Her misunderstanding

By madeyouread

143K 3.3K 414

[Book 2] [book 1: Deceptive Love] Read book 1 to understand the whole story, if you didn't read it, you'll pr... More



7.7K 181 13
By madeyouread


A smile made it's way onto my face once i recognised the voice. Turning around, i was greeted with Isabella, Lorenzo's mother, looking at me with a grin. I stood up and was immediately brought into a bone crushing hug which i returned.

"You're back." She muttered, "How have you been doing? Lorenzo explained what happened. Im really sorry for your loss."

"It's fine." I lied, faking a smile. She caught up on that, a frown made it's way onto her face. "Any leads on who did it?"

"I have a feeling it's that son of Peter? But im not sure yet. I have people looking for him as we speak." I stated. It was the truth. I really do have men working on finding out the current location of Peter and we are close to finding him. Once i find out who framed Lorenzo and killed my brother, that fucker will beg for death.

"Have you met Chloe already?" She questioned, earning a nod from me. "Yes i did. She's a delight." I said, trying to hide my distaste for her. Lorenzo's mother raised an eyebrow, "Don't lie to me. She's a fucking bitch."

I looked at her amused, thinking about the fact that i just lied to her when she herself does not like Chloe. "She is so rude and needy and bitchy and barbie." Isabella whined.


I was about to reply when a familiar voice spoke from behind me. "What is she doing here?" I mentally groaned at the thought of all the accusations that will be made at me and how many wrong ideas Chloe must be getting. Turning around, i was met with a very annoyed Lorenzo and a very pissed Chloe.

"Im here to see Isabella." I gave her a fake smile. She raised her eyebrow in confusion, "And how do you know her?"

"Why do you care who and how she knows someone?" Isabella groaned, rolling her eyes.

"Because, she is my soon to be mother in law and i have the right to know such things." Chloe resorted.

"That's enough." Lorenzo spoke, "Chloe, your father called, requesting your presence home."

Chloe's face light up upon hearing this, she squealed, like literally squealed. "He probably bought me that new car i wanted!"

"Then run along. Go see what your daddy bought you." I said, rolling my eyes as she glared at me while Isabella held back a laugh. Enzo snorted and covered it with a cough.

"Bye baby." Chloe said, turning to Enzo before rushing out the door, to her daddy. This is hilarious.

"And the house needs to be mopped with holy water...again." Isabelle sighed sarcastically before looking at both me and Lorenzo with curious eyes. "You two are friends, now? Friends with benefits?"

"No. We're just friends." Enzo replied and i nodded in agreement. Yeah, just friends. Friends who shared a kiss earlier but it's whatever, right?

"Yeah just friends." I repeated. Isabella raised a questioning eyebrow at us before shrugging. "Okay im off to bed. Goodnight." With that, she went to her room, leaving me alone with Lorenzo whose eyes were glued on me. "What?"

A small smile started to form on the corner of his lips. "Nothing." I raised a questioning eyebrow at him but decided not to say anything further. "Can you drop me home?"

He shook his head, "No, you're staying here tonight. I will drop home tomorrow." He said, leaving no room for argument. "Okay. I'll be in the guest room." Not waiting for his reply, i started walking in the direction of the guest room when he grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks.

"You're sleeping in my room." He stated. "No, im not." I replied, rolling my eyes. "-you have a fiancé. It's not fair to her." I continued, mentally cursing and reminded myself that we kissed earlier. But then again, i just got caught up in the moment.

His demeanor instantly changed upon hearing my words. He let go of me and took a step away, "You're right. It's not fair to her." With that, he went directly in his room without sparing me a second glance. Shrugging, i went in the guest room. Plopping myself on the bed, my eyes started to feel heavy and before i knew it, i was into a deep slumber.


I know it's been a while since i updated. I was busy with my studies and i still am but i will try to update more and more. This is sort of a short chapter, i know. I will update more tomorrow if not today itself by night time.

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