portentous ✧

بواسطة kidcorenightmare

897 44 70

portentous: 'momentous significance', or 'done pompously to impress'. in both meanings of the word, hunter-r... المزيد

'Journey of a Lifetime'
'Better be... Hufflepuff!'
'The Hufflepuff Princess'
'The Prank that Went Wrong'
'Hufflepuff - 1975 Quidditch Team!'
'A Day In The Life of Hunter-Rose Moore'
'The Princess and The Knight'
'Sixteen Today'
'Patrol with Lucius Malfoy'
'Letters from Mother'
'The Masquerade Ball'
'Blue-Green and Blue-Grey'
'The It Couple'
'Ravenclaw VS Hufflepuff'
'For The Record'
'A China Doll in a Bullpen'
'Utter Rubbish!'
'The Boys Dormitory'
'Older Brother, Younger Brother'
'Start Spreading the News'
'Patrol with Remus Lupin'
'Letters from Father'
'Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Daddy's Money'
'Lover or a Fighter?'

'The Potters and The Moores'

40 1 1
بواسطة kidcorenightmare


"Hurry up, Hunts!" a nine-year-old boy bellowed, pushing his glasses up his face. His curly hair blew in the ferocious wind.

"I-I'm almost there!" his best friend responded, clutching her long white skirt, her waist length hair dancing behind her.

Hunter-Rose continued to chase James, who was far ahead of her.

"This is so unfair! My skirt would be all muddy if I wasn't holding it!" Hunter called out.

"Excuses! I won!" James exclaimed as he reached a statue.

Hunter eventually caught up to the boy, panting as she did so. She leaned forward onto the family statue.

"Ugh... unfair. Next time, you have to wear my skirt." she joked.

"No! Not how it works!"  he protested.

Hunters eyes drifted up, admiring the marble statue. Hidden behind a pink rose bush, the statue depicted her granda, who had recently fallen ill, casting a spell towards the family house. A small, golden plate rested on the pillar.


"Dad said that Granda is famous. He won't tell me why, though. Said I have to wait until I'm in Hogwarts." Hunter informed James. The duo began to walk back to her house.

"That's not fair! That's ages away! Get him to tell you, Hunts!" James exclaimed, as if the decision was unjustified.

"I don't really mind. If he wants to tell me then, he can. I'll wait."

A silence fell over the two friends.

"I'm really glad you're my best friend, Hunts." James admitted.

"I'm glad too." Hunter revealed, beaming at him.


Still in her quidditch uniform, Hunter walked into Dumbledore's office, McGonagall not far behind her. She had only ever been in the room once, at the start of her fourth year when her granda passed away.

Sat before Dumbledore's desk was her Godfather Monty, Euphemia, her father and her mother. An empty chair was next to her mother, and a familiar head of curly hair sat next to his mother. Dumbledore sat in his throne-like chair.

Everyone turned to look at her.

"...Hi." Hunter awkwardly greeted.

"Oh, Hunts! It's been a while, hasn't it love?" Euphemia greeted, standing up to hug the girl.

"Hello, Mia! Yes, it's been much too long." Hunter hugged her back. It really had been a while since the two families had been in a room together, the last time being in Hunter's second year.

She took a seat next to a red faced James Potter. He looked her up and down.

"Where the Hell have you been?" he asked.

"Quidditch tryouts. We have a strong team this year." she responded curtly. James scoffed.

"How are you feeling, Ms Moore?" Dumbledore asked from across the table.

"My head still hurts a bit, but nothing I can't handle." she admitted. Her father sighed from across the room, though didn't say anything.

"Good, good. So, regarding the... incident yesterday. Mr and Mrs Moore have come to an agreement with Mr and Mrs Potter that James is to remain on Hogwarts grounds, however be suspended for a week. He is to stay under his house leaders guidance and banned from visiting Hogsmeade until late October. Alongside this, James is to have 300 house-points removed and bestowed upon Hunter-Rose. James has agreed to all of these terms. Is there anything you would like to adjust to these rules, Miss Moore?" Dumbledore calmly laid out.

Hunter sat there, somewhat stunned. She didn't expect the punishment to be this strict. Sure, it was justified, but her Hufflepuff nature couldn't help but feel sympathy.

In all honesty, Hunter had come up with her own plan to get James Potter back.

"Actually, Professor... I'd like to adjust the punishment." the girl admitted. Her parents, and his, looked at the Hufflepuff Princess inquisitively.

"What did you have in mind?" the wise old wizard asked.

"Well... I don't want him to be suspended, even if McGonagall is looking after him. He doesn't pose a threat to any others students, so it doesn't fit. I'd also like to reduce his limit on going to Hogsmeade to late September. He'll go insane if he's socially deprived. Instead, I'd want him to lose... 600 house-points. And have them given to Hufflepuff." Hunter dictated.

James, who had seemed elated at what the girl was saying, visibly shrunk when she stated that she wanted him to lose 600 house-points. That would put her house on top by a wide margin, but he bit his tongue.

"Do you agree to those terms, Mr and Mrs Potter?" the older parents nodded.

"Do you agree to those terms, Mr and Mrs Moore?" the middle-aged parents nodded.

"And do you, James Potter, agree to those terms?" James looked at Hunter, who was looking at him with her large blue-green eyes.

How could he say no?

Reluctantly, James Potter nodded.

"Perfect! Then it's settled. If you all want to catch up, I'm okay with you staying here. I do have a meeting to run to, so I shall be leaving you here." Dumbledore stood up, and walked to the door. He turned and looked at the young Moore girl.

"Oh, and Miss Moore, congratulations on the new Hufflepuff team. It really is a strong one." the wizard smiled to himself before trotting out the door, McGonagall following him. How did he know about that?

A silence fell over the room as the two families stared at each other.

"Rose, why did you do that?" her father asked after a moment. Hunter shrugged.

"It seemed harsh."

"He almost killed you, Rose!" her mother exclaimed. Hunter fell silent.

"It's very admirable of you, dear. Not many would be so kind." Monty chuckled, standing up from his seat to look around the office. "Blimey, he keeps some junk in here, doesn't he?"

Just as it had been for so many years, the two families talked and talked for what felt like ages. Basileus revealed that Leo, Hunter's brother, would be starting at Hogwarts next year. Valeria revealed that she was to start dabbling in modelling again. Monty and Mia teased their son and discussed retired life.

Everyone else stood at different places in the room, however James and Hunter remained in their chairs. Neither of them said a word for an hour, until James turned to the girl.

"Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Reduce the punishment."

"Oh, that. Haha! Well, let's just say that I have an idea for a slightly different punishment."


"Meet me at the library, 6PM tomorrow. Come alone. Oh, and don't have the others come wearing your cloak. I'll be able to tell if they're there."

And with that, Hunter leapt off her chair, biding her family goodbye before leaving. Everyone slowly dispersed, Basileus being the last to leave. He talked to a familiar painting.

"Our Rose is a sweet girl, isn't she son? Such a pretty girl." Eoghan Moore chuckled. He talked from a portrait that was painted only five years before he died. He stood by a bush of pink roses.

"She really has." Basileus admitted. He reluctantly left the painting after a brief conversation about his daughter.

She really, really has.

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