My brothers best friend is my...

By KamisamaKissFreak

180K 4K 250

Spencer is a werewolf living in a werewolf town. Her whole family is a werewolf. She's an average girl. She's... More

My brothers best friend is my mate!
I found my mate!
First fight
Pack business
Family affairs
Resolving the issue
Just us
We need to talk
I'm sorry
A newbie
Why? Just why?
The pain
The Battle
Negotiating (also last chapter)
Update on sequel


20.5K 398 27
By KamisamaKissFreak

I know I promised you that I'd have this updated by Friday but truth is I had to cheer at a game Friday and then I fell asleep when I got home and I had to wake up at 6 this morning to go to districts for speech! But non the less here it finally is!! I hope it's worth the wait! Enjoy!

Once I found a good outfit to wear I walked down stairs to see everyone waiting for me. My brother and mother glare at me but Kyle smiles. I sit down and they pass out the meal. It's quiet until Kyle's parents speak up. "So, Kyle tells me your his mate." His mother says. I almost choke on my water but am able to swallow it. "U-uh... yes, I am." I say trying to be professional. His father smiled. "Well welcome to the family sweetheart!" He smiled. His wife shot a glare at him. I get the feeling she doesn't like me all to well. "And what's your plans for being Luna?" She asked. My eyes widen. I haven't really thought about it!!! "Mom! We just met, calm down, this is dinner not an interrogation!" Kyle scolded. His mother gasped and ate her dinner angrily. 'You didn't have to yell at her...' I mind link Kyle. He looked at me and smiled. 'Of course I did! You don't know how she gets!!' He warned. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat. That was until Kyle put his hand on my thigh. His hand squeezed it and I held back the surprised moan. I looked over at him and glared. He smirked and squeezed at me again. I slapped his hand but it stayed there, sensually making his way in between my legs. I grabbed his wrist trying to pull him away but it was no use. 'Kyle nock it off we're having dinner!' I growled at him. He smirked and pulled his hand away. What a jerk!!! "Spencer!" My attention snapped up to my mother. "Yes?" Her tone scared me!! "You never told me that your mate was the alpha." Her tone was edgy and sharp. I bubbled with anger. "You didn't listen when I tried telling you!" I defended my self. She glared at me. "Don't talk back to me!" She scolded. Oh my god! "I was explaining myself!!!" She looked at me. "Go to your room this instant!!!" I stood up angrily. "I hate this family!!!" I fumed before stomping out. I hate this family! All they do is boss me around! They never listen to what I have to say! It's always me that gets in trouble! Well I'm sick and tired of it! Not to fricken mention that whole argument went down in front of the past Luna and Alpha!!!!!!!!!!! I screamed and slammed my door shut, punching my hand into the wall. I broke through the wall and made a huge hole. Barely any pain shot through me. I screamed again and this time I kicked my door. "I hate this family!!! I hate them so much!!" I spun around and stomped to the other side of my room. I was in a fit or rage, pure fury ran through my veins. I pounded my fists against the wall again and again until finally familiar hands stopped me. I turned around, feeling hurt and betrayed. I needed his comfort! "Kyle...!" I wrapped my arms around him. My wall snapped and I broke down with tears. "It's not fair!!!" I sobbed. Kyle hugged me back and rubbed my back in an attempt to make me feel better. "I know, I'm sorry..." I hugged him tighter. I was afraid that he'd let go and slip right through me. I didn't want him to leave me. He was the only... The only one who truly cares and loves me!! I rested my head on his shoulder. Tears streamed down and I sobbed. Loud ugly hiccups and gasps left my mouth as my  crying continued. "It's alright, I'll have a talk with everyone." I tightened my hug and cried harder until at last no more tears could be produced. I sniffled. "Spencer? Baby?" Kyle questioned after my improved silence. I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. My sadness vanished. He strained just the slightest and I whimpered loudly. "No! Don't leave! Please just stay with me for a while..." He sighed and re-tightened his hold on me. "I love you spencer..." I nuzzled into him as a response. He gave a soft chuckle. "Are you tired sweet heart?" I nodded in response, not once lifting my head or opening my eyes. "Then let me take you to bed." He whispered. At this I lifted my head and looked up at him. He was sincere, his face creased with worry. I gave my silent approval and he lifted me up princess style. My sore puffy eyes closed once again and I let my head fall against his chest as he carried me to the bed. This warmth... No, his, warmth enveloped me. It surrounded me with a sense of safety and love. I was lifted and set down on my hard mattress. I groaned softly and then felt the bed dip down as Kyle climbed in as well. I couldn't help the smile that came to my face. I kept my eyes closed so I wouldn't be embarrassed or see the cute little face of my mate. His arms once again surround me in his warmth. His scent drifted into my nose and I cuddled into him.  "Stay..." I whispered. "Always." He responded, his soft lips pecking my forehead. Soon I was lost to a world of dreams. Something warm surrounded me. Something very warm! Omg too warm!!! My eyes popped open to the excruciating brightness of the sun. I look over at the source of heat to see Kyle. My face erupted into a huge blush. He actually stayed!!!!! Omg! Moms going to kill me!!!! Omg I'm gonna be late for school!! "Kyle!!!" I shouted. He didn't move an inch. A loud snore was all that left his mouth. I gently shook him. "Kyle! Wake up! We're gonna be late!!" I started to panic. He groaned and rolled over, smacking me in the face with his big arm. I was knocked off the bed because of it! I huffed an annoyed breath and stood up. The stubborn idiot!!! "Kyle get your ass up!" I shouted before shoving him off the bed. My plan failed as he grabbed me and pulled me down with him, startled from the sudden push. My body slammed into his and his arms circled me tightly so that I was crushed against him. After a moment of realization he sighed. "Geez, you can't do that to me Spencer!" He let his head fall back and he let go of me. I giggled. "Oh, big bad alpha is startled awake!!" I teased. He looked up and glared at me. "You're awfully happy in the morning..." I smiled. "You stayed the night...!?" He smirked. "I did..." I blushed. "If mom finds out she's going to kill me." I added. He sat up, making me slid down into his lap. "You know I might not mind waking up to see you everyday..." He gave a little smirk at the end. "Idiot it's only the second day we've been together!" I said embarrassedly. He smiled and twirled a piece of my hair. "Kyle?"'I whisper. It's quiet for a millisecond before I hear my mother. "Spenc! Get up!" She yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I sighed. "I'm up!" I yelled back at her. I went to get up but Kyle grabbed me and hugged me tightly. I blushed. "Um k-Kyle?" I question. What is he doing? I'm confused!!? "I just wanted to hug you..." He stated. My face heated up and I squirmed around. "U-uh!! We-we should get ready!!" I escape his lose hold on me. I stand up and bolt to the bathroom. Once I've calmed myself I brush my hair and teeth. I saw how disgusting my hair was so I threw it up in a pony tail and put a head band in. I walked out to see Kyle waiting. I blush slightly but cleared my throat. He gave me a bright smile and walked into the bathroom as I walked out. It's strange having Kyle in my house in the morning... 2 days ago we were nothing but perfect strangers. How weird... Things can change so fast. I walked into my room and changed into some jeans and a shirt that said kitty cat princess on it. I grabbed my zip up pink Columbia jack and put it on before heading down stairs. I stopped by the laundry room and grabbed some socks. "I'm going to work, your brother will take you to school, go wake him up will ya?" I nodded but I knew I'd be riding with Kyle. I grabbed a bowl down from the cupboard and got some fruity pebbles and poured some milk into my bowl of cereal. I grabbed a spoon and began eating. I'm surprised I'm not so tired today... Must be because I cried myself to sleep... Suddenly I felt Kyle kiss my neck. I squirmed and made some sort of noise out of my closed mouth that was filled with cereal at the moment. He laughed and pulled away. "Your so ticklish...." He snickered. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance. "Jusfft eat fumfing!!" I said with my mouth full. He rolled his eyes. "Swallow your food before talking sweet heart." I swallowed. "Oh a little pet peeve of yours?" I mocked. He broke a smile and started making some toast. "It's going to be a joy when we live together..." He muttered. "You ready alpha boy?" I asked, slurping up my milk. His toast popped up giving me a mini silent heart attack. He smirked. "Yep!" I put my dish in the sink, washing it out before I grabbed my bag and headed to the door. Kyle was right behind me. The way to school was quiet and once we got to school I hopped out and heard the chatter. "She's Kyle's mate!!" "That bitch is with Kyle!!?" "Don't say that too loudly!!" I sighed and rolled my eyes, hoisting my bag up on my shoulder. Kyle was instantly at my side, his arm wrapped around my waist. He escorted me into school and glared at the guys if they stared at me too much. "Seriously Kyle?" I sigh under my breath. He growled. "You're mine now!" I huffed. He wasn't like this yesterday! I pouted. The rest of the day was the the mumbling of jealous girls and growling of Kyle at gawking men. By lunch time I was sick and tired of all of it!!! People were constantly calling me out and Kyle wouldn't stop being over protective!! At the moment I sat with Kyle at the lunch table. All around us I heard the buzz of gossip about me. Since this town is full of werewolves many people gossiped about how I was also un-fit to be Luna. Stay calm, if you get mad I might over take you! Lila warned. I huffed. But I can't! I mean seriously! Everyone is pissing me off with the gossip, I didn't know being mated to the alpha was going to be like this!!! I whined back to her. Having an alpha mate comes with many perks and responsibility. I rolled my eyes, standing up to dump my tray. Kyle noticed and stood up as well. His friends he'd been talking to stopped to look at us. "You can stay here." I say. He shakes his head. "No." He blatantly refuses. I growl quietly. "Everyone knows I'm your mate now so I think I'm safe.... Especially in school!" I fume. He stands there, considering my words, he then looks at me a little upset like but none the less he sits back down. "Fine, but please hurry back." I rolled my eyes as I walked away. Why is he so clingy?! I'm going to definitely break his habit of that!! I walked away to the crowded part of the lunch room to dump my full tray. I hate school food... "Oh look, she's not with Kyle for once!" I heard someone exclaim. I dumped my tray a bit harshly. Calm down!! Lila urged me. "I don't think she's fit to be our Luna. It was a big enough disgrace to have her in the pack in the first place! How can the moon goddess even let this happen!?" I bubbled in more anger. Keep calm!! Lila pleaded I clenched my fist and turned around, ready to walk back to Kyle. "I bet she's black mailing him!! Poor Kyle! How dare she hurt our alpha!!" I gritted my teeth. I can't help it I have to say something!!! Lila whined. No! "If you ignorant bitches have something to say then say it to my face!" I stated. The gossiping girls looked at me like I was stupid, putting me further into my stage of rage. "As your future Luna I think I can tell you to shut your fucking mouths!!" Their mouths dropped. I smirked. Finally they shut up! I turned to walk away when one of them had to open their mouth. "Yeah right! Why should we listen to a half breed like you!" Half breed?! Did you hear that!!? She called me a fucking half breed!!! I screamed to Lila. Let's teach her a lesson then!! Lila was just as angry now. "It's no wonder you're mother dis-owned you!" She spoke again. At that comment I lost it. "Shut up you fucking bitch!!" I ran and jumped on her, punching her instantly. "You have no fucking right to judge me or talk smack about me when you hardly know what I've been through!" I screamed. A crowd of gasps surrounded us. "Spencer!!" I heard Kyle yell. My wolf didn't stop. "Fucking bitch! Say your sorry!" I shouted. She suddenly hit my stomach and toppled me. She started punching my face. "Like hell I would bitch!!" She shouted back. This only enraged me. The fury I felt that moment overwhelmed me! I wrapped my legs around the girl and threw punches at her ribs. She yelped in pain and I flipped back on top. I only got to be on top for a second before we engulfed into a battle to punch each other and we were rolling around each time one would be on bottom and then fight to be back on top. "Spencer stop it!" The alpha tone in his voice made me and the girl both freeze. Before I could look out of my enraged eyes I felt tingles burning my skin as I was pulled out from the girls hands. I had been on top and the girl was pulling my hair as I punched her. I regained some of my rebellious side and started to struggle against Kyle. "Spencer knock it off!! You're coming with me!" I froze yet again and glared at the girl instead as Kyle carried me away. Damn I'm in trouble!!!! I whimpered to Lila. She sighed. No shit!!

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