Part 21

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Time flows like river without halt but flow. It was like a fairy tale of a girl who was dying to meet her world 's king just for once. And finally accidentally it happened. She met with Him. She all over fell in love with him. Unknowingly she became his lifeline. He became the reason of he existence. They didn't yet name their feelings as Love but it was the uniqueness of their relationship. Without bounded by any name but only on the basis of true feelings , respect and love they had made their relationship an unique. That three months of their unique relationship helped them to grow and glow with each other.


It was a dizzy morning. Nandini unwillingly opened the shutters of her big eyelashes. She woke up and shut down her alarm. Then wishing Him good morning seeing His wallpaper and messaged him the same , started the day with a big smile. It was raining outside.
So she did not feel to go to college.

But she was not that kind of girl to miss out any class. She got ready and went for college with Abhi . They reached the college premises when her phone buzzed .
She took out her cell and her face turned on seeing a message from Manik " it's good to know that my star is now up to starlit my night. "

She smiled and replied " your star is always there to enlighten you. Take care. " She sent the message and her face fell down with the reality of Manik's absence.

Manik went to London for his next album shoot ten days back. and supposed to return after two more days . But as they said distance is good to scale the depth of your love.

And that separation of 12 days seemed a blessing for both of them as it was proving their rate of need of each other.

For Nandini it was so obvious to miss him madly as first of all He was her first and last dream which blissfully came true and apart from that she was in madly love with the real Manik Malhotra not the reel Rockstar of the nation.

But it was fully an impossible scene was happening from Manik's side.

Manik Malhotra.

The Manik Malhotra was actually missing his girl badly especially on the bed time as cuddling her while sleeping had became his Habit.

He couldn't breath properly without inhaling her seductive essence. She became his drug of happiness. It was so unbelievable to think that Manik Malhotra was actually sending msgs to his girl so randomly like here and there just to keep updated about her each second keenly.

It was so strange for the all cast and crew to witness Manik Malhotra so behaved without showing any tantrums and moreover that smiling. Even his friends were also noticed that drastic change in that rude arrogance prince's behaviour but knowing Manik bad temper they just decided to keep quite. Without his PA Aman Mathur no one knew about the secret behind that modified Manik Malhotra. And he was genuinely happy for his master because after all his dear master got someone in his life.


The shoot was just wrapped up for that day when Manik received Nandini's good morning msg. He replied and that crept a smile on his tired face.


Nandini was attending a class with less attention as her full attention was captured by her world's king's thoughts. After that two hours boring class she moved towards canteen with Abhi.

As soon as they entered their friends started ogling them with jealousy as Abhi had already posted their selfies with Manik Malhotra tagging all their college friends as for that had made them jelo to them.

But the girls were especially jelo with Nandini , as Manik had clicked photo with her posing so close that could made any of other girl go all jealous oh her.

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