girl next door › camren

By jaurcgui

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being the eldest child and dedicated, always doing what is right as her parents taught is the life that camil... More

just an extra chapter with ur cute comments


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By jaurcgui

"Over Again and They Don't Know About Us. Pizza, of course and Ryan Gosling. That man is a God." I replied quickly.

"Wow, slow down." Lauren chuckled. "Okay, everybody loves pizza and he's okay."

I looked at her with a frown.

After coffee and chocolate,  we stayed there for a while longer just talking or sometimes not at all. Lauren kept brushing my hair and arm, some endless kisses and I didn't move away from her. I wasn't worried about time actually. Be cuddling on the same couch since when we got there it was too good to complain. We were a little too comfortable there though.

I sat on the edge of the couch and she settled so that I could put my legs across her lap. She sat on her side and supports her arm on the back of the couch while she couldn't keep her eyes from me. I wasn't complaining.

"What?" she looked confused.

She had asked my favorite songs, food and people.

"Right, you're gay." I shrugged.

"Wait, that's not right." she lifted a finger up.

"You're not?" I pretended to be confused and surprised. She pursed her lips and I giggled.

"I can find them attractive too, but not him." she explained.

"Why not him?"

"I don't know, I just, don't." she shrugged.

"You're weird." I frowned and she rolled her eyes. "Then tell me what is your type of attractive ."

"Hm, Aaron Johnson." she lifted an eyebrow.

"Okay, he's not bad." I agreed. "Now songs and food."

"Anything from Lana and Matty's band to be honest."

"I want names, come on, it's not that hard." I said with a little pout.

"Fine," she sighed and smiled. "It can be Dark Paradise, Falling for you and Sex."

Lauren raised an eyebrow, wandering her fingertips from my knee up to my thigh. She smirked when I got a little tense.

"Hm, okay. Food?"

"Pizza, duh. And I really like rice pudding. I don't really a fan of chocolate, but I—"

"You just got more weird." I cut her off with a grin.

"Don't judge me, okay? And I love nutella." she winked at me with a smile. "And I'm not weird, I'm hot."

"Yeah, you're hot until people know more about you."

"Not people, only you." she chuckled. "And Mani." Lauren shrugged.

Lauren shifted slightly on the couch for staying too long in the same position. She stretched a bit but didn't pulled my legs away from her lap.

"Who's Mani?" I frowned.

"Uh, it's Normani." she smiled weakly.

She never talked about her before. I didn't even know of the existence of an ex until that fight we had. I wish I could know more about that, I mean, how Lauren was before all this happened. She said she was in love and all, I guess she really was a different person.

"Wanna go home?" she looked at me.

"Yeah, sure."

"I mean mine." Lauren chuckled.

"Oh, hm okay." I smiled.

"My parents aren't there, so we can make some mess." she raised an eyebrow.

"What kind of mess do you mean?" I frowned.

"Well, we can mess the kitchen counter, living room, my room, how many times you want and anywhere—"

"I mean what and not where." I cut her off.

Lauren laughed out loud and shook her head.

"Relax babe, we can just watch tv and eat some snacks."

"I don't trust you." I said suspicious.

"What?" she said pretending to be offended. "I'm not going to get into your pants, Dinah's words, unless you want me to."

"I can wait until we get married." she added, laughing.

"Ugh, you're an idiot." I rolled my eyes and tried to disguise a smile.

Lauren already "tried to get into my pants" a few times. Well, when our kisses were a little intense. I couldn't lie about sexual tension, things with her were always more intense and I liked it. I mean, since always she teased me and she knew what it caused in me. I've dreamed about her and all, what never happened before with any fantasy. But I had no idea what I was really doing. I've only kissed Austin and nothing compared to what was kiss Lauren.

My phone buzzed on my side. Lauren grimaced. I rolled my eyes and picked up the phone and Dinah's name was on the screen.


"Where are you?" she asked worried.

"With Lauren, why?"

"Okay." she sighed dramatically.

"What is it?" I chuckled.

"Nothing. You said would meet us and didn't even texted us saying you wouldn't come." I could swear she was pouting now.

"Sorry, but is not that late, is it?" I frowned and Lauren picked up her phone and showed me the screen. It was almost eight o'clock. "Wow, okay."

I went out with them right after lunch, I didn't know what time it was but it was already afternoon. Without even watching the whole movie in the theater, the time flew cause it was already evening when we got out of there.

"Yeah right?" Dinah said annoyed. "Stay the night with us today, please!!"

"Actually I'm gonna," I looked at Lauren, she pouted.

"You're not staying with her!" Dinah yelled.

"Dinah, I said it was enough." I sighed.

"I know that, I don't really have a problem with her anymore and I'm gonna kick her ass if she do any shit again but I really want you to stay with us."

"Awn, really?" I smiled widely.

"Really—" Then I heard someone speak distant from her. "Ally, it's too soon! I only just forgive her!" Dinah whispered.

"LAUREN CAN COME TOO!" Ally yelled, making Dinah growl angrily.

"If Ally says, then she's coming!" I said excitedly.

"She who?" Lauren asked confused.

"You and I at Ally's." I answered her quickly. "I mean, if that's okay? Uh, you know, I can be with them tomorrow and—"

"No, you can't." Dinah said on the phone but I ignored her.

I looked at Lauren apologetically. She had plans for us and I wouldn't mind spending the night with her. I was sure Ally would help me with that.

Lauren just smiled and nodded. "It's okay, we can go."

"Really?" I wanted to be sure.

"She said yes, Mila ugh!" Dinah complained. "Get your asses over here, now."

"Leave my ass alone." I said annoyed.

"Never!" she chuckled. "Waiting for you, bye!"

She didn't even waited I complain and hung up.

"You have a damn good ass, it's hard to ignore babe." Lauren said as she got up, pulling her phone on her pocket. I did the same with me after got up too.

"Yeah, well, I know that I have everything good here," I pointed at my body. "You told me that before. " I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Did I?" she frowned and pressed her hands on my waist, pulling me closer. "Damn I can't remember! Can you refresh my memory?"

I shook my head with a giggle. I placed my hands on her neck and stroked until reaches the back of her neck.

"Well, let's see..." I pretended to be thoughtful. Actually I remember every moment, even if annoying, since I met her.

"There was that time in the supermarket, you weren't even a little subtle about liking my ass." I said with a grin. Lauren smiled widely.

"What else?" she asked.

"You broke into my dressing room in that store." I rolled my eyes. "I think they should have dressing rooms against perverts like you."

Lauren chuckled and raised an eyebrow. "I know you like it. And hm, there is more one, right? I can't recall, what was it again?"

She rested her hands on my back, pulling me closer bringing her lips just inches apart from mine. Lauren smirked, looking me in the eye.

"You broke into my room," I whispered.

"And?" she asked the same way, I could feel her hot breath on my lips.

"You said I had good lips too after you kissed me." I said softly, Lauren smiled.

She didn't wait another minute to pull our lips together. I smiled against her lips, kissing them gently and just enjoying how good they were.

"Thank you," I said as I got up off the motorcycle when she parked in front of Ally's house.

Lauren this time piloted like a normal person should to the way here and I hadn't complained when we left the coffee about her being slow this time.

"So I say to you don't hurry, and you do it. If I don't say anything, you do what I want?" I raised an eyebrow.

She got up and pulled the keys on her pocket before look at me. She smiled playfully. "Basically, yes."

"Ugh, you're terrible." I rolled my eyes while walking to the door. I had our bags with me and she got the helmets.

Almost three minutes after I knocked on the door, Ally appears to open.

"Hi guys! Come in." she lets us pass and closed the door soon after. "You took a long time coming."

"Yeah we were," I looked at Lauren for help."

"Making out." she answered simply.

"Lauren!" I hit her arm lightly.

"What?! I will not lie to her, it's her house." she said innocently.

The truth was that after that kiss turned into a long kiss that turned on the others and became a make out session on the couch. What bothered some people in place and we finally got out of there.

"Well, tell me something that I don't know about you two since all you do is be attached to each other?" Dinah scoffed when she appeared in the room to join us.

"We haven't had sex yet." Lauren said regardless.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed and she jumped, looking at me scared but then she giggled uncontrollably. Dinah and Ally along with her.

"Ugh! I hate you all." I said before I get through them or they might have noticed my cheeks blushing, I went to the Ally's room and closed the door.

I put the bags on the bed and took from inside the sweaters. Then I heard two knocks on the door and didn't bother answering.

"It's me," Lauren said softly. I turned tp looked at her, putting the bags near Ally's closet.

"I was joking, don't be mad." she entered the room.

"I'm not mad, it's just," I growled and she chuckled. "You can't say this kind of thing to people."

"Babe I was joking." she said again with a smile. "And they're your friends."

"Exactly, they are. This is why you shouldn't."

I couldn't control her not to tease me and I was used to, it's been a while already, but things like that was okay if between us. I already get all weird when she tease me with this, I didn't need Dinah and Ally in the middle, it was really uncomfortable and I know they wouldn't drop it.

Lauren sighed and walked closer to me, wrapping her arms around my neck, then running her fingertips down to back of my neck. I smiled with the contact.

"If it makes you uncomfortable I will not do that anymore." she said sincerely.

"Thank you." I smiled, pulling her by her waist.

"Mila, are you—" Dinah appeared at the door and let out an exaggerated grumble. "Seriously??"

"We're not doing anything." I giggled, still hold Lauren.

"You can't keep your hands off each other, that's sick." Dinah complained.

"Guys, what are you—" Ally entered the room. "Of course." she said looking at us with a grin.

"What?" Lauren asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Nothing." Ally giggled. "Come on, pizza is here."

"Okay," I nodded and let go of Lauren but she grabbed my neck and crashed our lips together.

"Oh, ew! I don't have to watch it." Dinah said disgusted. "I'm tired of seeing you two like this."

Lauren smiled against my lips, moving away. I shook my head with a giggle.

"Come on," Ally rolled her eyes.

"Hey Ally, can you put these on the washer please?" I took the sweaters and handed it to her.

"This looks so comfy." she said in awn tone. "I will do that, sure."

Ally disappeared out of the room and Lauren pulled my hand to follow her but I pulled back.

"I will just call my mom—"

I didn't need to finish and I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and when I pulled, her name was on the screen.

"Scary." Lauren whispered.

I giggled and answered the call.

"Hi mom, I was about to—"

"Where are you?" she cut me off. Clearly worried.

"I'm in Ally's house, I was about to call you." I explained calmly.

"Oh my God Camila, you scared me. You know how time is it?" she sighed relieved.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to."

"I will go..." Lauren whispered pointing toward the door. I nodded at her with a smile and she left the room.

"Who is it?" she asked.

"Lauren," I replied regardless. "She's... staying with us."

"Oh." my mother said but I didn't know what it meant. "Fine then."

I had to ask what was all this about, I couldn't help myself.

"Why suddenly you are no longer angry with Lauren?"

"I've never been angry with her." my mother laughed softly. "It was just, I reacted badly. Wouldn't have happened if you had talked to me before about... this."

"I wasn't prepared." she continued. "Anyway, we can have this conversation when you come from class tomorrow."

"Right, about that," I paused. She sighed knowing what would come. "My things are at home and I think I could skip the Monday this time."

I said carefully. My interest in school has gone from enjoy learning to have to tolerate that place and it wasn't much my thing. Have the girls around really changed that.

"Do I really have to say?" she snapped. "You're just there a month and with studies late and missed one day to do nothing. How will you be back on track if you don't go to school?"

Only one day is what she thinks. Gosh, I'm a terrible daughter.

"Just tomorrow, please? I will study more and I will not lose another day!" I meant it.

She sighed and took a moment to respond. "Just. Tomorrow. After that, I do not want to hear about missing school again. I am clear?"

"YES! Thank you!" I said excitedly, then I cleared my throat. "I mean, yes. Clearly clear impossible."

My mother chuckled, I couldn't help but laugh with her too.

"Do not stay up too late." she said seriously. Or tried to. "Goodnight, I love you, Mija."

"Sure ma'am." I giggled. "I love you too and thank you mom, goodnight."

I sighed relieved. I thought it would have more arguments, but things were going well these days. My mother was more, how can I say this ... light, about the things that I have done lately.

I went to the kitchen to find Dinah already devouring one of the three pizzas. Ally and Lauren wasn't there.


"What?" she shrugged, her mouth still full, with a slice in hands.

"Couldn't have waited?" I stared at her.

I went to the table and sat down next to her. Reached a slice for me and took a bite.

"Humm, dear God." I muttered. "Amazing."

"You're doing it again." Lauren appeared out of nowhere. "I'm really having trouble controlling myself here."

"Wait, what?" Dinah asked.

"Nothing." Lauren smirked and sat across us, she winked at me.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't suppress a smile.

"I want to know!" she insisted with a pout.

"I have been forbidden to talk about it." Lauren shrugged. That's not what happened.

"Talk about what?!" Dinah was getting impatient. I laughed and shook my head. "Tell Me!"

"Tell what?" Ally walked into the kitchen. She went over to Lauren and sat next to her.

"They have something and doesn't want to tell." Dinah shot a look to Lauren and I.

"You guys have what?" Ally asked curious after bringing a slice of pizza to her mouth.

"Oh my God." I chuckled out loud.

"Mila!" Dinah growled.

"It's nothing!" I assured her.

"It's nothing that concerns you, Dinah." Lauren laughed.

"But I think so." she disagreed. "I am here to know everything that happens to you two."

"Yeah, that's kind of the reason she stayed." Ally nodded at Lauren with a grin.

"Wait, what?" Lauren giggled. "You are here to take care of our relationship?"

"I thought there wasn't a relationship." Dinah narrowed her eyes.

Lauren rolled her eyes, taking a bite of her pizza.

"You don't have to know everything." I told Dinah.

"Believe me, I do." she pointed at me. "You lied to me about being with her when you shouldn't. You betrayed me, Mila."

"Since when did you two got married and I'm not aware of this?" Lauren joked.

"I think it was when they first met. It was love at first sight." Ally chuckled.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to come between you. And mainly to destroy a marriage! Sorry, Camila. I can't be with you anymore." she faked a serious tone while looking at me with sad eyes.

"Shut up." I chuckled, staring at her.

"So, what is it?" Ally asked again, raising an eyebrow.

Lauren giggled while continuing to eat her slice of pizza. I sighed, ignoring Ally and exchanged glances with Lauren which was enough to Dinah.

"Oh my," she said, incredulous. "That's not what I'm thinking, is it?"

"You never think something good, Dinah." I laughed.

"And no, unfortunately it's not what you're thinking." Lauren reassures her. "We were just flirting, jeez."

"You two are adorable." Ally sighed.

"I liked it better when they were not." Dinah grunted.

"But I thought you were in favor of them together?" Ally asked confused.

"I am, but now they're really together. It was fun when Mila denied everything when she obviously liked Lauren."

Lauren and I was just watching them chat like we weren't there. She cleared her throat and both looked at her.

"Oh, am I interrupting something?" she smiled.

"Dinah, get over it. Everything is fine now, enjoy it." Ally said giggling and got up from her chair and went to the fridge.

"Fine." Dinah pouted.

"What do you guys want to do?" Ally asked once she returned to the table with a bottle of soda.

"I want to finish two more." I showed her the third or fourth piece of pizza in my hands.

"What a surprise." Dinah laughed.

"What kind of movie do you have?" Lauren asked. She wiped her hands on a napkin and handed out the glasses that were on the table for each one of us.

"Uh, not many. But on tv has some varied and we can see which one is the best." Ally shrugged and poured the soda into each glass.

We finished one pizza and a half until everyone were satisfied and then we talked some more, luckily about anything but Lauren and I.

"Horror Movie!" Dinah said excitedly.

"Ah, no!" I hit on her arm lightly.

"It will not be romance too." she stuck her tongue at me.

We were in the living room, I was  cuddling with Lauren on the edge of the couch and Dinah was on the other while we waited for Ally. Dinah didn't seem too happy to be near us since I was lying with my whole body on it, separating us.

"I put your sweaters in the room you will sleep, okay?" Ally said to me when she returned to the room.

"Thank you." I nodded at her with smile.

She was handling two bowls of popcorn and handed me one.

"No problem." she smiled back. "So what we will watch?"

Ally sat on a cozy armchair near Dinah and took the remote control.

"Horror Movie!" Lauren said. I lifted my head to look at her.

"You should support me!" I pouted.

"Why?" she frowned.

"Because.. you like me."

"Don't believe in her, Laur." Dinah said. "She just wants to use you for us to watch her romantic crap."

Lauren shifted on the couch beside me, seeming a bit uncomfortable. And Dinah just said Laur? Well, if she even created nickname for Lauren, is because everything was really okay. And I liked Laur. And  liked no more drama between all of us.

"Dinah, mind your own business." I hissed, hitting her thigh with my foot.

"Sorry Mila, this is three against one." Ally said with a chuckle.

"You all are so mean!" I whimpered. Lauren caressed my back with the tip of her fingers.

She pulled my face gently with her other hand so I could look at her. "Don't worry babe, I'll protect you." she whispered and pecked my lips.

"So cute," Dinah admired. "That is until your mouths are stuck to each other again." she said annoyed.

"I don't know how you guys handle her." Ally joked, her eyes fixed on the tv while looking for a movie.

"They love me, Ally." Dinah scoffed.

"Um, no we don't." I laughed softly.

"Yeah, I don't think so, Dinah." Lauren said with a sad smile.

"Yeah, you can keep lying to yourself." she huffed and rolled her eyes, filling her mouth with popcorn.

"Leave some for me!" Ally complained, taking the bowl of popcorn of Dinah's lap to put on her own.

"I found something. Evil Dead?" she looked at us smiling widely.

"That doesn't sound good." I shook my head. The cover of the movie on tv seemed a bit bizarre though.

"Oh yeah, that's perfect." Lauren said excitedly and pressed her arm around me.

"Okay, Evil Dead it is then." Ally pressed the play.

I kept my eyes on the screen since everything seemed normal. I had never watched and I didn't know what to expect, so I was prepared to hide my face as soon as possible when necessary. But I hated the feeling of knowing that something bad is going to happen but didn't know when.

"Relax, the worst is still to come." Lauren whispered.

"That's really comforting, thanks."

She laughed quietly to not disturb the others although the tv was too loud. She grabbed a full hand of popcorn and got more comfortable, sitting cross-legged on the couch.

I tried to focus on my popcorn and not on tv. Everything was normal and nothing too scary had happened yet just strange things with the car when the group of friends arrived in place. That really wasn't good sign. Why on earth they didn't turn around?!

Well, when she said that worse was to come, certainly came. And it was terrible. I didn't believe that they made me see that knowing how weak I am when it comes to horror movies.

The movie was already almost at the end, I think, I didn't know because my face was buried in Lauren's chest and I had my arm pressed on her waist while she didn't moved her arm away from me the whole time. And all I could hear was the sound out loud on tv that no one bothered to lower the volume. I hoped it were almost at the end since it seemed to have spent an eternity and things just got worse there.

"Are you okay?" Lauren whispered and patted my back softly.

"Yes, sure. I'm just amazed by the fabric of your shirt and I love having my face buried in it." I muttered. And I was staring at the wall on our side and avoiding turning to tv the entire time. "Also this wall changes color."

Lauren chuckled, shaking her head slightly. "My legs are killing me." she said with a groan and stretched her legs back out of the couch.

"Shhh!" Dinah hissed.

"Sorry." she said apologetically but laughed quietly.

"Come here," I said and sat down on the couch since I was practically lying down. I put the bowl of popcorn on the small table in front of us.

She frowned without understanding. I shook my head with a smile. "Lie with me."

Lauren put her legs back on the couch and lay down in the corner and I laid on the edge, with my back to the tv. I really did not want to watch that.

"Seriously?" Dinah said again, our feet practically on her lap. She didn't mind though.

"Shhh!" I mimicked her, looking serious. Lauren laughed softly and Dinah rolled her eyes, turning her attention to the tv again.

I hugged Lauren and I buried my face in her chest again. This way was much better. She turned to look at the tv while caressing my back with her fingertips.

I looked up and Lauren had her eyes fixed on the tv. I didn't know how she had the courage to watch it and just make a face when something bad happened. I kept staring at her and she didn't even notice that, which made me smile. I think I could get used to watching horror movies if it is to be that way. I sure wouldn't care.

Involuntarily I wrapped one leg around Lauren just like my arm was on her waist. She took her free hand and positioned it on my thigh, she didn't seem to notice she did that only a few seconds later and when she realized I staring at her.

"What?" she smiled.

"Nothing." I said with a grin.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lauren whispered with a frown.

"I have no choice, it's either you or the tv." I joked.

"And I thought I was special." she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Yeah, you're not all that. Sorry." I gave her a sad smile.

"Hm, you're a terrible, terrible liar." Lauren laughed softly and squeezed my thigh tightly, pressing my body against hers.

Okay, I don't know why she did it, but it hurt. I let out a groan of pain, loud enough to disturb Dinah.

"Everything's okay over there?" Ally asked with a giggle.

"You two get a room please?!" Dinah complained.

"Why did you do that?" I whined.

"I didn't do anything!" she said innocently.

"Right, cause Mila just likes to moan randomly." Dinah said annoyed. "Except when she dreams about you, of course."

"Dinah!" I kicked her leg lightly.

"Guys, the movie." Ally clapped, calling our attention and we stayed quiet.

Ugh, this fucking movie doesn't have an end.

Lauren rubbed my thigh where she had squeezed I gave her a look and she just grinned. I pouted and looked away, laying my head on her chest.

"Don't pout, my mom told me that everything heals with a kiss." she whispered, making me look up at her.

"Fine." I smiled, lifting up on the couch a bit, just to reach her face. She smiled against my lips, kissing them softly.

"I meant down there." she whispered on my lips and smirked.

I moved away and shook my head, hitting her hand lightly.

"Ouch!" she giggled.

"Idiot." I rolled my eyes. Thank God the room it was dark cause I was pretty sure my cheeks was red right now. But of course she knew this and that's why she always did.

"Your idiot." she smiled, pulling my face gently to look at her.

She brought our lips together again, moving more eagerly this time. Her tongue traced the bottom of my lip asking for an entrance, deepening the kiss. I positioned my hand on the back of her neck, pulling her as close as possible as she moved hers back to my leg and squeezed my thigh softly this time.

I couldn't suppress a low moan and she looked pleased as she repeated the same move. I heard Dinah clearing her throat, but honestly I didn't care. I moved and neither Lauren.

"I'm going to throw some water on you." I heard Dinah whisper, clearly annoyed.

"Dinah, leave them alone." Ally said giggling.

"They don't respect us, Ally." she said as if we weren't listening to them.

In fact, I wasn't really. I was so focused on kissing Lauren that I didn't care about Dinah teasing us anymore. Lauren smiled against my lips, pulling my bottom lip between her own and sucking eagerly. I moved my arm back to her waist, pulling our bodies together. She lay on her side, having better access to my lips which she took on another deep kiss.

Lauren pulled further my leg against her, purposely sliding hers between mine due to our position. I gasped as she slid her hand to my butt and squeezed, pressing our bodies even more together.

"Jesus Christ, that's enough!" Dinah said and slapped my other leg.

I pulled away from Lauren, taking a deep breath. I hadn't even noticed that I needed some air. She chuckled, placing her hand on my waist and I pulled my leg away from her.

"Damn you guys, get a fucking room." Dinah huffed.

"Movie is over and apparently I was the only one watching."

"I watched too." Dinah assured her. "With some people bugging me of course."

"We didn't do anything with you, actually." Lauren said.

"But it's really annoying when you do that around me." Dinah growled.

"Thank god! I'm gonna take a shower." I blurted out and got up lazily from the couch.

"Hm, something's wrong, Mila?" Ally joked, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

Lauren smirked, looking at me with a smug look.

I shot them a glare. "I want to take a shower because I haven't yet, is that okay?" I snapped but Ally just giggled.

"Mind if I join you?" Lauren asked, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth.

"Of course you're coming, babe." I said, taking her by the hand and pulling her off the couch gently.

"Wait, what?" Dinah said chuckling.

Lauren looked at me confused and questioningly at the same time. I just smirked at her, walking away from the girls.

"Are you... serious?" she asked surprised but I didn't answer.

"Please don't have sex in my bathroom!" Ally shouted while we walked away from the living room. I couldn't help but laugh quietly.

I walked with her through the small hallway to the bathroom door.

"Camila, I wasn't serious—" Lauren tried to say but I kissed her softly.

"Neither I." I giggled when I pulled away. I stroked her cheek with my thumb .

She was blushing? That only made me giggle even more.

"You what?" she frowned.

"You will just watch the door. I don't want to be here alone after that horrible movie you made me watch." I explained, laughing softly.

Lauren chuckled and ran a hand through her hair after taking a deep breath.

"You're so mean." she shook her head, smiling.

"Oh, poor you." I said with a pout. "You can tease me but can't be otherwise, hun?"

"Exactly." she nodded and I rolled my eyes playfully. "But I know your dark side."

She raised an eyebrow with a smirk on her lips.

"I think I like you more when you're drunk." she said and wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Too bad cause I will never drink again." I pecked her lips, pulling her arms away gently. "Now, watch the door."

I openned the bathroom door.

"I can't do much outside. I mean, what if something is already inside the bathroom?"

"Stop, the bathroom is safe." I pouted, taking a looking inside after that I turned on the light.

"Are you sure?" she questioned.

I wasn't overreacting, I was really scared. I saw faces on that movie that I would never be able to forget and I'd probably have a shitty night remembering that every time I close my eyes.

"I hate you." I whimpered, taking a step back. Lauren chuckled.

"I'm kidding, there is nothing there babe. Just go."

"I don't want to." I shook my head.

"I'm staying with you." she held my waist, making me walk into the bathroom with her.


"Relax, I'll just.. read those magazines." she pointed to the counter where where had two Vogue magazines.

"Yeah, of course." I scoffed and turned to look at her.

"I'm serious." she said and I looked at her suspiciously.

"I promise you, and besides, the Box is totally blurry. I can't see anything." she continued and shrugged.

"Hm, I don't tru—" I tried to say and she rolled her eyes, cutting me off.

"I am serious, how many times I have to tell you?" she giggled. "As fast as you finish I will be able to take mine next."

She took the magazines from the counter, taking a look on them.

I sighed defeated. I would have to trust her at some point, right? And now I didn't know why I was making such a big deal of all of this. This shouldn't bother me.

"Fine. Turn around, please?" I asked and she looked up from the magazine to look at me.

Lauren didn't said anything, just nodded and did what I asked, turned back to me. She supported a hand on the counter while leafing through the magazine with the other.

I couldn't believe I was about to get naked while Lauren was just there. I wasn't so confident about it, I guess it wasn't really because she is as she is, teasing me all the time and stuff, I was just embarrassed.

I took off my shirt and then did the same to my pants. Lauren didn't bother to move or spying and seemed focused on whatever she was reading. I quickly took off my bra and underwear before going into the box.

I couldn't lie I expected her turn and look at me even when she had promised not to. The thought of it made my heart pound in my chest. But thankfully I had the hot water from the shower to calm down. I put my hair in a bun before turning on the shower and honestly, I no longer freaked out when I was under that water.

"Wasn't so bad, was it?" Lauren chuckled. "Can I turn around now?"

I giggled. "Of course."

We could see each other through the box though, but from my shoulders and down was blurred. I wondered how poor Ally would be in here, I mean, she would disappear if someone watching from the outside.

"This is so good, I will never get out of here." I sighed relieved. It was really a relief. How is it her shower is better than mine? I had already taken a shower here before but every time was like the first time.

"I wouldn't mind." Lauren said, looking at me with a smirk. I truned on my side, I wasn't totally confident about this box at all.

"What are you reading?" I changed the subject to avoid that one a bit longer. I took the bottle of body wash and poured some on my hand.

I started washing my body lazily. Ally would probably kill me for taking so long, but I didn't want to care about that now.

Lauren sat on the counter, turning the leaf through the magazine in her hands.

"Um, there's a picture here and a bold title that says: 'How good it would be if you were in the shower with Camila. '" Lauren chuckled. "I can say that would be amazing."

"My God you're so idiot." I laughed quietly, pouring more soap in my hand. I was trying not to think that Lauren was right there while washing my body.

"What? I'm not lying." she said seriously. "And there's more. Between the lines there is something that says, 'Camila will regret for saying no in the future.'"

"Just read the damn magazine." I rolled my eyes playfully even though I wasn't looking at her.

I took only a little more of Ally's soap before washing my body completely. I was just finishing up when we heard two knocks on the door.

"Camila?" Dinah asked.

"Yeah?" Lauren answered for me.

"Lauren's really in there?" Dinah said excitedly. Why was she excited?

"I'm coming out." I said.

Lauren went down from the counter and looked at me with a smirk on her face. This wasn't good. She left near the door quietly and approached me.

"Already babe? We're not done yet." Lauren said loud enough that Dinah could hear.

"WHAT?" Dinah exclaimed. Lauren covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a laugh.

"Lauren, what are you doing?!" I looked at her with wide eyes.

"What? I thought you liked it that way." Lauren said softly but making sure she was listening.

"Oh my God!" I said louder than I expected. I couldn't go out and make her stop because I was naked!

"Hmm, so you like it, yeah?" she said in a sultry tone.

"ALLY COME OVER HERE!" Dinah shouted and chuckled.

Lauren was holding the most not to laugh out loud and I shot her a glare.

"I told you not to have sex in my bathroom!" Ally complained and knocked on the door.

"Jesus Christ, Lauren stop!!" I hissed and she shook her head, raising an eyebrow.

"Go Lauren!" Dinah screamed and knocked on the door too.

"WHAT THE FUCK DINAH?!" I yelled back.

Why the hell did she said that??

"Oh— wow, I didn't know you were so flexible, Camila." Lauren said again, she had to bite her hand lightly not to laugh more.

"Oh my God, stop right now!!!" Ally shouted.

"Okay, let's switch now." Lauren said out loud. "Guys, if you don't mind leaving. You kind of are interrupting something here!"

"I can't believe it!" Dinah chuckled.

"No, they're not! Lauren, what the fuck, stop it!" I said annoyed. I was extremely red. It was a mix of anger and embarrassment.

Lauren finally laughed out loud and went to the door, opening it at once but blocking the entrance.

"You are two perverts!" Lauren said laughing.

"What— you're not," Dinah said confused.

"Of course not!" Lauren chuckled. "I was just messing with you and your dirty mind."

"I'm still in the shower, for the love of God!" I screamed.

"Uh, sorry guys. Bye." Lauren said and closed the door again.

"I hate you!" I said angry since she turned to look at me.

"It was fun, come on." she smirked.

I opened the box only to put my head outside.

"Give me the towel?" I said harshly.

Lauren grabbed a towel near the sink and came to me but when I was going to get from her hand she pulled. "Ask nicely."

I huffed and she shook her head.

"Give me the towel, please?" I said in the same tone and she just sighed feigning disappointment. "Dammit Lauren!"

"You really don't know how to play." she pouted, not caring that I was mad at her. "Here."

She handed me a towel. I grabbed from her hand and closed the box. For a second I thought the glass would break.

I wrapped the towel on my body and got out of the shower. I rushed to the door and walked past her.

"You shouldn't run or you're—" she tried to say, but it was too late.

My foot slipped and I felt my body fall back. I screamed and tried to hold on to something but it was useless. I was hoping to hit the ground in seconds, but Lauren was able to hold me in time. She wrapped her arms tightly around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Oh my God!" I breathed as she helped me to stand.

"I warned you." Lauren laughed softly, still holding me.

I took a deep breath while I was recovering for a few seconds. I got out of her embrace and looked at her over my shoulder.

"I'm still mad at you." I said seriously.

"Camila," she said with a sigh but I came out of the bathroom without waiting for her.

I went to the Dinah's room where my things usally are where I left the last few times I was here. I locked the door after I entered the room and threw the towel on the bed. And by the way was ready to sleep. Ally should have done while I was in the shower.

I wasn't really mad at Lauren. More upset. I just told her earlier not to do this sort of thing and she does anyway. I don't really know when she's going to listen and take it seriously.

After putting the new sweater and a pair of short shorts I left the room. I put the towel in Ally's service area before heading to living room, but they weren't there, so I went to the kitchen to find Dinah sitting on the kitchen counter and Ally next to her.

"Hey there." Ally smiled at me. "Awn, you look so cuddly!"

"You're not naked, are you?" Dinah laughed. It was oversized, but I showed her the shorts I was wearing underneath.

I really loved the sweater. It was big and comfortable and I would probably use all the time. Well, this would replace the 1975's shirt in cold days.

"I know, it's really good." I tugged the hem of it. "Thanks for washing by the way. It smells so good."

I walked up to them and Dinah went down from the counter and jumped on me, wrapping her arms around me.

"How was the shower?" she joked, looking at me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and poked her lightly.

"Where's Lauren?" she was gone? I mean, it was late but she wouldn't care about that I think if she thought I was really mad at her.

Ally noticed my face change from confusing to despair and she laughed softly.

"She's in the shower."

I sighed relieved and smiled slightly. Dinah let go off me and leaned back on the counter.

"Well, I was going to bed. I'm exhausted. " Ally complained and yawned.

"Exhausted? You didn't do much of anything today." Dinah laughed.

"Hey, we went out and stuff. It's really tiring." she defended herself.

"Oh, so it's exhausting go out with us?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't say that."

Ally pointed a finger at me and narrowed her eyes.

"It was pretty much the same thing, Ally." Dinah commented.

"Hey, don't forget that I can kick you out of my bed tonight." Ally hit lightly on her arm.

"You wouldn't do such a thing!" Dinah said amazed.

"Watch me." Ally shrugged.

"You're tiny but so mean." Dinah pouted.

I shook my head and laughed softly.

"If you want to eat anything or something, you know where everything is." Ally tightened her arms around me. "Goodnight Mila."

"Thank you, Goodnight." I hugged her even more. Ally squealed and I laughed then I let her go.

"Hold on, I'm going with you." Dinah said and hugged me again.

"Don't stay up too late." she winked at me. "Love you!"

"It's already late." I rolled my eyes. "Love you too."

They disappeared out of the kitchen and I laughed to myself. I was so lucky to have them as friends. We were so much better together than was inevitable live without them and have Ally back was almost a blessing, without overdoing it. She was a ray of sunshine.

I went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water, as soon as I closed the door and turned around, Lauren was standing on the other side of the kitchen.

"Damn!" I almost left the bottle fall from my hands.

"Sorry." she laughed softly.

I got a glass from the kitchen cupboard and poured some water. I took a big gulp of the drink while we stand quietly there. But it was not an uncomfortable z

Lauren rested her elbows on the counter and looked at me.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Are you?"

"No, why?" I frowned.

"Then I'm not." she smiled.

I laughed softly.

"You will only eat if I go too?"

"I think so." Lauren shrugged with a smile.

Such a dork.

I put the bottle back in the fridge and walked around the counter to her. Lauren was also wearing her sweater and she was lovely in it. I couldn't help but smile when looking at her. And she was wearing Dinah's pants.

"You look good too." she nodded, grabbing my sweater and pulling me closer. "Are you still mad at me?"

"No." I said simply, looking into her green eyes.

"Really?" she smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Just a bit." I shrugged and avoied looking at her for a moment. "More upset than mad."

"I'm sorry." she said sincerely. "I won't do it again."

"You will, you know that." I chuckled and looked back at her.

"Yeah, I know." she bit her lip nervously. "I'll try not to do so."

I nodded with a smile. "It's a start." I kissed her lips gently. "Although you will not be able to change anyway."

"I really love the faith you have in me." she said sarcastically.

"Let's go to bed." I rolled my eyes playfully.

I went to leave the kitchen not waiting for her, or I at least tried as she pulled me back and hugged me from behind. I couldn't help but laugh softly when Lauren placed a kiss on my neck as we walked back to Dinah's room.

Lauren closed the door with her foot right after we passed, the knock made a noise and she laughed not caring that would bother the girls in the other room.

"Seriously?" I asked her. She didn't let me go yet.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." she laughed even more and turned me around to face her.

She kissed me softly, her hands wandered from my waist to my back as she pulled me closer gently.

"It's really late," I whispered against her lips once we parted.

"It is." she smiled.

Lauren grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed with her, taking the side of the wall what would be left for me the direction of the door. I didn't want to sleep facing up to the door where any minute of the night something could go in there.

"Noo, switch with me." I whimpered and ran over her, causing her to switch places without much choice.

"Why?" she chuckled.

"I'm safer on this side." I giggled.

"Safer of what?" Lauren raised an eyebrow but then laughed. "Camila, really? You're such a baby!"

"I'm not!" I pouted.

"Yes, you are." she chuckled, pulling the blanket to cover us.

We lay on our sides, facing each other. I stroked her face with my thumb before resting my hand on her neck.

"But don't worry," Lauren put one hand on my waist, pulling us even closer. "I will protect you from the monsters."

She made fun of me and I pouted, what made her smile but then she mimic me, pouting exaggeratedly.

"I'm serious!" she whispered and pecked my lips.

"I know." I giggled, brushing my lips on hers. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." she smiled, looking me in the eye. Damn, those eyes. I don't get tired of looking at them.

But I was sleepy, though. We had a big day, I mean, it was good and I enjoyed every minute. Especially with the peace between Dinah and Lauren. Spending time with them was really good, I could do this all the time and be tired at the end of the day it would be worth it.

I closed my eyes and didn't even notice, only when I missed a pair of green eyes, but I wasn't sleeping. I opened them lazily and Lauren was still looking at me. She smiled, making me smile too.

"Aren't you sleepy?" I asked softly.

"I have to keep an eye on you, remember?"

"But you can sleep."

"Not yet." she said with a smile.

Her hand caressed my waist, sometimes behind my back and returned to its previous post.

"Okay," I muttered and my eyes closed again.

I tried to keep them open, but were too heavy.

"Lauren?" I asked still with my eyes closed.

"Yes." she whispered.

"What was it like when you were with her?" I found myself asking in a sleepy voice.

"I mean, before she do what she did." I completed.

I was curious, I guess. How could anyone hold Lauren the way she said it was when she was with Normani. Now that she don't let people tell her what to do.

"You don't like how I am now?" she asked softly.

I opened my eyes again and I gave her a weak smile. "It's not that."

"Honestly, it was the best year I've ever had." she half laughed. "That was the time that we were together."

"Hmm," I muttered, unable to keep my eyes open again.

"She noticed me. She made me feel wanted, especial." Lauren paused for a moment. "I wasn't as cool as I am now, so you're lucky."

She joked and I stroked her neck to let her know that I was still there.

"She was the first person I felt this way, so it was easy to be manipulated because I was blind I guess. Now that I look back I see how it really was." Lauren squeezed my waist slightly.

"What a bitch." I said but I don't know if that's what I'd say since sleep was affecting me now. I opened my eyes, she looked at me serious before forcing a smile.

I didn't see anything else before I closed my eyes and sleep hit me.

A/N: sorry that it took a century to update, i ran out of ideas along the way but i managed to finish.. had another part, but i'll leave it to the next chapter. as you can see i'm too slow to make the story move on, i hope this isn't boring :3 idk how to rush things cause i don't like to miss anything

anyway, sorry for any type of errors there and thanks for reading! tell me what you think <3

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