Unmasking Souls

By ladylia257

27.5K 1.5K 590

Joseon Era. A prince who pretends to hate his brother the King and has a bad reputation fell for the daughter... More

A Very Convincing Performer
The Evil Prince Asks For You
Through The Layers of Your Mask
Living in a Gold Cage
A Devil or An Angel?
His Sanctuary
Behind His Mask
Tear Your Own Heart
Heaven and Hell
The Worst Kind of Torture
The Wheels Are Turning
The Limits of Certain Things
Before the Storm
The Banquet
After The Banquet
Standing on the Crossroads
Nothing But The Truth
A New Chapter of Their Life
20. Loved Entirely

A Web of Intrigues

1.1K 87 23
By ladylia257


A cliffhanger at the end. 


"What is this I'm hearing about you wanting to marry a commoner?"

"Oh, you've heard?" Min Ho asked lazily, his appearance showing an easy, undisturbed manner.

"You're always the main topic of the city's rumors."

Min Ho chuckled.

"I am going to marry, but she's not a commoner."

"Is the daughter of the Sungkyunkwan University's rector has much to compliment herself as wealthy?"

"Park Hae Soo-ssi, if you dig around, dig it to the ground."

Hae Soo laughed and asked the courtesan to pour him another full glass of soju.

"I'll hear first-hand information, anyway. Why should I bother my hard working spies?"

"She's as rich as any noblewomen that ever stepped into the imperial palace."

"Why suddenly the need of a Princess Consort? I thought you would play around until middle age."

Min Ho pretended to test the warmth of the soju bottles, but in truth, he was considering what would the scheming Councillor Hae Soo wanted.

"She's pretty and could be the queen if.........everything goes according to plan."

Hae Soo sat straighter with interest.

"My Lord, this is the first time in our acquaintance I've ever heard you compliment a woman as pretty."

"Is it?"

"Most definitely."

Min Ho shrugged. "Marrying is good for my image."

"My Lord, please. You care nothing for your image."

"Fine, then. A personal bed warmer and a womb to bear me an heir."

"That boring stage of adulthood, huh?"

"You have taken the steps before me."

"So I did..........so I did. But I got bored with my wife after several months."

"Still.......you have one."

"It's the custom, isn't it?"


"I congratulate you. May your interest in a wife last longer than mine, before you start playing with courtesans again."

Min Ho smiled and toasted the prayer.

"My Lord?"


"Let's do something drastic."

"...........like what?"

"Like sending a real assassin to finally murder your brother."

Without missing an intake of breath, Min Ho continued with, "What kind of plan this time? We've tried poison and ambush but we have failed thrice."

"By sending this beautiful assassin to throw a knife to your brother's heart while she dances."

Even Jo Yeong couldn't see any difference in his master's whole countenance as they heard about the cruel plan.

Indeed, beside Park Hae Soo, there sat a very beautiful, tempting courtesan, with curves that could steal any man's sanity and a face that could even make the most righteous man commit a sin.


"Exactly" Hae Soo affirmed, running his hand slowly on the courtesan's body. "This one is a masterpiece. She dances like water and she's an expert in throwing knives," he stopped to smile dirtily, palming the courtesan's breast. "Right. At. The. Heart. Wouldn't you, Lovely?"

A chill ran down Min Ho's spine, his mind was busy trying to counter the devious plan as he sat there.

"Shall we make her dance at my brother's birthday?"

"Ne. Wouldn't it be awesome if the emperor took his last breath on the anniversary of his first?"

"It's brilliant," Min Ho praised passionately.

"My sister will make her has the chance to perform at the birthday banquet next autumn."

"I'm sure she will enter the palace smoothly."

"So who'll take this seductive dancer tonight?" Hae Soo asked, his question was directed to Min Ho but his eyes were smothering the courtesan blatantly, "You or me?"

"You go ahead. It's been awhile since I sleep before dawn. Besides, I'm preserving my appetite to enjoy my wife. There's nothing better than taking an innocent virgin."

"I know. I'll see you soon, My Lord."

As Min Ho walked away from the room, Hae Soo started to take off the layers of the courtesan's dress. He hadn't taken five steps out the door before he started hearing gasps, moans, and the rattles of wooden furniture.

He hastened his steps to his own chamber, wishing he was blind and deaf.


Jo Yeong patiently observed his master pacing anxiously for the past few minutes. Outside, he's always calm and cool headed. He only panicked and behaved restlessly when there was no one around.

It was a normal occurrence, perfectly normal, Min Ho told himself.

So why am I feeling so fed up with it all?

Politicians staying at his palace, music playing all night, and those flirty, experienced courtesans throwing smiles at everyone. He even let them use as many rooms as they needed, using all the courtesans to maximum benefits until dawn. He even joined the routine and took those women more often than not.

The goal was, of course, to make all those politicians felt at ease at his home. To fish out information, confessions, and devious plans.

He opened the sliding doors to inhale some fresh air. The wind was blowing, washing up his tense face.

Lady Go Eun was right to be disgusted with me. I have set up my own palace to be a brothel.

He walked slowly to the beautiful pond near his chamber, his loyal guard following a few steps behind.

He stood at the edge and under the moonlight, observing his own reflection.

Sometimes, I wonder where I end and the nastiness begins. I feel I am more evil than good now. I began everything with willingness and goodwill. And these days, I have never slept without wondering whether I or my brother will still be alive by sunrise or not.

People? The less people live might be the better.

Would Lady Go Eun agree? He doubted it.

She must be one of those untouched few human beings who believed the good in others.

She hadn't seen what I've seen. That humans love to kill, destroy, and take those that were never rightfully theirs.

The thought that Park Hae Soo was currently there with the courtesan that he planned to kill the emperor made Min Ho wanted to burn his palace to purify it.

The Park clan is forever unfathomable.

Three generations ago, the left minister from their clan was dismissed for a crime. It was rightfully true and he was banished to Jeju. The generation after that strived hard to contribute to the society and the men aimed to be the most achieved scholar, so they came back to politics in no time. Since then, they have no other reason to live except to destroy the reigning dynasty.

In the effort to calm the animosity, Min Ho's brother, Lee Jung Jae, married Park Chae Young and when he became the emperor, made her the queen. There was never love between the two, and so far, the queen only gave a daughter, while the first concubine, Lady Jeon, gave birth to a son.

"Every day, I asked myself how long my son will live," the emperor confided to him once.

"I am giving him the best guards, but......"

In concern to that thought and to guard his nephew, Min Ho had arranged Jo Yeong to send his most trusted friend inside the imperial palace, guarding the little prince day in and day out.

Still, fear would never leave them all. Ever.

It's very exhausting.

Park Hae Soo was the queen's brother. Hopelessly handsome, unbelievably intelligent, but with such scheming personality that Min Ho kept associating him with a long, sleek, poisonous snake.

Park Hae Soo was brought up to hate the emperor, taught so since he learned his letters. His only ambition in life was to be the organizer of the emperor's death. The problem was, through money and power, he was the one of the most influential scholar officials in the government. He was the Left Councillor of the State.

Min Ho had worked hard to gain the friendship of this person. Most of the time he wanted to jump and push a blade into that man's throat. But he persevered for something concrete. And finally everything solidified into this plan.

Plotting to disguise an assassin as a dancer to kill the emperor at his birthday's banquet........

"It's time to visit the emperor tomorrow."

"Ne, My Lord," Jo Yeong answered respectfully.

"And Yeong-ah?"


"After the Princess Consort enters this palace, no courtesans are allowed to dirty this place ever again. If those people send me someone new to entertain me, send them away again."

Jo Yeong bowed low to affirm that he understood the order.


Even the most disobedient prince must visit the emperor regularly. It's the least respect that must be performed, or else what was the reason left to not execute you?

Jung Jae and Min Ho had always been close, and they used to meet often, at least once a week, even after Min Ho moved out from the Imperial Palace. But since Jung Jae became the emperor, they restricted formally meeting each other into once a month. In front of everyone, they only talked in the utmost forced civility, insulting and mocking each other beneath carefully worded phrases, acting as if they hated each other to the last piece of their bones.

When they moved to the emperor's study for lunch and further discussion (as it was impolite if Min Ho just left after a half an hour), they put off the façade and turned into the real brothers that they were. They ate with appetite, joked and teased each other warmly, and sincerely asked about the other's well-being.

It was one of the rare times when Min Ho felt he could breathe easier.

He had told about the assassination plan with the dancer, organized by Park Hae Soo.

"I wouldn't know if not for you," Jung Jae said, sitting in one of the wooden couches.

"But now you know, Hyeong. And precautions could be taken."


"Is it possible to bring Prince Jin here? I want to see him."

Jin was Jung Jae's son from Lady Jeon, who just learned to walk properly. The last time Min Ho saw him was when he was still crawling. He liked the baby, for he looked like the exact miniature of the emperor.

"Forgive me. You know how there are hundreds pairs of eyes watching us right now. Why would the prince who wants me to die have the desire to see my son? People would find it strange."

Min Ho sighed in disappointment. "Of course. Why would I want to see whether he's healthy or not? The first thing I would want in their opinion is to see Prince Jin die......"

Jung Jae saw bitterness clouding Min Ho's feature and poured him another glass of Soju, placing it on the table in front of him.

"Jin is very healthy. Such a happy child. I assure you he is living his childhood normally. Well, as normal as he could have in this palace."


"And that guard you sent to protect him.......Il Woo? I can see that he is very capable and trust worthy. I feel better now that he's with Jin."

"............I'm glad."

"Cheer up, Min Ho-yah. You're getting married with the girl of your choice. You should be happy."

Min Ho turned to his Hyeong.

"I wish I could attend your wedding," Jung Jae said wistfully.

Min Ho smiled, "Why would the emperor who keeps planning to execute me want to attend my wedding?"

Jung Jae laughed a little. "True. But at least I know your visit next month will be with her. I'll see her then."

Min Ho nodded.

"I have prepared a lot of gifts for you and the princess."

"You shouldn't have."

"Nothing less than the best."


"..........Why her?"


"Come on. Tell Hyeong. Why are you choosing her? You were all "Women complicate things. I only need them for one night and good riddance". And then you met this Lady Kim and suddenly you want a Princess Consort. You must understand how curious I am. I wish to know your reason."

Even the ever sharp witted Prince Min Ho had to think first to conclude his feelings regarding this lady.

"They were..........an idyllic family."

"The Kim family?"

"Ne. They seemed to be very.......close. Like they care for each other wholeheartedly."

The explanation reminded Jung Jae again of everything they couldn't have at the moment.

"And she......she looked as if she's the living example of purity. Everything honest and sincere that I thought has ceased to exist. She's.....she radiates goodness."

To say that Jung Jae was surprised was an understatement.

"After just one meeting, Min Ho-yah? Really? I thought you're not that kind of an impulsive person."

"............I must have her."

It was the most passionate sentence Min Ho ever uttered about a woman. Jung Jae always thought that women were just objects for him. Apparently not.

"Ahrasseo. I'll look forward to meet your Lady Kim then"

"Regrettably, I'm not making it easy for her."

"...........she must be believing that you're a bad man."

"Exactly. Well. It's inevitable."

"She'll understand who you really are after the wedding."

Min Ho went quiet after that and let the subject passed.

He felt secure there, almost dozing off in his chair.

"Min Ho-yah, I want to prosecute them"

Min Ho was instantly awake again.

"The Park Clan?"


"What's your plan?"

"I'm going to establish a special task force to compile all the evidence and witnesses. Recommend me the trustworthy officers."


"They have corrupted too much..........this has to stop. I know they have a lot of power and they have infiltrated their people to the most important positions within the government. But it's time to put an end to this"

"Are you planning to include prosecuting your Queen and her brother Hae Soo?"


"It will shake the pillars of this nation."

"This includes my queen and my left councilor. Of course it will shake the stability of this nation."

"Hyeong..........if we fail, it will be the end of your reign."

"I know. But do I have to sit idly on my throne while I know perfectly that the Left Councilor, this.....Park Hae Soo, is the biggest corruptor who gathers wealth in many ways and stock it in his family's store house? And do I have to put a blind eye when I finally know that it was my queen who arranged the poisoning of our father?"

It was true. Min Ho and several other trusted high rank officers had found out that it was the queen's accomplices who arranged the murder of the former emperor.

Min Ho knelt down on the floor, "Cheona, I am ready to accept your order and fulfill it to the best of my ability."

Jung Jae stood up and touched Min Ho's shoulder.

"Grand Prince Min Ho of Joseon, I need you to be the head of this special task force. I trust no one but you. Help me to set justice for the sake of our dinasty."

Min Ho formally bowed until his forehead touched the floor, "I swear I will execute your order, Cheona."

"Thank you. And please be safe."

It's the sentence that Jung Jae said every time they started something new. Min Ho always never answered that one. Because truthfully, who could guarantee his own safety? He hated empty promises and therefore never made those that he couldn't keep.


No one would think that the Kim family was preparing for a wedding. The atmosphere was like mourning the loss of a child. The days that followed Kim In Ki and Go Eun's visit to Prince Min Ho's palace were somber and quiet. Not only the family members, but also the whole servants in the household were grieving for their young lady. No one believed this was a course of happiness.

Tailors have come to measure Go Eun, to make her the best wedding dresses wealth could buy. How they could finish everything in four days was beyond her comprehension. But maybe they were ordered strictly by the prince to finish on time.

Once, her mother suggested the idea of escape. Her brother, Sung Jae, would take her away to a safe place and they could all leave their house and start a new life somewhere.

"No. Maybe this is my fate, Ommoni. I too, want to be someone who can protect my family. No matter where we go, he will find us. I will stay here and accept my fate with dignity."

And thus the few days went by. The grief was more than anyone could bear. Who would be able to promise that this young lady they had loved so much would be able to smile again in that palace? How long would the prince take interest in her before he started seeking pleasure in others while neglecting the Princess Consort and letting her drown in loneliness and sorrow?

Park Jin Young's family had heard the news and Go Eun received a letter from her former fiancé on one rainy afternoon. It contained only one word.


Go Eun replied in two sentences.

For the sake of everyone I hold dear. Myself is unimportant compared to their well-beings.


Their last dinner together as a family was a bittersweet event, as the four of them sat reminiscing all the memories they had shared. Once the dishes were cleared, Go Eun poured her heart out.

"Thank you for everything. Love is such an inadequate word to define what I feel for the three of you. I am grateful to be born and raised by Ommoni and Abeoji."

She reached out to hold her brother's hand, "Our childhood will always be the sweetest memory I'll ever have, Sung Jae-yah."

Sung Jae held her hand tighter, like he used to do every time he helped her passed a slippery field, every time they walked together in spring, and every time they told each other fairy tales and scary stories of ghosts.

"Forgive me for being unable to protect you. From now on, your health will be the only thing I'll pray for."

Everyone was silent, washed away by tears, until Im Yang Mi, the mother, put down a blade on the table in front of Go Eun.

Go Eun looked down to the cover of the blade, it was made by ivory and carved with cherry blossoms.

"Go Eun-ah. My dearest child. My life. If things get too painful, if you can't take the sorrow any longer, Ommoni allows you to seek your own escape."

"Yeobo! How could you suggest such a thing???"

"To force her to live a life of torment is crueler than suggesting this, My Lord!"

Kim In Ki went silent, subtly agreeing to the implications.

"As a mother, the only thing I'm wishing is your happiness. If you can't face your fate anymore, Child, you know what I allow you to do."

Go Eun took the blade gratefully, slipping it inside her long sleeves.


The wedding day finally came. All the ceremonies were performed religiously and everything was as lavish as it could be, fitting for the marriage of a grand prince. Min Ho arrived at The Kim House and performed all the rituals properly, saying all the vows correctly.

The wild goose he gave to Im Yang Mi as the symbol of loyalty was accepted by trembling hands.

He knew the lady was tearing inside, wholeheartedly disbelieving he would stay true to the ritual in the future.

He had the chance to finally have a good look at his bride during the kunbere, the ceremony where they bowed to each other, vowing eternal love and the promise to forever ensure each other's happiness. She was very beautiful. He would easily believe he was facing an empress that day. In the royal wedding dress dominated with red, black, and gold color, she looked every inch noble and graceful.

She bowed to him perfectly, answered and recited the vows fluently, and didn't even blink when their eyes met.

The only sequence that betrayed her real feelings was when her mother held her hand and led her to move closer to Min Ho. She should let her mother go, but she held longer for several heartbeats, as if unwilling to truly let go and approach her husband.

"Go Eun-ah" her mother whispered in a warning.

She finally let go of her mother's hand and stepped closer to Min Ho, sitting down in front him.

As the customs ordered, they intertwined their hands and drank the wine together.

She felt like pushing him away, but instead, she could only look silently at her lap.

Up close, she smelled flowery. He might have stared too long than appropriate for a formal royal wedding, in front of everyone's present, before he pulled away in the end.

After all the ceremonies were over, they went to Min Ho's palace in a row of carriages.


Officials and guards of the emperor were waiting at the grand hall, everyone was holding a box of gift in their arms.

"The Emperor gives presents for the Grand Prince Min Ho of Joseon and his lady's wedding,"

Min Ho and Go Eun knelt to show respect for the gifts.

"By the order of the Emperor!" the officer announced loudly, "From this day onwards, Lady Kim Go Eun's title will be Princess Consort, with an additional name of "The Most Radiant". The emperor wishes you a happy, blessed life."

Min Ho chuckled quietly with the additional name given for his wife, remembering the latest conversation he had with his brother a few days ago. Later on, they would find out that all the eighty eight boxes gifts were all personally ordered by him. It was prepared with much thought of affection.

"We are very grateful to the emperor" Min Ho bowed formally, followed by Go Eun beside him.


Surely, no wedding would be complete without the consummation of it. With much anticipation, Min Ho walked and arrived at his wife's bedroom that night. Outside, the guards waited with the courtiers, including Jo Yeong and Sung Kyung, who was allowed to attend to her lady at her new residence.

Min Ho entered the room as the guards opened the door. The room was bright with new candles and fragrant with flowers and perfume. It was a luxurious room prepared for the wife of the prince.

On the bed, Princess Go Eun sat alone in her wedding dress. She looked very pale, but beautiful nevertheless.

Don't come near me, don't come near me, don't come near me..........

It was the only thing Go Eun could beg inside her mind as the prince unstoppably came closer.

The prince arrived in front of her and she felt her chin was held and pulled upwards.

"Good evening, Kim Go Eun."

He could see fear flashed in his newly wedded wife's eyes.

"It's so satisfying to finally have you here," he said, bending down to cover her lips with his.


Author's Note :

Murder is illegal, okay. Do not kill me for the cliffhanger.

Did I stress you out with this chapter?

I know there wasn't much Mineun interaction here, but I guarantee the next will have lots of it.

Park Hae Soo is also here. The Left Councillor is like a Prime Minister in the modern era.

What do you think about this chapter? Please comment!

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