' You're my superstar, sweeth...

By searchingforstarz

8.7K 157 66

You and Gregory unexpectedly meet when things begin happening and love begins to bloom, like a spring flower... More

The beginning, but to what?
The beginning to this..
settle in, love.
fill the imagination..
knowledge is underrated.
welcome to our future.
The park.
The fight.
My first authors note


416 8 3
By searchingforstarz

mr. afton pov

In the past few weeks, Gregory has been realizing it all slowly. Over all of the nights I've snuck away to go see Evan, Gregory has noticed. Slowly he's going to realize it all. Evan will too, he'll know he's my son. My boy. It's been so hard to keep everything a secret. The boy himself is letting me down, screaming at Gregory. He's tampering with someone who I know can be much better than him. Gregory is just far too humble to ever show Evan what he's made of. All I know is that Gregory asks too much, and Evan knows too little.

gregory pov

Something was off.

But what? I couldn't place it, no matter what it was.

Oh well. It wasn't worth the heavy digging I usually do, today I just wanted to finish my work and hopefully go visit your name at home. As soon as I was done with the work I was assigned, I asked Mr. Afton if I could leave, politely. " Sir, I finished my work for the day. May I please go home? " I said. He only nodded, and waved me goodbye. I got out of the building snd began walking. The workplace itself was only a shed in the backyard, which led to the basement which was huge. That was where we did our work. I took a nice little stroll into the garden, looking over all the pansies and roses your name had planted. They were all so beautiful. Just like them. I made my way into the cool house, which seemed quiet. I just walked upstairs slowly and made my way to your names room when I heard quiet sniffles and some other things.

your name pov

I sat in my bed, quietly crying. I couldn't let anyone find me here, they'd ask questions and this information is crazy. I snuggled into my pillow, trying not to heavily breathe. That's when my door creaked open. I jumped, and it was Gregory. " Hey.. what's wrong love?? " he asked. A nickname I never expected to be given to me from him. It left me feeling a little better. " I just found out, something. " I announced quietly. He sat down on my bed, and sat down next to me. " May I know? If not I promise I understand. " He mumbled, and wrapped his arm around me. " I don't know. Not yet. " I said. I knew he was ready, I just didn't know if it was the right time. We re-situated so that Gregory was laying on his back and I was on his chest. He was gently playing with my hair, and comforting me. " Well, I have a question. If you don't mind me asking. " I exclaimed quietly and softly. " Of course I don't. Ask away. " Gregory said, and I could feel him tense a little though he had a calm tone. " Well.. what are we?? I don't think this is a just friends situation, but we can't just announce to our roommates we're together with, everything. " I said, fumbling over many words and getting shaky. One of Gregory's hands went to my hand and held it gently. "I think we shouldn't tell people, buttt, maybe it would be fun if we went on a date??" He said, gripping my hand. "I mean, nothing fancy. I know you prefer to stay home and be chill. But we could sneak into the living room one night and have a little movie night. Just you and me." Gregory said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. He has such a gentle voice.

authors note : So yes, I do end the book here, on a short chapter. I'm not a huge fan of fnaf, nor was i ever, but Gregory was a fun character to write with so I did. The last two real chapters are probably a little bit differently wrote or structured compared to others, because I went in and rewrote this book so make the vocab,grammar, and overall structure better, but I got lazy and only really changed the obvious differences for these last two chapters. I hope you loved this book, because I sure do. <33

p.s, this book was originally created all the way back in 2021! It was rewritten in 2023 :)

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