Hybrid Theory

By Zero-0ne

4.5K 73 8

The original Hybrid Theory has arrived to Kuoh, what changes will it cause to the story? Read to find out. I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

228 4 1
By Zero-0ne

For Xenovia it all went to hell in less than 24 hours, Irina, Asia and surprisingly Larcade where missing, probably doing of the fallen angels. Then the heir to the house of Gremory came looking for help, the fallen angel Kokabiel had declared his intentions to start a new holy war. Now, she could only trust in her instincts and pray for her friends to be safe, the good thing is that she wasn't unarmed, at least she had her swords to defend herself.

Asia had "fought" the knight's grip with all her strength to exhaustion, it had been hours, maybe a day, she couldn't know, the knight never released her form the grip. It had been horrifying hours, for the first couple of them the only thing she could heard was Larcade's screams of agony, then it all went quiet, which was most terrifying for her than the screams, at least they mean that Larcade was alive.

Mavis exited the room, she was clearly exhausted, as if she had been fighting with an army all by herself. To be honest, she had just fought something worst, and it worried her, she thought they had more time to find a solution. There's when the tears started falling, it was a game changer, maybe for the best, maybe for the worst, and she was frightened by the worst possible scenario, she didn't want it, she didn't want to loose her son to a monster like that.

"Ma... Mavis?..." The crying had woke up Asia "Wha... What's wrong?" She tried to get close to her, but still the knight was holding her. Mavis noticed that, and with just one hand movement that knight disappeared, she cleaned up the tears not wanting to worry Asia more.

"You can come in now, he's asleep" Mavis informed Asia while pointing to the door with her head, Asia immediately ran to the door, and when she was opening it she heard Mavis "Asia, please, take care of him" With that, Mavis exited the room floating through the ceiling and Asia entered the room were larcade was laying.

The first thing she noticed was that the walls were recovered with some type of material similar to the one used to make the rooms soundproof, then there was a bed that didn't seemed to fit with the rest of the room, maybe it was Mavis work. A few steps later she heard a crunching sound, looking down she realized there were black scales laying on the floor, but they weren't normal, for starts they were easily a hundred times bigger than any reptile scale. Even though it was kind of horrifying she didn't care about it and got close to the bed. There he was, lying on the bed the unconscious body of Larcade, he was just using baggy pants, also probably Mavis doing, his body was the same, as if the cracks she saw didn't exist anymore. Then she looked at his face, noticing something different, on each one of his cheeks there were three dark blue marks giving him a more savage look.

An hour later.

Larcade had woke up very agitated, screaming and making erratic moves, like if he was fighting for his life. Asia, who was just sleeping in the side of the bed woke up by the sudden screaming.

"Larcade!" Cried Asia while jumping towards him, fortunately for her, her scream caught his attention and made his erratic moves stop, giving him the chance to catch her, which lead Asia to hug Larcade tightly.

"Asia! What... What happened?" Asked Larcade confused, although he had a slight idea of it.

"I... I don't know... We were about to go to try to find the fallen angels, and then... The..." Tears began to fall from Asia's eyes, making Larcade caress her cheek and clean the trail of liquid with his thumb.

"Please don't cry, I promised it to you, you won't have to cry anymore" He said while caressing her cheek and stoking her hair.

They kept in that hug for a few more minutes, not saying a word nor making a move, just, enjoying the moment, each one in their own unique way, Asia enjoying how protected she felt in Larcade's arms, and Larcade enjoying having her back after all those years.

"Larcade!!!" Like anything else, that precious hug was temporal, they were interrupt by Mavis screaming and entering the room trough the ceiling. Contrary to one might think there wasn't any happiness on her face, there was only a profound concern, but it wasn't for her son.

"Mom! What's wrong?!" Asked a concerned Larcade, these sure weren't good news.

The Kuoh academy had became a battlefield, a purple dome cover it's surrounding courtesy of Sona and her peerage. Inside the barrier Rias, her peerage, and Xenovia were fighting against the fallen angel Kokabiel and his forces, three Cerberus, the rouge exorcist Freed and the ex church member Valper Galilei. Even though they were fighting what seemed to be teenagers that didn't had too much power, Kokabiel commanded his forces to not hold back, if he wanted to start a second Holy War he needed to cause a big impression on the leaders of one of the factions, at the beginning, his plan was to fight against Sirzechs Lucifer, but instead he was dealing with his little sister, well, now he was going to send a message the holder of the title "Lucifer" by torturing his little sister.

On Rias side things couldn't be worst, even though they had the support of Xenovia with her Excalibur Destruction and that Kiba had reached his balance break they couldn't stand a chance against Freed and his Excalibur that was the union of three fragments of Excalibur.

"I didn't want to, but I have to use it" Say Xenovia making her sword disappear, only to summon a portal in her right side, then, a handle of a sword came out, she took it and brought out a big sword with blue body and golden edges "Excalibur Durandal!" Exclaimed Xenovia holding the most powerful fragment of Excalibur "This is the most powerful Excalibur, so powerful I can barely control it, so I have to seal it in another dimension"

"So what!" Screamed Freed attacking Xenovia. After that, the fight began to side with Xenovia and Kiba, reaching the point of cornering Freed.

"I'd recommend you think carefully your next movement" Talked Kokabiel catching the attention of all the fighters, with his right hand he was holding Irina from her neck, she was pretty bad injured "Now, how about you just surrender and die like..." His words were cut by a powerful presence coming from the forest, just a second later the figure of Larcade could be seen running towards the battlefield like an enraged animal "What a surprise, it seems like the fun continues" Larcade stopped freezed cold when he saw Irina.

"Larcade!" Cried Xenvoia running to his side, but he didn't responded, his eyes were fixed in the unconscious body of Irina.

"I think Galilei has a question for you" Mentioned Kokabiel he didn't saw any impediment to satisfy Valper's curiosity and buy some time for his spell to be ready.

"Yeah, you have any idea what is that?" He asked pointing the tattoo on Irina's wrist "And where the Excalibur Mimic is?" No one made even a noise.

"Answer, or it may be seen that this girl doesn't have any value, so I'll just kill..." Before he could finish he vomited a considerable amount of blood, feeling a a great pain in his breastbone he looked down and saw an arm coming out of his body. In less than a blink, the arm was gone along with his right arm that was holding Irina, on ground level, Larcade reappeared holding Irina bride style.

Another blink and he disappeared in his shadow, again, a second later a painful scream could be heard, they all looked the source, who was Valper Galilei, he was being pierced by the Excalibur Mimic.

"Searching for the sword? Here you have it" Larcade whispered to his ear, then he rised the sowrd cutting through Valper's body with ease.

"So, it was you the one who have it, well, now give it to me!" Screamed Freed attacking Larcade, with one head move Larcade bite the edge of the sword, braking it like if it were glass, responding to his magic, the sowrd became pure light that swirled towards his mouth "Wha... What the hell was that!" Screamed Freed terrified, causing Larcade to give him an annoyed look.

"You are annoying, die" He said in a cold tone, just as he ignite his fist on fire and punched Freed right in the middle of the chest sending him fly across the entire school, breaking every bone and tearing every organ in his torso, he then looked at Kokabiel that was healing the injure of his chest.

"How dare you! You filthy human!" Kokabiel screamed in pure rage, but, before he could realize Larcade appeared behind him and kicked him in the middle of his back, but before he could be sent flying to the floor, Larcade took one of his wings, making it tear apart of his body, this gain a scream of pain from Kokabiel that was silenced when his body impact with the ground.

"I've heard that the number wings tell the amount of power you have, and that they're are also a sign of prestige, well, I just took one, eleven to go" Larcade's words didn't had any emotion, then he landed on top of Kokabiel's body, using that advantage, he took another wing of his back, then he launched Kokabiel toward the school.

"Now... Now this is a fight!" Screamed an exited Kokabiel walking out the hole and debris he just made, just after the scream he launched himself towards Larcade. But he was just met with Larcade's fist piercing again trough his breastbone. Having Kokabiel in that position give the advantage to Larcade, who didn't hesitate and ripped all Kokabiel's right wings.

"You brag about being strong, but you aren't more than a scared little crow" Said Larcade.

Everyone else were just watching, terrified by the display of power Larcade was showing. They were to scare to make the slightest move, they didn't wanted to face that facet of Larcade, no now nor never.

"You... You fight with... So much power... So much determination... But... Tell me... Tell me me if you can fight the same way after you know that... The God you're doing this for is... DEAD!" Screamed Kokabiel trying to reach a thin nerve in Larcade. And yet, the only effect was present in the faces of the ORC members and Xenovia, the last one was devastated "That's right, God was killed in the Holy War!"

"And?" Was the only answer coming from Larcade's mouth surprising everyone "God is dead, and? I don't care, and that stupid attempt won't save you, I came here in name of the church, but you made it personal when you did that to Irina, so now, you will pay" There was no space to doubt. Larcade hold Kokabiel's neck with his free hand and retrieve his arm from Kokabiel's chest, just to rip his last wings making him scream in agony. Larcade prepared his fist for the last shot, just as he was going to hit Kokabiel's head the barrier exploded.

"I'd appreciate if you don't do that" A male voice echoed through all the area, they all looked to the night sky, there, in front of the moon was a man in a white armor flying looking imponent, Larcade didn't say anything, he just ignite on fire his hand and consequently Kokabiel who screamed in agony and pain until there was nothing more than ashes left "That was unnecessary" Again Larcade didn't answered, he just looked at Xenovia. When she felt Larcade's look on her she reacted and run towards him, just as she was one meter away both sink in the floor trough the shadows.

A few seconds later they reappeared in the black room where Larcade stayed the last few hours, this time, laying on the bed was Irina who was being healed by Asia. When she noticed the presences of Larcade and Xenovia she ran towards them. When she was in reach, Larcade took both Asia and Xenvoia in a tight hug not letting any of them ask questions.

"Is time for you to know the truth" He told them underneath his breath "But we'll wait for her to wake up"

Yes, finally, sorry for the delay, I know it was just two weeks, but I normally reales two or three chapters per week, but this last two weeks had been pretty rough, it was all fault of the exams, well, hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to comment and vote if you're liking the story.

Oh, and please, if you saw any grammar/spelling mistake, point it out, I like to improve my writing.

Well, read you next time! Bye.

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