Camp Evergreen || Sanders Sid...

By Lamira_GATCHA

213 4 2

Summer camp, a beautiful place where nothing goes wrong, right? Well, maybe not for Camp Evergreen. Lots of t... More

Information || Welcome
Welcome To Camp 1/3
Welcome To Camp 2/3
Welcome To Camp 3/3
One Crazy Morning 1/3
One Crazy Morning 2/3
One Crazy Morning 3/3
the show will never get started lol


10 0 0
By Lamira_GATCHA

Eventually, lunch rolled around and Roman took his seat around the table. He was the last one to sit down, as he was the slowest to come back from arts and crafts. (He didn't want to leave) Everyone else waited patiently for him to give further instruction to his talent show plan.

"Alright, so here's what I was planning. I was thinking that we could transform that picnic table right out by the front of our cabin into our stage. We would need permission of course, but we would have to have a tech crew to take care of that. I could be the director, stage manager, and performer, which means there still needs to be a stage crew, more acts, and a judge or two,"

"We might need to ask if we can take down the table before we finalize our plan," Patton suggested, "It would suck if all of our hard work went to waste just because we can't change the table,"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot vandalism exists. Hold on, I'll try and find someone,"

Roman stood up, scanning the area for a CIT. Unfortunately, they all have lunch at a different time. However, camp director Thomas just so happened to walk by, and Roman took it as destiny.

"Oh hey Director Thomas! I actually have a question for you,"

"Really? Alright, what is it?"

"All of us were getting soooooo bored of not getting to know each other here!"

Logan quickly cut of Roman's statement with his own, "No we aren't-"

"Logan shut it. So since we don't know each other, I; the glorious Roman, have taken it upon myself to host a talent show!"

Thomas' eyes flashed for a second, quickly processing what Roman wanted, "Oh, yeah that's fine! But now I'm kinda curious on what else you need since you wouldn't be asking me about it unless-"

"We kinda need a stage and I was wondering if we could dismantle the picnic table in front of our cabin for it? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee???" Roman pleated, cutting of Thomas.

"Ah, that's where the catch is. Listen, I love the idea of having a talent show, and I very much appreciate Roman's begging, but I would prefer if you didn't take down the table,"

"It's not like we use it anyway! The only time any of us used it was when Remus and Janus were put outside until they weren't gonna kill each other anymore!"

"But that doesn't mean other people won't use it in the future. Camp Evergreen is pretty small and we don't have a profit that can just buy picnic tables every other day like that. I respect your creativity but I'm gonna have to say no,"

"Oh..well alright then,"

Thomas started walking back to the stage, leaving Roman heavily disappointed.

Another idea pushed down the drain,"

He sat back down, silently floating in his own frustration. It's not like the plan was finalized or anything, but he was still really proud of what he came up with. All for it to be denied.

"Hey kiddo, cheer up a little! Director Thomas said we could still do the talent show, we'll just have to...improvise the stage!" Patton exclaimed, trying to cheer Roman up.

It helped a little, but he was still upset about the stage.

"But it's not a talent show without a stage! You can't just perform on the ground, you need to have a stage to shine and stand superior on!"

"That's what my elementary school had to do. I still remember singing House of Memories on that disgusting floor," Janus added, shuttering at the thought.

"Ok your obsession with Brendon Urie is getting kinda creepy now," Remus stated, slightly backing away from the crazy Brendon Urie fanatic.

Although Janus' story made Roman feel a bit better, he was still pretty upset. He had the vision in his head, performing on stage while everyone else watched him shine. Everyone from Patton, Janus, Remus, the unnamed camper, and...and...

"Wait a second...guys where did Logan go?"

Roman had been subconsciously making a headcount of everyone before he realized that Logan was no longer at the table.

"I saw him just get up to leave, but I haven't seen where it went,"

After hearing Patton's testimony, Roman sat up to scan the mess hall. It took a bit, but he finally found Logan by the stage...talking to camp director Thomas..? While talking to him for what seemed like months, Logan finally made it back to the table. Roman quickly took his seat back down so as to not seem to be watching the other.

"Great news, we can make the stage for the talent show,"

"Wait WHAT?!?! I thought we weren't allowed to use the table!!!" Roman exclaimed, quickly shooting back up.

"I talked to director Thomas about it. I figured that if I knew the table model and how to assemble it, we could safely disassemble it and make our stage. After, we can put it back and use it like normal,"

Roman didn't know how to react. The man who seemingly was still mad at them for what happened to him this morning, was helping him with the talent show?!? The only thing Roman could do in that instant was say one thing.

"Let's get this talent show started!"

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