X-23 x Male son of Sabertooth...

By Monksanto

54.6K 1.5K 382

Y/n Aigner, the son of Victor Creed A.K.A Sabertooth has been on a mission of vengeance ever since his mother... More

The encounter
New information
Time in Japan
The true killer
First mission
Horror movie
First date
Date gone wrong
Carnival (lemon)
Morning after


2.2K 73 31
By Monksanto

Author:" Hey everyone, quick trigger warning here; in this chapter, there are a lot of talks about prostitution, self-harm, and suicide."

Y/n P.O.V~

The sunlight beamed down on me as I opened my eyes and yawned. I then took a look, realizing that I was still on Laura's couch. I groaned as I slightly stretched, feeling stiff in my limbs and back. I sat up as I then heard a familiar voice.

Laura:" Good morning, sleepyhead."

I looked up to see Laura smiling and drinking a cup of coffee sitting at the dining table. I smiled slightly before I spoke to the green-eyed woman.

Y/n:" Mornin' Laura."

I began to get off the couch and stretched as I yawned before speaking.

Y/n:" Well, I guess I'll be heading out then."

Laura:" Are you sure? Because you're more than welcome to stay for breakfast if you like."

Y/n:" Yeah, I mean, that's a wonderful offer, but I'll just get out of your hair."

Laura:" Are you sure it's no problem."

Y/n:" Yeah, I'm sure I mean, I already fell asleep on the couch; I think I've been here long enough."

I then heard the sound of footsteps as Gabby entered the living room.

Gabby:" Come on, Y/n, have breakfast with us."

I sighed before slightly smiling, joining Gabby and Laura for breakfast. Laura put a bowl of cereal in front of me, and Gabby, as the young girl, began to wolf it down before I started eating. Laura started to eat as well before she spoke.

Laura:" So Y/n, you got any plans today?"

Y/n:" No, not really; I'm free all day. Why do you ask?"

Laura:" Oh, just wondering."

After we finished our breakfast, I was about to leave the apparent before Laura spoke.

Laura:" Hey Y/n, do you want to go on a mission?"

I smiled and looked back at Laura while speaking.

Y/n:" Yeah, of course."

Laura smiled one more time before I left the apartment building.

*Three-month time skip*

I slightly chuckled as I exited the danger room with Laura beside me.

Y/n:" Okay, that's pretty funny, but I've got a better one than that."

Laura grinned and cocked a brow before speaking.

Laura:" Alright then, shoot."

Y/n:" My grief counselor died. He was so good; I don't even care."

Laura slightly grinned before letting out a little chuckle.

Laura:" Goddamn it, Y/n."

I then looked up at a nearby clock seeing the time as I spoke.

Y/n:" Hey, Laura, sorry, but I have to leave my class is gonna start in a bit, and I have to go set up."

Luara:" Okay, see ya later."

I waved goodbye to Laura as I left for class.

Laura P.O.V~

I put my hands in my coat pockets before I was about to walk away when I heard a voice.

Logan:" You and Y/n have been spending a lot of time together recently."

I turned and looked back at Logan while I spoke.

Laura:" Yeah, is there a problem with that?"

Logan:" Just a little observation, kid. I honestly didn't think you two would be all that close."

Laura:" Yeah, I'm honestly surprised that we've gotten this close already."

Logan:" Hm, well, anyways, I need you and Y/n to show a new recruit around the mansion later."

Laura" Alright, we'll see you then."


Third-person P.O.V~

Y/n stood up against a wall as he heard Laura's voice speak out.

Laura:" Hey, Y/n."

Y/n looked at Laura as he smiled before speaking.

Y/n:" Hey Laura, how's your day been?"

Laura:" Good, good."

Laura looked around before she spoke.

Laura:" Where's the new kid?"

Y/n:" Don't know, but they'll probably be soon."

The pair heard footsteps approach them as Y/n looked over to see a young woman with red hair and amber eyes.

The woman looked at Laura and spoke, raising an eyebrow.

???:" Are you, Laura?"

Laura nodded before she looked at Y/n and spoke with a lewd smile.

???:" Then you must be Y/n~."

Y/n:" Um, yeah, what's your name?"

The woman smiled before she spoke.

Mira:" I'm Mira."

Mire and Y/n shook hands before the three of them began to walk around the school Y/n and Laura showed everything she would need and told her all the information she needed to know. After about half an hour of walking around the school, Y/n spoke while looking at Laura.

Y/n:" Hey Laura, I have to get back to class and finish grading some stuff. Could you show Mira to her dorm?"

Laura:" Yeah, no problem."

Y/n walked away, waving goodbye to the two women. Mira and Laura walked back to her room; Mira looked at Laura as she spoke.

Mira:" Hey, so how long have you known Y/n?"

Laura:" I guess you could say I've known him for years, but I've only really started to know him personally for a few months now."

Mira smiled before she went to her dorm, opened the door, and waved goodbye to Laura while speaking.

Mira:" Bye, Laura, I'll see you around."

Laura waved goodbye before walking off.

*Four-month time skip*

Laura sighed as she sat on the couch reading a book as Mira entered the room and walked past her as the green-eyed woman spoke.

Laura:" How has your day been, Mira?"

Mira:" It's been good; I've just been thinking about some stuff."

Laura:" How so?"

Mira:" Well, I just think it's a little funny how you and Y/n are such great friends."

Laura closed her book before she spoke.

Laura:" Well, one, I wouldn't say that we're great friends, and two, why do you find that so funny?"

Mira:" Well, just considering your past, I mean."

Laura:" Well yeah, but Y/n and I are trying to get past me, you know, killing his mother."

Mira:" Oh no, I didn't mean that; I mean when you worked on the streets."

Laura's eyes then widened as she realized what she meant. Laura then whipped her head around, looking at the red-haired girl before speaking.

Laura:" Who told you about that...?"

Mira grinned and turned around, crossing her arms as she looked at Laura.

Mira:" Julian told me."

Laura growled as her fists shook, looking at Mira before taking a deep breath attempting to calm down before she spoke.

Laura: "Look, please don't tell Y/n about this."

Mira:" Why?"

Mira got closer to Laura as she spoke.

Mira:" Because your a used meat sack?"

Laura's eyes widened before they narrowed again.

Laura:" Stop it."

Mira kept on approaching Laura, continuing to speak.

Mira:" Because you're still just a two-bit whore? Because that's all, you'll ever be, that and killer."

Laura's fists began to shake as she gritted her teeth in anger.

Laura:" Stop it."

Mira:" Face it, Laura, you don't deserve to be friends with Y/n; you don't deserve anything you have."

As Mira drew closer with every step, Laura grew angrier and angrier.

Mira:" You killed Y/n's mother; you don't deserve even to know him."

Mira then grabbed onto Laura's shoulders and whispered into her ear.

Mira:" You're not good for anything. You will always be that worthless, meaningless prostitute who killed her mother. You should kill yourself."

Laura lost it as her claws burst out of her knuckles, and she let out a roar of anger and attempted to slash at the red-haired woman. Suddenly Laura was grabbed from behind and lifted into the air by Y/n, who began to move them out of the room while Laura screamed out.

Laura:" I'm going to kill her; I'm going to fucking kill you! Do you hear me, you red-haired bimbo slut! I'm going to kill you."

As Y/n got Laura out of the mansion, he put her down before grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes.

Y/n:" Laura!"

Laura tried to run past him before grabbing her again and holding her in his grip, which she desperately tried to wriggle out of.

Y/n:" Laura! Stop!"

Laura's movements slowed before she began to calm down, taking deep breaths as Y/n spoke.

Y/n:" Laura, what the fuck happened in there? I walk in, and you're trying to kill Mira."

Laura sighed before she softly spoke.

Laura:" I'm sorry, I just lost my temper; she said some stuff about me and my past?"

Y/n:" About you killing my mother?"

Laura nodded before she resumed speaking.

Laura:" Yeah, how'd you know?"

Y/n sighed before speaking and unwrapping his arms from Laura.

Y/n:" She was saying some stuff in my class about it; it's my fault this happened. I should have pulled her aside and talked to her about it."

Laura:" Y/n, it's not your fault she brought up some other stuff which I don't like talking about."

Y/n cocked an eyebrow before he spoke.

Y/n:" Like, what if you don't mind me asking."

Laura looked down before sighing.

Y/n:" Laura, it's OK if you don't want to tell me."

Laura:" No, it's just... Can we go someplace a bit more private? I just don't want to talk where everyone can hear me."

Y/n:" Sure, let's get to my room."

They went into Y/n's room. Before Laura sat on his bed, Y/n sat next to her.

Y/n:" So what is it?"

Laura sighed before she spoke.

Laura:" I was reading when Mira came in the room and started insulting me for something I did."

Y/n:" What was it?"

Laura:" ... She insulted me for working the street."

Y/n tilted his head before he spoke.

Y/n:" In what way? Were you a thief or-"

Laura interrupted Y/n while looking into his eyes.

Laura:" I was a prostitute."

Y/n eyes widened before they softened, and he spoke softly.

Y/n:" Oh, Laura, I'm so sorry."

Y/n had a worried expression on his face as he spoke.

Y/n:" Laura, where, you mind-controlled or-?"

Laura:" No, I did it as a punishment."

Y/n:" For what?"

Laura jet black hair covered her eyes as she spoke.

Laura:" For all the people I killed. I felt like I didn't deserve to live; I wanted to die. I cut myself."

Tears began to leak out of Laura's eyes while she continued to speak.

Laura:" Sometimes I find myself falling into that same way of thinking, feeling like I don't deserve to live like I need to die. As if I'm a killer and a whore and always will be."

Y/n's eyes widened as he spoke.

Y/n:" Oh, Laura..."

Y/n hugged Laura embracing her, Laura sticking her head in the crook of her neck.

Y/n:" Laura... You're not a killer; the people you did kill weren't your fault. Laura, you're one of the strongest people I know; you've been to hell and back; you were Wolverine for a bit; you helped me see who are you truly are."

Laura looked up at Y/n, tears still dribbling down her cheeks.

Y/n:" Laura, you're practically my only friend; Laura, you're a wonderful person; just because you did some bad stuff doesn't mean you're a bad person."

Y/n broke the hug and took Laura's hands into his own while speaking.

Y/n:" Laura, you're one of the best people I've known."

Laura hugged Y/n again before speaking.

Laura:" Thank you, Y/n, that means a lot."

The pair hugged on Y/n's bed, Y/n doing his best to ensure Laura was safe and happy, wanting her to ignore Mira's words.





Y/n yelled as he kicked off Mira's bedroom door, making it fly off the hinges startling the red-haired woman. Mira gulped as she looked at Y/n, who had his claws out while pointing at her. Y/n spoke with anger in his voice.

Y/n:" If you ever hurt Laura like that again. I'm going to kill you. Got it!?"

Mira nodded before Y/n left, leaving the red-haired woman shaking in fear.

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