Back To Believing | Dean Winc...

By courtneybunny2

46.6K 997 943

Alexis Hart or Smith, as she prefers, grew up learning to hunt the things that go bump in the night. It was h... More

Cast & playlist
Chapter 2: as long as the bears don't try to kill me
Chapter 3: she's gonna think we're stalking her
Chapter 4: an almost plane crash
Chapter 5: I'll fight anyone who disagrees
Chapter 6: I'm gonna kick Deans ass
Chapter 7: If I could I would fire you
Chapter 8: I will kill you
Chapter 9: Where the hell did the doll get a knife
Chapter 10: Having the time of their dead life
Chapter 11: Shit, we're going to jail again
Chapter 12: I've killed people
Chapter 13: I don't wanna risk that
Chapter 14: Sorry 'bout that
Chapter 15: I've been kidnapped by humans
Chapter 16: I'll get my head ripped off by invisible demons
Chapter 17: I love burning thing's down
Chapter 18: It is now
Chapter 19: I look like death
Chapter 20: Talk to the dead guy
Chapter 21: Steal a dead body
Chapter 22: Good
Chapter 23: Don't call me their pet

Chapter 1: its not stealing if you're friends with the person

4.7K 73 37
By courtneybunny2

Alexis looks out of the window, it'll be dark soon. "How long till we get there?" She asks, pulling her eyes away from the window to look at Dean.

"It won't be much longer." Dean says, taking his eyes off the road to glance at Alexis. Alexis nods, her eyes wandering back to the window. She watches as the colors blur together as they speed down the road.


Alexis stared up at the building as the car came to a stop. She goes to get out but Dean leaned over and gently grabbed her arm to stop her. Alexis turned to face him, a questioning look on her face.

"Can we wait a few minutes?" Dean asks.

"Yeah," Alexis gives him a smile. Alexis can see right through him. He's nervous. He doesn't want to face Sam. "You know, he might be happy to see you, I mean, he is your brother." She tells Dean as he lets go of her arm.

"Lexi, you were there when he left and after that he wouldn't call or answer the phone." Dean gives her a look.

Alexis scoots over so she's closer to Dean, she takes his larger hand in her smaller one. She squeezes Deans hand. Its not often you see Dean like this. Alexis lays her head on his shoulder. Sam had to hear them out, especially with the matter at hand. Even if he decided not to help, he had to at least hear them out. He had to. Alexis squeezes Deans hand again. It'll be okay. It has to be.


Alexis lost track of how long they sat there in silence until Dean was ready to go in.

"In the middle of the night, really?" Alexis whispers.

"Yes, now shh." Dean climbs through the window. He bumped into something causing a crash. Alexis winced at the sound. If anyone was asleep in there they probably weren't anymore.

Alexis climbs through the window, careful not to make any noise.

"Dean, wait up." She whispers, forgetting to close the window behind her. Alexis follows Dean through Sam's apartment until Sam attacks Dean. Alexis trails behind the brothers as they fight their way to the kitchen. She stops in the doorway as Dean pins Sam to the floor.

"Whoa, easy tiger." Dean smiles down at his little brother.

"Dean?" Sam asks as Dean chuckles. "You scared the crap outta me."

"That's cause you're outta practice." Dean states. Sam flips him over, pinning Dean to the floor. Dean groans. Alexis watches the brothers from the shadows, a smile on her face. "Or not, get off of me." Dean groans. Sam stands up, pulling his brother with him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Sam asks.

"Well, we came to warn you about the killer unicorn that's on the loose. She's really dangerous." Alexis jokes, walking toward the brothers.

"Hey, Alex." Sam glances over at her.

"Hey." Alexis stops beside Dean.

"Well, I was looking for a beer." Dean says. Alexis playfully rolls her eyes at her best friend.

"You don't need a beer, Dean." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Sam grabs their attention.

"Okay, alright, we gotta talk." Dean answers.

"Uh, the phone."

"If I had called, would you pick up?"

The lights cit on, pulling their attention to the doorway.

"Sam?" A blonde girl asks.

"Jess, hey," Sam says. "Dean, Alex, This is my girlfriend Jessica."

"Wait, your brother, Dean?" Jessica questions, glancing at Sam.

"I love the smurfs." Dean smiles, referring to her shirt. Alexis rolls her eyes.

"Dean, stop it." She hisses, but Dean doesn't listen. He walks toward Jessica.

"You know, I gotta tell ya, you are completely out of my brothers league." Dean continues.

"Dean." Alexis warns.

"Just let me put something on." Jessica almost turns around to leave.

"No, no, no, I wouldn't dream of it. Seriously," Dean pauses. "Anyway, I gotta barrow your boyfriend here. We gotta talk about some private family business. It was nice meeting you." Dean walks back toward Alexis and Sam.

Alexis slaps Dean upside the head when he stops beside her. Dean gives her a 'what the hell was that for' look. Alexis turns away from him and takes a few steps toward Jessica.

"Ignore him, he can be irritating. I'm sorry for that. I'm Alexis, by the way. A friend of Deans." Alexis smiles at Jessica. Jessica smiles back, a confused look still in her face.

Alexis can see Dean glaring at her from the corner of her eye. She ignores it though. He'll get over himself. Its not like he could stay mad at her for long anyway.

"No, whatever you have to say you can say in front of her." Sam shakes his head, moving to stand beside Jessica. Alexis gives Sam a confused look. He did get the memo, right?

"Okay, dad hasn't been home in a few days." Dean vaguely states.

"So, he's working overtime on a miller time shift. He'll stumble back in sooner or later." Sam shrugs, not understanding what Dean is trying to tell him. Alexis glances between the two of them.

Dean nods his head then says, "Dads on a hunting trip and hasn't been home in a few days."

Realization crosses Sams face, "Jess, excuse us."


"I mean, come on, you two can't just break in, in the middle of the night and expect me to hit the road with you." Sam complains as they walk down the stairs, Alexis was in between the two boys. Alexis' question was why wouldn't you? She never had a brother so maybe she didn't understand, but come on, this was your father we're talking about.

"You're not hearing me, Sammy. Dads missing and I need you to help me find him," Dean insists.

"Remember the poltergeist in Amherst, or the devils gate in Clifton. He was missing then to, he's always missing and he's always fine." Sam argues as they come to a stop at the bottom of the stairs.

"Not for this long, now, are you coming with us or not?" Dean asks, turning around to face Sam. Alexis moves out of the way, not wanting to get mixed up in all of this. Its not really any of her business.

"No, I'm not."

"You know, Sam, that kinda offends me." Alexis jokes, trying to lighten the mood. She shifts uncomfortably, the feeling of not belonging creeping back up her spine. She shakes it off, trying not to let her mind wander to those places.

"What? Why not?" Dean asks Sam.

"I swore I was done hunting, for good."

"Come on, it wasn't easy, but it wasn't that bad." Dean tries to reason.

"Yeah, when I told dad I was scared of the thing in my closet he gave me a .45," Sam complains. Alexis laughs slightly, Dean gives her a look. 'Please, not now'. Alexis always does that, laughs or jokes at the wrong time. It was her way of easing the tension. Her father was always on her case about that too.

Dean turns his attention back to Sam. "What was he supposed to do?"

"I was nine years old. He was supposed to say 'don't be afraid of the dark'," Sam says.

"'Don't be afraid of the dark'? Of course you should be afraid of the dark, you know what's out there," Dean looks at Sam as if he's crazy.

"Yeah, but the way we grew up after mom was killed. And dads obsession to find the thing that killed her, but we still haven't found the thing yet. So we kill everything we can find," Sam rants.

"And we save a lot of people doin' it," Alexis butts in. She knew it wasn't her place, but she had to say something. She may not have been with them since the beginning, but she's been around long enough. And that's what she told herself whenever things started to bother her. She saves people, that's all that matters.

"She's right, Sam." Dean nudges Alexis' with his elbow. Alexis smiles, looking down at her feet.

"Do you think mom would've wanted this for us?" Sam asks Dean.

Dean rolls his eyes, heading for the door. Alexis follows him with Sam right behind her.

"The weapon training, melting silver into bullets. Man, dean, we raised like warriors," Sam continues.

Alexis walks to the car, leaning against it. She knew what Sam was trying to say, she was brought up the exact same way. Everyday she learned a new way to kill a monster. It was drilled in her head from a very young age. She had to be prepared.

"So what are you gonna do? Live some normal, apple pie life? Is that it?" Dean questions, turning to face Sam.

"No, not normal. Safe," Sam states firmly.

"And that's why you ran away?" Dean asks. Yep, she's definitely staying out of this one.

"I was going to college. It was dad that said if I was gonna go I should stay gone. That's what I'm doing,"

Dean scoffs. "Dads in real trouble now, if he's not already dead. I can feel it."

Alexis always trusts Dean. After hunting for a while you learn to trust your gut. Alexis sure did. And Dean was normally right about these things.

"I can't do this alone," Dean says.

"Yes, you can. Plus you're not even alone, you have Alex," Sam gestures to Alexis.

"Well, we don't want to," Dean looks in her direction. "Right, Lexi?"

"Yeah, come on, Sam, we need your help." Alexis gives him a smile. A smile that would have gotten her whatever she wanted if it had been Dean she was asking. Sam sighs, these two were the most persistent people he'd ever met. Especially if they were working together.

"What was he hunting?" Sam asks as he and Dean walk toward the impala.

"Oh, you know, the usual ghosts, shifters, demons, witches," Alexis rattles off a list of supernatural creatures as she moves to the trunk of the impala. Dean opens the trunk, chucking. Alexis smiles, glad that she made him laugh. She like to make people laugh, especially Dean.

"Alright, where the hell did I put that thing?" Dean asks himself while digging through everything.

"Dean, I swear, you can't keep up with anything," Alexis crosses her arms over her chest.

"Oh, shut it." Dean mutters, smiling.

"So, when dad left why didn't you two go with him?" Sam asks.

"Good question, maybe cause we're not fourteen anymore," Alexis says.

"We were working our own gig. A voodoo thing down in new Orleans. Lexi found the case," Dean explains.

"Dad let you two go on a hunting trip by yourselves?" Sam asks.

"Dude, I'm twenty-six," Dean looks over his brother.

"You make it sound like we can't be trusted. And if I'm being honest that hurts a little, Sam," Alexis sets a hand over her heart to be more dramatic.

"Plus its not like I was alone. I had my trusty sidekick, Lexi." Dean looking over at Alexis with a smile. She laughs.

"Please, if anything you're my sidekick." Alexis playfully rolls her eyes at him.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart," Dean says. "Alright, here we go." He continues, pulling out the papers he was looking for. "So, dad was checking out this two lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy. They found his car, but he vanished. Completely MIA."

"Maybe he was kidnapped," Sam suggests.

"When is it ever just a kidnapping?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah, well here's another in April, December, '04, '03, '98. Ten of 'em over the last twenty years," Dean explains.

"All men, all same five mile stretch of road," Alexis adds.

"It started happening more so dad went to go dig around. That was three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough. Then I get this voicemail yesterday." Dean continues, playing the voicemail.

"Dean, somethings started to happen. I think its serious. I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may be looking, be very careful, dean. We're all in danger." The voicemail ends. Alexis shifts, a weird feeling settling in her gut.

"You know there's e.v.p on that?" Sam says.

"Not bad, kinda like riding a bike, isn't it?" Dean chuckles. "Alright, I slowed the message down and ran it through gold wave and this is what I got."

"I can never go home," A woman's voice whispers.

"Never go home?" Sam repeats as Dean close the trunk of the car. Dean turns around, leaning against it. Alexis shakes off the weird feeling.

"You know in two years I've never bothered you, never asked for a thing," Dean says, looking at Sam.

Sam sighs. "Alright, I'll go. I'll help you find him, but I have to be back first thing Monday. Just wait here," Sam turns around to leave but he stops when Dean asks,

"What's first thing Monday?"

"I have this....I have an interview," Sam shrugs his shoulders.

"What a job interview? Skip it." Dean tells him. Alexis smacks Deans arm, he turns to her giving her a 'what the hell was that for' look.

"That considered abuse, y'know." Dean mumbles.

"Oh, relax, you can take it. I didn't even hit you that hard. Be a man." Alexis jokes. Sam rolls his eyes at the two of them.

Before Dean can retaliate Sam speaks up, knowing that they could argue over this for hours. "Its a law school interview, it's my whole future on a plate." Sam answers, grabbing both of their attention.

"Law school?" Dean asks.

"So, we got a deal or not?"

"We sure do, Sam." Alexis smiles.

"You know, you shouldn't tell Sam to skip his interview," Alexis slips into the backseat if the impala. She closes the door behind her, moving over to the middle of the seat. Dean glances at her.

"Now you decide to get serious?" Dean inquires.

"Excuse you, I am always serious." Alexis says in mock offence. Dean nods his head, a small smile on his face as he looks at her.

"Okay, sure,"


"I have a question, why do I have to sit back here?" Alexis asks, leaning against the front seat after she puts her journal in her bag.

"Its to cramped back there for me." Sam answers.

"Okay, so the giant doesn't have enough room. What's your excuse, asshole?" Alexis asks Dean. Her head was tilted slightly so she could get a better look at him.

"I have to drive." Dean glances at her, a smile playing on his lips.

"Okay, well, now you're lying cause you don't have to drive. I could, let me drive."

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to go with no,"

"And why is that?"

"Cause I won't have a car after you drive it." Dean glances at her.

"I'm an excellent driver."

"Alex, didn't you get in a car accident about two and a half years ago?" Sam asks, amusement in his voice.

"Okay, that was one time and it wasn't my fault. And like you said, Sam, that was two and a half years ago. So, you just helped me." Alexis falls back into the seat.


Alexis hums a song while waiting for Dean to get out of the store. Sam sits halfway out of the car, going through Deans cassette tapes. Alexis hopes Dean doesn't forget her m&m's.

"Hey, you want breakfast?" Dean asks. Alexis leans out of the window to see Dean holding up a bag of chips, a soda, and a protein bar.

"No, thanks," Sam answers.

"Dean, my m&m's?" Alexis says.

"Yeah, here." Dean replies, throwing her the bag. She catches it, she settles back into her seat. "How can you eat candy, you haven't even had real food,"

"Cause a bag of chips is real food? Okay." Alexis opens the bag.

"So, how'd you pay for that stuff? You and dad still running credit card scams?" Sam asks.

"Good idea, Sam. How bout you say it louder, I don't think anybody heard you," Alexis rolls her eyes.

"Yeah, well hunting ain't exactly a pro ball career," Dean starts. "Besides all we do is apply. Its not our fault they send us the cards." He continues, walking around the car and getting in the driver seat.

"Yeah, what name did you put on the applications this time?" Sam asks, getting in the car and closing the door behind him.

"Uh, Bert Aframian, and his son Hector. Oh, and we can't forget his lovely 'daughter' Ashley," Dean puts air quotes around the word daughter. "Scored three cards outta the deal. Even though we probably don't need three, Lexi just takes mine." Dean gives Alexis a look.

"What? Maybe you should hide your wallet better," Alexis shrugs, holding her hands up in defense.

"I shouldn't have to," Dean argues. Sam laughs at the two of them. He missed listening to them have ridiculous arguments like this.

"Alex, you're still taking his wallet?" Sam asks.

"No, not all the time," She shrugs. "And Dean you're my best friend, you're supposed to share."

"There's a difference between sharing and stealing," Dean retaliated.

"Its not stealing if you're friends with the person,"

"Yeah, that sounds about right," Sam mutters. "I swear, man, you gotta update you cassette tape collection."

"That's ridiculous," Alexis mumbles.

"Why?" Dean asks.

"For one they're cassette tapes, and two black Sabbath? Moterhead? Metallica?" Sam says as Dean takes it out of his hand. "Greatest hits of mullet rock."

"And its good music, so screw you," Alexis says. Of course its the exact opposite of what she grew up listening to, but she likes it. When she and Dean first met and he found out she hadn't heard any of it he played her every. Every song ever recorded.

"As mature as ever," Sam glances at her.

"As mature as ever," Alexis imitates Sam which causes Dean to chuckle.

"I rest my case,"

"House rules, Sammy. Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cakehole," Dean drops a cassette tape back into the box.

"You know Sammy is a chubby twelve year old. Its Sam," Sam corrects Dean.

"Sorry, music's too loud, can't hear you," Dean makes a gesture. Back in black plays as Alexis laughs at the two boys in the front seat. this is it. These moments are her favorites. The ones she'll remember forever. The three of them, having a almost normal moment. But to be honest Alexis doesn't want this to change. She likes things the way they are.


The Impala speeds past a sign that says there are seven miles left until they reach Jericho.

"Alright, so, there's no one matching dads description at the hospital or morgue. So, that's something I guess," Sam says.

"Check it out," Dean says, pulling Alexis out of her thoughts. Alexis looks out of her window, a group of cops stand in the bridge. Another attack.

Dean parks the car, he leans over to the glove box and pulls out a box full of fake badges and ids. He hand one to Alexis and takes one for himself.

"Lets go." Dean says as he gets out of the car.

They walk to the bridge, Alexis picks up on a conversation going on.

"No footprints, no fingerprints, its almost clean," An officer says.

"So this kid troy, he's dating your daughter?" Another officer questions.

The cop who's inspecting the car mumbles a yeah.

"How's Amy doing?" The officer asks.

"She's hanging missing posters all over downtown,"

"You fellas had another one like this last month, didn't ya?" Dean butts in.

"And you are?" An officer questions.

"Federal marshals," Dean says, flashing his badge.

"Aren't you three a little young to be marshals?" The cop asks.

"Ha, thanks. That's awfully kind of you," Dean says. "You had another one just like this correct?" Dean continues, walking around the car.

"Yeah, that's right, about a mile up the road. There's no been others before that," The officer replies.

"So this victim you knew him?" Sam asks.

"Town like this everybody knows everybody,"

"Any connections between the victims? Besides that they're all men," Alexis says, standing up straighter. Trying to sound more professional, like she belonged there. That's what she was taught, even if she never was put in a situation like this with her family it still was something she did. It was burned into her brain, its like it wasn't even her standing there. Just what she was taught. Which sometimes scared her given her family's history.

"No, not as far as we can tell," The cop answers.

"Any theories?" Sam asks, walking over to Dean. Alexis stays put.

"Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?" He says.

"That is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect outta you guys," Dean say. Alexis bites her lip, keeping her laughter hidden. Now's not the time to joke. Stand up straighter, be serious. Sam stomps on Deans foot, Alexis fakes a cough to cover the laughter that threatened to leave her lips. Be serious, its not the time.

"Thank you for your time," She and Sam say as they walk away.

Alexis sighs, visibly relaxing. Dean slaps Sam upside the head.

"Ow, what was that for?" Sam asks.

"What you gotta step on my foot?" Dean asks.

"Why do you have to talk to police like that?" Sam quips.

"Why can't the two you of be serious and act like we're actually federal marshals?" Alexis glares at the two.

"Come on, they don't actually know what's goin' on," Dean says, moving to stand in front of Sam and Alexis. "We're all alone on this. To find dad we have to get to the bottom of this ourselves." Dean says. Sam clears his throat and Alexis straightens up again. Shoulders back and look straight ahead. Dean notices and turns around to face three federal marshals.

"Can I help you three?" The older one asks.

"No, sir," Alexis says, shaking her head a little.

"We were just leaving. Agent Molder. Agent Scully," Dean says as they walk away. As soon as they were out of sight Alexis relaxes. Her tense shoulders dropping as she stuffs her hands in her pockets.


Sam, Dean, and Alexis walk down the street, trying to find Amy. Maybe she'll have answers.

"I'll bet you that's her," Dean says as the draw closer to the movie theater where a girl stands, hanging posters up.

"Probably," Alexis says.

"You must be Amy," Dean says when they stop in front of her.

"Yeah," She replies, glancing at them.

"Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles, I'm dean and this is Sam. And the is, uh, his aunt, Alexis." Dean lies.

"He never mentioned you to me," Amy says.

"Ha, well, that's Troy for ya," Alexis chuckles, stuffing her hands in her coat pockets.

"We're not around much. We're up in Modesto," Dean adds as they walk along side Amy.

"So, we're looking for him too. And we're kinda asking around," Sam says.

A friend of Amy's walks up, she sets a hand on Amy's arm. "Hey, are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah," Amy replies.

"You mind if we ask you a few questions?" Sam asks.


Alexis wraps her hand around the warm cup of coffee, she shifts in her seat as she tries to get comfortable.

"I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home, he said he'd call me back. And he, uh, he never did," Amy explains from across the table.

"He didn't say anything strange or out of the ordinary?" Sam asks from beside Alexis. She shifts again, trying to let the two boys she sat between have as much room as they could.

"No, nothing I could remember," Amy shakes her head. Dean glances at Alexis as she shifts again, he puts his hand on her knee in attempt to comfort her. Alexis stops moving for a second then she relaxes under his touch.

"That's a nice necklace," Alexis speaks up. She had spotted the pentagram and wondered if it might had something to do with the case.

"Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents with all that devil stuff," Amy says, laughing slightly.

Alexis laughs along, of course she knew the pentagram awarded off evil, but she played along. Dean smiled as Alexis laughed, he ran his thumb up and down the side of her knee. It was genuine laughter and Dean knew that. He liked to hear her laugh. He didn't know how she could find this genuinely funny. But she did.

"Actually, it means the exact opposite. A pentagram is used for protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kinda stuff," Sam butts in.

"Thank you, unsolved mysteries. Here's the thing, ladies, the way troy disappeared, somethings not right. So, if you've heard anything...." Dean trails off, crossing his arms and leaning against the table.

Alexis didn't know why but as soon as Deans hand wasn't on her knee anymore she let out a breath. Something else she didn't understand was why she wanted his hand back on her knee.

The two girls opposite if the three hunters glance at each other.

"What is it?" Alexis asks, leaning forward a little bit.

"Well, its just with all these guys going missing. People talk," Amy's friend says.

"What do they talk about?" Sam asks.

"Its kind of this local legend. This one girl, she got murdered out on centennial, like, decades ago. Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up. Well, they disappear forever," Amy's friend tells them.


Alexis leans over Deans shoulder to get a better look at the library's computer screen. Dean had searched 'murder on centennial' but nothing came up.

"Let me try," Sam says, reaching for the computer. Dean slaps Sams hand away.

"I got it," Dean says. Sam pushes Deans chair away, sliding his chair over to sit in front of the computer.

"Dude. You are such a control freak," Dean slides his chair back toward the computer. Alexis moves back to her spot leaning over Deans shoulder while rolling here eyes at the two boys.

"So, angry spirits are born out of violent deaths, right?" Sam says.

"Yeah," Dean and Alexis reply at the same time.

"But what if its not murder?" Sam continues.

"Could be," Alexis mumbles to herself. Sam changes the word murder to suicide one one result shows up.

"This was 1981. Constance Welch jumps off the Sylvania bridge and drowns," Sam reads.

"Does it say why she did it?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, an hour before they found her she called 911, her two little kids were in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a second, when she comes back they aren't breathing. Both die," Sam reads. "'Our babies were gone and Constance just couldn't bear it.' Says husband Joseph Welch." Sam says.

A picture box a bridge was on the screen. The same bridge where Troy had gone missing.

"That bridge look familiar to you?" Dean asks.


The sun had set long before the three hunters headed to the bridge.

"So, this is where Constance took the swan dive," Dean says, leaning over the side of the bridge.

"So you think dad would've been here?" Sam asks.

"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him,"

"Okay, so what now?"

"So we keep digging till we find him, it might take a while,"

"You're gonna help, right?" Alexis asks Sam. He doesn't answer. He didn't have to, she already knew he wanted out of this as soon as possible.

"You think you're just gonna be one some lawyer? Marry the girl?" Dean asks.

"Maybe, why not?" Sam asks. Alexis tuned them out as they went back and forth. Sam never plans on telling Jessica. A part of Alexis understood why Sam would never tell her.

"Face it, Sam, you're one of us." Dean says, starting to walk away. Sam moves to stand in front of him. Alexis stays where she's at leaning against the side of the bridge.

She doesn't want to get involved. None of this is her business. There it is again. That feeling that she's constantly in the middle of things and conversations that she shouldn't be. After all these years you'd think it'd go away, but it doesn't. It creeps up her spine, wrapping around her neck. Almost like it wants to strangle her. She shakes it off, trying not to give into it. She can't let it get the best of her.

"No, I'm not like you," Sam says.

"Well, you have a responsibility," Dean argues.

"To dad? To his crusade. If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what mom looked like," Sam scoffs. "So, what's the difference? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, moms gone. And she isn't coming back."

Alexis looks over her shoulder at the boys, knowing Sam crossed a line and she'd probably have to break up a fight in a second.

Dean grabs Sam by the collar of his jacket, pushing him up against one of the support beam of the bridge.

"We're supposed to working together, damn it," Alexis mumbles. She walk over to the two boys. Alexis set her hand on Deans bicep, his muscles relax a little under her touch but he doesn't move. "Dean, calm down." Alexis says her voice soft as she lightly squeezes deans arm.

"Don't talk about her like that," Dean says, letting Sam go. Dean turns so his back faces Sam and Alexis, her hand falling back to her side.

"Sam, Lexi," Dean calls out, grabbing both of their attention. Alexis looks up to see a woman in a white dress standing on the side of the bridge, looking at them. She turns her head away from them and jumps.

All three of them take off running to where she was. They lean over the side of the bridge, looking for the woman.

"Where'd she go?" Dean asks no one in particular.

"I don't know," Sam says.

"She jumped in a magical hole that leads to oz," Alexis says. "She's a ghost, she can disappear."

The car engine roars to life causing the three hunters to look up. The headlights shining right at them.

"What the-" Dean starts to say.

"Who's driving your car?" Sam asks.

"My guess is ghost lady wants us dead, so she's trying to run us over," Alexis glances over as Dean holds up his car keys.

"And I think you're right," Dean agrees.

They stand still for a second, the car starts to move toward them and the three of them take off running.

Alexis pushes herself in to go faster as the car draws nearer. Sam, Dean, and Alexis jump over the side of the bridge.

Alexis' fingers graze the side of the bridge as she plummets toward the water. Alexis hits the ice cold water. Her back and legs stings form the impact. She could hear muffled yells as she kicked against the current. It tries to pull her under, she kicks harder, this time breaking the surface, She gasps for air.

"Lexi!" "Alex!" Dean and Sam yell.

"I'm good," She yells back as she pulls herself toward the shore.

Alexis collapses beside Dean on the bank of the river, both of them covered in mud.

"You okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah. You?"

"Yeah, I'm good," Dean stands up and offering her a hand. Alexis takes it, letting him pull her up.


"Car alright?" Sam asks as Dean closes the hood of the impala.

"Yeah, whatever she did to it, it seems okay now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!" Dean yells that last part. Alexis laughs, wiping some mud off of her face then wiping her hands in her jeans.

"Well, she doesn't meant is sitting around that's for sure," Sam says.

"You think, Sammy?" Alexis asks, sarcasm dripping from her words. "I need a shower, a beer, and a nap. In that order." Alexis leans against the car.

"You read my mind," Dean nudges her with his elbow. She smiles at him.

"You both smell like a toilet," Sam says as he leans against the car beside Alexis.

"That's really nice, Sam. Thank you for that compliment. Let me give you a hug," Alexis turns to him with her arms open.

"Yeah, I'm good," Sam says, holding his hands up. Alexis drops her arms.

"I get shotgun," Alexis starts walking around the car.

"What? Why?" Sam asks.

"Cause I said so. Deal with it," Alexis smiles, getting in the passenger seat.


The sun rose by time they had got to the motel.

"One room, please," Dean says, setting the credit card down on the counter.

"You guys havin' a reunion or something?" The man behind the counter asks.

"What do you mean?" Alexis asks, drawing his attention to her.

"The other guy, Bert Aframian, he came in and bought a room out for the month,"


Sam kneels in front of Johns motel room, picking the lock. Dean and Alexis stand in front of him so no one sees what he's doing.

Sam gets the door unlocked and grabs Dean by the collar, pulling him into the room. Just before she's out of reach Dean grabs Alexis' hand, pulling her in to the room with him.

Alexis closes the door behind her, looking around at the paper covered walls. She steps over the salt line at the door and walks toward a wall, staring at the paper.

"I don't think he's been here a couple days at least," Dean says from across the room.

"Salt, cats eyeshells. He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in," Sam says. They each look at a different wall, trying to connect the dots, seeing if John found anything.

"What's this?" Sam asks, walking over to dean.

"Centennial highway victims," Dean answers. Sam wanders back over to a different wall.

"I don't get it. Different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities. There's always a connection, right?" Dean asks.

"Always," Alexis answers, starring at the wall as if she stared at it long enough the answers would come to her.

"Dad figured it out," Sams voice pulled Alexis from her thoughts.

"What do you mean?" Dean asks.

"He found the same article we found. Constance Welch, she's a woman in white," Sam explains.

"A woman in white. Should've guessed," Alexis walks over to Sam. Dean followed her.

"You sly dogs. So, if we're dealing with a woman in white dad would've found her corpse and destroyed it," Dean says.

"She might have another weakness," Sam suggests.

"No, dad would still dig her up. Does it say where she's buried?" Dean asks.

"No, not that I can tell. If I were dad I would go asks her husband,"

"If he's still alive," Alexis mutters.

"Alright, why don't you see if you can find an address. I'm gonna get cleaned up," Dean moves toward the bathroom.

"Me too," Alexis mumbles, walking toward the door.

"Hey, Dean, what I said earlier about mom and dad. I'm sorry," Sam says.

Dean cuts him off by holding up his hand and saying, "No chick flick moments."

"Alright, jerk,"


"Morons," Alexis mumbles, smiling.

"What's that, sweetheart?" Dean asks. Dean smiles at Alexis and she smiles back.

"You know you love chick flicks, asshole," She replies, her hand on the doorknob.

"Yeah right, darlin'," Dean calls out, walking into the bathroom.


Alexis meets her own hazel eyes in the mirror. She never really looked like her parents at any point in life. She never really knew her mom. But Alexis knew her mother had to be a good person because the rest of her family hated her. She knew she had her mothers eyes though. She finished getting dressed and walked out of the bathroom.

"I'm gonna go get something from that old diner down the street. You want anything?" Dean asks.

"No," Sam doesn't look up from his cell phone.

"I'll come with you," Alexis slips on her jacket.

"Aframians buying," Dean says.

As the two of them walk to the car something catches Alexis' eye. The two cops from the bridge talking to the man from the front desk.

"Crap," She mumbles. "Dean, look." She whispers, nudging Deans side. Dean looks over just as the guy points at them.

"That's not good,"

"You think, genius?"

The both turn around, their backs faces by the cops.

"Dude, five-0. Take off," Dean says when Sam answers the phone. A pause. Alexis taps her finger against her thigh. There's no time for chit chat. "Uh, they kinda spotted us. Go find dad." He hangs up the phone.

Dean and Alexis turn around just as the cops walk up to them.

"Problem, officers?" Dean asks.

"Where's your other partner?" One of them asks.

"Partner? What partner?" Dean asks.

"It was just the two of us," Alexis says matter of factly. One of the cops walks toward the motel room.

"So, fake u.s marshals, fake credit cards. You two got anything that's real?" The cop asks.

"My boobs." Dean says, a smile on his face. Alexis smiles too.


"You wanna give us your real names?" An older cop asks as he walks in the room they had put Dean and Alexis in.

"I told you its Nugent. Ted Nugent," Dean says.

"Lilith Barnes." Alexis states. She was always good at coming up with fake names.

"I'm not sure you two realize how much trouble you're actually in,"

"We talking like misdemeanor kinda trouble or squeal like a pig kinda trouble?" Dean asks.

"You got the faces of ten missing persons taped to your wall. Along with all this satanic mumbo jumbo. You two are officially suspects,"

"Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Especially seeing that when the first one went missing I was two years old and he was three. So, officer, tell me, how did two toddlers kidnap and murder an grown man? I'd sure as hell like to know how," Alexis gives the man a smile. Normally she would have better manners, but, hey, she already got herself in trouble. What's the point in behaving now?

Dean looks over at her as she leans back in her seat. The officer looks at her, a warning look on his face.

"I know you've got partners. One of 'ems an older guy, he could've started it. So, tell me, Dean, Alexis. Is this his?" He asks, throwing Johns journal onto the table in front of them. "I thought those might be your names. I leafed through this." The cop starts. "what little I could make out. Its nine kinds of crazy."

"But I found this, too. Now, you two are staying right here until you tell me exactly what this means," He continues, pointing to the coordinates on the paper. Alexis glances at Dean, this can't mean anything good.


"I don't know how many times I have to tell you, its my high school locker combination," Dean says.

"We gonna do this all night long?" The officer asks.

Another officer walks in the room saying, "A 911 just came in. Shots fired at white ford road."

"You gotta go to the bathroom?" The cops asks, turning back to Dean and Alexis.

"No," Dean and Alexis say.

"Good," He cuffs them to the table. He walks out of the door, closing it behind him.

Dean glances at the journal, he reaches over and pulls a paper clip out. Dean picks the locks.

"This is why you're my best friend," Alexis whispers as Dean takes the cuff off of her wrist. His hand lingers at her wrist for a second as he glances up at her.

They walk to the door, Dean looks out of the window in the door; making sure the coast was clear.


Dean and Alexis made it to a phone booth and Dean calls Sam.

"Fake 911 phone calls. I don't know, Sammy, that's pretty illegal," Dean says when Sam picks up the phone.

"You're welcome." Sam says. Alexis could barley hear him through the phone. They really should make these things bigger, she thinks as she shifts. Her shoulder brushing Deans.

"We gotta talk." Dean says.

"Tell me about it. So, the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house,"

"Sammy, would you shut up for a second," Dean cuts him off.

"I just don't know why he hasn't destroyed it yet,"

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. Dad left Jericho,"

"What, how do you know?"

"We've got his journal, Sam," Alexis says, leaning forward and speaking a little louder so Sam could hear her.

"He doesn't go anywhere without that thing,"

"Well, this time he did," Dean says.

"What's it say?" Sam asks.

"Same old ex marine crap when he wants us to know where he's going."

"Coordinates. Where to?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Whoa," Sams panicked voice comes through the phone. The faint sound of tries screeching follows.

"Sam! Sam!" Dean frantically yells into the phone.


Dean and Alexis made it to Constance's house. A scream echo as they run up to the car.

Dean pulls out his gun, shooting the woman in white. It doesn't work for long. She reappears and Dean shoots again. Sam takes the opportunity and sits up.

"I'm taking you home," Sam says, driving the car straight into the house.

"Sam!" Dean and Alexis yell, both of them running into the house.

"You okay?" "Sam?" Dean and Alexis ask.

"Yeah, you gonna help me?" Sam asks. Dean pulls Sam out of the car. Alexis wanders over to the other side of it, Sam and dean following her; they all watch as Constance stares at a picture.

She throws the picture to the floor and a dresser slides across the floor, pinning the three hunter to the side of the impala. The lights flicker and water runs down the stairs. Alexis leans forward slightly, trying to get a better look. Two children stand there, hand in hand.

"You've come to us, mommy," They say at the same time.

"That's a little creepy," Alexis mumbles to herself.

The kids are suddenly right behind Constance, and when she turns around the wrap their arms around her waist. In a blur of colors and noises the three ghosts melt into the floor, leaving only a puddle of water behind.

Sam, Dean, and Alexis push the dresser away from the and they walk to where the three spirits once stood.

"So this is where she drowned her kids," Dean says as they all stare at the floor.

"That's why she could never go home." Sam mutters.

"You found her weak spot, nice work, Sammy." Dean says, patting Sam on the chest. A pained laugh leaves Sams mouth. Dean walks back over to the car.

"I wish if would say the same thing for you. What were you thinking? Shooting Casper in the face, you freak."

"Saved your ass, didn't it?" Alexis asks, walking over to Dean and giving him a high five. Which is something they do after every hunt, no matter how bloody or bruised they were.

"If you messed up my car, I will kill you," Dean looks at Sam. Sam and Alexis laugh.


"Okay, so here's where dad went. Its called Blackwater ridge, Colorado," Sam says. Alexis leans against the front seat, blinking as she tries to stay awake.

"Sounds charming. How far?" Dean asks, glances at Sam.

"About six hundred miles,"

"If we shag ass we could make it by morning."

"Well, I'm gonna get some sleep." Alexis mumbles.

"Dean, I....." Sam trails off.

"You're not going?" Alexis asks, looking at Sam.

"The interview is in, like, ten hours, I gotta be there," Sam says. Alexis sighs. Dean looks out of the window and then back at the road.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, I'll take you back home." Dean says.

The rest of the ride was filled with an awkward silence. Alexis didn't get sleep, she was to busy trying to joke around and lighten the mood. Nothing worked though.


The car came to a stop outside of the building, Sam gets out of the car.

"You'll call me when you find him?" Sam asks and Dean nods his head. "Maybe we could meet up sometime."

Alexis smiles, glad one of them is trying.

"Yeah, alright," Dean nods. Sam starts to walk to the building.

"Sam," Dean calls out, gaining the younger brothers attention.

"Yeah," Sam asks, turning around.

"The three of us, we made a pretty good team back there,"

"Yeah, we did."

"Of course we did, I was there," Alexis says. "See ya, Sammy." She calls out, climbing over the seat and sitting down in the passenger seat.

"See ya."

"What are you doing?" Dean asks Alexis.

"What? I'm not sitting back there anymore," Alexis shrugs.

"You could mess up my seats."

"But I didn't," Alexis says. "You know, my m&m's went missing. I've looked everywhere and I can't find them."

"Hmm, that's weird." Dean says, turning the car around and heading back toward the apartment building.

"Dean, what are we doing?" Alexis asks, looking at him.

"Something doesn't feel right," Dean answers. They sit there, both starring up at Sams window, making sure everything's okay.

Bright yellow and orange fill the dark window. A fire.

"Lex, call 911, I'm gonna get Sam," Dean says, already out if the car and running to the apartment.


It didn't take long for red and blue lights to be everywhere. Alexis stands with Sam as he loads bullets into a gun. Dean walks over to them, stopping beside his brother. Sam throws the gun into the trunk of the car.

"We've got work to do." Sam says, slamming the trunk shut. The air was filled with loss and death. It tainted every breath each one of them took.

Deep, deep down a part of Alexis knew that this was the beginning of something very bad.

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