❛ THE LOVE CLUB ❜ - 𝖼𝗆𝖻


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᎒ ੈ ✩ ‧₊ ᎒ ࿐ 🌊🥥 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘓𝘖𝘝𝘌 𝘊𝘓𝘜𝘉 IN WHICH his childhood best friend is forced into f... More

000; cast
001; the brunette version of barbie
002; i'm completely down to earth
003; they always say opposites attract
004; paying me to be your friend
005; every couple has a song
006; that damn smile
007; this girl never shuts up
008; he's a good kisser
009; they'd be so jealous of you
010; we made it exclusive
011; i can smell pasta
013; more than just pretty
014; lisa is always right
015; you laughed at mine
016; i'm not kissing you
017; you're sharing a bed
018; his little sex doll
019; such a pretty nickname
020; the date of a lifetime
021; its always been like that
022; are you single
023; you look very beautiful
024; the guy has it bad
025; you look better in my clothes
026; just get ready here
027; he's a missionary guy
028; i used the chapstick
029; i'm already missing you
030; those tulips are dying
031; it hardly looks fake
032; it feels wrong to kiss you
033; you don't need to compliment her
034; i could fall asleep like this
035; he was already eye-fucking you
036; open your mouth
037; the month of love
038; then go home
039; i do really like you
040; your fake valentine
041; your prince charming
042; the full two minutes
043; step up your game a little
044; he didn't turn up
045; corbyn bailed on her
046; it wasn't your fault
047; a quick morning fuck
048; we kept it pretty platonic
049; her lipgloss is all over you
050; the things im going to do to you
051; the bookstore boyfriend
052; her only goal is to stress people out
053; let go of her hand corbyn
054; your reputation era
055; a fake breakup
056; i can go kill him
057; i just wanted to see you
058; you bumped into her
059; she's not available
060; you're torturing me
061; you can stay over
062; that was a mistake
063; no mentions of Rosemary
064; are you in love with her
065; i can see why you love her
066; she was the fake date
067; let's get you into bed
068; you sleep with rosy
069; on my mind all day
070; you're wearing yourself thin
071; thea really upset you
072; what the fuck was said

012; you stress me out

1.5K 54 9

it's not easy for someone
to catch my eye,
but i've been waiting for you for
my whole damn life


jackaverymusic, rosemarybennett and 474,929 others liked this post.

whydontwemusic: 🖤🖤🖤

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username: oh my lord

username: wow.

seaveydaniel: jonah's hot
↳ username: so true bestie
jonahmarais: thanks man, u too

username: so is rosebyn a thing now ???
↳ username: pretty sure it is
↳ username: corbyn needs to confirm it asap

username: the hottest band in the world ok

rosemarybennett: one sat on the chair is cute
↳ username: ROSEMARY.
↳ username: SHE DIDNT
↳ username: BRO
corbynbesson: i'm blushing
↳ username: ROSEBYN.


username: five fine men wow

username: so rosemary is in love w corbyn ;) we knew this would happen eventually
↳ username: how could she not be
↳ username: i so want more rosebyn content i bet they're such a perfect couple

username: so who is actually single in this band atm i'm lost

jackaverymusic: 🔥🔥🔥

username: wow. yes.



With a day spent in her florist with Harry and Evelyn by her side, Rosemary had more than enough to do to fill her final day of the week before heading to Virginia for the weekend to see her family.

"You sure you trust me with the store for the weekend?" Evelyn asked, "this is a lot of responsibility."

"Yes. If there's anything urgent just call me." She nodded, "I'll pick up the phone instantly."

"Promise?" She raised her eyebrows, the sound of the bell at the front of the store ringing to alert them that a customer had just walked into the building.

"I promise." Rosemary laughed slightly while turning her head to the new customer, glancing at him for a quick second before she looked to Harry, immediately doing a double take on the boy.

"Can I order some flowers for delivery?" He asked as he approached the counter, placing his hands on top of it as he gained the girl's full attention, "to be sent out for Sunday, if that's possible?"

"Sure thing," she smiled and nodded, turning herself to the computer, "special occasion?"

"Birthday." He shrugged.

"And how would you like the flowers arranged?"

"Oh, uhm..." he paused for a moment while a frown grew on his face, "probably just so they could be taken from the package and placed into a vase, whatever is easiest for that."

"Okay," Rosemary nodded as Harry stood beside her, "what type of flowers were you thinking?"

"What goes well with tulips?" He asked them, glancing between Rosemary and Harry as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"That's a question for her," Harry stepped back while shaking his head, watching Rosemary smile and turn back to the customer.

"Usually we pair them with roses, pomegranates, it can depend on the colour of the main flowers but if there's any flowers they may be allergic too we won't include them." She explained as the guy slowly nodded.

"...Is it possible to just have tulips on their own?" He asked.

"It is." Rosemary nodded.

"Then the tulips on their own." He slowly smiled through a small laugh, "I'm not sure what other flowers she likes."

"Who are the flowers for?" Rosemary smiled at the guy while sliding a piece of card and pen across to him, "so I can put it on the delivery address."

"Oh sure," he nodded, "it's for my mom, Robin Anderson. Is this a note for it?"

"If you wanted to add a note to the flowers then that's what it's for, yes." She replied, typing on the computer as Harry stood beside her while watching the customer.

As the guy turned to the card and began to write down his note to his mom, Rosemary looked back at him and watched him do so with a small smile stuck on her face.

"There," he said, handing the card and pen to her as she thanked him, "it'll be the uh, the really pink tulips that are super popular these days. They're her favourite."

"I know exactly which ones you mean, they're also my favourite." She said through a small laugh, "...tulips. Tulips are my favourite, not just that specific colour."

"You look like you like the colour pink though," he smiled and glanced to her dress and name tag, "..and your name is a flower, are you sure your favourite isn't Rosemary's?"

"People would expect that." She tilted her head.

"Leaving people on their toes," he nodded and laughed, "I'm James."

"I'm Rosemary."

"I know that."

"...you do." She raised her eyebrows and sighed, "sorry."

"Is that everything for you today?" Harry asked as he disrupted their conversation, watching his boss snap herself back into her customer service mode and nod in agreement.

"Oh! Yeah, that's all." James smiled, "I'll pay by cash."

"Perfect," she replied, "that'll be-"

"Do you want a bouquet of flowers?" He interrupted her as Harry turned to the guy confused, glancing to Rosemary as she slowly shook her head, "would the owner mind if a customer bought you one?"

"...I'm the owner." She awkwardly laughed as his eyes widened before he glanced around the store.

"Wow," he looked back at her, "how old are you?"

"Twenty-one." She shrugged.

"That's insane," James raised his eyebrows, "okay well... this is all then."

"Great, that'll be $42."

"Perfect," he smiled, reaching into his wallet and handing the girl the cash, waiting to receive his change as he grabbed another card from the stack and a pen, attempting to quickly write another note.

As Rosemary placed his change onto the counter, she glanced to Harry before back to the customer as James put the pen down and flipped the card over, handing it to her while she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Have a great day," Rosemary told him as he smiled and grabbed his change, "I'll add this note to the delivery?"

"No need, the note is for you." He shook his head and turned away from the two workers, leaving the florist while Rosemary flipped the card in her hand over to face her.

"A lot of flirting happened in that five minutes," Harry spoke up as the girl turned her head to him, "what?"

"That wasn't flirting." Rosemary replied.

"What does the card say?" He raised his eyebrows at her.

"I'm assuming it's his number." The girl smiled, sliding the card into her pocket as Harry tilted his head.

"What about Corbyn?" Harry asked.

"What? That's fake." She shook her head, "he won't mind as long as it's kept private."

"So let's say you go on a few private dates with this James guy," he began to explain as Rosemary placed the most recent order into her list of other orders to process, "and you swapped socials and he wants to make it more public... do you tell him you've got a fake boyfriend?"

"Technically it's a second job, is it not?" She looked at him with a frown.

"Oh hey James, I'm fake dating my best friend to promote his new album." Harry smiled, now imitating the girl's voice as he placed his hands on his hips, "he's a singer with a lot of fan girls, but don't worry, it's completely fake."

"Harry." Rosemary turned to him.

"We can't make this public because then I'll look like a cheater." He shook his head as the girl went quiet, her smile suddenly falling, "I love you, Rosy, but you can't just go on a date with some random guy if you're fake dating another."

"Corbyn will understand." Rosemary replied, "if things get serious between this guy then he'll get it."

"Guys also get weirded out if your best friend is a guy," Harry mentioned, cleaning the counter they stood behind as the girl continued to stare at him.


"If you had a boyfriend and he had a girl best friend, how would you feel?"

"...I wouldn't really care." Rosemary said, "I am that girl technically.."

"Has Corbyn's previous girlfriends ever felt like they didn't like you?" Harry asked, "did you get on well with them?"

"We were close." She nodded, "but if he has a relationship I keep my distance. He doesn't sleep over and we're not as affectionate."

"Were?" He turned to her.

"...I can't be close with his ex that's rude of me." Rosemary smiled slightly, "we fell out of touch, I assume it was because I'm best friends with her ex."

"Was his ex nice? Is she hot?"

"And way too old for you." Evelyn said from the doorway to the back rooms, her arms folded as she laughed.

"Evelyn." Harry threw his head back and sighed, "how old is she?" 

"Older than Rosy." Evelyn said, "who you are already three years younger than."

"Two." Harry corrected her, "I'm nineteen."

"Still too young for Corbyn's ex," Evelyn folded her arms as Harry rolled his eyes, turning himself to Rosemary who had been glancing between her phone and the card with James' number.

"Rosemary." Harry stared at her, "already?"

"He was extremely good-looking." Rosemary argued, "and he bought flowers for his mom, he was sweet, he likes flowers for christ sake that's all I need to know."

"His mom likes flowers." Harry replied, "he just knew which ones she likes."

"I like men who take good care of their mom." She shrugged and smiled, placing her phone to one side as Harry sighed and shook his head.


rosy posy🌞
pretty sure i just met the love of my life

corby worby🪐
it wasn't another ginger cat was it

rosy posy🌞

rosy posy🌞
his name is james

corby worby🪐
definitely not ginger, more of a black
and white fluffy cat

rosy posy🌞
he's a person, corbyn

corby worby🪐
ok so where'd you meet 🤭🤭

rosy posy🌞
my florist, he was buying flowers
for his mom 🥰

corby worby🪐
nawwww how sweet of him

rosy posy🌞
he wrote his number on the back of
a card this is like a movie

corby worby🪐
pls no public dates keep it private

corby worby🪐
and keep me updated

corby worby🪐
if he's an asshole lmk and i'll talk to

rosy posy🌞
he seems like a lovely guy

corby worby🪐
most guys are assholes

rosy posy🌞
moving on from this conversation

rosy posy🌞
are you packed for the flight tomorrow?

corby worby🪐
barely started!

rosy posy🌞
you stress me out

corby worby🪐
it'll be ready in time trust me

corby worby🪐
what time is the flight?

rosy posy🌞

rosy posy🌞
we need to leave by 10am

corby worby🪐
why on earth do we need to leave
by 10am

rosy posy🌞
to be at the airport in time

corby worby🪐
ok YOU stress me out what the fuck

rosy posy🌞
i'll buy you lunch while we're there

corby worby🪐
deal 🤝🏼

corby worby🪐
also before you ask, i've planned out the
weekend so please do not stress about
it. it has been taken care of

rosy posy🌞
can you tell me what we're doing?

corby worby🪐
i'll tell you on the flight there

corby worby🪐
i'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 :)

rosy posy🌞
see you then :)


ok who is excited for their weekend with rosemary's family heheh

any ideas on what corbyn's planned

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