Part 42

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" I love you Nandini. I really do "

" No you don't. You can't actually. It won't be possible Manik. "

Manik heard the most shocking and unbearable words from Nandini. He just couldn't believe his senses. His knees resigned it's duty to support his body and he collapsed on the posh floor of the gazebo.


The Manik Malhotra was in tears. news flash..

Nandini herself became startled with her out of the blue statement. She didn't figured out where those words came from. But before she could fetch anything , the damage was done. And the most heart wrenching result was kneeling in front of her cupping his million dollars face.Shattered.

The heart of Nandini was started cursing her mind for the vulnerable side of Manik. She started feeling guilty for hurting the most amazing person siting in front of her. She just couldn't believe she had said such unexpected words that too Him. The HIM for whom the world was going gaga.

When She was busy in her own guilt bridging, she heard an abrupt him.

" Don't you love me Nandini. "

Her bridge of thoughts suddenly got a speed breaker and she gazed at him.His eyes were bloodshot. He was crying. The mighty Manik Malhotra was crying. Crying for such a random girl.

If Nandini would be gifted with any magic wand and would be a phoenix bird then she would have definitely kill herself for making the most gorgeous eyes cry and then again rebirth to kiss those eyes to sooth.

But Alas!!!

Neither she was phoenix birth nor she had any magic wand. And neither she was a vampire like her another beloved Edward Cullen to read her world's King's brilliant mind.Such an useless her life was !!!She awarded herself as a eternal looser one, forgetting the fact that the very precious Manik Malhotra had just expressed his love for that looser and she as a typical moron made him cry.

" Nandini "

A soft but urged tone shook her weird thoughts and she found Manik looking at her with curious eyes, eagerly waiting for the answer.

" Hmmm" she hummph and recalled everything she did some moment before. And finally got her tiny twisted brain on.

" Off course I love you. What kind of sawal is this? You're being loved by the whole world. " she replied kneeling beside him.

" I don't want to know about the bloody f**king world but you? What do YOU think of me? " his sobbing vocals demanded.

" What do I think of you? Do I really need to say it Manik? " she mocked softly staring at his exquisite eyes.

" No no dammit. Just tell me what do you think of me? Why did you reject me? I can't believe You denied Me. And you say You love me ?? " he uttered hysterically.

" Manik Manik shhh" Nandini grabbed his restless hands and entangled them with her delicate one.

" Who said you that I don't love you? I love you Manik. I love My World's King. " she said with love in her voice.

" Exactly. You love your that God damm freaking world's king. Not me. You love that f**king poster not me."

he sulked like a kid. Nandini chuckled with his complain towards his own poster. It really amazed her that how an earth Manik could got jealous of his own poster. But that's him. It made him different from the others. And it gave her the security of Him being with her differently from the world. Only she knew what actually Manik was.

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