Part 37

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Nandini just couldn't believe on her own sight. The thing made her stunned. It literally paused her brain working process.

She touched it blankly and then suddenly got up and walked towards the room.Manik was talking over phone with Aman about his next day schedule. Nandini just zoomed in and patted his back.

But getting no good response she again patted, no, that time literary slapped on his back. That disturbed Manik and he turned around unwillingly.

" What is this? " she then and there shouted." Aman I will call you back. Set everything as you do. " saying he just ended the call when she had started her retorting.

" Kya hai yeh? " she again retorted.

Manik replied nothing and sat down on the bed. Then after adjusting comfortably himself on the bed he stated with his very own attitude smirk " Now shoot? "

Nandini took a deep breath to control her anger finding him so relaxed as well as ignoring. She at first thought to give up as arguing with stubborn Manik Malhotra was of no use. But then promptly her mind poked her to fight back. And like a ferocious tigress she stood in front of him and asked waving the packet " What is this? Kya hai yeh? Kyun hai yeh? "

Manik shrugged his shoulder in a 'I don't know' manner enjoying her red cheeks.

" Manik I am asking you something. " she retorted getting impatient with his care freeness.Manik chuckled and replied " Why are you shouting yaar? Do you know musicians k vocal chords should be smooth to produce mellifluous tunes not barking pandas. "

He smirked eyeing her angry pout then continued " tchh. what Nandu? Can't you see what's it , that you're asking me? Having eye sight problem Kya? Let's go to the doctor then? "

Nandini just sighed a deep frustrating breath seeing Manik and getting his sheepish comments. Manik drank happily her pouts then not to irritate her more he said " Aree gift hai for you. "" Really? Gift? This? What kind of gift is this? I can't take it. " she replied annoyingly.

Manik smirked mischievously then said " Why? Kyun? Why can't you take it? It's not something bad as though. "

" Really? " she scrunched her nose. Manik couldn't control to peck her nose. So after giving a quick kiss on her nose he picked that packet up and asked " Don't you like it ? I thought girls just like this kind of gifts. "

Nandini just couldn't digest the notorious naughtiness playing in his eyes. His eyes were so full of mischief that she just prayed some escape from them. But on her dismay all she had just to drawn more in to his deep eyes.

" Manik " she looked away from him just to avoid his gaze as that it she wasn't in mood to give up.

" aree baba I went to that meeting na then I saw it and thought to buy for you. So here it is. " he said lovingly made her look at him by tilting her chin by his two fingers.

" we did shopping today only. Then what's the need of it? And that too this? " she somehow uttered.

" haan toh? What's wrong in this? It's nice. isn't it? " Nandini stared at him. His eyes were sparking with mischief.

" Manik !!!" she shying moved her gaze again away . Her red cheeks were instigating him to approach. But he controlled.

He very well could understood what was going on in her mind on that particular time. So Mr miscellaneous himself took the advanced step and uttered" Nandu. Look at me " he grabbed her arms and made her look at him. She in very difficult titled her head as like someone had putted some heavy weight over her eyes.

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