Off The Rails (BNHA x Male OC)

By silverowlbells

337K 18.3K 3.9K

Namura Yuji was a normal 15 year old with a pretty crappy quirk. He's quite the trouble maker; a delinquent a... More

1: Introducing...Him
2: Ice To Meet You
3: To Catch An Owl
4: To See A Ghost
5: Test It Out For Yourself
6: I've Got To Go Away
7: Why Is It Always My Problem?
8: Help Me Out Here
9: Partners In (Not) Crime
10: Irresponsible Parenting
11: Real Deal
12: The Fall From Grace
13: Keep It Clean
14: Good Luck Out There
15: My Dinner With The Problem Child
16: Reunion Tour
17: Ahoy There
18: Calculated Mistakes
19: Surprise?
20: Can You Believe That?
21: Three Trench Coats In A Kid
22: We'll Burn That Bridge When We Get To It
23: Coming In Clutch
24: Get In The Spirit Of Things
25: Your Opinion Is What Matters
26: And So It Begins
27: The Yee To My Haw
28: The 4th Element
29: Take A Chance On Me
31: Can I Steal That? I Promise To Keep It Safe
32: Where In The World
33: The Great Escape
34: Throw The First Punch-Make It A Good One
35: Enough Hands To Hold Both Of Yours
36: How Many Walls Does A Room Have?
37: Catch 22
38: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 1
39: Welcome To ̶H̶e̶l̶l̶ School Pt. 2
40: Do It For The Fame
41: Loose Lips Sink Ships
42: Take On Me

30: The Warning Signs

6.1K 349 41
By silverowlbells

"Dude do you think you could make me a jet pack?" Kaminari asked as Yuji fit him for his disk launcher.

It shot out tiny electrocuting disks from Kaminari's forearm and he needed to make sure it fit perfectly otherwise it would be disastrous. "Let me just tighten this up and-perfect!" The teen smiled.

"Oh and by the way the answer is no to the jetpack." Yuji said, picking up his note book to check over the specs for the disks so he could explain it to Kaminari. 

"Why not? You could totally make them!" 

"Because I'm already doing a rush job for you." Yuji teased, "Contrary to popular belief around here, I'm not actually a support weapon designer. We're just pretending I am.". 

"Hey just because that third year said it was okay to use their name to get your stuff approved doesn't mean you didn't make it!" Kirishima said passionately, "You're like some sort of super genius! I've never seen someone do all of this so quickly. And they all work too.". He seemed quite satisfied with his own weapon, super tough magnetic handcuffs. Yuji had developed an extra durable shirt for him too using the same material he used in his own suit but Kirishima had insisted that going shirtless was better. 

"That's not what I mean." Yuji laughed. "I just mean I'm not actually some future star in the industry, so you don't have to thank me like I just gave you cutting edge technology.". 

"But you did!" Mina insisted, as she skated around the room, destroying things with her new acid water guns (they had twice the range her own blasts did with basically no effort, as long as she refilled them with the canisters he gave her to fill). 

"How do you test these things anyways? Or are we using them for the first time?" Kaminari asked, aiming and firing a disk at the wall. 

"I have a lot of space in the gym, so I test them there." The teen lied. 

He tested them in the field, obviously. Half of their support weapons were just variations of things he made for himself honestly, but he changed them to suit their quirks. 

"They are impressive." Todoroki said, looking through his visor. That one had taken quite a lot of work. More programing than anything else by a landslide. It displayed his internal temperature and the temperature of his extremities. Hopefully Yuji made the sensors in his boots and bracelets strong enough, but if they weren't  he made Todoroki promise to message him and he'd make him more. 

"Oh-it fell off...". The amount of anxiety that shot through Yuji when he heard that was immeasurable. Something had broken already? Hopefully it wasn't something too important. God if it was he just might have to jump out the window right here right now. 

Okay, maybe he was a little high strung at the moment. 

"Damn, I liked that keychain." Sero sighed, pocketing the tiny fish. Yuji breathed a silent sigh of relief. The battle training was in less than 24 hours. He couldn't fix anything if it broke now. 

Izuku finally looked away from his gloves. He had been fiddling with them ever since he got them. At first he was nervous they wouldn't be as strong as Hatsume's, but it seemed fine. Maybe even a little stronger, but somehow they retained most of their range of motion. 

But instead of admiring them, he was now admiring Yuji. 

It was more than a crush at this point he had to admit. 

"You're amazing! To learn the ins and outs of so many quicks at once and to develop these so quicky-its insane! Thank you so much Yuji!" He absolutely gushed. 

Yuji felt his cheeks tinge pink at the flattery. "Anything for you sweetpea." He said with a lop-sided grin. 

"Still flirting with my boyfriend?" Katsuki grumbled, laying his head on Izuku's shoulder. He refused to acknowledge the fact he was doing so either, and neither did Izu. 

"Only to get closer to you, princess.". 

Katsuki blushed bright red at that, but clicked his tongue. "Stop fucking calling me that dumb nickname.". 

"Whatever you ask for, Kacchan.". Yuji smirked as Katsuki glared daggers at him 

"I like fucking princess better than that dumb childish shit." The hero student spat. 

"Got it. You like being called princess. Noted." Yuji said, walking away from the group with his now empty backpack. 

"You fucking-"

----------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------ ------------ 

The city was buzzing. That was the only way to describe what Yuji felt when he sat in class the day of the battle training. 

But it wasn't because of the battle training. It was too far away for even him to hear. There was something else going on that he couldn't quite place. 

"You good Yuji?" Izunami asked, sounding slightly concerned. Yuji flashed her a winning smile. 

"Absolutely not.". 

The girl let out a surprised laugh, which permeated the near silence of their class during a study period. "Do you think its gonna of those days?". 

It didn't need to be said what 'those days' were. With senses like Yuji's it was pretty obvious. Sometimes he just needed to stay in his room, or in his closet if it was really bad, until the outside world quieted down for a bit. 

Honestly they were a real pain. He had planned on going out tonight. More and more nomu sightings had appeared both in Musutafu and all over Japan. They seemed to be zeroing in on Jaku City, which wasn't very far. 

The fact Yuji had yet to see any of these new nomu was concerning. It made him worry that maybe there was someone out there that didn't underestimate him, that was carefully moving the nomu around him so he never got the chance to stop them. 

Perhaps Ghost had become a bigger name than he initially thought. 

No one knew who he was just a few months ago, then that video of him with the ice villain went viral and suddenly his name was on everyone's lips. Everyone wanted to know about the new local vigilante, who did everything from take down high profile villains and dangle from buildings to helping lost drunk people get home. 

Something in the back of his head was buzzing like a bee. Relentless and constantly working. Flying around left and right then left then right. Unescapable. 

Yuji threw his head back, flopping his bangs out of his eyes in the process and groaned. There was no way he was getting any studying done like this, but he wasn't in the mood to goof off and have fun either. 

Fuck today honestly. 

------- ------------ --------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 

Aizawa smiled at the pile of gadgets in front of him with an expression that could only be described as mushy. 

This morning the students had dropped them off, saying Yuji had finished all of them just in time. They had asked him to put them with the rest of their hero gear, and he had agreed. 

Really he just wanted to see what Yuji made. It was fascinating to think someone who so often relied on brute strength and hitting people to get out of things could invent so many intricate devices. 

He had always told Yuji that his little gadgets were amazing and pro support weapon quality, this was proof of that. It also meant Yuji finally had enough confidence in himself and his abilities to design devices for others. 

So he kept on smiling without a care in the world, until Midnight came in and burst that bubble. 

"Are you excited Shota?!" The hero asked with a grin. 

"For what?" Aizawa grumbled, now in a much worse mood. Too noisy. 

"Our shift tonight! Our agency just called and said that we were scheduled for patrol together. Yokai is sick apparently." She grinned. 

"Oh joy." He said sarcastically. Patrolling with Nemuri was always an...interesting experience. He just hoped she didn't try to hook up with one of the villains again. It was becoming a habit of hers.


I'm back after an unintended missed update😅

I'm dying right now, I really am. I'm sure at this point you guys know I have an incredibly busy week, but honestly its so much worse than I thought it would be. 

Yesterday nearly killed me, in all honesty. And I'm running on like no sleep and tomorrow is such a high stress day. 

Really looking forward to the weekend rn 😭

BTW I thought I would warn you guys now-this might be the last arc. I don't really know how much more of this storyline there is. 

And you're probably thinking 'what the fuck? Where's the character development? Where's the extra drama? Where's the angst?!' but this fic is a little weird compared to my others, so you've got to look a little harder. 

Also I have so much planned for this arc, its gonna be great 😊 Its just my books are usually 30-40 chapters long, so don't freak out if there's only like 5-10 more chapters in here. (And yes, Supernova is the anomaly, not the rule. I was under some sort of spell while writing that one. I swear a muse possessed me) 

Stay Tuned! 

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