The Harvest of Souls

By GabePraz

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Capítulo sem título 2


180 13 1
By GabePraz


20.01.8462 - 10:37 AM

The following five days passed slowly. Mila spent several hours trying to access the chip Fernand had given her, but it didn't seem to be compatible with any MC or computer she had tried. As Vaughan slowly regained consciousness, everyone began to develop a feeling of claustrophobia and despair, trapped inside the hotel, as they fruitlessly asked for news of Fernand. They had no idea where Fernand was. He might already be trapped in the Ice Prisons or somewhere in Arkadia or Vindobona for what they known.

On the fourth day after the location of Fernand by the Globapol, Lélia received information that the trial would take place the following day in Vindobona. She immediately called Charlotte demanding permission to go to Vindobona.

Charlotte complied with Lélia's request, but none of the forced guests at the Kotakahuana Palace were allowed to travel with aircraft from Asturias. They could only go to Vindobona with an official transport from Arkadia and accompanied by Rouge agents. The group was transported on an Arkadia Phoenyx Ship and accompanied by six agents, all women dressed in red. The Phoenyx model ship, just like Richard's, was already approaching the territory of Östliche Reich when Mila decided to ask.

"Lélia, I'm sorry, I wanted to ask a question, but if you're not comfortable answering, you don't need to, okay?" Said the girl, all tied up by a series of belts in one of Phoenyx's seats.

Lélia looked around to observe the officers before answering.

"What would it be?"

"How is a trial? I've read about it, but I've never seen one."

Lélia looked deep into the girl's blue eyes.

"Well, basically, you're put in a chair, someone presents the crimes you're being accused of, and then Anjeamons come up to assess whether you're guilty or not. There are usually seven Anjeamons, and it rarely happens... happened a unanimous condemnation."

"What do you mean?" Questioned Scarlet. "Do they vote?"

"Not quite," Lélia spoke. "Anjeamons are different beings: some believe they are superior to us, their powers are different from ours, they can teleport, can access areas of a wizard's mind that even the being is unaware of. I particularly find them a threat to our individuality and free will. Fortunately, they don't like to mix with us, and no one really knows where they live, but they were a very useful tool for us, used hundreds of years ago in judgment. The idea is to make the judgment fairer.

"But I don't understand. Do they say the person is guilty? Do they vote on a wooden box? How it is done?" Mila asked again.

"An Anjeamon has the ability to transform into two different figures. Their natural state is that of an enlightened being, which transmits peace and harmony, but when placed in front of a certain wizard, if these Anjeamons decide to judge him, their form can change, for something more obscure, an evil figure, which makes the whole environment apprehensive," Lélia took a deep breath. "So they don't vote, Scarlet. They go into the depths of an accused's mind and then demonstrate what's in it and decide whether the accused should be convicted or not."

"But there is no unanimity, you said?" Said Mila.

"No, there has never been a trial where the seven Anjeamons agreed to a verdict, whether one Anjeamon assumes an evil form while the others remain in enlightened form or vice-versa. Therefore, the conviction is based on a simple majority. I think it's absurd."

"But how can there not be unanimity? Can't they define whether or not the person committed the crime?" Mário raised his eyebrows.

"Mind you," This time it was Richard who spoke. "They don't read the mind, the thoughts, for them this is fleeting, they access parts that we don't really understand, and we are dual, we have good and bad in us, we take good and sometimes bad attitudes. They believe that Anjeamons can analyze a specific fact. Still, even a specific action can have good intentions and generate a negative result. The Anjeamons reflect all the complexity involved: some can perceive the good within a bad attitude or the bad within a good action, this ends up in a result that is usually around five against two."

"And why don't we create our rules? And are we judged by ourselves?" Mila asked.

"I defend this fiercely," Lélia said. "I tried to argue with Charlotte, after the trials ended, with the Safe Era, there was no longer any need. But she never listened to me. I'm mean, we already have rules for minor crimes, but murder, terrorism, crimes against the state, and some other serious crimes are judged only by the Anjeamons."

"She believes that judgments should take place from a neutral source," said Richard.

"Was she by any chance judged for the crimes she committed?" Questioned Scarlet.

"Never!" Richard exclaimed. "There's the trick, only a sovereign can call judgment for someone, but they are above all judgment. I could call a judgment for some citizen of my realms, but I can't do the same for rulers of other realms, let alone the Supersovereign," said Richard.

The ship avoided the protocol of landing in an authorized area and made an impromptu landing in the middle of the Volksgarten in Vindobona, a few steps from Hofburg, the location chosen for Fernand's trial.

Charlotte decided to hold the trial at the place where the crimes in flagrant offense had taken place. Everyone disembarked from Arkadia's red government ship to observe that a whole structure was already in place.

"They turned it into a show," Commented Lélia.

Lélia was still holding Vaughan by the arm. Vaughan was dressed entirely in black, wearing a huge black coat that covered even his boots. He climbed out of the ship and pulled the hood over his long hair and donned sunglasses that covered nearly half of his face. His lips were the same color as his pale skin, and he made no sound. Since he had started to regain consciousness, he had avoided talking. Richard followed behind Vaughan and Lélia, along with Mila, Mário, and Scarlet. Everyone passed through the park's metal gates, entering Heldenplatz and heading towards a makeshift circular wooden bleacher between two statues. The location was right between the Neue Burg, part of the Hofburg, and Heldenplatz.

The Neue Burg building that used to be white was with a considerable part of the first two floors connected to the rest of the Hofburg, all covered in black soot. Everyone watched with regret and concern. That was the farthest part of where the fire had broken out; they then imagined how the National Library and the Royal Office building would be.

The Asturians passed a huddle of people around the stands, all making their way with their heads down to not attract attention. They found a part that seemed to give access to the interior of the stands. A woman in a red uniform and a young man dressed in black guarded the wooden archway that passed under the makeshift seats. Observing the woman Lélia took the lead:

"Janaína," greeted her passing through the arch and entering the bottom of the bleachers without asking permission.

"Lélia, are they all with you?" Janaína asked.

"Yes, they are."

Everyone entered through the arched tunnel to the center of the circular bleachers, a round space about twenty feet in diameter and only a wooden chair in the middle. Lélia's entire body seemed to fail at that moment, and it was Richard who held her so that she would not fall.

"Be calm. I'm here," he said softly in her ear.

Lélia was momentarily relieved to be able to count on Richard.

"I hate Anjeamons. I can't agree with that. It became a goal of my life to overthrow this institution," Lélia said.

Lélia observed from the other side of the entrance, sitting in the first row Fernand's children. She chose to sit just opposite the opening where the children were to avoid any embarrassment. She felt guilty for what was happening and just waved at them at a distance. Everyone sat and remained silent as the bleachers slowly filled with the people authorized to participate in the trial. Many of those who entered had badges hanging around their necks, and Lélia noted that they were media representatives from all over the world.

"Charlotte really put on a show," Lélia spoke.

"It's natural. She needs to show that she still has power over things," said Richard.

Mila and Scarlet hugged Mário on either side and placed their heads on the boy's chest. Charlotte entered the stands, followed by Fernand, his hands clasped in front of his body. He wore simple khaki color winter clothes while Charlotte was in a red shirt, a simple black skirt and a golden cape. As soon as the two entered the makeshift bleachers, the entrance was boarded up, and film cameras were positioned in front of the chair. Fernand went to the chair, sitting in it. Charlotte stopped beside him, standing and facing the cameras. She began to speak bluntly.

"Eight days ago, this building complex, which houses an invaluable collection of books important to our history and development, was attacked. A terrorist attack hit the buildings of the Royal Library, the National Library, and the Royal Offices. We've lost hundreds of thousands of rare and unique books. The motives for the attack are still unclear to us. Today we bring you the man found illegally inside the Hofburg, accused of the attack," Charlotte turned to Fernand. "Fernand, for what reason was the attack carried out?"

Fernand, taken by surprise by the question, had to moisten his throat before speaking.

"I am not the author of these attacks. I do not know the reason why they occurred."

"And what were you doing inside the Hofburg, illegally, when all international borders are up, and you were supposed to be across the North Sea in Pleiziň?"

Once again taken by surprise, Fernand sought Lélia's face among the crowd, trying to get instructions on how to react to this question. He knew he couldn't tell the truth, and then he found his children, all with crying faces, which made him decide to tell the truth. The real treasure of his life was his children. Any mission was expendable next to the need; he had to be close to his children.

"One of the chief representatives of Asturias disappeared, and when researching about his locations in recent years, I found in the travel reports that he was coming to Vindobona. I also found that he had a pass, granted by you, Charlotte, to access the restricted library: the Royal Library. I intended to discover the reason for his frequent visits to the Royal Library," he reasoned that it was not time to reveal that a telephone company in Rasshiryay had broken the confidentiality of one of its customers, indicating its precise location. "So I decided to find out what he was researching in the Royal Library, and while I did it, the building next door exploded."

"You then confess to leaving Tachlovicka and entering Östliche Reich without authorization, breaking into a government complex and accessing the Royal Library without my authorization?" Charlotte asked.

"I confess," Fernand spoke, worried that Charlotte would question how he had illegally entered Vindobona.

"Do you understand how serious your attitude was? To invade a restricted area?"

'Whew, she's more worried about her stuck ass than mine' thought Fernand as he nodded that he understood the gravity of the problem, even though he knew that there were much more severe crimes in that whole story.

"We will start then the trial by the Anjeamons. But before we start, I'd like to make public a sad fact that, by my decision, we have maintained complete secrecy so far. As everyone knows, the Hofburg attack is just one action among a series of strange events that currently occur, events including murders. It is with great regret that I inform you that on the fourteenth of this month of Primus, there was another attack at The Cristal, the seat of our world government. One of my most important agents, along with a Noir security agent, were brutally murdered inside one of The Crystal's underground rooms."

"What?" Scarlet was startled and faced the others who were just as perplexed.

Charlotte continued.

"I feel extremely sorry for what happened and partly blamed for the murder. Eillen was late that night in the office working on a special case for me: locating Fernand. In addition to being an excellent agent, Eillen was from my personal cycle: she was part of the Rouge. As I already mentioned the security: Anthony was part of Noir. The murders left Ástur and reached Arkadia, and clearly show that they target the stability of my government by murdering two of my colleagues. Part of the Rouge and Noir already knew about this occurrence, as well as the families of the deceased, who with great effort kept the fact a secret until now. I sympathize with the family and with Rouge et Noir, who have lost great companions. These facts complement a series of events that I believe can be clarified by the person sitting in this chair. I want to ask for a minute of silence for the lives lost over the past few weeks."

Charlotte waved to the air, and letters floated above Fernand's head:

Jean Andrulis Van der Veen

Marlena Patrícia Arruda

Felício Arcanjo

Ellen Allman

Anthony Altepeter Deich

The silence was complete. Even the sounds of cars and birds stopped at that moment. Shortly afterward, Charlotte lifted her head as the letters disappeared into thin air and then spoke.

"Fernand, today you will be tried for six crimes: for unauthorized displacement during a time of erected borders, for invasion of the Hofburg, for improper access to the restricted government area, for assault on an Arkadian agent, for terrorism, and for the direct murder of Jean Andrulis Van der Veen, Marlena Patricia Arruda, Felício Arcanjo, and possible involvement in the murders of Eillen Allman, Anthony Altepeter Deich.

"No!" Fernand bristled, almost getting up from his chair, but with a nod, Charlotte made his body nailed to the seat. "I would never kill anyone, Jeannie was my friend!"

"That will be up to the Anjeamons to judge," Charlotte said, staring at the people in the stands. "I would like to summon the Anjeamons so the trial can begin."

Charlotte walked away from the chair in the center of the circle and sat down on a small throne that had been placed right in the center of the now sealed entrance to the bleachers. As soon as Charlotte sat down, seven points of white smoke began to rise around the chair Fernand was pinned to. The smoke became more massive until it became completely solid. There were seven beings who looked a lot like children, six or seven years old. All seven children were completely naked and seemed unaffected by the morning chill. Long white wings protruded from all the children's backs, the wings were not covered with feathers, but a thin white skin, filled with intense red veins. The sex of the children was not recognizable. They all had no gender.

"Dear Anjeamons, I thank you for answering my call," Charlotte spoke, sitting. "Today, we will be trying the man in the chair for six different crimes. Initially, the charge is for unauthorized displacement during a time of erected borders. I ask you to find this man guilty or innocent."

At this point, the seven winged children began to disappear and reappear with great bangs. The loud noise caught everyone off guard, startling part of the audience. The speed with which the Anjeamon disappeared and appeared accelerated, and here and there appeared a red figure and a strong smell emanated from the stands, a scent that varied between fresh roses and decaying garbage. The speed of the apparitions followed by the explosions got so high that it was impossible to follow. The children seemed to change places, a more expressive number of red wings began to take over the group, and the smell of decomposing garbage became more evident.

Pinned to the chair, Fernand agonized, shaking his head. He felt all seven beings invading his mind simultaneously and several voices rising in his thoughts. The sounds were indistinguishable and disturbing; he felt as if someone had sent a fork through his ears and shook all his brains out. Several jumbled memories came to mind, and a cold sensation covered his whole body; he felt sweat break out on his temple. His jaw pressed together, trying to avoid the exponentially increasing severe headache.

Finally, the seven Anjeamons became fixed, with their wings more open than before. Six of them had become stranger beings, the wings were red, and thorns protruding from their extremities, a reddish fur covered the lower part of their bodies, and their eyes were completely white. Some people in the stands covered their eyes, others grimaced, and some looked up to the sky to avoid the Anjeamons' view. Only one Anjeamon remained with its usual appearance. Fernand hung his head down as he breathed heavily, the headache gone, but he felt violated, in a way he never felt before. Sitting in the stands next to Fernand's family was Fernanda, who took note of the verdict when Charlotte began to speak:

"By the impartial judgment of the Anjeamons, Fernand is found guilty of the crime of unauthorized displacement during a time of erected borders. We proceed to the next indictment..."

The Anjeamons repeated the ritual three more times. Fernand was found guilty in all of them: for the Hofburg invasion, improper access to the restricted government area, and aggression.

"After the four verdicts, we proceed to the fifth indictment: Fernand will be tried for actions of terrorism, culminating in the explosion of part of the Hofburg," Charlotte spoke.

The Anjeamons began their ritual of disappearance and reappearance for the fifth time, the explosions echoing throughout the central region of Vindobona. Fernand felt he was going to vomit, each time, the images that popped into his mind were different, and the sounds, although they differed too, were just as frightening as the previous ones. For that accusation, the time it took the Anjeamons to define their final form took longer.

From the makeshift seats, both the Asturians and Fernand's children watched the spectacle mounted with horror in their eyes, all weeping and comforting themselves as they watched Fernand's physical suffering as he passed the Anjeamons' trial. After almost two minutes, the Anjeamons set up the final configuration for that charge: there were six Anjeamons in their usual forms and one Anjeamon in their most grotesque form. With evident displeasure in her eyes, Charlotte began to speak:

"For the crime of terrorism, Fernand, you were found innocent," she nodded to Fernanda, who was already taking note of the verdict. "We continue to the sixth and final charge. Anjeamons, I ask you to judge Fernand regarding the murders of Jean Andrulis Van der Veen, Marlena Patricia Arruda, Felício Arcanjo, and involvement in the murders of Eillen Allman, Anthony Altepeter Deich.

The storm returned to invade Fernand's head once more that he could not resist and vomited in front of everyone. His head fell to the side, and he felt like he was going to faint. The pain was getting lighter until the darkness took over, and he felt his whole body lose consciousness.

Soon Fernand was awakened by Lélia's hands. He felt her friend's cold hands lifting his face and saw all his children surrounding the chair. Gradually he noticed a commotion behind his children. They were people already leaving the stands. He could also see that the four Anjeamons that were in his field of vision were all in their usual form.

"Anjeamons, we appreciate your judgment."

Charlotte's voice echoed through the makeshift arena, and the Anjeamons in Fernand's field of vision went up in smoke, making no sound. Lélia knelt beside the chair, still with Fernand's face in her hands.

"You were cleared of the murders, Fernand!" Lélia said, smiling behind her tears. "Everything will be fine. I'll get you out of this situation as soon as possible, from the two worst accusations you were considered innocent.

Fernand was disoriented, but he knew he should only do one thing:

"You can unlock the chip," he spoke softly to Lélia. "Only you."

"What chip, Fernand?" Lélia asked

Fernanda approached Lélia, entering between her and Fernand.

"Guys, I ask you to leave now. Fernand will be taken," she said.

"Where? For how long?" Questioned Nikolas.

"He will be taken to the Ice Prisons. How long has not yet been defined," said Fernanda. "It will be Charlotte who will define."

Everyone watched a weakened Fernand be lifted from his chair by two fully black-clad agents and led out of the arena. Fernand's sons tried to protest and get closer to their father but were stopped by Arkadian agents.

"Take your hands off me!" Nikolas spoke to one of them. "I am the regent of Tachlovicka."

"It doesn't matter who you are. This man is now in the custody of the World Government," said one of the agents.

"Nikolas, stay calm," Lélia pulled the boy by the arm. "I have a plan," she whispered in Nikolas's ear.

"What do you mean?" Nikolas' eyes were streaming with tears.

"I have a piece of information. I can't tell you now, we will be escorted back to Ástur, but I will find a way to pass it to you."

"Lélia, what is it about?" Nikolas was more emphatic.

"Later, Nikolas," Lélia watched the agents approach her.

"We need to take you back to Ástur," one of the agents spoke.

"Okay, I'm going," Lélia spoke. "Nikolas, stay well," Lélia hugged Nikolas. "I'm sorry about all this."

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