The Counselors - Youtubers/Ma...

By Writingwut

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Torn and divided, Cass Callan, a new counselor at Rob's Summer Camp, is stuck choosing between two friend gro... More

Chapter 1 ❤️
Chapter 2 ❤️
Chapter 4 ❤️
Chapter 5 ❤️
Chapter 6 ❤️
Chapter 7 ❤️
Chapter 8 ❤️
Chapter 9 ❤️
Chapter 10 ❤️
Chapter 11 ❤️
Chapter 12 ❤️
Chapter 13 ❤️
Chapter 14 ❤️
Chapter 15 ❤️
Chapter 16 ❤️
Chapter 17 ❤️
Chapter 18 ❤️
Chapter 19 ❤️
Chapter 20 ❤️
Chapter 21❤️
Chapter 22 ❤️
Chapter 23 ❤️
Chapter 24 ❤️
Chapter 25 ❤️
Chapter 26 ❤️
Chapter 27 ❤️
Chapter 28 ❤️
Chapter 29 ❤️
Chapter 30 ❤️
Chapter 31 ❤️
Chapter 32 ❤️
Chapter 33 ❤️

Chapter 3 ❤️

143 6 0
By Writingwut

It was a pretty short walk to the place that Alyssa referred to as "the driveway". The Driveway was really just the road that led to camp, which obviously all the parents took to drop off their children.

We made it to the driveway all without spotting Jackie, Cameron, or any of the other counselors. But even though we didn't spot anyone, I sure got an earful about them. Alyssa told me all their camp memories, pranks, and activities, or at least most of them, and I didn't really mind. I say that only because I had nothing better to talk about. Hearing stories told about people you've never met is way better than an awkward silence filled walk. I've had many first hand experiences to compare with and listening to stories about random people definitely trumps awkward walk.

As soon as everyone made it to the driveway Rob began instructing us on what to do with our children, but after he said that I stopped listening. I know I should've listened but I didn't. It's just the way everyone was referring to the campers as our "children" was a bit weird I'm not going to lie. Hopefully it wasn't another commonly used word around camp because I cringed a little every time I heard it. Children weren't really my cup of tea and I personally knew some people who are mothers at my age and I would love to stay away from that. Like really far away from that.

My friends back home would constantly poke fun at my lack of interest and compassion for babies or children in general. I would constantly make the slip of referring to them as "it" and that wasn't seen as "good". I guess I just didn't have the motherly instinct others do. Oh well I guess it was my loss.

"You may now pair up with your partners and go get your children!" Rob said excitedly as I inwardly cringed. I couldn't risk someone catching me cringe and wondering what was wrong with me for not liking children, so I did my best to hide it. One day I'll probably forget to hide it and end up getting scolded by a person who loves children and stuff like that, but I didn't want today to be that day. I needed to make friends and being yelled at for not liking children wouldn't help.

I jump at the feeling of Alyssa clapping her hand on my shoulder and mentally curse her for scaring me twice in one day. "Wish me luck," she sighed, facing me as she began to walk backwards towards the direction Jackie walked off in.

"Why?" I ask, while her body is faced toward me. She was gonna run into someone, I know it, and currently that's all I could focus on. Whatever the hell she just said going completely over my head.

Alyssa skims a few people's shoulder as she walks, and I go to warn her several times, but the people just seem to somehow escape without touching her. "So that I don't end up tying her up and leaving her in another state without a ride for the summer."

I laugh, "wow! What a foul thought, Alyssa!" I gasp sarcastically. Alyssa notices that I'm joking and rolls her eyes.

"I'm serious!" She counters.

"So am I!" Alyssa chuckles and turns around, finally bumping into someone like I knew she would. Sadly this time there was no way for me to warn her because not even I saw it coming.

"I'm sorry," Alyssa steps back quickly going to apologize to the guy. "Oh," she says as she takes him in, clearly knowing whoever it was. "I take it back."

"Well Hello to you too, Alyssa," the boy sarcastically grins at her and Alyssa looks incredibly pissed. The look is a bit amusing actually.

"Like I'd ever acknowledge you purposely," she scoffs and I'm really surprised. Alyssa could really be a bitch when she wanted to be!

"But Lyssa, I love you baby! Won't you just give a second chance?" The boy then gets on his knee, going full on with his obvious act. Alyssa rolled her eyes for the second time in the last ten seconds and I knew that was her substitute for flipping people off. Even though I tried I couldn't even picture a "raunchy" Alyssa flipping anyone off.

"Go shove it, Taylor." Taylor right. This was the guy that we were talking about earlier. The one who kissed Jackie while she was dating Cameron. Good for Alyssa for telling him to go shove it! I was about to sound my agreement as well but I was interrupted when someone began speaking.

"Hey!" Rob called as he jogged over. What perfect timing. "Now guys let's get along. Alyssa watch your language! We want to stay positive around here, especially with the kids coming." Wow now I knew exactly what Alyssa was talking about earlier when she said Rob sided with his daughters friends, or in this case, her accomplice.

"Of course, Rob!" Taylor says to him sounding incredibly fake, but I don't think Rob sees through it. "This is all about the children, isn't it, Alyssa?"

Alyssa glares at the two guys in front of her before swallowing all her feelings down and nodding. Although she looked like the kind of person who would bring you homemade soup when you were sick, she also looked like the kinda person who would throw it at your face if you crossed her or her friends.

"Good." Rob smiled. "Now why don't you all go find your partners and wait with them. Have fun!" And with that he walked away.

Right after Rob left Alyssa stomped away, not wanting to be in the same breathing space as Taylor. For awhile I just awkwardly stood around and after a few seconds had the brains to realize it was time for me to go find my partner. "Wait," Taylor called out and I slowly turned around. "You're Cassidy right?"

"It's just Cass," I correct him.

"Well 'Just Cass', how would you like to attend a really fun party this Friday?" Really? Did he just call me 'Just Cass'? How original. "I'll be there." He winked and I felt repulsed.

"I think I'll pass," I answer, not that desperate to make friends. "But with your comedic material I'm pretty sure any girl would die to be your date on Friday!" With that I turned on my heels and begin my search for my partner.

"I wasn't asking you to be my date!" Taylor shouted as I walked away. "Don't flatter yourself!"

"Yeah right," I mumbled trying to put as much distance as possible between the two of us. How could someone just betray their friend like he did? How could someone live with the fact that he ruined a friendship over a girl? How could someone live with the fact that he was part of the reason his once huge friend group turned on each other? How could someone live with the fact that they're a complete and utter douche? How could someone-

"Heads up!" A heard a person shouted near me as I was in mid thought. Immediately I dumped all the voices in my head and covered my face, but I guess I forgot every other part of my body and ended up being hit in the back of the head.

The hit was hard, but not too hard. It wasn't too hard meaning that I was able to look down and see the object that hit me, a frisbee, and see the person who threw it, a really cute guy. Alyssa was not lying when she said that puberty was kind to the boys who attended Rob's Summer Camp.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry!" A dark haired boy said as he came running towards me. In the far distance I noticed another boy, most likely his throwing partner, who looked over at us. "Sorry we were just playing frisbee and things got... Aggressive. He threw it way too high and way too hard, is your head fine?"

"Um..." It took me a second to look past his hotness and to hear his words. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. My head's fine," I say with a nod.

"Oh good," the boy replied before bending down to pick the frisbee up off the ground. I took this moment as the time to fix my hair and straighten up my lame counselor tshirt before the boy stood back up and looked down at me. "Im Jack by the way."

The boy stuck out his hand and I took it, my hand shaking a tiny bit from nerves. "I'm Cass."

"Yeah, Cass, I remember. You know from the meeting and stuff." The boy smiled at me and I smiled right back. Wow he was cute. That's probably why I felt like I wanted to burst into a giggle fit. Cute boys made me want to act weird. "Hey, if you're not doing anything Friday-"

"Hey!" I heard someone yell from behind me. I tried to ignore the voice assuming whoever it was was calling someone else and stood looking at Jack. "Hey, partner girl!" I heard the same person yell again and this time I turned around. "Yeah you!" It was Cameron.

"Yes?" I questioned, sounding rude unintentionally. I instantly felt remorseful and rephrased my words with a softer tone, "yeah, Cameron?"

"The children," I just cringed, "they're coming so we have to go get down to our designated dropping off area or whatever Rob was saying."

"Oh," I say, pretending to remember Rob said that, although I heard absolutely nothing he talked about earlier. "Right."

"Yeah so we should get down there, like, now." I nodded to Cameron but I didn't really feel like I wanted to be rushed so I went at a regular pace. But then I looked back, nearly forgetting I was talking to someone earlier.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" I ask the guy, Jack I'm pretty sure he said his name was.

The boy sighed and nodded a not very enthusiastic nod. Well I guess there goes that potential date. "Yeah," he replied. "Bye, Cam," Jack said but received nothing in return. Well damn.

"Let's go, I think one of the kids are arriving now," Cameron said as Jack turned around and threw the frisbee to the blonde kid in the distance.

"Yippee," I murmured still watching them for one more second before sighing and complying to his previous command. "Here comes the children."

"Sorry." Cameron's eyes were focused on the road where cars were coming and going, making me nearly miss his apology. For what he apologized for, I have yet to know.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry?" Cameron exhaled then looked over at me.

"For having a jerk reaction when Rob assigned us together," he said and I stayed quiet waiting for him to go on. He was right to apologize and I'm glad that he's apologizing so I don't have to hate him all summer. "It's just Nash and I are really close and Rob and I have a history-"

"Yeah. I know," I simply reply and Cameron raises an eyebrow.

"You do? How?"

"Alyssa," I answer. "She told me everything."

"Really?" Wow about half of this conversation consisted of questions.

"Yep." I reply looking to my right where he was standing. This was my first time getting a good look at him. He was one of those boys who were so attractive they were pretty. His lashes were long, his lips were really pink, and his skin looked as soft as a new born baby's. His hair was brown and stood tall, looking like it could add a few for inches to his height. Alyssa had good taste when it came to whom she was head over heels for. 'Cause let's be honest, she was head over heels for him.

"So you know everything?" He asked curiously and without thinking I answered.

"Yeah." Cameron quickly stared down a little shocked. Was I not suppose to know all that I do? "Well sorta, I don't know. I might not know everything," I try and add to make things better, possibly, but he doesn't even hear me. Cameron begins to stare at something behind me, his eyes moving along with whatever it was and right as I was about to turn around to see what this spectacle must be, he talks.

"Um, I'll be right back," he told me sounding a little dazed and I go quiet. Wait what? "If there's any kids who come just keep them in a small group near you." I went to protest to the idea but then he just ran off. He ran off. Why the hell would he just run off like that? I'm new! You can't do this to new people! Well not me at least!

I stood there a little dumbfounded. How could he just leave me here by myself? I had no fucking clue what I was doing! To say that I was completely freaking the hell out would be an understatement. I was somehow a few levels above that, maybe not even just a few. But then I took a deep breath and realized, I'm an adult and adults can do stuff like this I think. Adults are mature and calm when it comes to these things, so I'll be mature and calm and all that shiz.

Just as I was centering myself, and it was totally working, a car pulled up and I began panicking again. What do I say? What do I do? What if the parents don't like me and refuse to leave their children with me? What if the parents leave but the kids don't like me? The car door opened.

"Ok sweetie, have a fun time at camp. Mommy loves you very much!" The mother yelled at her son who was getting his bags out from the back seat. "Don't break anything again, ok?" Does she mean limbs when she says "anything"? The boy pulls the straps onto his shoulders and closes the door. "Here, give me a kiss," the mom said as the boy walked past the drivers side of the car.

"Mom!" He groans when she grabs onto his shirt so he can't move.

"I won't see you for six weeks, Kevin!" The mother whined. Kevin rolled his eyes and as his eyes went around he saw me staring. Oh shit. I hastily brought my eyes somewhere else to avoid his look.

"Bye, mom," Kevin said without any trace of affection found in his voice. I heard the mother shout good bye after her son before hearing the sound of a car drive away. I collected myself and looked up at the young boy. I don't like kids and kids don't like me, that's always been what I thought and a part of me hoped it was different. Children could sometimes be cute and adorable and I wished I had more of a liking for some of them, but then there were the others. The other kids who I just saw and made me thank god that I didn't have a boyfriend who made me regret my whole wait until marriage philosophy.

This kid who was slowly approaching, had me on the line. He had messy blonde hair, pretty light colored eyes, and a tshirt that had baseball related shit on it. He was an innocent and nice looking child but as I said earlier, looks could be deceiving. "Hi." He stared up at me.

"Hi," I gave a small awkward feeling smile.

"Are you my counselor?" He asked, his question was almost as emotionless sounding as the good bye he gave his mother.

I inhaled a large amount of air and answered, "yep," with an exhale.

"Where's Anastasia?" He blinked. His blue eyes were just staring me down and I would be lying if I said I didn't squirm a little under his stare.

WHO? I was about to ask, but then I luckily remembered who she was. Anastasia was the girl who was supposed to be my counseling partner this summer. Instead of being here, like me, she was off living in the position I dreamed to be in. Away somewhere with her boyfriend on vacation. Two things I dream of on the regular, boys and vacations. "Greece." I stated, answering his question.

"Where?" He said, probably thinking he heard me wrong.

"She's not coming this summer." I simplified my answer so he doesn't have to hear about how she ditched us for her boyfriend and a foreign country. Kevin accepted my answer and faced the driveway like I was doing now. "I'm Counselor Cass," I said introducing myself.

"Yeah I know," he replied and I pursed my lips. Well ok I guess everyone knows who I am no introduction needed. "But I'm not calling you 'Counselor Cass'," he informed me, his stare not even wavering from the road in front of us.

"Why not?" I wait, curious to hear his explanation. When you go to camp aren't you supposed to call your counselor by their counselor title? I know I've never been to camp before but this just seems like a given.

"Because I'm almost ten and I'm almost all grown up and grown ups shouldn't have to call other grown ups 'counselor'."

"Oh." I reply. Well I guess I'm no longer on the line. I've decided he's one of those kids whose gonna make me want to shake the hand of the inventor of condoms. After hearing that I stay quiet 'cause, like, what the hell do you say to that? I cross my arms and can't wait for another child to come, hopefully a friend of his so they could go off and do whatever ten year old grown ups do.

"So who's your partner?" He asks and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Who says I have a partner?" I'm already fed up with kids and all their question and I don't really care whether that was the correct kinda response to him. I don't know how I'm going to do that whole children come to my cabin and ask questions whenever thing. Hopefully the children will just avoid me and this kid looks pretty old so hopefully the rest of the group could handle their own.

"Because you're new, and ditzy," he answered and I was taken aback. I fought the want to cross my arms across my chest and stick my tongue out at him. YOURE AN ADULT SO ACT LIKE ONE, I reminded myself, THAT MEANS NO TONGUE STICKING OUT. "Rob's an idiot if he didn't give you a partner," he adds.

OR MAYBE YOURE THE IDIOT, I was dangerously close to saying when he saw something behind me, making his face light up. "Gilinsky!" The boy, Kevin (or at least that was what his mom referred to him as), shouted before taking off. Kevin zoomed past me and my eyes followed him all the way to where the guy I met earlier was standing.

"Hey, Kevin!" He grinned seeing the boy rapidly approach him and stuck out his arms. Kevin gave the guy whose name I thought was Jack, a hug. Kevin looked like he cared more for these guys than his own mother.

"Johnson!" Kevin yelled out next, jumping into the Johnson guy's arms. I recognized Johnson as the shorter blonde boy who was playing frisbee with Jack or Gilinsky or whatever his name was. I awkwardly made my way towards the group, unsure of what else to do since I was supposed to be watching him. "Are one of you guys my other counselor?" Hope filled Kevin's eyes and if this had happened a few minutes ago I would've laughed at the fact that he was about to be crushed.

"Not this summer. Sorry, Kev." Johnson said ruffling Kevin's hair, which was a little comedic due to the fact that they're nearly the same size. I bite back laughter and continue to watch from a distance like a serious creeper.

"Aw Fuck!" He cursed and a weird instinct took over in me as I barged into their conversation.

"Woah, woah, woah," I interjected as everyone's eyes fell on me. "You're in like third grade, you can't curse!"

"Yeah I can," he replies sassily, his hands placed on his hips. "My mom lets me."

I go to remind him that I'm not his mother, thankfully, but Jack cuts in by pulling Kevin back by his tshirt so they're facing each other. "Hey, let's not be rude to Counselor Cass now," he tells him on his knee so they're the same height. "She's new and doesn't understand that you're a miniature asshole."

"A 'miniature asshole'?" I quote him with uncertainty. Did Jack or Gilinsky or whatever his name is really just say that and then not be reprimanded by the kid.

"He sure is." Jack rises off the ground and looks over at me. "But I'm pretty sure you were starting to figure that out," he adds jokingly, I think.

"You can say that," I laugh.

"Your game sucks, Gilinsky," Kevin says making Johnson give him a high five. I take the chance to laugh as Jack glares over at them and flips them both a middle finger and then... Blushes? Was he actually blushing? How cute! I was adoring the cuteness of the moment, but then something caught my attention.

"Wait," I say realizing I need to clarify something before it becomes a real problem. "Is your name Gilinsky? Or Jack? Because earlier you said it was Jack but now..."

"It's either," he answers. "But everyone calls me Gilinsky so I don't get mixed up with Johnson, or Jack number two, over there." Jack points to Johnson behind him who looks upset with what Jack said.

"Um, I'm Jack number two?" He questions as he approaches us just a few feet away from him.

"Yeah," Jack says like it's the most obvious thing.

"Why the fuck am I number two?" My laughter sputters out in the most unattractive way and I thank god that that didn't stop them for arguing. "You're number two, and by number two I mean shit," Johnson says back, his face showing that he was really proud of himself for this comment.

"Fuck you! If anything I'm the shit, which is better than you!"

"I bet you can't even come up with a reason why I'm number two!" Johnson challenges him and behind the pair of Jacks I can see Kevin laughing. Maybe Kevin and I could bond over one thing, laughing at the two idiots fighting over who's the second Jack.

"I have loads of reasons!" Jack counters. "I actually made a whole goddamn list the other day."

"Oh yeah? Where's your list then, asshole?"

"I'm not sure right now, but I know where I could put it once I find it."

"Cassy!" I hear someone call out. Grumpily I look behind me to see who could've ruined the great time I was having right now. This could be the most fun I have all summer and now it will be ruined by whoever decided to screw up a four letter name.

"It's Cass!" I shout back to whoever the hell it is. Honestly I don't care who it is, they made me upset so oh well if I make them upset with my attitude. My eyes finally locate the person who called out the name, which wasn't mine, and I see that it's the kid Cameron wanted to be partners with. I think his name starts with- no never mind I have no clue what it is.

"Cassy!" He calls out again. What does he want? I have said about absolutely nothing to this guy so what could he want exactly? He looked angry. So does that mean that just my presence annoys him? Because if it is I think he would be the first annoyed by that alone. It usually takes a few conversations before they look like he does now. "Shouldn't you be waiting for your campers or something?"

I stare at him blankly for a second, debating whether I should say why the fuck is it any of your business? But restrain after remembering that Alyssa pointed him out as her close friend earlier. "Well I have Kevin." I tell him with the why the fuck is it any of your business? attitude. "Say Hi, Kevin."

"Ha, really funny," the boy said dryly. Although he was attractive I'm not sure what else he really had going for him. Like he was a complete asshole, well at least to me he was. His eyes and whole look was deceiving. When I saw his light blue eyes and cool streaked hair I thought that he would be approachable and nice but that was wrong. Was he acting like this just cause I'm partners with Cameron? Doesn't he know I didn't choose this? Jackie and Taylor were to blame for this setup. If there was no cheating and ruining of his daughter's name, maybe Rob would've still liked Cameron and his friend and let them be partners.

"Hey, Nash," I hear Johnson say behind me. By the tone of Johnson's voice I could tell he wasn't honestly greeting Nash, but instead just messing with him. Nash looks up, sending him a dirtier look than the one I was getting and I could tell that his messing with Nash plan was working. "How's it going?" Johnson asked testing to see how far he could push him. A smile was plastered across Johnson's face and after adding everything up, I'm guessing that they weren't exactly close friends.

"Go shove it, JJ," Nash told him and another innocent looking person surprised me. I guess all these innocent looking people just wanted to fuck with me today. First Alyssa now this Nash guy, what the hell is going on here?

"Woah, Nash," Jack stepped up in from of his shorter friend but still Johnson was right there by his side. It was nice how they could fight one minute and then defend each other the next. I felt like that was the definition of a true best friendship.

"What're you going to do, huh? Call Taylor to fight for you again?" Again? Wait Taylor? Jack was friends with Taylor? Ok, maybe things were making sense. Nash hated the Jacks because they're friends with Taylor. But Taylor really? Jack just had to be friends with that ass-hat. He just had to pick that side!

"You know what, fuck you-" Jack began shouting, making me realize exactly what's just happened. I had stepped right onto a battlefield. Shots were constantly fired everywhere and there were distinct enemy lines which separated the rival camps. I was now on the sidelines watching these two sides fight and fight. On one side I had Alyssa who is becoming my friend and welcomes me happily and on the other I have a potential ally, Jack.

"Hey Jack, Nash, is their a problem?" Rob came over to ask. I was honestly a little startled by Rob coming out of nowhere to break up this fight. I guess he was just coming to save the day for all his daughters friends this morning. I looked over at him and knew we had to go.

"Yes," Nash said but neither Jack replied. And since they were on Jackie's "side", Rob turned to them with questioning eyes. Asking the same question but without the words. I'm pretty sure their answer was all he needed.

"I don't think there's a problem," Jack shrugged looking at Johnson who agreed with a simple nod. "Do you think there's a problem, Cass?" He asked turning to me. I monetarily panic, unsure of what to do at this moment. This is it. This is where I pick a side.

I could either say yes along with Nash and tell Rob how his daughters friends were involved in a verbal fight with another counselor, which if Nash spreads the word, would mean Rob would have to be fair and punish the Jacks along with Nash, although I doubt Nash cared about that. Or I could side with Jack and tell Rob there's no problem and that everything is just dandy. "Cass?" Rob asks when I continue to remain silent due to the argument inside my head now.

"Actually I think Kevin and I should get going now," I say as an attempt to change the subject. "Let's go back to the driveway I think there's another camper coming," I tell Kevin who frowns. "C'mon," I lightly pull the boy by his tshirt when he refrains from moving and magically his feet began walking. What a miracle!

After walking a few feet Kevin looks up at me, pouting and batting his eyes and I know where this is going. He even ended up jetting out his lip in an attempt to persuade me with some sorta cuteness, "can we please stay here, Counselor Cass?"

Oh so now he wants to call me Counselor? I wonder what happened to him being to good for it. I sighed and looked down at the boy. "I don't like kids so that puppy dog crap won't work with me. Let's go." Kevin groaned and began stomping in the direction of the driveway.

Hey I didn't care what he did, just as long as we were heading where I had ordered him to go I didn't care if he summersaulted there. I wasn't far behind Kevin in the beginning but fell shortly behind when I turned around to Rob shaking his head at Nash then patting Jack on the back. Maybe when I eventually do choose a side I should choose Jackie's side 'cause they seem to get special treatment!

As if, a voice in my head spoke and I agreed. I could never side with Jackie and Taylor. From what I know they're the people at wrong here and anyone who thinks otherwise should rethink. I don't know what I was thinking when I wanted to be friends with Jack back there. It was just the desperate friend seeking girl inside me who saw a cute boy and got excited. I'll give Jack that, he was cute, but he was also dumb for siding with the two who screwed over Cameron. Maybe one day he'll transfer over to the good side.


Sorry for the all cursing I've done and will do throughout this story. *shrugs* At least it's realistic.

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