When we first met - MerDer In...

Por dr_shep111

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MerDer in college! This is a story about MerDer in College. The story is about the struggles and life in col... M谩s



857 22 1
Por dr_shep111

We wake up to the ringing sound of a cellphone. I prop my head up and look at the bedside table. Not mine... I grab Meredith's phone and hand it over to her. She opens one eye to take a look at the display and frowns. She denies the call and reaches over me to place her phone back.

"Who was that?"

"Not important" She shrugs and wraps her arms around me, laying her head on my chest and closing her eyes again.

After a few minutes her phone rings again. I pick it up once again and take a look at the display myself. 'Mom', it reads.

"Mer. It's your mother." I whisper, holding the phone close to her again.

"I know. Just ignore it" She grumbles. I look at her confused but I just do as she says and ignore the ringing phone. After a minute or so it rings for the third time. Now it's just getting annoying.

"Mer please pick up the phone." I mumble, handing her her phone yet again.

"Fine" She sighs and answers her phone. "What is it mom" She says annoyed.

No one's POV

Meredith answers her phone and hears her mother on the other side of the line.

"God Meredith, not even a good morning!" her mother practically yells through the phone.

"Good morning mom... why are you calling at 6.30 in the morning!" Meredith spits.

"I just got informed about your grades... what the hell went wrong in Billowy Meredith?!"

"What do you mean? I scored an A!" Meredith says confused.

"Exactly. You scored an A. An A Meredith! Last time I checked and A is not the highest mark you can get!"

"What the hell is wrong with you mom?!" Meredith now yelled through the phone. She earns and confused and worried look from Derek. "I scored an A. A fucking A. I scored the best in my class and you are still not happy. You call me at fucking 6.30am expecting me to pick up the phone and wish you a good morning just to yell at me and tell me I'm a failure. No good morning, no 'how have you been' or 'how is school going'. Nothing!" Meredith screamed through the phone.

"Don't be a damn fool Meredith!" Ellis screamed. "I raised you to be an extraordinary human being. Imagine my disappointment after all these years you are still nothing but ordinary." Ellis spits.

Tears are now streaming down Merediths face as she keeps pacing the room. Derek is sitting on the edge of the bed, watching the whole thing. He picks up everything Meredith says and sometimes one or two words slip through from the other side of the line. He can't believe what he hears.

"Goodbye mom!" is the last thing Meredith yells before hanging up the phone and throwing it on the bed. She falls to the floor, sobbing her heart out. Derek quickly rushes over and takes her in his arms. He doesn't exactly know what just happened but it doesn't look good. It didn't sound good. It was all just bad. The only thing he can do now is sit there and holding her in his arms. Trying to give her some comfort and trying to make her feel a little bit better.


Meredith's POV

I can finally stop crying. I catch my breath again sitting on the floor after sobbing in Derek's strong, caring, safe arms for ages. I can't believe my mom. She doesn't give a crap about me. She only cares about my achievements and even if I achieve above average it's not enough. It's never enough.

Derek lifts me up and holds me in his arms. He sits down on his bed and cradles me in his lap. I know he is beyond worried and I know he is expecting some sort of explanation.

"Hey baby" He whispers in my ear, stroking a strand of hair out of my face. "Are you okey?"

"I am better now" I mumble. Derek presses a soft kiss to my head and gently grazes my arm up and down while holding me tight. I feel safe in his arm. He comforts me and I have been in desperate need for someone who can comfort me the way he can.

"Good" Derek whispers. "Do you want to talk about it? Tell me what happened?" he asks softly.

I look up at him. I can see a worried look spread all over his face. I don't have the strength to tell him all about my pathetic and sad life. About my horrible mother and my piece of shit of a father. I want to tell him, really. I just can't do it right now.

"No" I mumble.

"That's okey Mer. You can take all the time you need. I will be there for you whenever you need me."

"Thank you" I mumble.

"I am sorry baby. We have to get up now. We have to go to school soon. I will make us some breakfast and you can take a shower in the mean time. How does that sound?"

"I don't want to go to school" I sigh.

"I know baby, I know. Luckily we have Biology together so we will see each other a little longer today."

"Okey, fine." I sigh and roll out of bed. I grab my towel, lavender shampoo, brush and clothes. "Can I wear one of your sweaters today?" I ask quietly. I really need to feel as close to Derek as possible right now.

"Of course." Derek smiles. He walks to his closet and takes his favorite sweater out. He hands it to me with a smile. "Here you go."

"Der, this is your favorite." I whisper.

"I know. I want it to smell like you. That would make it even better" He grins.

"Thank you" I giggle.

I head out to take a shower and when I come back Derek made omelets and coffee and packed our bags. I am now dressed in some baggy jeans and Derek's sweater with is way too big for me. My hair is tied up in a messy pony tail and I only put some mascara on. I really don't feel like putting any effort in my appearance today.

"You look beautiful Mer" Derek breathes, genuinely smiling at me.

"You don't have to say that Derek. I know I look horrible."

"Don't say that Mer. You shouldn't talk about yourself that way. You always look gorgeous and If you don't believe me that's fine. But I would never, ever lie to you" He smiles and kisses me lips. I smile back, really wanting to believe him.

We eat our breakfast and drink our coffee. We brush our teeth and check one last time if we packed everything before heading towards the lecture hall. Ready to start another long school week.

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