at eachother all the other noises were drowned out and it was just him and me in that moment. Him with his necklaces, big boots and ever so cute smile.
"Come here" his voice was breathy from performing.
He spread his thighs and lifted his guitar up. This way, I could sit in between his legs.
He lowered the guitar in front of me so I was sitting, with his arms on either side of me and his chest to my back.
I tilted my head back, rested it on his shoulder and smiled.

Axl had taken the mic again apparently because I heard him through the speakers.
"Do y'all see what we have to deal with? Look at them all lovey dovey".
The crowd laughed and whistled. Even Duff, Izzy and Steven laughed and nodded.

"Any-fuckin-way," Axl said "this next song is dedicated to her, obviously. This is Knocking on Heaven's door with a little twist from yours truly...".

The applause died out when Slash strummed the first chord.
They started with giving Slash a little moment for the intro, playing his Les Paul slowly and soulfully.
I had a perfect view as his finger tugged at the strings with perfect accuracy.

Slash leaned his chin on my shoulder to look at his guitar and his hair fell all over my face and neck. I leaned into him and felt his heartbeat, almost in sync with the rythem of his play.

Then the others joined in, with booming bass, soft drumming and rhythmic guitar sounds. It all melted together when Axl started singing.

"Mama take this badge from me.

I can't use it, anymore.

It's getting dark, too dark to see.

Feels like I'm knocking on Heather's door..."

The chorus started and Slash hummed along to Axl's vocals, softly, so only I could here his voice and feel his chest vibrate.

"Knock knock knocking on Heather's door...
Aye, Aye, Ayeayeaye..."

I had the biggest smile on my face.
This was unbelievable. I felt such intense love for the guys when I looked at them play. Tehy smiled back at me, every once in a while.

Slash held me more tightly as he got started on another guitar solo. The music was heavy in the air and in my ears as I closed my eyes. Slash's body, warm and concentrated against mine.

When I opened my eyes up again, I saw that some people in the audience had taken out their lighters and little stars of light spread out on the dark mass of people.

Axl sang the rest of the song, adding little adlibs and belting piercing notes.

When Slash had strummed the last chords he removed his guitar, grabbed onto me and we jumped from the amp onto the stage.

While the crowd was yelling, clapping and being louder than ever, Slash turned my face up to him.
He leaned in to talk in my ear.

"You're mine, right?"

He came back up and looked intensely into my eyes.

"Yes!" I yelled trying to be heard over the loud cheering fans, "fuckin obviously!"

Slash threw his head back from laughing so hard. His hair fell away from his gorgeous face.

Then he lifted me from the ground and kissed me rough and deeply. Our bodies pressed together.

When we finally let go my heart was on fire.

I saw that the other guys had gathered around us and I pulled them in for a big grouphug.

Everyone was patting eachothers backs and holding on tightly.
They might have a funny way of showing it sometimes, but these guys really loved me.
And I really loved them.

The crowd was still cheering as if their life depended on it.

Then the lights flashed quickly, until everything went dark.

AN: well...
that was it.
I finally finished it!
I am very thankful for everyone that showed their love for this story and helped me carry on.
I'm starting on another story right now.

Please leave a comment.
Bye beautiful people.


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