portentous ✧

De kidcorenightmare

897 44 70

portentous: 'momentous significance', or 'done pompously to impress'. in both meanings of the word, hunter-r... Mais

'Journey of a Lifetime'
'Better be... Hufflepuff!'
'The Hufflepuff Princess'
'The Prank that Went Wrong'
'Hufflepuff - 1975 Quidditch Team!'
'The Potters and The Moores'
'The Princess and The Knight'
'Sixteen Today'
'Patrol with Lucius Malfoy'
'Letters from Mother'
'The Masquerade Ball'
'Blue-Green and Blue-Grey'
'The It Couple'
'Ravenclaw VS Hufflepuff'
'For The Record'
'A China Doll in a Bullpen'
'Utter Rubbish!'
'The Boys Dormitory'
'Older Brother, Younger Brother'
'Start Spreading the News'
'Patrol with Remus Lupin'
'Letters from Father'
'Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Daddy's Money'
'Lover or a Fighter?'

'A Day In The Life of Hunter-Rose Moore'

43 3 3
De kidcorenightmare

13 hours

Hunter's eyes gently opened as the sun beamed through her window. She sighed, knowing that it would become harder and harder to awaken as the autumn turned to winter.

She silently stepped into the fifth year girls showers, her Quidditch uniform hanging up on the back of the door. The girl washed quietly with a peach and passion-fruit soap, ensuring that her hair (which fell to the middle of her back) was kept dry.

Hunter-Rose despised long showers, they would try and coerce her to go back to bad, so she kept it short and sweet.

In the blink of an eye, the girl was on the Quidditch pitch with her fellow Hufflepuffs. After the list came out yesterday, the team gathered in the evening and agreed to train in the mornings. It'd wake them up, feel more personalised, and they'd get a good two hours of training in before classes.

There was also the added benefit of not having to fight over the pitch.

"Yes, Charlotte! Incredibly hit!" Tayo Ama, a fellow chaser and Hunter's co-captain, bellowed at the first year beater.

Despite her age, Charlotte Keenan was tall enough to pass for a fifth year, and had an absolutely lethal hit.

"Was it alright? I thought it was a bit shit." the gentle giant admitted. Hunter smiled sweetly at Charlotte.

"You were incredibly, Lottie. You wouldn't mind helping out Hai, would you? I think she's still half asleep, bless her." Hunter mumbled, tilting her head towards her best friend, Charlotte's fellow beater.

"On it! Thanks, Hunter. I thought people were being a bit weird when they banged on about you, but you're so nice." the first year admitted thoughtlessly before flying towards Hai.

Hunter smiled, though she had mixed feelings towards the statement. She knew people liked her, sure, but who 'banged on' about her?

The Hufflepuff Princess instead opted to shake her head and focus on practice, deciding to attempt to beat her record time for flying around the pitch. Speed was, after all, of the essence for a chaser.

12 hours

"Jesus Christ, Diggory! Careful!" Ellie Noir, the team reserve, shrieked at the fifth year boy who had flown past her broom, seemingly out of nowhere. "Watch where you're going!"

The third years cries were, ultimately, useless. Diggory had his eye on the snitch, and he was determined to get it.

It had taken him a few more minutes (and scaring Amira Amin) to hunt out the small, golden ball. He grasped it in his hands and made his way to the ground to lie on the grass, satisfied.

"Good work, Amos! What was your time?" Hunter asked him, still on her broom. She was holding a clipboard and a quill that would never run out of ink.

"About ten minutes, I think." the boy panted.

Hunter wrote it down on a table that detailed his timings. Each team member had one, detailed to their position and weakness.

For Amos, it was his timing.

For Hunter, it was out-flying other chasers.

For Hai, it was staying awake through to the end of practice.

"Oh, Hunter? We have a prefect meeting at 4. McGonagall told me this morning." Amos stood up and mounted his broom, joining the girl.

"Wow, what time does she wake up?" Hunter chuckled.

"You're asking the real questions." he joked. "I'll meet you in the Great Hall, then?"

"Sure! See you then." the girl winked and flew off to join Zeus Baros, the new keeper.

Amos smiled to himself. He was no better than any other student at the school, as much as he told himself that. He had an odd soft spot for the girl, as did the rest of the school population.

There was just something loveable about Hunter-Rose Moore.

11 hours

Practice was over, and after another shower, Hunter-Rose stood with the other fifth year Hufflepuff girls as she applied her makeup.

After doing her skincare, Hunter started her basic makeup routine:

• Small amount of foundation and concealer (mixed together, cover stress-induced spots)
• Powder (under eyes, around the bottom of her jawline and on her cheekbones)
• Blush (tip of nose, lightly on her cheeks as to keep her freckles prevalent)
• Highlighter (corner of eyes and tip of nose)
• Brush out eyebrows
• Eyeliner (on waterline)
• A nude lip liner
• A nude lip tint (for a natural look)
• Lip gloss

She cast a quick spell that would ensure her makeup would stay in place, and she made her way down to the Great Hall with the now chirpy Hai.

Hai and Hunter strut down the school hallways, laughing with each other as they greeted their fellow students. The two girls were a widely loved pair.

The duo made their way into the Great Hall and sat at the Hufflepuff table, joining Cassandra, Hollie, Meera and Louise.

"How are you, Hunts? With the whole... thing." a concerned Cassandra asked.

"Oh! Yes, I'm completely fine, thanks." Hunter smiled. It was true, she really didn't mind. Plus, Gryffindor had noticeably lost 600 house points, putting Hufflepuff in the lead by 500 points.

"That's good, then. What lesson have you lovely ladies got today?" Meera asked.

Hunter had Potions (her favourite) first lesson. She then had a free period, followed by Defence Against the Dark Arts (her second favourite lesson), with Transfiguration finishing off the day (her fourth favourite lesson).

Hunter was by no means an academic, but she was a hard worker. She enjoyed getting high grades because all her hard work meant something.

She was no Lily Evans, Severus Snape or Remus Lupin - but she put in the work and saw the results. She'd rank in fifth over the entire year group, just beaten out by a Ravenclaw, Xenophilous Lovegood.

After some small talk with her friends, Hunter excused herself to go early to Potions.

10 hours

"Ah, Miss Moore! How are you this morning?" Horace Slughorn greeted the short girl.

"I'm doing well, thank you! What is it we're doing today?" Hunter asked as the girl made her way to her seat and unpacked her satchel.

"You'll be brewing the Draught of Peace, Miss Moore, of which we covered the contents last lesson."

Hunter smiled. She massively enjoyed Potions, and Professor Slughorn was her favourite teacher. His jovial nature never ceased to inspire her.

"Ah, and before everyone piles in, Miss Moore, I wanted to ensure you are feeling alright after that... escapade two days ago." his town softened and he sat at his desk, Hunter sat in front of him.

"I feel fine. James will be banned from Hogsmeade for about couple of weeks, and he had 600 house-points removed." Hunter stated, tucking her hair behind her ears.

"I realised that Hufflepuff had been put in the lead! Smart thinking, Miss Moore." Slughorn chuckled, and with that, Hufflepuffs and Slytherins began to pile into the room.

Next to Hunter sat her partner for the term, Severus Snape.

Hunter didn't take a liking to the boy, to put it nicely. Especially after what he had said to Lily Evans last term. Yet, the girl was still nice to him as she was to everyone else and smiled warmly at him as he sat down.

Snape was the only pupil at Hogwarts who treated the girl coldly (apart from James, a more recent development). Even the people in his house liked her, although Snape believed there to be ulterior motives to that.

He just couldn't bring himself to accept why.

9 hours

After a 90 minute lesson, which entailed a chirpy Hunter and a pessimistic Snape brewing an impressive Draught of Peace potion, Hunter presented their potion to the Professor.

"Excellent! 20 points to both Hufflepuff and Slytherin." Slughorn beamed before dismissing the class.

"That was good, wasn't it Severus?" Hunter said as she packed her bag. The boy stopped.


"Oh, I said-"

"No, no. I heard what you said. Why did you call me that?" the boy asked.

"...It's your name, isn't it?" the girl chuckled awkwardly.

"We're not friends, Moore. Call me Snape."

"But I call everyone by their first name!" Hunter informed the unfriendly boy.

"Well, you don't call me it." he responded curtly before leaving the lesson.

Hunter stood, alone again in the Potions classroom. Slughorn peered outside a door where he kept the ingredients.

"Oh, pay him no mind, Miss Moore. Not everyone can like you, and that's okay! Have a good rest of your day." and with that, the man went back into his cupboard, humming.

Hunter shouted a thank you as she left, and thought intensely as she walked to the library.

Everyone liked her. That was a part of who she was. Hunter-Rose Moore, the cute short girl with the cool dad and the model mum. An exemplary student, prefect and quidditch captain.

If not everyone liked Hunter, then who did she think she was?

8 hours

Hunter sat on a large table with Remus Lupin, studying Defence Against the Dark Arts during their free lesson. It was a subject Hunter enjoyed, but wasn't incredibly good at.

Remus had been able to change that.

The two had an interesting friendship. Despite having initially meeting through James, the two formed a genuine friendship outside of their titles as a Marauder and The Hufflepuff Princess.

They would meet every Wednesday in the evenings to study (however, due to James' prank, they had met up during their free lesson today), and they would then end up strolling around the castle, gossiping.

There was a certain comfort to being so close with someone you weren't associated with.

After forty minutes of Remus quizzing Hunter on ghouls and pixies, the two had found themselves leaving the library and walking to the Black Lake.

"How's everything with you, Remus?" the girl asked as she sat under a tree.

"I'm just fine. You?"

"I'm good! Excited for the my teams first quidditch match. We're against Ravenclaw on October 23rd, and I really believe we have a good chance at winning."

The girl rambled on, and Remus listened to her monologue.

"...which I found rather disconcerting of her, but Hai will be Hai. Oh, by the way, we have a prefect meeting at four. Amos told me this morning."

"Lily told me earlier. I'd assume they're giving out our patrolling timetables." he responded simply.

"Oh, yes! That makes sense. I would love to patrol with you, Remus. And Lily! Oh, and it would be a laugh with Amos too. Xenophilous would be fun, as would Amber Riot. I've never really spoken to Linda Parkinson, but I'm hoping she's alright."

"What about Snape?" Remus asked. The girl went silent.

"I don't think he really likes me." the girl mumbled, and began to fiddle with the hem of her sleeve.

"What? Severus Snape being ignorant? Oh... oh my Merlin! I think I'm going into cardiac arrest! I'm in shock!" Remus joked, and the girl began to laugh.

The Gryffindor and the Hufflepuff continued to joke with one another, leading to them chasing one another around the lake playfully.

The pair were unaware of the curly-headed Gryffindor observing them.

7 hours

After her free period with Remus, the girl found herself walking into Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Gryffindors. Hunter was paired with Lily Evans at the start of the year.

As the girl walked into the lesson and bid farewell to Remus, who was sat with Cassandra at the back, Lily jumped out at her from behind.

"Hunter! Are you alright?" the ginger asked.

"Agh! Oh, hi Lils! I'm alright. How are you?" the blonde responded casually as they made their way to the desk at the front-centre of the room.

"I'm good, babes. Are you certain you're okay? What, with the whole James thing... Merlin, it's so foul. He could've killed you! He-" Lily talked as the pair sat down.

"Honestly, Lils! I feel fine, he's been punished, and I'm talking to him about it tonight. Don't you worry your pretty little head about me." the girl winked as she put her satchel down.

"I'll still give him a hard time about it." Lily admitted. Hunter chuckled, and leaned in so that no one would hear her.

"I wouldn't blame you if you gave him Hell, Lily." the girl whispered softly.

"Hunter-Rose? Talking in such a way? Look at this character development!" Lily joked, and the two girls laughed.

Hunter adored Gryffindors, and the Gryffindors adored her.

6 hours

All the Gryffindors, except one.

James sat behind the blonde throughout the lesson and watched her as she laughed carelessly with Lily, as if nothing had happened to her.

James, on the other hand? He was going through Hell.

He woke up to a disapproving Sirius, a disappointed Remus and an unusually quiet Peter for the second day in a row.

He went down to eat breakfast and people glared at him. Meanwhile, she laughed with Hai and all her other Hufflepuff friends.

He'd go to his lessons, and his classmates would be cold. He sat alone in his free lesson outside as Hunter chat with one of his best friends.

James knew that what he had done was abhorrent. He was disgusted with himself. But the extrovert couldn't deal with the social repercussions of that.

"What's up with you?" Hai Nguyen asked the boy as she packed away her textbooks. James rolled his eyes, ready for a lecture.

"Guess." he huffed, reluctantly gathering his textbooks.

"People will forget, if it helps. Stuff like this never really sticks. And it's Hunter. She'll forgive you, trust me. I know that girl like the back of my hand." Hai explained calmly as the two walked out of the lesson together.

"Everyone knows, Nguyen. They won't forget. How has it made her even more popular?" he wondered aloud, as he watched a first year Slytherin boy offer her a bouquet of flowers.

"Because that's just Hunter. I've heard that people call her 'The Hufflepuff Princess', so I'm not surprised that others are defensive of her. Trust me, James, people will forget." she reiterated as the two walked to Arithmancy, a lesson Hunter didn't take.

"Hm. Maybe. And why are you talking to me, anyway? You're her best friend. If she hates me, you hate me."

"I only hate Voldemort. I have a disliking for you at the moment, but I'll still honest to you. And you're kidding yourself if you think that Hunter hates you." and with that, the dark-haired girl made her way to her desk.

James thought for a moment about what Hai had said. She was right. After all, Hufflepuffs were very rarely wrong.

Meanwhile, Hunter-Rose had decided to have an early, lonely lunch.

The girl took five subjects (DADA, Potions, Charms, Ancient Runes and Transfiguration), and therefore had a lot more free periods than the average student.

The Hufflepuff found herself heading towards the kitchens, skipping through the empty halls. She tickled a particular painted pear and let herself in.

5 hours

"Miss Hunter-Rose! How could I be of service to you?" a familiar house-elf welcomed the girl.

"Hello, Popi! I was wondering if I could have lunch in here?" the girl asked. Lunch was usually at 2PM, and Hunter found that she preferred eating alone.

"Of course! Would Miss Hunter-Rose like to sit where she usually sits?" Popi asked, nodding towards a small door.

"Yes, please. Thank you, Popi." the girl smiled as the two made their way towards the door.

"You're ever so kind, Miss Hunter. What would you like to eat?" the elf asked. Hunter asked for a chicken salad before making her way through the small door.

Upon crawling into the room, Hunter was met with a familiar sight. A small table sat in the middle of the room, a table that would sit two people. It looked out over the Black Lake, and was the most calming setting.

In the second year, after a bad argument with Hai, Hunter went to the kitchens instead of to lunch with her fellow Hufflepuffs. Upon arrival, she met Popi, who revealed the small room to her.

Hunter-Rose had then taken it upon herself to decorate the room. Fairy lights were draped up and down the cozy space, and blankets of a variety of colours were hung on the walls. The room truly spoke to Hunter, and she'd never had lunch in the Great Hall since.

Sure, Hunter adored the students of Hogwarts - especially her friends. But she truly valued being able to have an hour to herself everyday. It cleared her head - something she desperately needed right now.

Popi returned with a beautiful chicken salad before leaving the Hufflepuff alone with her thoughts. Hunter always felt slightly guilty about having house-elves doing jobs for her, but she was told that this was just the way it is.

The girl sighed to herself and tilted her head backwards. She was trying to figure out how to phrase her personal punishment to James.

Hunter ate her salad and looked over the Black Lake, thoughts swirling around her mind. She pulled a piece of parchment out of her brown leather satchel, and began to write.

4 hours

Hunter-Rose Moore adored music.

She strolled through the Hogwarts hallways, greeting people who smiled at her, as she went to the Hufflepuff common room.

The girl emerged into the mostly empty room, with the majority of people being at lunch. Only a sixth year boy sat in the corner of the room, playing something that Hunter recognised.

It was a keyboard.

"Afternoon, Hinata!" Hunter greeted the half-blooded boy.

"Hello, Hunter! Didn't see you come in ." Hinata admitted, embarrassed.

"Sorry about that! I didn't know you played the keyboard." Hunter-Rose sat opposite the boy, the two both sat on brown beanbags.

"I play piano, but there's only one piano at Hogwarts and it's a lot of effort to get there everyday." Hinata informed the girl, rubbing his eyes.

"You seem to be very good at it." The Hufflepuff Princess smiled softly at the Hufflepuff boy, and he melted.

"I appreciate that, Hunts. Do you play?" he asked.

"No, I don't really have the hands for instruments. I do enjoy signing, although I don't know how good I am." Hunter admitted.

"I'm sure you're great. Maybe you could accompany me one day?" he smiled.

"Merlin, that would be great fun!" the girl said eagerly.

"Why don't you try now? I can get a feel for how you sing."

"Oh! Okay. What songs do you usually play?" Hunter asked.

"I'll play anything. Muggle songs, wizard songs. You name it, I've played it." Hinata smiled.

"I've always preferred muggle music, if I'm honest. What about that Queen song that came out last year? 'Bohemian Rhapsody'? Meera played it one time where we met up this summer, and I can't stop listening to it." Hunter informed the sixth year.

"Good choice! It'll be a classic in a decade. Any particular part?"

The girl picked the last two minutes of the song, and the Hufflepuffs shared their love of music with each other.

Two minutes could feel like an eternity, but pass by in the blink of an eye. Before she felt like she had begun, there were no lyrics left for her to sing.

It won't come as a surprise that Hunter had an incredible voice. Soulful, yet playful and sweet. She could sing rock, indie or pop.

Hunter had secretly wanted to go into music, but always doubted her abilities and saw journalism as a safe bet.

She wasn't the type of person to take risks.

3 hours

Now sat in Transfigurations next to Evan Rosier, Hunter hummed to herself as she worked on her orchideous spell.

"So, Hunter... what was that incident with Potter two days ago?" the Slytherin asked.

"Don't worry about it, Evan. It's been dealt with." Hunter politely informed the boy.

"I imagine it has been. But that doesn't mean he isn't still shitty." he scoffed.

Hunter thought. She was always careful when talking to people, and wasn't one to gossip with people she didn't talk to much. Evan Rosier had a reputation as a sly and mischievous Slytherin, and The Hufflepuff Princess knew that she should keep her distance when possible.

"I mean... it is what it is. You know? Can't dwell on the past." she answered slowly.

"He could've killed you, Hunter." he laughed slowly.

"Yes, but I saved myself. So... I don't know." the girl sighed, and turned back to her work. She turned back to her spell.

Hunter made a circle in the air, and stated "Orchideous!". A pastel pink light left her wand, and a bouquet of pink flowers burst from the end of her wand. She grabbed the bouquet and smiled, looking over at McGonagall. She was already looking at her.

"Perfect, Miss Moore! 15 points to Hufflepuff!" the woman stated with a small smile. Hunter beamed.

2 hours

Classes had ended, and Hunter stood in the Great Hall. She waited for her fellow prefect, Amos Diggory, to appear.

After a couple of minutes, he emerged.

"Sorry! Harriett Otterman tried to ask me out. I had to say no." he informed Hunter, and the two began to walk towards McGonagall's classroom.

"Harriett is a lovely girl, Amos. Why don't you give her a chance?" Hunter-Rose asked. Harriett was a Ravenclaw in their year, and was as creative and kind as people get.

"...I don't know. She's pretty but..." he trailed off. Hunter looked at him.


He met her eyes. "She doesn't suit my needs." he admitted, turning pink.

Hunter smiled and looked back ahead, talking about their quidditch practice earlier. She didn't appreciate Amos' comment, so she acted as if he had never said it.

The two fifth year Hufflepuffs entered the classroom and sat at a desk in the centre of the classroom in the front row.

People watched Hunter as the two arrived. She was effortlessly stunning.

"Is that everyone? Good, good. Let's begin." McGonagall announced as she handed out parchments of paper.

"These are your timetables for your patrols. I've tried to work around quidditch matches, as I am aware that a good portion of you are in your houses teams. Karoline Owens and Quentin Goodman are going to ensure that your patrols are following the slots you have been allocated, and that your punishments are fair." McGonagall stated. She nodded at the Head Boy and Head Girl, Owens being a Gryffindor half-blood and Goodman being a Ravenclaw muggle-born.

"That'll be all." McGonagall finished with a small smile, turning to sit at her desk. All the prefects sat for a moment, reading their timetables. Hunter followed suit and read hers.



Remus Lupin (fifth year) and Amos Diggory (fifth year) - morning patrol

Xenophilius Lovegood (fifth year)and Linda Parkinson (fifth year) - evening patrol

Jessica Browling (sixth year) and Tayo Ama (seventh year) - morning patrol

Hunter-Rose Moore (fifth year) and Lucius Malfoy (seventh year) - evening patrol

Severus Snape (fifth year) and Lily Evans (fifth year) - morning patrol

Amber Riot (fifth year) and Francis Crabbe (sixth year) - evening patrol

Lily Evans and Amos Diggory - morning patrol

Remus Lupin and Hunter-Rose Moore - evening patrol

Jessica Browling and Lucius Malfoy - morning patrol

Amber Riot and Xenophilius Lovegood - evening patrol

Linda Parkinson and Tayo Ama - morning patrol

Francis Crabbe and Severus Snape - evening patrol

Hunter-Rose Moore and Lily Evans - morning patrol

Linda Parkinson and Lucius Malfoy - evening patrol

1 hour

"Why do you have three sets of patrols, Hunter?" Hai asked her best friend as she ate her mashed potatoes.

It was now dinner, and the Hogwarts pupils all sat eating. Hai and Hunter sat together, talking quietly.

"I have no idea, but it should be okay. I don't think I've every spoken to Lucius Malfoy but I'm good friends with Remus and Lily." Hunter shrugged as she rolled up the parchment and put it in her bag.

"Babes, I know you have this this thing where you want everyone to like you, and by Merlin do people like you, but please don't try and befriend Lucius Malfoy. You've heard the same stuff I have. He's bad news." Hai sighed.

Hunter knew that Hai was right. Lucius Malfoy came off as nice until last year, when he was found hexing a muggle-born first year, hurling abuse and slurs towards the young girl. He tried to cover it up, but to no avail. His reputation as a charming, well-liked Slytherin was slowly destroyed.

"I'll just be civil towards him." Hunter said as she ate her gravy covered chicken.

"You do you, babes. But be careful. You shouldn't like everyone." Hai rolled her eyes playfully.

"Oh believe me, I don't." Hunter chuckled.

The two continued to talk about everything and nothing. Hunter told Hai about her plan to get even with James (and the rest of the Marauders), whilst Hai mostly rambled about a conversation she had with Sirius.

And before Hunter knew it, the clock had hit 6pm.

0 hours

James entered the Hogwarts library. It was fairly empty, the odd student sat at an isolated table studying. The Gryffindor boy knew exactly where Hunter would be.

At the back corner of the library sat the table. It was essentially constantly reserved for Hunter. If she was studying with Remus, they'd go to the table in the left corner of the room. If the girl was trying to cram for an exam, it's where she would go.

If the girl was going to explain her plan to James Potter, it would be at her table.

Low and behold, Hunter was sat waiting for James. She looked out of a small circular window, watching the Slytherin quidditch team practice.

A piece of parchment laid on her lap.

"Hi." James whispered. Hunter whipped her head around, and her blue-green eyes met his brown ones.

"Hi. You alone?" Hunter asked as James sat down.

"Yes." he replied.

Technically, he was at the moment. He'd told Sirius, Remus and Peter to come to the library at 6:05 and to go to Hunters table, wearing the invisibility cloak. They were still slightly annoyed at James, but they reluctantly agreed to join him.

Hunter looked around and smiled.

"I love watching people study." she stated simply. James smirked and followed her gaze.

A second year Hufflepuff girl sat at a desk with a Gryffindor boy next to her. Her blonde waves complimented his dark curls.

"They're a bit like a younger us." Hunter chuckled. James smiled reminiscently. A silence fell among the two.

"What's your plan, then, Hunter?" James asked. He felt somewhat on edge.

"Oh, yes! I wrote it down..." Hunter said as she unfolded the parchment on her lap and handed it over to James. His eyes scanned over her cursive handwriting.


I have decided that you're all (arguably) in debt to me. :)

James: You literally almost killed me.

Sirius, Remus and Peter: You knew what James was to do, yet decided against warning me.

Whilst I could sit here and dwell on the risks of what happened, I've decided it's healthier and more beneficial to get equal.

Therefore, you're all in debt to me (on different levels!). Starting tomorrow, at any point I can ask you what to do. And you should probably go along with it! Hope that doesn't sound to mean, but I feel like I am justified?

All my love,

Your Hunter-Rose x

James looked back at The Hufflepuff Princess, who was staring directly above James.

"Sirius, Rem, Peter. I can tell you're there." she quipped, and the boy all threw the cloak off of them.

"Bloody Hell, Hunts! You're good." Sirius chuckled, and he went to sit next to the girl. Remus followed.

"I try." she giggled with a smirk.

"Sorry, could you just say what you mean by 'in debt'? In what sense?" Peter asked, taking a seat next to James.

"Socially, I suppose. It's not going to be a 'I haven't done my homework, give me the answers.' It's more of a, like, 'If you don't help throw an incredible birthday party for Hai and I, I can remind people of what you did'. I would feel mean, but I could literally be dead right now." Hunter explained, crossing her legs.

"...Right." Peter replied, slightly wishing he had never asked. It was blackmail, but the boys had started this situation.

"Will they be good things or bad things?" Remus questioned. Hunter shrugged.

"I don't know, it'll just be a spur of the moment type of thing. Once you've all helped me out, I'll forgive you." she smiled at Lupin.

"Okay. Okay, I'm in." James sighed, rubbing his hands through his hair. All the boys nodded in agreement, and Hunter beamed.

"Perfect! I'll see you when I see you, then." she said, getting up and waving goodbye at the boys.

A silence passed them.

"She'd have been a bloody good Slytherin." Peter mumbled.

The Marauders all nodded.


Hunter-Rose was blessed to be a morning person, but was by no means a night owl. The girl struggled to stay awake past 10PM, so she found herself getting into bed at 7PM.

Perhaps it's because her days were so long, and she had so much going on.

"Did it work?" Hai asked as Hunter finished removing her makeup.

"I think so. James said he's in, and the rest of them just sort of agreed." Hunter stated as she began to wash her face.

"I see. What do you think you'll ask them?" Hai questioned.

"Honestly, I have no idea. But it keeps them guessing." Hunter chuckled as she dried and moisturised her skin.

"Merlin, you're brilliant, Hunts. I think I'm going to go downstairs and chat with Louise, kay? Love you." Hai stretched and hugged her friend.

"Tell her I say hi! Love you too." Hunter hugged Bao back before pulling away. Hai waved her fingers and went downstairs.

Hunter smiled to herself, humming as she shut the small blinds that Meera had installed over the windows at the start of last year. She fell into her bed and smiled.

Hunter's days were long and tiring, but fulfilling and filled with friends. And with this recent development involving the four most infamous boys attending Hogwarts?

Well, she was certainly excited to see what she could do.

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Luna Lupin came from a tumultous childhood filled with secrecy and a family haunted by the stigmatised illness of lycanthropy, thrown into a society...
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"𝘐𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘴𝘦, 𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘱𝘴, 𝘵𝘰𝘰." ***** 🌸𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐝�...
3.4M 119K 65
[ EDITING] James Potter was a skilled and talented wizard, his name a renowned one amongst Hogwarts students. Many knew him because of...
4.4M 150K 89
"You should tell him, you know," a familiar voice softly said from behind her. "I know you love him." "Remus," she began turning around to face her...