The Epic : In a different sit...

By Dr_Aim4

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The epic Mahabharata thought in a different way... What if Karna and Pandavas got reunited? What if Draupadi... More

Character Sketch
Part 1 : The Truth
Part 2 : The Search
Part 3 : Known to younger clan
Part 4 : The unwelcomed welcome in Hastinapur
Part 5 : The Meet with Brothers
Part 6 : The Unfortunate Encounter
Part 8 : A Day With The Brothers
Part 9 : Love from the parents
Part 10 : Family Reunion
Part 11 : The Celestial Bond Of Friendship
Part 12 : Blooming Love
Part 13 : The Ceremony
Part 14 : The Impact Of War On Minds & Hearts
Part 15 : The War
Part 16 : Auspicious Occasion
Part 17 : The Danger Ahead
Part 18 : The Suspicion
Part 19 : The Danger Of the Forest
Part 20 : The Unparalleled Love
Part 21 : The Realisation And Proposal Of Love
Part 22 : The Unison Of The Lovers
Part 23 : The Anger
Part 24 : The Swayamvar
Part 25 : The Worst Politics
Part 26 : The Choice And The Decision
Part 27 : The Division Of the Kingdom
Part 28 : The Meet With Duryodhan
Part 29 : The Winner
Part 30 : Marriage Plans
Part 31 : The Impending Danger
Part 32 : The War For Survival
Part 33 : Teased By Family
Part 34 : Pre-marriage Vibes
Part - 35 : Clearing Of Doubts
Part 36 - Entrance Of Narada
Part - 37 : Continuation Of Flashback
Part 38 : Thoughts
Part 39 : Confrontation
Part 40 : Plans For Fight
Part 41 : Emotional Battle
Part 42 : Planning Of War
Part 43 : Useless Banter Of Brothers 🤭
Part 44 : Mother-Son Convo
Part 45 : The Bonds
Part 46 : Good News
Part 47 : The Fight
Part 48 : Naughty Childhood Of Krishna
Part 49 : Birth Of Krishna
Part 50 : Killing The Demons (Part 1)
Part 51 : Killing Of Demons (Part 2)
Part 52 : Krishna's Marriage
Announcement Of Marriage

Part 7 : The Battle Of Truth

3.1K 131 13
By Dr_Aim4

Dronacharya, who wanted a competition to prove how his students became potential warriors, went to the kingdom of Hastinapur to gain the permission of Maharaj Dhritarashtra for the same...

As he told Maharaj about his wish, Maharaj Dhritarashtra gave him the permission to organise a competition among the princes - basically Kauravas and Pandavas, the winner (the eldest from each of the team) of which will be declared the crown prince of Hastinapur...

As this was declared to the whole city, the citizens planned to attend the competition and see the most potential prince of Hastinapur... Also to see the crown prince of Hastinapur...

As the days were nearing by, the organisers were busy creating the environment of competition... The place was decorated with places for audiences and also separate places for the royal officials... Royal arrangements were there for the Royal family...

On the day of the competition, the Royal princes of Hastinapur finally came to show up what they learnt from their teacher...

As the Pandavas made their royal entry, a wave of happiness and astonishment gushed through the audience...

And when Duryodhan entered, the crowd loved him too...

The fight started between Duryodhan and the Pandavas as Duryodhan wanted to injure the Pandavas and be the crown prince...

But as the competition progressed, Duryodhan who was a great warrior, could defeat all the 4 Pandavas but Arjun... He couldn't defeat him... Arjun's arrows arrested him leaving him impotent for further war...

As soon as Arjun won the war, Dronacharya declared Arjun as his best student and the Best Archer in the whole universe...

All the audience clapped for him... And at that time entered Karna...

He told that whatever Arjun did he can do it all... And literally he performed everything Arjun performed...

Arjun who instantly identified Karna got very happy seeing him back and also as a great archer...

As Dronacharya saw him he couldn't believe that his best student's skills were being questioned...

He out of rage questioned him what was his identity to talk in an open field in front of a prince questioning his skills...

On behalf of Karna, Arjun who was very happy seeing Karna, answered that he was Arjun's elder brother... Infact the elder brother of all the Pandavas...

Dronacharya who now understood who he was started criticising him again regarding his caste...

An angered Karna said that he can take on a duel with Arjun to prove that he has capabilities but Dronacharya asked him under which ground he can challenge a prince... Duel is taken under equal measures... And he was of lower caste...

And at that time Arjun said that he can call a duel on the basis of capabilites... Also they both are friends and they can take on a duel... But Dronacharya didn't allow...

Finally Karna asked Dronacharya to battle against him... As he himself was a student of Bhagwan Parashuram, he asks any student of Parashuram to engage in a duel with him...

With this challenge, Dronacharya comes in front of Karna... He was very angry...

The fight began... And Dronacharya couldn't even injure or harm Karna at the least...

This shocked the audience... Pandavas supported Karna but the Kauravas were sure of Guru Dronacharya's victory...

When Dronacharya failed to injure him, he finally hailed Brahmastra...

This shocked everyone... It was a duel and Brahmastra couldn't be neutralised even with another Brahmastra...

Every learned man started criticising Dronacharya for this mistake... Kunti got unconscious seeing her son in front of Brahmastra unprotected...

Pandavas hurried towards him but was shocked when they saw that a golden divine armour covered his body and the Brahmastra got submerged in it...

Suddenly Yudhishtir remembered his father's words : Son, we don't know anything about your elder brother except the fact that he has a divine shining armour (kavach) in his body and a divine earring (kundal) in his ear both from birth itself and is a part of his body and skin...

With this he rushed towards Karna with tears in his eyes just uttering the word : Jyesth...

As soon as the other 4 heard it, they too understood what he meant and everyone hugged Karna tightly...

But Karna who knew that the Pandavas always regarded him as an elder brother and thus he didn't took it seriously... When everything got over, due to Karna's divine abiliyand as he was the winner, he got rewarded with Anga rajya as a capable ruler of a kingdom... After Karna's abhishek, Pandavas requested him to meet their mother who was waiting for them...

Karna agreed and went with them inside the Kingdom to meet the Queen...

As Kunti saw Karna, she hugged him tightly muttering Putra...

Karna was shocked and surprised... He even saw tears in the eyes of Pandavas...

Arjun requested Kunti to tell Karna about the truth... And finally Karna got to know about his birth history...

At first he was very sad and angry thinking his own mother neglected him but then he also understood the situation Kunti had to go through...

He finally accepted Kunti as his mother and Pandavas as his brothers...

Pandavas hugged him tightly and shed tears... They were very happy...

It was true that they didn't knew who was their eldest brother but after they met Karna, each of them wanted their eldest to have the qualities like him... They were happy to be with Karna and Karna too was happy to care for them...

With this, the Royals got to know about the truth of Karna and though there were few objections regarding him being a member of Kuru clan, Bhishma made them understand that he was a member of Kuru clan...

So finally, Karna's truth is out... Do tell us how you guys liked the chapter... Let's see what happens next... Tune in for the next part...

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