Mystery Metal Swordsmen From...

By HeartlessUnfunnyKid

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Warning: The beginning parts of the story mention some blood and slightly brutal fights, so if you don't like... More

Chapter 1: Blinding Lights
Chapter 2: Freezing Hole
Chapter 4: Not Again!
Chapter 5: Hope To Enemy
Chapter 6: Unexpected Events
Chapter EX: Flesh Eater [non-cannon]
Chapter 7: Immortal Sword
Chapter 8: Unlikely Team Up
Chapter 9: Meeting Once Again
Chapter 10: Revealing The Truth
Chapter 11: Going Somewhere
Chapter 12: On The Case
Chapter 13: Clues In Crime
Chapter 14: Today Turn South
Bad News...

Chapter 3: Loyal Wolf

742 14 25
By HeartlessUnfunnyKid

Talking: "a"
Thinking: "immortal"
Action: *grab*/ *BOOM*
Shouting/yelling: "TEMPTATION"
Wishper: "takes"
Raiden and Yukari stared at each other for a solid moment until Raiden broke the silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah, that..." Raiden said.

"That... didn't answer my question, how are you still alive?!" Yukari asked, still a bit shocked by him not being dead on the spot.

"Well, I'm a cyborg. which You should already know if you know that I have no parents." Raiden answered.

"Yes, I know that but even so, still. You're losing a lot of blood and yet somehow not dead." Yukari responded.

"Eh, doesn't matter too much to me, I don't need too much blood since the only thing that isn't a cyborg enhancement is this *points at his head*" Raiden stated.

"*sigh* Alright, you beat me. And by the way Raiden, you can stop right here and get fixed. I don't want someone who isn't at their full strength. climbing this mountain and probably getting killed because of that." Yukari replied.

"No thanks, I don't need to get fixed. I will get fixed after climbing to the top." Raiden bluntly said. Yukari looked at him in surprise and confusion.

"Are you... sure about that? After this point you can't get fixed and have to fight the yokais here, which aren't pushovers like Cirno but are way stronger and will try their best to stop you." Yukari warned him, still a bit worried that the fun will be over the minute he encounters a yokai.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Raiden responded.

"Are you really sure?" Yukari asked, leaning a bit closer to him while still sitting down.

"I am really sure, Yukari." Raiden answered, which made her sighed.

"*sigh* You really are doing this while in that state, well alright then." Yukari then closed her eyes.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." Yukari opened one of her eyes, showing a glowing red eye.

Yukari then stood up and summoned a gap behind her and put both of her hands behind her head.

"Anyways, see you on top of the mountain, Raiden." her tone immediately changed from an intimidating voice to her usual tone, and fell into the gap behind her.

After Yukari's gap disappeared, Raiden then prepared himself to face the challenges ahead of him.

"Alright... let's do this" Raiden exclaimed and walked deeper into the forest.
Raiden was walking through the forest for a couple of minutes, getting closer and closer to the bottom of the mountain, And was humming a song that a Brazilian samurai played when fighting him, out of boredom.

While he was still humming the song, Raiden suddenly heard footsteps somewhere around him. He stopped and looked around, and tried to listen closely to know where the footsteps were...

The footsteps were behind him.

Raiden immediately turned back and put his hands up, prepared to fight the person that was sneaking up on him. He saw a person but couldn't clearly see in the trees slowly walking towards him.

"Stop right there! Don't even think about stepping an inch closer!" Raiden shouted at the mystery person, which made the person actually stop.

Raiden still can't see the person clearly, but the only thing that he saw clearly is that her body shape seemed to be a young woman.

"I do not wish to harm you, human." The mystery person stated, in a female voice.

"Yeah, I'm not believing that, Now tell me. Who the hell are you and what the hell do you want from me!" Raiden asked in an aggressive tone.

"I am Hina Kagiyama, I'm a misfortune god who collects misfortune from any humans, and stops any people who plan on climbing the mountain." The mystery woman now named Hina answered.

"Oh, so you're here to stop me huh? Sorry but I won't let you stop me from climbing to the top!" Raiden exclaimed.

Hina slowly stepped out of the trees and revealed herself. The woman had green hair and green eyes, she had a red bow with white frills and part of her hair was tied under her chin with a red bow with white frills. She had a red dress with a kerchief on top and also had frills at the bottom of her dress.

"If you don't leave, you will surely meet death..." Hina responded in a cold tone.

"Nothing will stop me from completing this, not even the threat of death will stop me." Raiden stated, still not budgeted by the woman's warnings.

"If you don't leave now... I might have to force you to leave." Hina replied, slowly flowing up.

"You're going to fight me huh? Alright then, even with a damn hole in my stomach, I can still fight you!" Raiden now was in a fighting stance, ready to fight her.

"I'm sorry but there seems to be no other choic- wait hold on, a hole in... Your stomach?" Hina was a few feet up in the air and summoned a few orbs of light, but the orbs quickly disappeared and she was looking around Raiden's body.

She quickly realized the hole in his body and was now in a state of confusion and shock, he slowly let his guard down and looked at her with a confused expression.

"Uhm... What about it?" Raiden asked in a confused tone.

"I... Wha- Ho- uh... Ho-how are you even still alive with a hole in your stomach?!" Hina immediately changed her tone from a cold and intimidating tone to a flabbergasted and shocked tone.

"Huh? Oh yeah, this. I fought some kid with ice powers and this happened..." Raiden replied casually.

"Ok... B-but what about my question?! You forgot to answer it!" Hina shouted.

"Go ask a blond woman for that answer." Raiden then turned around and tried to walk away.

"There's like a countless amount of blonde women in Gensokyo! Please be more specific!" Hilda yelled, becoming more and more confused.

"An annoying bastard." Raiden answered, still walking away.

"Be a little more specific..." Hida asked, not noticing that he was walking away from her, because she was distracted by her thoughts.

"Golden eyes." Raiden continued to walk more and more.

"Ok... kinda helpful but still, but a little more specific." Hida asked again, still not noticing.


"Uhm... I said to be more specific..."


Hina then snapped back to reality to look at Raiden... but he wasn't there.


Angry screams echoed throughout the Youkai Forest.
Raiden was now at the bottom of the mountain and looked at it, he inhaled and exhaled and started climbing the mountain. He climbed higher and higher up the mountain, And then suddenly a gap appeared next to him and popped out.

"Why hello, Raiden." Yukari popped out the gap and leaned on her gap.

"God damn it." Raiden said in an annoyed tone under his breath.

"I'm surprised that you're not already dead." Yukari said with a little grin.

"You think some kind of youkai can easily kill someone who threw a giant robot, two times...three times." Raiden stated.

"Said the one who almost got beaten up to death by a dumb little ice fairy." Yukari mocked, and pulled a paper fan out of somewhere and started to fan herself with it.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Raiden responded in an annoyed tone.

"Now then, you will meet someone soon. so you better be prepared." Yukari then disappeared into her gap.

Raiden finally climbed up on flat land, he lifted himself up and now is on the walkable ground. He looked around to see a few waterfalls and trees with orange leaves around him, and started to walk. He walked and walked forward to somewhere and was looking at the trees, enjoying the peace and lost in thought... Until...

He was face to face with a sword, inches away from his face. He immediately jumped back and in a fighting stance and saw who the person was.

The person was a woman and had short white hair, with a strange red box hat on her head and had... wolf ears? Anyways, she wore a white, long sleeved shirt and a long black dress, and had a shield with a red maple leaf on it in her left hand, and a large fox...white tail... behind her.

"So Hina failed to stop an intruder from climbing the mountain, *sigh* How sad. Looks like I have to do it all by myself. " The woman said in a cold tone, with her sword pointed at him.

"Oh so you're another one who's gonna stop me now? Well come at me!" Raiden shouted, ready to fight the woman.

"You are not fit to fight me in the state you are in." The fox woman replied and lowered her sword.

"Don't think that I can't easily beat you, even in this state I can still beat you!" Raiden exclaimed.

"You should leave if you value your life, but I doubt that you even do." The white-haired woman commanded. Narrowing her red eyes at him.

"Ha, if you really think that then that would be the understatement of the century!" Raiden shouted and grinned.

"*sigh* If you wish to fight in that state, then so be it." The white fox woman then put her shield in front of her and raised her sword above her.

"Now we're talking!" Raiden then had an even wider grin and prepared to fight her.

Raiden quickly rushed at her to kick her but she immediately blocked it by using her sword, and used her shield to knock him back. Raiden fell to the ground and slowly stood up, the wolf woman slowly walked toward him with her sword and shield lowered.

He rushed at her and she immediately slash at him the moment he was in her sword's range, but Raiden jumped back from her range of attack and he grabbed her sword and pulled her toward him, and tried to kick her again but she blocked it with her shield. Sending her back but without her sword.

Raiden held her sword's blade and then held the sword by the handle, the woman put her shield in front, prepared for a strike from him. And he did what she expected.

He dashed at her to swing an attack at her, but she countered it by pushing him back with her shield and knocked the sword out of his hands with said shield. The sword landed a few feet next to them, the both looked at the sword and looked at each other and looked back at the sword.

The two immediately ran at the sword, they pushed and hit each other but never making the other fall. When the two were so close in grabbing the sword, the woman grabbed it and immediately tried to slice Raiden but he ducked and kicked her legs, making her fall to the ground and dropping her sword and shield when hitting the ground. Raiden took the sword with his right hand the second she dropped it and kicked her, making her roll a few feet from him.

Raiden took the shield with his left hand shield and began to be in a fighting stance, putting the shield in front and putting the sword behind him. She stood up and faced Raiden, she cracked knuckles and summoned an orb of light behind her.

The orb suddenly was shot down behind her, launched her to him which he didn't expect and barely dodged the attack. She almost fell off the cliff but she shot an orb under her which made her fly high up in the hair, she did a few flips and landed on the ground next to him.

He rushed at her and tried to slice her but she easily flipped him, making him fall to the ground.

"Learned that from another intruder like you." 

She turned around to see him trying to get up from the ground.

"I told you that you couldn't fight in that state, and you didn't even listen." The wolf woman said in a cold tone, folding her arms.

"Now then, you still have a chance to leave with your life." She crouched to his level and looked at him.

Raiden started to chuckle, making her look at him in a confused expression. He looked at her with a grin.

"You thought it was over now?" Raiden replied.


She immediately tried to jump back but it was too late, Raiden used the sword to slash at her torso, leaving a slash wound in front of her torso.

"Agh!?" She stepped back and put her hand on her chest, she then looked down and looked at her blood covered hand.

Raiden slowly stood up with sword in hand with a grin, and slowly approached her.

"Ugh... look like you were s-stronger than... I thought." The woman stated, stepping back away from him.

"Told you, but you didn't listen." Raiden replied in a mocking tone, and slowly approached with his guard down.

"You know... I realized something..." The woman said, making Raiden rise an eyebrow.

"You're a damn HYPOCRITE!"

"What th-?!"

She summoned an orb and shot it under it, making a dust cloud which made Raiden blind. He suddenly got bodyslam by the woman who was up high in the air a second ago, the woman stood up and threw him at a tree.


Raiden struggled to lift himself up and used the sword to support himself. The wolf woman slowly approached him and summoned an orb from her hand, she pointed at him with an angry expression on her face.

"This is your final warning, leave now or face the consequences!" The white-haired woman commanded.

"N-no..." Raiden tried to lift himself up but fell to the ground.

"No? Really? I guess you don't truly value your life *sigh* how sad." The woman said, still pointing the orb at him.

"I will make this quick, close your eyes and count to five." she said in a sadden tone. Raiden tried to lift himself again.

"You don't want to count huh? Well... I'll count for you..."

"One..." Raiden fell down again, feeling nothing but hopeless.

"Two..." Raiden tried to think of something but his mind wasn't thinking straight.

"Three..." Raiden looked around but couldn't find anything to help him.

"Four..." Raiden looked at the woman's face, she had an emotionless expression.




"What th-!?" The woman shouted and was blinded by a dust cloud.

She stepped back and tried to get rid of the dust in her eyes. And then...


She immediately opened her eyes to see... Raiden stabbed her in the chest with her sword.

"H-how...?" She asked with a surprised and confused tone.

"I dodged it by rolling towards you... That's how." Raiden answered, staring at her with an emotionless face.

"O-oh... That's how huh? Hehe..." she chuckled, and then she stopped and started to cry.

"Is this how I met my fate...? Being a failure...? The one who failed to stop an intruder?" She looked at the sky with even more tears.

She closed her eyes and passed out. Raiden gently put her body still with the sword in her chest, to the ground.

He stared at the passed out body, still with an emotionless face.

"I'm sorry that this has to happen..." Raiden walked away from her body
After a few minutes of walking, He encountered a mountain wall and looked at it, and started climbing up. Suddenly a camera flash flashed at him, and another flash, another and another.

"Ooo~ strange metal human with a hole in his stomach climbing the Youkai Mountain, now that's going to be the biggest seller!" A woman said with confidence, still taking photos of him.

"Maybe even bigger than 'mystery Swordsman with a fancy r-' " The girl continued but was cut off by Raiden.

"What the hell do you want?" Raiden bluntly asked and looked at the woman.

The woman had red eyes and semi-long black hair, and wore a white blouse, black short skirt, and also wore a strange red box on her head. She also had 2 big crow wings that seemed to be attached to her back.

"Interrupting someone when they're speaking, How rude! Well anyways, I'm just here taking photos for my newspaper." The crow woman answered with pride in her voice.

"You know, I'm surprised that you even passed Momiji! She was pretty good at fighting!" The black-haired woman stated.

"Momi-who?" Raiden asked.

"Oh, you didn't meet her huh? She was a white-haired girl with wolf ears. I wonder how she is doing..." The woman answered, and put her hand on her chin on the last part.

"Haha... Yeah, I also wonder how she is doing..." Raiden chuckled awkwardly.

"Well anyways, What's your name?" The bird woman then pulled a pen and a notepad out of her pocket.

"How about you tell me your name first?" Raiden asked.

"Alright then. My name is Aya Shameimaru, I'm a journalist!" the woman now named Aya answered with pride.

Raiden immediately got reminded of the wolf woman apologizing to someone called Aya right before she passed.

"Uh... Helloo~ you there?"

"Huh!? Oh right... I'm Raiden." Raiden answered, and Aya quickly pulled out a pen and a notepad from her pocket, and started writing something in it.

"Can you answer some questions for me? I need it for my newspaper." Aya asked.

"Yeah sure, I got nothing better to do." Raiden answered, making Aya filled with excitement.

Aya started asking Raiden the usual things people asked him like "Why is your body almost covered in metal?" "What the hell is a cyborg?" "Are you an outsider?" "What was your life before you were sent here?" "Who is Snake?" "What the hell is a meme?" Raiden answered them truthfully... Except for the meme part, he lied that was just funny cat images.

Raiden then finally climbed to the top of the mountain wall, he is now almost at the top.

"Ah, that was pretty fun. Anyways, hey Raiden wanna race?" Aya Asked.

"Sorry but no, I need to go to the top." Raiden stated.

"Well... If you don't race with me, I will send you to the bottom of the mountain and you have to do it all over again, and have to fight momiji!" Aya replied with a grin.

"You're kidding, right?" Raiden asked in a little worried tone.

"Nope, you have to race with me if you want to go to the top." Aya answered, still grinning.

"... *sigh* alright fine..." Raiden replied in a defeated tone.

"Aha! Good choice." Aya said with excitement.

"Hey by the way, When will we race?" Raiden asked.

"Well, we'll be racing... Hmm... right now!" Aya responded.

"Right... now?"

"Yep! Right now!"

Raiden sighed.

"Also, do you want that hole to get fixed or..." Aya asked.

"No thanks, I will get fixed later." Raiden answered.

"You... sure?" Aya responded with a little worried tone.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Raiden stated.

Aya just looked at him and... just shrugged.


AN: Hi friends and oh holy god why are there 150 reads on my story.

But jokes aside, I'm really grateful that this somehow got this much attention. It doesn't really seem much to you but for me, it's bloody big as hell. I'm grateful that people actually put this dumb story in their reading list, and I'm grateful that someone voted for this story. Bro when I saw that, I was so excited and happy as hell.

So thank you for all of this support your giving me!

also, posting chapters every Friday now. Ruined the mood but I needed to say that lol

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