Ever After High: A Wonderful...

By Morning_Blankets

48K 1.7K 866

Y/N Ozymandias, son of the Wizard of Oz, and his friends at Ever After High return for more Royal Vs. Rebel s... More

The Neutral's Return
Ever Academy
The Tale of Two Brothers
The Boulevard
The Way Home
Spring Unsprung Begins
A Bit Of Chaos
Tasty Wonder
Cook Off
Topsy-Turvy Trouble
Save The Wonder!
On A Train With A Hare
The Jabberwock 2: Electric Boogaloo
Card Tricks
Jester's Wild
Shuffle The Deck
A Royal Flush
Back Home
An Interview With A Princess
A Boys Camping Trip
Another (After)Life
The Fellowship of The Waterfall
A Big Family Secret
Shatter The Mirror
Here There Be Dragons
The Ones We Knew
Dragon Games
Into The Woods
Destiny Calls
Battle For Ever After High
Life Goes On

An Evil Alliance

1.4K 56 13
By Morning_Blankets

There was always something that rang in the back of your mind. It was the truth about the evilness of man and just how capable humankind was in terms of destruction. You had seen it when the Americans dropped the bombs on Japan. When the Germans lead a mass genocide against a whole race. When the world went to war.

You were just a boy but that didn't change anything in your mind. Humans were evil. Magic and knights and giants and unicorns and dragons......none of those were real to you anymore. Even Knights, who were once real, are no more than simple legends. Memories from another time.

You wondered when exactly it was that you had to come to the realization that the world of Fairy Tales was a world of pure fiction.

Dawn: Y/N?

You blinked, not even realizing that you had spaced out. You looked down to see Dawn staring up at you. You nearly forgot that the two of you were supposed to go into town together.

Dawn: Are you alright? You look a bit sick.

You waved off her concerns. You felt well enough.

Y/N: Just thinking about some school stuff. So, you ready to head out?

Dawn nodded. You both started to leave the quarry together. However, as you did, you couldn't help but feel a sense of homesickness. Like a dream of a better world that was making your stomach turn.

What was that about?

You leaned against the lockers of Ever After High, eyes trained on all the passing students. You were looking for someone in particular.

Then, you spotted her. You smirked.

Y/N: Oh, Kitty.

Kitty stopped walking, something she still didn't enjoy but had no choice, and looked your way. You motioned for her to come your way, which she hesitated to do.

When she was close enough, you looked around to make sure there were no prying ears.

Kitty: What do you want?

You could almost hear the hiss in her voice.

Y/N: Someone is hostile.

Kitty: Forgive me for not wanting to talk to the greatest guy in the world.

Kitty covered her mouth with wide eyes. That wasn't what she wanted to say. She wanted to tell you how much of a monster you were.

You grinned, satisfied that the spell was doing what it was supposed to do.

Y/N: Aw. Thank you, my dear.

Kitty: I am not your 'dear'.

Y/N: Course. Anyway, word around school is that you like causing a bit of mayhem every now and then.

Kitty crossed her arms, mostly uninterested in what you were planning. She really just wanted to avoid you at all costs until she could figure out how to break her curse or tell someone what was going on.

Y/N: I want to cause a bit of mayhem of my own as well. But, the problem is that I can't have people knowing what I'm up to. That would cause problems. But if someone else was to start messing with some things......you catch my drift?

Kitty narrowed her eyes.

Y/N: Now now. No need to get all grumpy. I'll tell you what. You help me, and I'll let you get your little magic gift back. You can go wherever you want again.

Kitty's glare softened a bit. She did miss being able to just dissappear and reappear. It was also the only sense of solace she had with Wonderland still being under quarantine thanks to the Evil Queen's curse.

A fact that you knew.

Kitty: What do you need me to do?

You smiled.

Y/N: Simple. I need a distraction. You see, Headmaster Grimm has something that I need. And now that him and his brother are reunited, I have two people to worry about. I need you to get them out of their office.

Kitty: Okay. When?

Y/N: Today, after school. I'll send you a hext telling you when.

You pushed off of the locker and looked at her.

Y/N: Do good and I'll give you your little magic back. See you then, Kitty.

You chuckled as you walked off. Kitty clenched her fists as she glared at you. As she did, someone watched from across the hall.
Dawn: Should I get the red or the gold?

Dawn held up two different pairs of earrings to show you her options. You stared at her with an annoyed gaze, your eyes almost glossed over, trying to find out why you needed to be here.

Dawn: I like the red but I feel like the gold would look better. What do you think?

She held one to her left ear to show you.

Dawn: Red?

She then switched ears and earrings.

Dawn: Or gold?

She went back and forth while you stood there. She seemed really interested in hearing what you had to say about it.

Y/N: Why do I need to be here exactly?

Dawn lowered the jewelry and smiled that gorgeous smile of hers.

Dawn: Just wanted a second opinion. And you're an honest kind of guy.

You nodded.

Y/N: Well, I think gold probably suits you better. Though you're filthy stinkin' rich so you could just get both.

Dawn realized you were right.

Dawn: And this is why I brought you along.

She decided to get both like you had suggested. While she was paying for them, you stepped outside to get out of the store and get some fresh air. It wasn't raining yet, but you could smell it coming.

Thunder was building in the far distance which honestly worried you. You didn't like getting caught in the rain, especially in your uniform.

You let out a breath, it being visible in the air, and looked around. The town itself was a pretty neat village. Booken was what it was called. Two hours outside of the London area.

???: Excuse me.

You looked around for whoever had just spoken. You couldn't see anyone around.

Y/N: Hello?

???: Do you believe in the Yellow Brick Road?

The Yellow Brick Road? What was that? You looked around again, even turning in a circle, but no one was there.

Y/N: Where are you? Are you talking to me?

???: Do you believe in the Yellow Brick Road? The only way home.

The only way home?

You stopped and found yourself looking at the woods once again. You stared into the darkness of the shadows. You couldn't be sure, but you could've sworn that you could see an outline of something. It was standing there, watching you.

???: The way is the Yellow Brick Road. Never forget the place you call home.

Y/N: Home?

???: The story must go on. Follow the Yellow Brick Road.

Y/N: Who are you?

Dawn: Who are you talking to?

You snapped around to find Dawn looking at you. She looked past you to where you were staring.

Dawn: Did you see something in the woods?

You looked back but the figure was gone. Your eyes scanned the edge of the forest, but there was nothing there. But that sickening feeling was still in your gut. Twisting it.

Dawn: Y/N?

Y/N: Is it okay if we just....head back? I think I'm coming down with a fever.

Dawn immediately worried.

Dawn: Y-Yes. Absolutely. Do you need to pick up some medicine before we go back or....

Y/N: No. I, um, just need some rest.

Rest should do you good.
You peeked out from your hiding spot and looked out towards the Headmaster's office. You then looked over to where you told Kitty to wait. You could see her hiding along the roof titles, waiting for your orders.

You grinned as you pulled the black cloth over your lower half of your face. You then pulled out your MirrorPhone and sent Kitty a hext.

Kitty felt her MirrorPhone vibrate. She closed her eyes tight with a twisting feeling in her gut. She hated having to do this, but she needed to play along so that she could find a way to warn the others of your actions.

She couldn't even send a hext to anyone because it would always come out wrong.

Kitty looked at the large bell ontop of the tower and pulled out the knife you had given her. She took a deep breath and got to work with cutting the rope.

You watched closely before you started to sneak your way along the shadows. You were sure that no one saw you as you began to scale up the side of the wall. You kicked up the wall before you grabbed a hold of the narrow edge.

You pulled yourself up before repeating the process. You then swung yourself along the side. As you reached the office, Kitty watched the rope start to give way. She winced as the rope finally snapped and the bell became loose.

She quickly vanished before the bell could fall through the floors of the tower, causing a large amount of destruction and chaos. Debris and dust flew into the air, creating a large cloud that made a large shadow. The whole disturbance caught everyone's attention which caused a mess of screams and panic to overtake the entire campus.

When she reappeared, she was on the otherside of the courtyard. She watched with nothing but guilt as she watched everyone panic. But, there was also a sense of pride.

Her mother would be utterly proud.

And, just as you had planned, both Headmasters came running out to see what was causing the commotion. This left the entire office open for you to slip in through the window.

You crouched down to make sure no one was around. No Headmasters, no secretaries, no staff members. You grinned under your mask and quickly began to search the office for what you were looking for.

In the corner, you found it. The very thing you were looking for.

The Magic Mirror.

You approached it and pulled your mask down. You examined it closely before you knocked on the glass. A cloud of purple magic formed and covered your reflection before it filled the entire mirror.

You took a step back as a figure began to emerge from the darkness.

???: Whatever this is, it better be good. I was taking my afternoon nap.

You smiled as the Evil Queen herself appeared.

Y/N: Hello, your majesty.

You bowed, which surpised the woman trapped in the mirror. She eyed you with suspicion, sure that she had seen you before. Then, it hit her.

Evil Queen: Oh? Aren't you the Son of Oz?

You grinned as you looked up at her.

Evil Queen: No. Your eyes, they're sharper. Who are you, child?

Y/N: Someone who can help you get out of your eternal prison.

This caught her attention. You stood up fully and pulled out a piece of paper.

Y/N: You see, I have this plan to make a lot of people suffer for what they did to me.

Evil Queen: Oh?

Y/N: I know you have the want to cause some mayhem of your own, so I figured who better to strike a partnership with? I get you out, you help me tear down Ever After. How does it sound?

The Evil Queen tapped her chin, posing as if she had been considering it, but she had already made her choice. She had no help, no allies, from anyone on the outside. And here you were, bringing down a tower just to speak to her.

You had guts unlike anyone she had seen in a long time. And it helped that you were already close to her daughter. Maybe you were what she needed to finally make her full change to evil.

Evil Queen: My my. You do have a certain charm about you. I'll tell you what, child. You help me get out of this Mirror Prison and I'll help you with whatever you need for your revenge.

You smiled.

Y/N: You have yourself a deal, my queen. Now, what do I need to free you?

Evil Queen began to smile menacingly.

Evil Queen: My daughter.

Raven Queen. That, you can work with.
You watched the rain fall outside. Your thoughts were still on what you saw before. The figure in the woods. The Yellow Brick Road. The way home.

What were they talking about?

Y/N: 'The Yellow Brick Road'.......

Hunter: The what?

You looked up to see Hunter entering the room. He looked tired. Probably another fight with Ashlynn. You learned pretty quickly that this was a common occurrence. There was a sense of uncertainty to their future.

Y/N: Nothing. Just thinking aloud. You alright?

Hunter shrugged. He sat down on his bed and held his head, burying himself in his thoughts.

You watched him for a moment before you looked out the window again. Through the rain, you watched the forest. Your eyes grew wide when you spotted the same figure from before.

???: You need to go back. Continue the story.

Y/N: The story?

Hunter lifted his head, believing you were talking to him.

Hunter: What?

???: Find the savior of Wonderland.

Y/N: Wonderland.

???: Find Alice. Find the Yellow Brick Road.

Y/N: Find Alice. Find the Yellow Brick Road.

Hunter stared at you in confusion. What were you on about?

Hunter: Why are you talking about that?

You turned to him.

Y/N: About what?

Hunter: That old street.

You gave him an odd look. He sat up a bit.

Y/N: What old street?

Hunter: Yellow Brick Road. It's an old street over in London. Near the docks. I'm surpise you even know about it. My dad used to take me there on Saturdays to sell his hunts at the markets.

It was a street? And it was in London?

You looked down at your feet for a moment before you begannto wonder what this all was.

Hunter: I can take you there during our trip next month. It's not too far from where we're going so I'm sure no one would mind.

Y/N: You will?

Hunter nodded.

Hunter: Don't know why you want to go do badly, but it beats going to that museum. Besides, I have some people I want to see anyway.

You looked back out the window but the figure was gone. You sighed, feeling like you may be going crazy. But the Yellow Brick Road was a real place. And if it was, then this Alice person would be as well.

You didn't know why you needed to go there, but something told you it was the right call. Something was waiting for you there.

And you needed to know what.

Follow the Yellow Brick Road to find your way home. Continue the story by finding Alice.

Until then, you had a month to kill.

The End Is Just The Beginning......

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