Bởi musicialtie

441K 32.7K 2.6K

It's story of a girl who is the craziest fan of the rockstar of the nation. Her only dream is to meet him jus... Xem Thêm

Part 1
Part 3
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Hello there world,, I am back!!!
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Author note
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79

Part 71

2.1K 307 37
Bởi musicialtie

Niyonika was loosing her mind. She was damn sure that Manik was with that mystry woman in Pune. And, she desparately wanted to expose her. Those forever 21 and veromoda shopping bags kept on haunting and taunting her. She couldn't believe that Manik had someone mysterious in his life under her nose. She needed to keep a grip on his life otherwise, she would loose the lavish lifestyle she was enduring. She had gone through a lot for this lifestyle and she was definitely not ready to loose everything for any cheat of an unknown person.

But, Manik's tight security details had literally made it impossible for anyone to break the wall, even the finest paparazzi too couldn't got a glimpse. They didn't even know the hotel room number yet where Manik was staying. First time in his life, Manik was so damn secretive and protective over his life. And, that shouted a volume of the special mystry woman.

" Who are you hiding Manik? " She sighed playing with the table frame she had of Manik on her desk.


It was midnight 1am and Nandini felt suffocated inside the hotel room. She was feeling difficulties breathing. Manik was fast asleep beside her spooning her from behind. She entangled herself from his tight grip and sat straight. She unbuttoned the top three buttons of Manik's shirt that she was wearing for that night. She tried few breathing exercises but it didn't help.

Unable to control it, she walked out of the bedroom and opened the balcony door. They were in 30th floor in that skyrocketed hotel. The summer night breeze welcomed her. The weather was relaxing. She inhaled few fresh air to release the tension.

Three days had been past already. Next morning her father would be discharged and that was disturbing her. In these past three days the father daughter had their 'walk and talk down to memory lane ' moments. The lost bond between them started forming again. Bit by bit they started opening up.

She didn't want to get apart from her father yet. That thought was upsetting her to the core. Though Manik had promised her that he would manage something for her father and her, if she wanted to. But, she knew her father would not be ready to accept such news of her being in a relationship with the same person for whom she had left the house. Her celebrity crush. That news needed to wait a little bit more.

She sighed deeply leaning on the balcony railing. The breathing issue was increasing. She clasped her chest and sat  on the floor.

" Hey hey hey " Manik stromed to her side to hold her petite weak body.

" Breath baby " he lifted her on his lap sitting beside her and started rubbing her back. 

" Inhale . Exhale " she followed him.

" You can do this. Breath in. Breath out. " He again encouraged her.

She followed his words and slowly started catching her breaths. He kept on rubbing her back while she laid limp on his lap.

" Are you feeling any better now? " He worriedly asked after a while.

" Yes " she whispered back. Then lifted her head off his chest to look at him directly.

" Sorry for waking you up. " She whispered with difficulties.

" Please stop beating yourself Nandini. You are going to wear youself off. " He lovingly scolded. His eyes and words were full of plead and worry for her wellbeing.

Before she could say anything he continued " I know what's going on in that tiny brain of yours. But you have to understand that you have to let it go and flow, how they are suppose to be. You can't force anything as your accord. I promise everything will fall into place eventually. Just have some patience. Don't stress yourself Nandini. It hurts me to see you hurt. "

Again she felt immense blessing showering upon her with his confession. Every day Manik was showing her the depth of his love and it overwhelmed her with happiness. She knew once her father and friends would witnessed that, they would be the happiest knowing that she was in the best hands and wrapped in more than perfect arms. And, suddenly she couldn't wait to introduce Manik to her father.

" I love you. " She confessed gazing at his wet eyes.

Manik was stunned getting this response after his words. He had expected her to counter attack with words but not with those most alluring three words. So, it baffled him for a moment.

Then, he smiled hugging her
" You will be the death of me Nandini Moorthy! "
Then dropped a kiss on her head lovingly.

They kept on sitting there in eachother's embrace enjoying the cool summer night breeze.

" You know you should have woken me up when you were feeling distressed. " He complained after a while.

" I didn't want to disturb your sleep Manik. You were working on your projects remotely because of me. You are working very hard. You needed rest. Also, as per the news, it is supposed to be your 'power-nap-trip'.  Remember?" she replied back.

" That's not the point Nandini. If you need me then you call for me. Anytime, anywhere. No question asked. " He stated firmly completely ingoring her sassy comments.

" Okay. Noted. " She mocked saluted placing a quick peck on his pout.

" Sometimes I really feel to shut your smartness like this. " Saying he captured her lips for a really steamy passionate hard kiss.

In few seconds their moans got mixed with the gentle silence of the night and Manik carried her to the bedroom without breaking the kiss as he was very much aware that where that was leading to and  he had to keep in mind of his naked chest, her semi naked body where her cleavage was on full display and cool breeze.

He gently placed her on the bed and hovered over her quickly unbuttoning the rest of the shirt buttons. He massaged her right breast while placing wet kisses on her jaw lines to neck. She gave him full access to her neck while her fingers scratched his shoulders. Manik lifted her left hand and placed a kiss on her wrist 'Manik' tattoo. He then gave same attention to her left breast and she moaned loudly. Manik had discovered that she was more sensitive to her left breast and he took full advantage of it happily.

" I can never get enough of you. " He mumured sucking her left nipple.

" And, I don't want to . Ever " he said again taking heavy breaths leaving her breasts and captured her lips again.

" Oh Manik!!! "
She just somehow moaned happily and then smiled softly on his words pulling him more to her if that was even possible for another deal making passionate kiss.

It was dawn when they both fell asleep again after their heavy makeout session whereas her , technically Manik's neglected shirt laid on discarded on the floor.


Nandini woke up in a jolt and started getting ready hurriedly for hospital. Her father's going to be discharged this afternoon and she was late. After their early morning makeout session, she slept in content in her boyfriend's loving cocoon. And, that made her late.

She left Manik a message who was still sleeping and left for the hospital with Aman.

Peters had already completed all necessary formalities for the discharge procedures. She had a discussion with the doctor in charge as well and they have informed her that her father's condition was better and recovering good.

Once, he was discharged, Nandini accompanied her father to their Pune house. Aman drove them and she informed her father that it was again a part of Aman's generosity. Her father argued to pay for the hospital expenses but Aman took care of it by explaining this and that to her father to convince him.

She had already discussed this with Manik that she might be staying with her father for one or two days at their Pune house. And, Manik reluctantly agreed. Though she wanted him to go back to Mumbai to resume his work. But, he didn't want to leave her alone in Pune. That call from Peters on that fiasco night scarred him for life.

It took two hours for them to reach to their Pune house which was actually provided by the  company her father was working at. Most of the luggages were already boxed and ready to ship.

She thought what would have happen if that accident would not had happened in the first place, she could have never got to know about his moving back to Manglore. Or, he might have contacted her. She was not sure.

But, the accident came as blessed in disguise for both father and daughter. They rekindled their broken relationship bit by bit.

Aman helped her father to settle down on the living room couch while she placed the hospital bag on the coffee table. Nothing had changed since she had left. All of those furnitures were placed the way they were three years back. Just the luggages were all packed up.

Nandini requested Aman and Peters to sit with her father whereas she wished to take a quick look at her old room.

Her father's speculation with Aman and Peters were raising gradually seeing the way they were behaving around her. According to Nanidni both of the men were the associates of her college and very helpful. So being the scholarship student she was, they helped her out of courtsy. However, their behaviour around her seemed like they were there to protect her and it was definitely not for some courteous way. It was like they serve her not the way around.

However, he let it slide as he was not in a mood to pick any more fight with her after getting reconciled with her.

" If you want anything to pick from your old room, you can. Most of the things are yet to get packed. "

Her father's word surprised her as she coincidentally thinking about the same.
So, in response she nodded and her feet slowly took her to her old room.

It hit her like a nostalgia when she pushed the door open. Her single bed, tiny wardrobe, tiny study table and chair, everything kept like that but just those were covered in dust. Her books were packed in a box that she herself did three years back. And surprisingly it was kept on the same place where she had left those. It looks like her father had tried to store her touch they way she had left.

Another wave of guilt washed over her realising that her father never abandoned her, it was the ego who did the work. And, she should had reached out to him earlier.

She opened her wardrobe and found her cloths and the wall full of cello tape marks where she had pasted Manik's photos hidden from her father. She laughed slightly remembering the days when she would purchased his posters then literally smuggled those precious things to her room and then pasted those in her wardrobe to hide from her father who always was very strict around her.

She sighed again and took one of the empty boxes and started arranging her cloths that she thought might fit her and rest she would be given to goodwill. She also packed few of her science books and old photo albums. And, finally bid adieu to her old room properly.

Once she was done, she carried the box to the living room. As soon as they spotted her carrying the heavy box, both Aman and Peters rushed to her aid and that again gave suspicion to her father.

Peters took the box from her and Nandini thanked him. He then took the box outside to keep it in the car.

" Aman sir, thank you for everything. You may leave now. " She said politely.

" Sure ma'am. Peters will be here. If you need anything just call me. " He instructed. And, she agreed nodding.

" Are you leaving for Mumbai now Mr Mathur? " Her father enquired cutting them off.

" Well, not really sir. I have some errands to run here, then will be leaving. " He replied smartly.

" Oh, I thought, Nandini could tag along with you if you are leaving for Mumbai. Then, she wouldn't have to travel alone " He stated.

" But aappa, I am staying with you until you are leaving for Manglore. " came her prompt response.

" Which is tomorrow. " Came her Father's quick response.

Nandini stared at him with questioning gaze. So, he clarified
" My ticket was already booked for tomorrow. I am going to fix the house there first. It will take two weeks max then will take the luggages once for all. "

" Can I come with you? " She looked at him expectantly.

" No need. You have a life here to accomplish. So you shouldn't waste your time in such mundane cleaning work now. "

Now, that was the father she knew, born and grew up with. Her father was always like this. Strict towards study, work, life.

Though she wanted badly to go with her father but she knew being so determined, he would not gave in to her. Also, her this impromptu decision would hurt Manik as well. So, she didn't argue more.

" In that case, Nandini ma'am you can come with me to Mumbai. " Aman broke her trance of thoughts.

She bade goodbye to her father hugging crying and exchanging promises.

When she was about to hop into the car, her father's words halted her steps.

" I don't know what relationship you have with these men Nandu. But, I believe you are not going to upset me again with anymore rash decision. "

She turned to face her father and replied confidently
" I promise dad. I will not hurt you again. Please take a good care of yourself. "


" Whoa ! What are those boxes ? " Manik mock exclaimed seeing the boxes carried by Peters and Aman. Nandini followed them inside the hotel suit.

" Come on Nandu, if you wanted to go shopping, you could have told me. We would have gone together. But you went alone, that's not fair. " He pouted dramatically.

His manager and the head of bodyguards chuckled seeing the adorable banter between their two bosses. They had already informed everything that happened at Nandini's father's house. So, Manik was aware of the boxes beforehand. But to tease her, he did the drama to distract her from the upsetting mood that she was in. It kept their relationship fresh and adorable.

" Shut up Manik " she cutely scolded him and in return he laughed affectionately.

Aman and Peters left them alone and Manik hugged her. She started crying again feeling the comfort.

" Do you want to go to Manglore? We can arrange this right away. You know that. Don't you? " He asked her while providing the comfort that she was seeking from the time she had left her father's house.

And, again Manik didn't refrain from surprising her with his consideration towards her will and wishes.

" No Manik, let's respect his decision as of now. " She responded back. And , he nodded agreeing to her.

" Let's go back home. I am really feeling homesick now. " she suggested again with a serious tone.

And, Manik's heart skipped a beat in happiness realising that though Nandni was surrounded by her father and friends also visited her old house, yet she considered his house as her's. And, she finally started accepting his house as Their. Their House! And, she wanted to go back to their house.

" Your wish is my command, My World's Queen! " he replied happily hugging her tight.

" Also, I promised you to take the notes highest and loudest at our jamming room, didn't I? And, I do keep my promises. " He whispered stated looking into her eyes deeply.

Then, she couldn't wait to reach their house any longer. She was so desparately waited for him to fulfill his this particular promise. And, she knew they both aim to please.

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