The Walking Dead Eye For An E...

By Blakewolf1

1.3K 28 22

Months have passed since Joan was killed by Violet, but there have been some issues with Violet. Is Clementin... More

What Is Wrong?
What Am I Seeing?
It's Not Your Fault
I Don't Want To Be Saved
Nightmare Come True
Feeling Ok
Who Am I?
Her Mind Is A Mess
Sick In The Head
Eyes Filled With Tears
She Needs To Know
I'll Be Fine
Am I Allowed To Feel?
How Can I Help Her?
It Was An Accident
Would I Do It Again?
Meeting Someone From The Past
You're One Of The Good Ones
We Talk But Argue More
Are The Walls Finally Breaking?
The Truth Hurts Sometimes
Image Of The Past Are Scary
Destroying Myself
Photo's Tell A Story
What To Feel When You Don't Want To
A Trip For The Family
Anger Is Not The Best Medicine
What Is Normal?
May We Meet Again Some Day

What Have I Done?

76 2 0
By Blakewolf1

(Violet's Pov)

I hear the tapping and I get up and look out the window to see nothing. I rubbed my face a bit and shake my head then look to the bed and see Joan and I freeze. I gripped the shank in my hand as I saw her just sleeping on the bed and I just stare at her. I don't know how long I was staring because she finally woke up just as I lifted my hand up a bit but not the one with the shank. She looked to me a bit shocked as she quickly moved and pinned me to the wall next to the window and I stare at her.

"Violet snap out of it." She says and I just look at her.

"Violet?" I hear and shake my head a bit and saw Clem looking at me worried. I look around and didn't see Joan and I look to see Clem gripping my hand with the knife and I dropped it and looked at her scared.

"I... I just... I didn't mean." I tried to tell her but there was no excuse for what I was going to do.

"Violet, what is going on?" She asked and I think a bit.

"I... I swear I saw Joan... I swear to God, I saw her." I tell her truthfully.

"Violet... fuck." She says and let's go of my hands and I dropped them to my sides. I felt like a disappointment, for fuck's sake I almost stabbed Clementine in her sleep. I'm a god damn monster.

"Violet listen to me please." She tells me and I look to the side a bit. I feel her hands on my face as she let's go of my hand and she makes me look at her.

"I-I swear I saw her." I tell her.

"Violet, she is dead, you need to understand that, she is gone, everyone from that group is dead, no one is going to get you." She says and I shake my head.

"Violet." She says and I shake my head more and I shove past her and head to the living room and then head out the door and head to the Humvee. I quickly turn it on just as I hear Clementine yell my name and I slammed through the gate with the Humvee. I just drove and drove; it was hell I was freaking out I didn't grab any supplies so I was just alone but I don't know what to do.

"God fucking damn it." I mutter as I kept driving. Morning had come around as I made a stop in the wooded areas and I look around a bit as I stepped out the Humvee. I paced around a bit by the vehicle and looked in the back to see a rifle and a bag but I knew it was empty. I think as I grabbed the map and grabbed the pencil and marked off where I was and circled where I could possibly find fuel. I sigh and set the map in the passenger seat and grabbed the bag and headed into the town to find any empty jugs for water. I rubbed my face and headed off in the direction of the town and as I walk in, I see an abandon tank and think as I climb up it and opened up the hatch. I go down inside and saw a skeleton inside and looked to see they had a gun so I grabbed it and put it in my belt and looked to the skeleton a bit. I head out the tank since there wasn't much to find and I head off to a mall and look around in any of the department stores. There wasn't much but I was able to find some old water jugs that were empty, along with some fire accelerator. I looked around and saw some shadow so I grabbed my rifle and pointed it in the direction of the shadows and I look around as I dropped my bag as well just in case.

"Come on out... I fucking saw you." I tell them but no one comes out and I shoot my rifle in the air. Just to try and scare them at least, though sometimes that might not work.

"I'm not fucking playing around." I say and look around some more, even to the side a bit then back to the original spot where I saw the shadow. one person came out and I point my rifle at them and glare as I put my finger on the trigger ready to shoot them if I have to, though in all honesty I should shoot them now.

"Shit don't shoot." The man says as he raised his hands up.

"Why shouldn't I?" I asked them as I came up closer to them and they look back to me.

"Cause Clem-."

"SHUT UP, DON'T BRING HER UP!" I yelled and then I hear the click of another gun and look to the side to see David and I smirk at him then look to Javier.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Put the weapon down." David tells me.

"The fuck I will, god damn piece of shit." I say as I keep my finger on the trigger and keep it pointed at Javier.

"Why the fuck are you two even here?" I ask. I think it's a bit comical that we're having a conversation as two people point guns at others.

"Drop the gun and we will tell." David says.

"Bullshit, I know you and Javier are liars." I say as I looked to him then back to Javier.

"Look we are just looking for Joan-."

"Why the fuck are you looking for her?" I asked.

"She has something planned we haven't seen her in months." Javier says and I glare at him then look to David and I slowly lower my rifle and think then place it on my back and I grabbed my bag as well.

"She doesn't have anything pla-." I was struck on the side of the head and I fell to the ground and I hear movement as I opened my eyes to see my own rifle pointed at me.

"You think we're stupid?" David asked and I look to Javier as he pointed my rifle at me and I see David also pointing his gun at me.

"Why the fuck are you alone?" Javier asked and I look at him.

"None of your damn business." I tell him and he points my rifle to my chest and I just glare at him.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" I hear and look in the corner of my eye to see Kate and I look back to Javier.

"It's Violet, she's here alone, tried to shoot Javier." David tells her and I glare at him.

"Back the fuck away from her, for fuck sake." Kate says and they just keep the guns on me.

"For fuck sake you two." Kate says and moved them away from me and she holds her hand out to me. I was a bit skeptical but I grabbed her hand and she helped me up and I look at them just as Kate grabbed my rifle from Javier and she looked to me as she handed it over.

"You, ok?" She asked and I nod and looked to the brothers and I glare at them.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" She asked them.

"She was about to tell us that Joan has nothing planned." Javier says.

"Because she's fucking dead, she went crazy and turned everyone in her group as walkers and I bashed her fucking head in with a bat." I tell them.

"Oh, yea like we should believe you." David says and I roll my eyes.

"Grow the hell up, old ass fuck and you still can't comprehend how stupid you are." I tell him and he was about to hit me until I raised my rifle up to his gut.

"Don't even try me, I will blow your guts into pieces." I tell him and he glares at me. I look to all three of them and I back up a bit and picked up my dropped bag and place it on my back and I look at them.

"I'm going to go, you follow, you get shot." I tell them and Kate nods at this but the other two don't, though that would be too much to ask from them. I back up some more and then turn around and head to the other side of the mall. I look around some more for anything but came up with nothing, I then head out the mall and make my way back to the Humvee and get inside after placing my stuff in the back. I take a breath and rubbed the back of my head.

"Ok, so I can't go back home... not yet." I mutter to myself as I drive. I don't know how long I was driving but I do know that I finally made a stop. I get out of the Humvee and look at the abandoned community. I look around to see the holes in the ground slightly being taken over by grass, the houses that have been burnt, destroyed or hell even still standing. I head on past a few more houses until I finally reach a familiar one. I look at it before I head to the back and I see that the grave marker was still there so I go and take a seat and look to it sadly.

"Hey... Hey Christa... um... fuck this is stupid." I mutter and look to the grave and sighed a bit before I began talking again.

"How's Mary? I hope you and her are together... with uh... damn... Omid, right Omid, I remember." I stay silent for a bit and sighed.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to Mary... I fucked up badly I thought that I could... I wasn't a good parent, I'm not a good wife to Clementine, I just... I'm so fucked in the head right now... After Mary died... I lost it... after everything I have been through; I mean it's not an excuse but... I should have listened to Clem when we first got here, but I didn't I was so caught up in trying to keep them safe and I didn't want us to be hunted down.... I thought it would have ended up like Clementine with that Carver guy, he tracked them for almost a whole week and I was scared." I say and look to the grave.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to Mary... if there really is a hell, I belong there after she died." I mutter and I stand up and look to the house and think as I head inside. To my surprise nothing was touched, I headed up to mine and Clementine's old room and I see that nothing was disturbed here. I go to the nightstand and grabbed a picture frame and chuckled sadly. We were at a Barbeque, I can't remember who's, in all honesty I forgot who lived next door to us, Clementine did smile in this photo but it wasn't the smile I loved, it was fake. I made them all suffer here, I was a terrible person, I should just shoot myself right now, Clementine and them will get over it, it's the only option I have right now.

"Fuck." I say under my breath as I place a hand on my head and I think as I grabbed the gun and looked at it. I place the photo back on the nightstand and I check to see how many bullets were left. There was three and I sighed as I set the magazine back in place and cocked the gun. I place it to my head and take a deep breath.

"Not the best thing to do." I hear and quickly turn and aim the gun at whoever just spoke.

"Woah there, no need to shoot." The woman says and I lowered the gun.

"Molly?" I asked and she nods.

"Yep... didn't expect to find an old friend... where are the others?" She asked and I look to the side.

"Not here hu?" She asked and I look at her.

"No... they're back home." I tell her and she takes a seat on the bed.

"Want to talk? Seemed like you were probably going to do something you might regret." She says and I take a seat on the floor.

"I use to live here." I tell her and she nods.

"I could tell, seen pictures of you and Clementine around the place." She says and I nod.

"Yea... this was a bad place." I mutter.

"How bad?" She asked and I look at her.

"How bad was Crawford?" I ask her.

"Hmm, pretty bad but they were crazy nutjobs that killed anyone who wasn't perfect so to speak." She tells me and I nod.

"Then a bit tamer than Crawford." I tell her.

"Lots of places are tamer than Crawford." She says and I chuckled.

"I use to be in charge here... second in command really... but the leader here was... fucking insane... no that's an understatement." I tell her.

"She must have been a bitch." She says and I chuckled at this.

"Yea... she once locked me in a room with a Walker... no weapon, nothing, I had to fight it... another time she." I stopped and thought for a bit and looked to Molly as I took my shirt off and showed her the scars on my arms.

"Jesus' fucking Christ." She says and I look to her.

"She uh... she carved more than my arms... my body is riddled with scars because of her... she's beaten me and it bothers me even to this day... she killed Mary... she almost killed AJ, for fuck's sake I don't know what to do anymore." I mutter and shake my head and look up to see Molly gone and I get up quickly and look around. Nothing, not even an impression of her sitting on the bed. I take a few breaths as I tried to think but nothing.

"Oh god I've gone crazy." I say and laughed a bit.

"Louis was fucking right... I've gone mad." I tell myself as I laughed and stood up from my spot on the floor. I shake my head and look around the house.

"Right talking to yourself is going to make you less crazy?" I say to myself and keep walking around.

"No, no it doesn't make me crazy at all, there is no one here so I can talk to myself, it's logical." I say and then laughed again and then stopped once I reached Joan's house. I glare at it for a short while before I walked in and looked around. It was partially destroyed from the attack but I didn't expect less from people that hated this place, or hated the person in charge of this place. I head to her office and saw the blood still on the floor from when she beat me. I glare at it for a bit and then look to the side to see a bat and other various items she used on me. I go to the wall and just look at the items and then grabbed the knife and played with it for a bit. I head over to the desk and take a seat in the chair then looked around the room a bit more.

"Why? Why me? Did you want to do that to Clementine? Or did you actually want to do that to me...why?" I asked out loud and I get up and stabbed the desk.

"I DID WHAT YOU ASKED AND YOU STILL DID THIS TO ME... YOU FUCKED MY HEAD UP, IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?!" I yelled and slammed my hands on the desk. I felt the tears running down my face and I tried to wipe them away but the kept coming.

"I know I was a bad kid but I didn't deserve any of this, I didn't deserve to... I didn't deserve to be treated like that... not like that." I say and looked at the papers and threw them to the floor and I glared at the door when I see Joan.

"My Flower." She says and I glared at her as I grabbed the knife.

"I am not your fucking flower, STOP CALLING ME THAT!" I yelled at her as she walked up to me.

"You will always be my flower." She says as I glared at her.

"No... No... NO, NO, NO I AM NOT I NEVER WAS SHUT UP!" I yelled as I thrust the knife in her and she disappeared and I look to the knife to see it still in the desk.

"I just had it." I say as I look at my hands to see them empty. I look to the door to see no one there and I sighed as I head out the house quickly and back to the Humvee. I see a few Walkers and I decide to just run the fuckers over. It was a bit satisfying but a short-lived satisfaction. I stopped by the base and stocked up on some fuel and even some MRE's that were left behind I filled up the Humvee and I drove once again, I was so tired, it's been days and I haven't slept and I was so damn tired.

"But if I don't sleep, I can't have those bad dreams, smart thinking there Violet." I say and laughed a bit.

"But you need sleep Violet." I hear and turn to the side to see Clementine and I yelled as I freaked out causing me to swerved the Humvee. It fell down a steep hill and I freaked out as I grabbed onto anything and crashed head on into the ground. I was knocked out and I think for a good while because when I did open my eyes it was night time.

"Pretty scary predicament you are in here Violet." I hear and look to see Clementine and I freaked out and looked around.

"You... You aren't here, you're home, with AJ." I say and looked around and felt a pain in my leg and looked down and groaned as a huge log was crushing it. Though I don't think it went through my leg I just think it was crushing it a bit.

"How will you get out of this one?" I hear her say and I look at her and around. The Humvee seems to be on its side and I look to see that my window was on the ground and was relived I wasn't suspended in the air. I moved a bit and groaned in pain as I tried to move.

"Fuck... fuck my leg... ah." I groaned as I moved again but stopped.

"Hmm... you might have to cut it like mine." Clem says and I look to her and I started to breath panicked.

"N-no, no fucking... God." I say and looked around to try and find anything to help me.

"Might not want to move around so much, could cause more pain." She says and I glare at her.

"You aren't real stop talking as if you are her." I say and shake my head as she laughed.

"Are you sure I'm really not Clementine?" She asked and I look to my leg again as I tried to move it but I felt the pain again, so I stopped moving it and looked to the windows. I didn't see any Walkers so it seems that I have some time.

"Tick Tock Violet." Clementine says and I glare at her.

"You... fuck." I mutter as I grabbed my leg a bit and I felt in the back and sighed in relief when I didn't feel anything through my leg. I tried to move again but my side began to hurt and I looked to see some blood and I lift up my shirt a bit to see some more blood and I groan.

"Might want to keep it down, Walkers might hear you." She says and I glared at her.

"You shut up." I mutter and felt the pain in my side again and put some pressure on the wound.

"I just want to warn you is all." She says and I groaned.

"You know fuck you Clementine." I tell her.

"You already have." She says and I sigh and try to figure out how I was going to get out of this. I feel a bit uneasy as I tried to move again but I grabbed the log a bit and did my best to move the log. I groaned a bit and held my side again and glared out the window.

"Fucking... fuck this, fuck all of this bullshit I swear to God I just wanted to..." I mutter and looked to Clementine to see her gone. I roll my eyes and tried my best to get the log off of me and I was able to push it back just a bit before I felt the pain in my side again.

"It's ok Violet." I hear and look to the back to see AJ.

"A-AJ?" I asked and looked back to the window then back to the back as he came up to where I was.

"It's ok... just breath like I taught calm, and think, don't panic, like you told me." He says and I take a few breaths and calmed down. Just for a bit and I turn to see AJ gone and I look to the window to see a Walker as it walked around the Humvee just for a bit. I was about to freak out but remembered to keep my breathing calm and to just think.

"Ok, Violet just get the log off as best as you can, when done slowly get out the Humvee, and head to the nearest town, or fucking building." I mutter to myself as I move the log more and more. I was able to get free and I turned to the side a bit and I grabbed my bag and rifle. I took deep breaths as I applied pressure on my leg as I stood up a bit. I opened the passengers' door and climbed up it and I looked around. There were a few Walkers here and there and I slowly stand up to try and get a good look at the area, which was mostly woods. I look up the hill and saw that I had fallen pretty far down. I hold my side a bit and looked around and I slowly climbed down the Humvee, as I climbed down, I slipped and fell my bad leg hitting the ground hard and I clench my teeth together hard as I tried to not make a sound. My hands were in fists as I slowly got up and I grabbed the bag and rifle and looked to see a Walker just pass me. It didn't even try to come at me so I slowly get up and look around as I used the rifle as a walking stick. I shake my head as I walked and finally found a place to rest. I walk into the house and barricade the door as best as I could and as I finished, I lean on the wall and tried to breath.

I grabbed my bag and pulled out the simple med kit I made for it and I grabbed the needle and thread as I got to work on my side. The patch job wasn't great, but at least it was something. I set the items back in the bag and I get back up and looked around a bit, I saw that it was an elderly couple's home with all the pictures around. I head on over to the side of the house and barricade it as best as I could and then I head on up the stairs. My leg was killing me as I get to one of the rooms and I lay on the bed.

"Fucking... God damn it." I mutter and look at the window to see it was still dark out. I sit up a bit on the bed and take a look at my leg and sighed.

"Busted leg gets busted even more.... bullshit." I mutter as I look to the side a bit and slowly get out of the bed and limped over to the closet and looked around a bit there wasn't much but I found some ammo for my rifle.

"Well... my lucky day." I mutter and I look around a bit more and I get up and limp over to the window and look down to see more Walkers.

"Fuck... fuck, fuck this shit god fucking damn it." I say and looked to see a few at the front of the door I look down to see some blood and I look at my shirt.

"Fuck they probably smelt that." I mutter and take a seat on the bed and covered my face with my hands.

"Seems you fucked up again." I mutter again and sighed then I looked around the room from where I sat.

"I have a few days of food; I can at least stay here till the Walkers are somewhat gone... hopefully my leg is better by then." I say to myself and lay back on the bed. And take the time to think for a bit. I look back out the window to see that it was close to morning so I decided to take this time to just fall asleep for the day. Not like I was going to be much useful today anyway.

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