The Banquet

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Author's Note:

Warning: very, very, very, very heavy angst. Read at your own risk. 

You've been warned.


Sung Kyung finished helping Go Eun dressed, styled her hair and put all the jewels on her. She stood with satisfaction afterwards, admiring her lady.

"My Lady, have you finished? We have to go soon."

She turned around to face her husband with a smile.

"Ne, My Lord, I'm ready."

He stopped in his steps and stared at her.



Sung Kyung soundlessly left the room as he reached for Go Eun's hand.

"I must ask a painter to paint you. You shall wear this dress again, and I'll find an artist smart enough to capture your color and expression."

She blushed, "You flatter me too much."

"I'm not good with empty praises, My Lady. I only speak the truth with you."


He was being true. Her new set of dressing hanbok was light pink and blue, making her looked both elegant and royal. The stones of her jewels were pink and blue too. The clothes and jewels were her wedding presents from her parents. It seemed right to wear it that night for such an important event.

They walked hand in hand to the door.

She stepped out but he pulled her back.

She turned to him in confusion, "I thought we must be on time?"

"You don't have to attend. I'll tell that you are ill. A severe headache. A bad fever. Indigestion. Anything. Anything to make you able to stay here and—"

"I refuse to be apart from you."

His throat turned dry.

"I'm not sure what will happen at the banquet. But whatever it is, I would be there with you. I have a right to choose where I be."

He was washed with fear. The fear that she might get hurt. And yet he was not the one to lay the law that everybody must attend the emperor's birthday banquet.

Why didn't I hide you somewhere?

Why didn't I arrange for your escape?

Why was I so selfish for needing your presence these past weeks? I should've been smarter............

"Shall we, My Lord?" she asked, gently pulling him by the hand, and out the door.


He inhaled, patted her hand, before walking to the farthest front of the formation of guards, maids, and lanterns bearer.

There was no way to avoid this night. It will not pass without being experienced.

For the first time in a long time, the Grand Prince Lee Min Ho of Joseon cited a prayer.

Please let my family be safe.



A dance performed on a grand event such as the Emperor's birthday banquet was not possible to be a solo dance. Im Jin Ah had prepared, choreographed, and practiced the dance with eight other dancers. They were all trained since childhood to be dancers, impress people with moves and entertain with the waves of their hands and legs.

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