Forever Admirer (Jesus Foster)

By mrshoran-payne

8.2K 108 13

Adriana Jimenez fell in love with the boy next door aka one of her best friends Jesus Foster, Will they last... More

Meet Adriana Jimenez
1. 6
Authors Note: Please Read!


327 7 2
By mrshoran-payne

The Adam-Fosters were gonna stay with us while Lena and Stef are on their honeymoon. It's been a little bit since I told Jesus about my pregnancy and he took it surprisingly well.


"I'm Pregnant." I said as we were dancing

"Wh-What? are you serious?"Jesus asked in shock

"Very and I..." I was cut off by Jesus hugging me.

" I'm so happy and if you want we can talk more about it later if you want." Jesus said and I nodded

End of Flashback

That was last night and we decided to wait and tell our parents that we were gonna keep the baby later today before they leave.

"Well that was the most beautiful wedding that I've ever seen, you know Stef's dad and I got married in Las Vegas in one of those awful theme chapels."Stefs mom said as we ate breakfast and she finished putting up the cups. "Good morning, darling. Sit down and eat." She said as Brandon came down

"Wow, you've been busy Grandma." Brandon said as he took his seat

"Well, you know they don't tell you when you do a DIY wedding that you're gonna have to un-DIY it yourself. Plus Adri helped. But I mean, look at all this stuff." Stef's mom said

"Where's Callie?" Brandon asked causing me and Jude to share a look

"She has guitar lessons Sunday morning."Jude answered

"Wow, Ma! did you even sleep last night?"Stef asked as her and Lena came down the stairs

"Sleep is so over-rated plus Adri helped me a lot. I also wanted to make sure we got everything done before I fly out tonight. You know, I don't want to leave you with any of this."Stef mom said

I quickly finished eating and went to help Stef's mom with the putting away.

"Thank you, that's so sweet of both of you."Stef said as she poured herself some coffee.

"We're loading the glasses and the dishes now, Adri and I already got the tables in the SUV. " Stef's mom said

"Y'all load the tables?"Stef asked

"Well, Jesus and Lorenzo helped us."Stef's mom said pointing to the two boys who were currently stuffing their faces

"Theydid? Good boys."Lena said

"That's great ...." Stef said

"That's all I'm doing. Lorenzo and I have a gaming marathon planned while Adri and Mariana have a girl's day planned but don't forget me and Adri are cooking lunch for you guys and her parents before you leave." Jesus said while he gave me a quick kiss before taking his pill.

"Oh yeah that's nice of you guys, thank you sunflower as I'm sure you'll be doing most of the cooking since Jesus here can't" Lena said

"It's really no problem. But don't forget to be over at 1." I said

"Hey mom and Adri thank you for everything you've done, I can't believe you loaded the tables in the SUV because..." Stef began before Mike walked in

"Hey! why are all the tables in your SUV? I thought I was supposed to return them?" Mike asked

"I'm sorry it's my fault."Stef's mom said

"Sorry it's mine to."I said sheepishly

"It's fine, but the glasses and the dishes..." Stef said

"And the chairs."Lena add

"And the chairs... they have to go back after the glasses."Stef said

"We could do the glasses but it would make sense geographically if we start with the chairs and work our way around the loop ending with the glasses."Lean said

"A word of advice to the newly married, we say yes. It is so much easier." Mike said before grabbing some coffee

"You never do, so shut up."Stef said

"Alright well we got tables to unload and reload..."Lena said

"That means everybody let's go, lets go!"Stef said

"Also don't forget we can put some stuff in my car and I can follow you guys since the nail place me and Mariana are going to is in the same area."I said as Lorenzo and Jesus stuffed a pancake in their mouths before heading outside

"Thank you sunflower." Lena said

"I just got dressed."Mariana said

"Guys I'm so so sorry."Stef's mom said

"Mom, it's fine."Stef said

It took a bit but we got everything corrected after that Mariana and I went shopping and then got our nails done and ended with a spa day before I had to go home and help Jesus cook for our parents.

"How do you think they're going to react?" I asked Jesus as I put the chicken parmesan back in the oven.

"I don't know but hopefully they'll be okay with it and our decision."Jesus said as he warped his arms around my waist and I leaned back into him

"I hope so. Now don't forget to finish the salad while I stir the pasta."I said turning around and pecking his lips before breaking free

After 10 minutes we had finished cooking and set the table before calling our parents to eat.

"This is very good mija."My dad said before turning to Jesus. "You did good to Jesus."

"It's true love you did." Stef said

"Thank you."We both said

"So I guess your are probably wondering why we decided to cook you guys lunch."Jesus said

"Oh it's not because you love us?" My mom joked

"That's one of the reason but the other is because Jesus and I have an announcement to make." I said

"And that is?" Stef asked as they all looked at us questioningly

"We're pregnant. " Jesus and I said

"And before you guys say anything yes we are keeping it and yes we know how big of a responsibility it is to have a child but I love Adriana and I'm not gonna leave her and I plan to be the best possible dad." Jesus said

"Jesus honey I don't think either of you truly knows how big of a responsibility a baby actually is. Nor do I think either of you is ready for a baby."Stef said

We were about to disagree but then my mom spoke up.

"She right, y'all are both kids still in high school and both of you were obviously not responsible enough to not let this happen so what makes you think you are truly ready for a baby?" My mom asked

"Mama I know it wasn't planned but I think we and also whose ever is truly ready for a baby I know it's going to be hard but Jesus and I can and will do anything to make sure are kid has the best life. I've known about this little bean for a couple of days but I still love it with my whole heart so please don't make me give them up because I won't"I said with tears pricking at my eyes

"Of course not but how did this happen? I mean you have the arm birth control and I know all of us talked to you both about safe sex?" My mom asked

"I know and I'm sorry but turns out my birth control was faulty so now we are here." I said

"Jesus you know no matter you have to take responsibility for your kid?" Stef asked

"Yes Jesus and if you hurt my daughter or my grandkid you will pay do you understand son?" My dad said

"Yes sir and like I said before I promise you that I won't ever hurt nor leave Adri or my kid."Jesus said grabbing my hand.

"Okay then looks like were gonna be grandparents." My mom said

"Look like we are." Lena said

"I guess we need to discuss the living situation."My dad said

"That's correct. We honestly don't have the room for two more people."Stef said

"Uh we actually already discussed that, so we both plan on moving into a two-bedroom apartment when we both turn 18 and of course we would be saving up for it until then, but we were thinking until then Jesus could live with us so he doesn't miss any of the pregnancy or the babies many millstones. But only if that was okay with you guys."I said

"I think the saving up and the apartment at 18 is a good idea but I don't know about Jesus moving in here."Lena said

"Please mama and mom I really don't want to miss out on anything plus I want to be here in the mornings to help her through her morning sickness."Jesus said

Lena and Stef shared a look before turning back to Jesus

"I guess it's okay with us but what about you Mia and Pedro is it okay?"Stef asked

"I already view him as a son plus it is good to have him help her though the pregnancy,what do you think Pedro?" My mom asked

"I don't see the harm in it."My dad said

"Then I guess it settled, when would you like him to move in?" Lena asked

"How about this coming weekend is that good for you kids?"My mom said

We both shook are heads before I lept up and hugged my parents while Jesus did the same with his before we switched.

"Thank you, mom and dad, for letting Jesus stay here and I know you are probably really mad and disappointed in me so I just want you to know that I am truly sorry and I didn't mean for any of this to happen."I said once the adam-fosters had left.

"We're not mad, a little disappointed but we are glad that both of you are taking responsibility."My mom said before giving me a hug

"And don't worry you will always be my little kit kat."My dad said also giving me a hug


The next day we found out that Callie had run away so the Adam-Fosters had to stay with us while Lena and Stef went to go get Callie. It was a little hectic in the morning with trying to get everyone lunch. It turns out that they didn't find her because she kept taking off but they were gonna keep looking so the Adam-Fosters would have to stay with us until they came back.

I did have to try and help Jude not feel like it was his fault or that Callie didn't want to be with him.


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