Coming Home (Sequel to This T...

By MiddleEarthPixie

31.9K 1.3K 145

Since the night Loki Odinson crash landed in her apartment, McKenna Carlin's life has gone from ordinary and... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-EIght
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Author's Note

Chapter Thirty-Three

628 29 7
By MiddleEarthPixie


McKenna gave Loki's hand a squeeze. "Don't look so uncomfortable, Loki. It was six years ago."

"I know, but I feel that beast's damage every time I set foot on this elevator."

"What beast, Daddy?" Selig asked, looking from her to Loki and back.

"Never you mind, little man," Loki said.

"Do you mean the Hulk?" Selig asked, his eyes narrowing. McKenna bit back a smile as he added, "Did he Hulksmash you, Daddy?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "It was a cheap shot, as your mother would say."

"Why did he Hulksmash you, Daddy?" Aislinn asked, her eyes almost perfectly round as she stared up at Loki.

He let out a gusty sigh. "As I said, it was a cheap shot."

McKenna elbowed him playfully. "You called him a dull creature, remember?"

"Thank you, love. I needed that."

She pressed her lips together at the irritation in his voice. "Well, perhaps if you had played a little nicer..."

The elevator stopped and the doors opened into Tony Stark's penthouse. As they stepped inside, Selig let out a whoop and made a beeline for Steve Rogers, yelling, "Cap!"

"Hey, little man." Steve crouched to catch him, letting out a grunt as Selig ran into him and threw his arms about him. "I'd pick you up, but I think you'd collapse my spine."

"Sorry, Cap. I grew."

Steve laughed as he easily lifted Selig. "No problem. It's good thing." His blue eyes flicked to McKenna and Loki. "It's good to have you back, Loki."

With that, he extended a hand. Loki glanced down at it, then back up at Steve, and then accepted his hand. "Thank you."

Steve then leaned over to brush McKenna's cheek with a kiss. "I can only imagine how relieved you must be."

"You have no idea." McKenna cast a tender glance at Loki, threading her fingers through his to squeeze his hand. He squeezed back, his expression softening. "Is Blossom here?"

"She's out on the terrace, enjoying a little bit of quiet. It's been a rough few weeks for her as well."

"I know that feeling."

"Hey, Cap, can we go out on the terrace and see her?" Selig asked.

"If it's all right with Mom."


She nodded. The terrace had a high wall and she trusted Steve. "Just don't drive Cap or Blossom crazy, okay, Sel?"

"I won't, Mommy."

"He never does." Steve grinned.

"Where's Natasha?" Aislinn asked, as Steve carried Selig toward the glass doors leading to the terrace.

Pepper strode toward them, her smile growing brighter as it fell on McKenna. "I'm so glad you guys could make it," she said by way of greeting, engulfing McKenna in warm hug. "And I am so happy for you, McKenna."

"Thank you."

"Welcome home, Loki," Pepper said, hugging Loki as well.

He didn't look entirely comfortable, but managed to smile. "Thank you."

"Pepper?" Aislinn asked. "Where's Natasha?"

"She and Clint will be here soon, love. But until they do, how would you like to come with me and take a little tour of Tony's toys?" She looked up at Loki and then to McKenna. "If it's okay with you, of course."

McKenna nodded. "It's fine, as long as she stays out of trouble."

"That's never a problem." Pepper held out her arms and Aislinn willingly went to her. "Where are the little ones?"

"We thought it would be easier if they stayed with a sitter and ours is a gem," McKenna explained.

"Oh, I was looking forward to seeing them, but Tony gets nervous when I'm around babies, so it's probably just as well." She shifted Aislinn in her arms and smoothed a wayward curl from Aislinn's face. "And Uncle Thor will be here soon as well."

"Thor?" Loki's back straightened ever so subtly. "Is there something going on that you're not telling me?"

Pepper shook her head. "No. We wanted to welcome you home, Loki. All of us." She smiled at them both. "Now, go and sit and I'll be back in a bit with your daughter. I promise."

"Thor was just as upset as I was," McKenna told him as Pepper set Aislinn down and took her hand to lead her around the fully stocked wet bar and out of sight.

Loki sighed softly, slipping his hand free to move toward the wall of windows opposite the bar. "Right here," he said softly.

"Right here, what?" She joined him at the windows.

"I was flying by here when Barton shot an arrow at me." He glanced down at her, then tapped the glass. Just beyond it, Steve held Selig and was pointed out something. Selig smiled and they both laughed. "I caught it, only to have it explode and blow me off my aircraft. I landed there-" he tapped the glass-"only to have the beast slam into me and send me flying over there."

'Over there' was the wall alongside the bar. "I hit that, hit the floor, and when I stood up-"

"To remind him who he was messing with," she said, smiling at him.

"Right. He grabbed me by my ankle and slammed me into the floor," he crossed about halfway over the floor, "right here and right there. And more than once."

"Poor baby," she told him, coming up behind him to slip her arms about his waist. Pressing her cheek into his back, she added, "Is that why you were all banged up when you landed in my apartment?"

"No. That was something entirely different. It is, however, why I needed the Advil so much." He turned in her arms and draped his about her. His eyes softened and he leaned close to brush her lips with his. "I hate coming here."

"No one is going to Hulksmash you tonight, love," she murmured, giving him a gentle squeeze. "I promise."

He leaned in to nuzzle her, whispering, "How long do we have to stay? Until after cake?"

"Until after cake, if there is any."

"I hate waiting for cake."

She smiled as he brushed a kiss along the curve of her neck. It was a long-standing joke between them that dated back to their own wedding, when he wanted to get their wedding night started but she made him wait until after their cake had been brought out. Ever since, whenever he wanted to leave because he was feeling romantic, he asked about cake.

With a sigh, she melted against him. Ever since his return, he was as quick to reach for her as she was to melt into his embrace. It reminded her of when they first fell in love and couldn't get enough of one another. Keeping her hands to herself was nearly impossible and he seemed to have the same problem, which was fine with her. She still wasn't entirely convinced she wasn't just in the midst of some amazing dream.

He nipped the slope of her shoulder and she shivered against him. "Loki..."


"Anyone could walk in."

"So? You're my wife. I'm allowed to kiss my wife."

She pulled away to find him gazing down at her with tender aqua eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too, darling girl." He bent and brushed her lips with a light kiss.

"Enough, you two. You've already got four kids. You want another one?"

McKenna smiled as Tony Stark came striding toward them. "Unless biology has changed, I don't think we're in any danger," she told him, tucking her head against Loki's chest.

Tony grinned as he moved around behind the bar. "What can I get you to drink, big fella? You still drink Jameson's?"

"I do. And one would be appreciated."

"Of course." Tony plucked the stopper from a crystal decanter and pour two fingers' worth into a rocks glass. "What about you, Beautiful? What can I get you?"

"I'll just have water."

Tony grinned. "You pregnant again?"

As Loki turned to give her a look, she shook her head. "No. I'm not. Really. I just don't feel like a drink right now."

Tony gave her a raised eyebrow but said nothing as he handed Loki his drink. Loki, however, turned to her. "You would tell me if you were, wouldn't you?"

"What do you think?"


She nodded. "Yes, Loki. I would tell you. But I'm not. Honest."

He didn't look entirely convinced as he sipped his drink, so she sighed, rolled her eyes, and said, "Fine. Tony, do you have apple and butterscotch schnapps?"

"I do. Why?"

Pulling away from Loki, she moved around the bar, grabbed the bottles, a small bottle of apple juice, vodka and a shaker. She chunked the shaker into the ice bin to fill it and while both Tony and Loki just watched, she poured the liquors and juice into the shaker, capped it, and shook. "Martini glass?"

Smiling, he moved to the far end of the bar and plucked the glass from the overhead rack. "Here you go, Gorgeous."

"Thank you." She grabbed a bottle of caramel syrup to squeeze a dollop into the martini glass, uncapped the shaker, poured out the caramel apple martini she'd just mixed and said, "Happy, Loki? No baby," before she drank half of the glass' contents.

When she lowered the glass, it was to find him grinning at her. "What?"

"You never cease to amaze me, love," he said, leaning over to kiss her. "And you taste very sweet."

Tony made a gagging sound. "Spare me, you two, please."

The schnapps and vodka combined to give her a somewhat lightheaded feeling and by the time she finished the drink, the tip of her nose was numb and she leaned against Loki's arm. "I don't think I should've drunk that so quickly."

He grinned. "Are you drunk, love?"

"No, but close to it."

Tony sipped his Jameson's. "That's something I never thought I'd see."

Loki slid his arm about her waist and leaned close to whisper, "Am I getting lucky tonight?"

"We shall see, Mr. Odinson," she replied with a wink. "I might be sober by then."

"Quick, Stark, fix her another one."


He gave her a squeeze. "I am but teasing, darling girl."

Tony groaned. "How long have you been together?"

"Five years, almost six," she replied. "Why?"

"Not possible." Tony finished his drink and moved to refresh it. "You don't act like an old married couple."

"Thinking your other half is dead has a way of making you appreciate him a lot more when you find out he isn't," McKenna said, all traces of playing around gone as she slipped her arm about Loki's waist.

Loki's fingers pressed into her side and Tony nodded, his expression serious as well. "I imagine it must."

The elevator doors slid open and Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov and Bruce Banner all filed out. Barton smiled. "Hello, everyone!"

McKenna felt Loki tense as Banner came into the room. "He isn't going to Hulksmash you," she murmured, easing her hand beneath the hem of his black Henley to let her fingernails graze along his cool back. Then, she brushed her fingers just below the waist of his jeans. She felt his breath hitch and smiled.

He leaned closer, murmuring, "Evil girl."

"I try."

Clint came over to hug her. "McKenna, it's good to see you smiling. And Loki, good to have you back."

"Thank you."

Banner offered up a smile. "I second that, Loki. We were all relieved."

McKenna stroked from Loki's left hip to his right, biting back a smile as his breath hitched again. But, he managed to return Banner's smile. "Thank you."

"Isn't Cynthia with you?" McKenna asked, easing her hand a little higher on Loki's back. The fingers on her hip tightened and from the corner of her eye, she saw him smiling down at her.

"No. She is home with Marie."

"Really? Is everything okay?"

He nodded. "It is. Phil thought it best if she put a little distance between her and S.H.I.E.L.D for now. HYDRA was getting a little too close for comfort. His and mine."

McKenna felt a brief flash of disappointment. She considered Cynthia a friend and hadn't seen her in quite a while, so was looking forward to doing so tonight. But, she knew what kind of a threat HYDRA was, so it was best that she did as Phil wanted.

"I know. He tried to recruit me again."

Loki glanced down at her. "What?"

She nodded. "When you were dead. I went back to the house and he and May showed up and he offered me a spot on his team. But I was in no frame of mind to even consider it and told him no."

Loki shook his head. "Absolutely not. You are done with S.H.I.E.L.D. for now."

"That's what I told him." She turned to scowl at him. "Don't look at me like that. I told him no."


"Ward is gone, Loki. Remember?"

"I don't give a damn. There is always another Ward."

She sighed, but before she could say anything, thunder crashed, lightning split the sky and Selig went racing across the terrace to launch himself at Thor. Loki's hand came to rest on her shoulder and he pressed a kiss into the top of her head as he whispered, "No fighting tonight, love. All right?"


His fingers slid through her hair. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Natasha smiled. "I love you both. You're cute together."

McKenna leaned her head against Loki's shoulder. "We make it look easy, don't we?"

"Natasha!" Aislinn shouted from the top of the staircase behind the bar.

"Aislinn!" Natasha shouted back, crouching and holding out her arms.

Aislinn flew into her hug and McKenna sighed as Loki kissed the top of her head again. Everything was just as it should be.


After dinner, Pepper rounded up Selig and Aislinn and took them into Tony's private theatre to watch a movie, while everyone else sat around the stone and glass coffee table. McKenna snuggled against Loki on a black leather loveseat, his arm warm about her shoulders, her head resting against him.

Mjölnir sat on the edge of the coffee table and McKenna grinned up at Loki. "Do you think you can lift the hammer?"

"I doubt it," he replied, glancing up at Thor. "I've yet to be worthy of it."

"I bet I can do it," Clint said.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Go for it."

Clint looked over at Thor. "You mind?"

Gesturing to it with one hand, Thor replied, "Be my guest. But the odds are against you."

Clint grinned as he rose and walked over to the hammer. He studied it, wrapped both hands about the leather-bound handle, and heaved.


The hammer didn't move.

"Damn. Guess I've got to work on my worthiness, huh?"

"What about you, Cap?" Natasha said, giving Steve a gentle elbow in the ribs.

Steve shrugged. "I can try."

McKenna held her breath as Steve's hand folded over the handle and the hammer's head moved ever so slightly. But he let go of it, breathing as if he'd given it his all. "Can't do it."

She wondered if anyone else saw how Mjölnir moved, but it didn't seem like anyone did. She looked up at Steve, who glanced down at her and winked just before turning away. No. She hadn't imagined it. He would have been able to lift it, but he really didn't even try.

Blossom shook her head. "Well, color me surprised."

"You're not the only one," McKenna said.

"Go on, love," Loki gave her a nudge. "You try."

"Oh, there's no way I'm worthy," she said, flashing him a grin. "I'm in love with the God of Mischief."

He returned her smile. "Which takes the patience of a saint, remember. Try."

"Yes, McKenna. If anyone is worthy, it would be you." Thor also smiled.

Tony held up his glass. "If I were you, I wouldn't argue with Asgardian princes. It might be hazardous to your health."

Loki winked at her. "She is perfectly safe with me, no matter how much she argues. She knows that. I'm the one in danger."

Thor held up his glass in a toast. "Only if you make her angry, Loki."

McKenna held up her hand. "Enough, boys. Enough. Okay, you want me to try? I'll try."

"Try what, Mommy?" Selig asked as he wandered into the living room.

"What're you doing here, Sel? I thought you were watching a movie with Miss Potts and Aislinn?" Loki asked, reaching to grab Selig about the waist and lifted him onto his lap.

"Aislinn fell asleep and I think Pepper's sleeping, too." Selig rubbed one eye. "What're you doing, Mommy? Are you going to try to lift Unca Thor's hammer?"

"We're trying to talk her into it," Loki said, ruffling Selig's hair. "You want to try, little man?"

Selig's eyes lit up as he smiled and looked over at Thor. "Can I, Unca Thor?"

"Be my guest, little man." Thor stood and leaned over to lift Selig off Loki's lap. "I'll make you a deal, Selig, if you lift it, I'll speak with Bestefar about making you one just like it."

"Well, I have the one he gave me a few years ago."

"I know, but that one is one anyone can lift. This one is special." Thor ruffled his hair as he set Selig on his feet in front of Mjölnir. "Go on."

McKenna settled back against Loki, her hand resting on his thigh, a smile playing at her lips as she said, "Go on, sweetie. Try. I'll go after you."

Selig looked around at everyone, his pale cheeks glowing pink. Loki's hand came down atop hers, his fingers lacing with hers as he said, "You can do it, Sel."

Selig studied the hammer, his eyes narrowing for a moment. Then, he took a deep breath, wrapped both hands about the handle, planted his feet as if to yank with all of his might, and pulled.

The hammer rose as if it weighed nothing.

Thor stared at his nephew, his expression a mix of pride and surprise. He wasn't the only one. Everyone went silent and motherly pride surged through McKenna as she beamed at Selig. "Awesome, little man."

"Mommy, Daddy, look!" Selig held the hammer over his head. "It's so light!"

McKenna glanced over at Loki, whose bright smile was dimmed only by the glowing pride in his eyes. "Well done, Selig," he said softly, his voice thick with emotion. "Well done."

"You should probably put it down now, Sel," Thor said as he gently prized the hammer from his nephew's hand. He then wrapped Selig in a tight embrace. "I'm proud of you, Selig. And Bestefar will be equally proud when he learns of this."

Selig's smile was the brightest McKenna had ever seen and he looked over at Loki. "I did it, Daddy."

"I know you did." Loki sat forward and held out his arms. "Come here."

Selig wasted no time in climbing into Loki's embrace and McKenna's eyes stung with unexpected tears as Loki wrapped his arms about Selig and murmured, "I knew you'd be able to do it, darling boy. I'm so very proud of you."

"Really, Daddy?"

"Absolutely." Loki held him away and tousled Selig's thick hair. "Did you ever think I wouldn't be?"

"I knew you would. Can you lift it, Daddy?"

Loki shook his head. "I don't think so, little man. If Captain America can't, I surely won't be able to."

"What about you, Mommy?"

McKenna shook her head. "I doubt it."

"Go and try, love. I'll wager you can." Loki winked at her.

She sighed. "Okay. Okay." She pushed up from the sofa and moved around to the hammer. It looked as if it weighed a ton and yet Selig lifted like it was no heavier than his toy hammer. But, Clint definitely looked to be struggling as he tried to lift it.

The leather wrapped about the handle was warm, a slight vibration humming along her arm as she curled her fingers about it. The hum spread through her, as if the hammer was a living being, but she tried to ignore it as she took a deep breath.

The hammer moved.

It was only a fraction of an inch, not enough for anyone else to notice, but she knew that if she tried, she'd be able to hold it up as well.

But, as Steve did, she let out a mighty exhale and let go, shaking her head. "I'm going to pop a vertebra if I try. I can't move it."

"Well, if she can't," Tony moved around to stand before the hammer as she sank back into her seat alongside Loki, "there's no way I'm going to be able to."

As she leaned her head back against Loki's shoulder, he murmured, "Nice try, love."

She peered up at him. "What?"

"I saw it move," he whispered as Selig tucked his head against Loki's chest.

"No, you didn't. I couldn't budge it," she whispered back.

"It's okay, Mommy. I still love you," Selig muttered sleepily.

"We should probably get them home," McKenna said, tracing her fingertip over Selig's cheek. "They're both wiped out."

Loki nodded and carefully rose. Selig didn't stir. McKenna also got to her feet and went to retrieve Aislinn, who was sound asleep with her head on Pepper's lap. She also didn't stir as McKenna carefully lifted her.

After saying quick, and quiet, goodbyes, she and Loki managed to get the children in Loki's Mustang without waking them and as she sank into the soft leather seat, McKenna sighed. "Did you see the look on Selig's face when he lifted that hammer?"

Loki angled into his seat. "Did you see the look on Thor's face? Priceless."

"He was almost as proud as you, Daddy." She reached over to squeeze his thigh.

He carefully eased the Mustang from its parking slot and shifted into first gear. "Tell me the truth, love, I saw that hammer move when you tried to lift it. You could do it, couldn't you?"

Leaning her head against the headrest, she turned to him and smiled. "Maybe."

"Darling girl," he brought his hand to rest on her knee, "if anyone is worthy, it has to be you. Why didn't you lift it entirely?"

"I didn't want to show Selig up."

"You didn't want to show me up, you mean."

"Loki," she lifted her head from the headrest, "why are you so certain you couldn't lift it? Odin thinks you worthy of Asgard's throne. That must count for something."

"I've done too much," he said softly, giving her knee a squeeze as he steered into traffic. As they drew to a stop at a light, he leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Whoa..." she breathed when he pulled back, "what was that for?"

"Because you don't give a damn if I can lift Mjölnir."

"Nope. I don't. I've thought you worthy since the beginning, Loki. You know that."

"I know. And I love you for it."

She smiled, covering his hand with hers to give it a squeeze. "I love you, too, Loki."

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