portentous ✧

By kidcorenightmare

909 44 70

portentous: 'momentous significance', or 'done pompously to impress'. in both meanings of the word, hunter-r... More

'Journey of a Lifetime'
'Better be... Hufflepuff!'
'The Hufflepuff Princess'
'The Prank that Went Wrong'
'The Potters and The Moores'
'A Day In The Life of Hunter-Rose Moore'
'The Princess and The Knight'
'Sixteen Today'
'Patrol with Lucius Malfoy'
'Letters from Mother'
'The Masquerade Ball'
'Blue-Green and Blue-Grey'
'The It Couple'
'Ravenclaw VS Hufflepuff'
'For The Record'
'A China Doll in a Bullpen'
'Utter Rubbish!'
'The Boys Dormitory'
'Older Brother, Younger Brother'
'Start Spreading the News'
'Patrol with Remus Lupin'
'Letters from Father'
'Non-Alcoholic Drinks and Daddy's Money'
'Lover or a Fighter?'

'Hufflepuff - 1975 Quidditch Team!'

58 2 3
By kidcorenightmare

Hunter awoke in an unfamiliar setting, surrounded by unfamiliar people. Lying on her back on a hospital bed, she could just about make out that a young Gryffindor girl was looming over her pale face, a grin playing on her lips.

"You're awake!" she whispered. Hunter felt like pushing her out of the way, but knew she couldn't do that. Instead, she weakly smiled.

"I am." the Hufflepuff responded.

"Wow! You're so cool. And gorgeous." the girl admitted, leaning backwards. "She's awake!"

Hunter sat up, and her eyes fell upon a large group of students. The only recognisable faces were ones that belonged to people in her year, however she had never talked to them.

Hunter blushed, her face and ears turning pink. "...Hi." she greeted the strangers awkwardly.

"You alright?"
"Merlin, that was incredible..."
"Who was it who did that to you?"
"Do you need a bodyguard? I'll help you!"
"You're wicked, Hunter! Wow!"
"How you feeling?" 

"Umm... wow. Merlin, my head hurts..." Hunter mumbled to herself. What on Earth was she supposed to do?

"Oi! Everyone! Clear off! Leave your gifts and love confessions on her bedside table!" a strict Scottish accent boomed. Hunter turned her head to see Madam Pomfrey, a young nurse with dark hair.

A nervous scatter commenced around the Moore girl, as cards and gifts were left at the girls table. Within a minute, they had all left.

"Sorry about that lot. That incident was quite a display! Or so I'm told. How are you, love?" Pomfrey asked whilst straightening the girls bedsheets.

"My head hurts." Hunter responded.

"Yes, I imagined it would. I doubt that little fan-club of yours helped." the nurse chuckled.

"I try not to think badly of people... but yes, you're right." Hunter-Rose mumbled. Poppy Pomfrey chuckled, and a wand appeared in her hand.

"Well, since your head hurts, I'll put you back to sleep for the day. If you'd prefer, I can draw these sheets? No one would know you're here." Pomfrey offered, gesturing towards the blue sheets that separated each hospital bed.

"I think everyone knows I'm here now, but I would like that. Thank you." Hunter laid back in her bed.

"Don't think twice about it, deary. Oh, and your father is being informed by Professor Dumbledore. Is that okay?" Pomfrey asked, as she silently cast the sheets to surround the girl. Hunter sighed.

"I suppose he was bound to find out." she responded, nestling her head into the goose-feathered pillow.

And with that, Hunter-Rose was promptly put to sleep. Poppy guarded the outside of the sheets, ensuring no one would try and disturb her.


"What on EARTH compelled you to do this, Potter?" James' head of house screeched.

James, McGonagall and Dumbledore were all in the headmasters office. Dumbledore sat calmly in his chair as McGonagall paced behind him. James sat, staring helplessly at them.

"I... I don't know." the Gryffindor huffed, sitting back in his chair.

"Well... it's awful, poor behaviour, James! Unprovoked! Humiliating! Cruel!" McGonagall lambasted him. His face burned red. He was angry, defensive.

"It wasn't just me, you know! Remus knew it was going to happen, so did Peter! Hell, Sirius was the one who fetched her!" James yelled. The woman's face turned to a sneer.

"I'm very disappointed in you James, very. And you had such a good start to the year! I'd believed, I'd hoped that you had done some bloody growing up over the summer and stopped these stupid, childish pranks! But no! You've gone and hurt your friend. It was dangerous! You could've killed her!" McGonagall retorted.

James fell to silence once again. He knew she was right, he just didn't want to admit it yet. He looked to Dumbledore for help.

"I've informed both of your parents, giving them full, unbiased detail. They all want to come and see you tomorrow, as soon as Hunter-Rose can leave the hospital wing. From there, we can determine a fitting punishment." he calmly informed the erratic boy.

James sighed, leaning down and running his hands through his hair. Why had he done this? Attention? From whom? Everyone in the school knew him. It wasn't them he was after. He just wanted Hunter to be forced to see him again.

He wanted his friend back.


The following day, Hunter found herself stood before her potential Quidditch teammates.

The Hufflepuff Princess had refused to stay in the hospital the following day, and the word quickly spread that Hunter-Rose Moore was out the hospital wing and running her Quidditch tryout.

Suffice it to say, almost all of Hufflepuff attended.

"Okay! Okay! Can everyone simmer down, please? There's a lot of you to get through today, and my head still kind of hurts, so I'd really appreciate your full support." she commanded.

The pitch immediately fell silent. This was the main thing Hunter loved about her fellow Hufflepuffs, they were the most supportive group of people you could meet.

"Thanks so much! Okay, I play as chaser, so there are only two open spots for chaser. Every other position is available. Could I have the seekers to the far left, chasers next to them, beaters next to the chasers and keepers on the far right. Thank you!"

After some shuffling about, Hunter counted peoples heads. 20 seekers, 27 chasers, 33 beaters and 15 keepers.

Right... okay. Quite a few people, but nothing Hunter couldn't handle.

"Great, thank you! Can all my beaters fetch a broom? Everyone else, please sit down and watch. I really appreciate your co-operation." Hunter-Rose beamed.

As the tryouts started, it became obvious to Hunter that very few of the people were eager to try out for the sake of playing quidditch, and even fewer people were good, or at least teachable.

A painful, time-consuming afternoon was dedicated to these tryouts. Luckily, since the standouts were obvious, Hunters decision was very easy.

The September sky began to turn to a dark blue as soon as the last keeper, an unexpectedly talented second year boy, caught a bludger. Hunter congratulated him, and flew above the sea of Hufflepuffs before hovering slightly over the ground.

"Thanks so much for everyones time and attention! I'll have the list put up in the common room tomorrow morning. Thanks again!" Hunter waved at her fellow Hufflepuffs, and watched as they dispersed.

She let out an exasperated sigh, her tiredness making itself apparent. The team captain stayed sat out on the pitch as she wrote up the list, making the most of the late summer sun.


CO-CAPTAIN: TAYO AMA (seventh year)



BEATERS: HAI NGUYEN (fifth year), CHARLOTTE KEENAN (first year)

KEEPER: ZEUS BAROS (second year)




"Miss Moore?" a familiar voice called. Hunter looked up, her blonde hair dancing in the wind behind her.

"Hello, Professor!" the girl replied. McGonagall did not look as cheery as the girl.

"Your parents are here, Hunter. I'm here to escort you to Dumbledores office." the older witch informed the younger one.

"Okay. Look, I sorted out the Hufflepuff quidditch team! Pretty good team, right?" Hunter-Rose shoved her poster in McGonagall's face.

"Very good, very good. Come on, now, they're waiting." she answered.

"Okay! Don't tell any of the Hufflepuffs if you see them. They're to find out in the morning." Hunter giggled, before skipping off ahead of her Professor.

McGonagall couldn't help but fight a smile as she watched the girl head towards the castle. She certainly understood the appeal of The Hufflepuff Princess.

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