See Me!

By pbdula

734 33 3

Current place and time. Begins after there marriage, and how he still sees how as an employee and how he may... More

Feeling Hopeless
Taking A Stand
Thinking About Herself
Its Done
My Mistake
Gettin Trust Back
My Wife My Life
Our Boy
Cravings and Names
Whose Is Bigger
Wakey Wakey
Ross Whole World
Remembering the Beginning with Demelza
Going to Work with Daddy
Letter of Apology
Communication is the Key
Therapy is a Bust
Protecting Jeremy
I Want You Back
Longest Nineteen Hours Ever
The Priest
May Promise to You
Making Headway
Therapy in Progress
Ross Needs Lessons on How to Speak
We Need to Talk
Elizabeth Scheming
Fix It
The Zoo
Elizabeths First Day
Lunch with Pappa
The Plane

Crossed Wires

4 1 0
By pbdula

Demelza and Ross rode into work in silence, Demelza was wondering what was wrong, first he was upset because she was taking to long in the shower then he was upset because of her outfit. What next, she thought back to the early time of her marriage. If she didn't know for sure that Elizabeth was no longer in his life she would swear, she was still in their lives. She thought but we know she is locked up; you are imagining things. He has told you he loves you, proven it even. Maybe it was time for her to make the career change. What was it last night with the money they were both making at Cornmare they could get along fine? What if she chose modeling would he still be supportive? What if she wanted to go in a completely different direction? She thought if I could do anything in the world what would I want to be. She thought through various careers and came back with photography. She loved taking pictures of nature and of Jeremy what if she would get a camera and see if she were good enough.

Ross sat on the other side of the car, going over things for the meeting, his mind went back to Demelza, why wouldn't she tell him if she were with child? Could it be that she just wanted deserts yesterday? No Demelza was too much of a health nut to do that. If she ate deserts, it was usually a small piece. He could eat sweets constantly. Could it be early, and she doesn't realize she is pregnant? He wasn't sure what her motive was but if she came home exhausted after the next modeling session, he would insist she quit. He could not afford to lose her at Cornmare. So, it would have to be modeling.

Then his mind switched to Elizabeth, he would get a letter out to her today. Telling her how happy Demelza and he was, and their son Jeremy. Then Ross thought, will she appreciate that type of letter or would it give her hope they could be together as they were in the past. No, he would write telling her of the happening ins the area, with his parents, wife and especially his son. He would offer the hand of friendship, after all from what he understood most of their friends had abandoned her for what she had done. Forgive and forget.

They reached the office, Demelza went to hers and Ross to his, still not saying anything to each other. Caroline and Verity came into Demelza sat at the other side of the desk. "We have decided," Caroline said, "that we," pointing Demelza, Verity and herself, "deserve a holiday." Demelza said, "I am not sure, there is so much to do here." Verity said, "let Ross do some of the work sometime." Demelza laughed and said, "Ross does plenty of work." Verity pouted, "yes, but I really want to go on a holiday," Demelza said "and what about Jeremy?" Caroline said, "bring him with, he will brighten our days." "I don't know," Demelza said, "can I think about it?" Caroline smiled, "okay but not to long, I want to make plans."

Meanwhile Ross was writing a letter to Elizabeth,


It was nice to hear from you, hopefully you are getting better. I do forgive you for what has happened in the past. I will always be your friend.

My life is going forward. Demelza and I had a beautiful, brilliant baby boy. He means the world to me, and I cannot imagine life without him. We have moved into Nampara with father and mother that is a story in itself.

We also will be starting therapy hopefully to get over some issues that was caused by Claude's death. The issue of you, and I will probably be brought up by Demelza. If it makes our relationship stronger it can't hurt.

Demelza is still modeling, yesterday I had Jeremy, that is our son, with me at the office, then when we got home before Demelza, I changed and got Jeremy ready for bed. Imagine me changing clothes, diapers, and feedings. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with that boy but diapers I can do without! Only dad did tell me I put the diaper on too loose and he would soak the bed. Well, he did, he soaked the bed, I told him not to tell grandpa because father would never let me live it down. That little boy is everything I ever wished for.

I am just writing this to wish you well.

Your Friend

Ross V. Poldark

Ross took the envelope out and placed it in the out-letter tray. Later on, in the day Demelza was going through emails, deciding if she should bring Ross in on one from a Company in America wanting to know if it would be possible to sit down to do business. When Jenny came in. Jenny had a worried look on her face. She said, Demelza can I speak to you, Demelza said "sure, what do you need" She said, I found this in the out-letter box. She showed Demelza the letter to Elizabeth. She recognized the handwriting to be Ross's. She handed it back to Jenny. Jenny asked, "do you think someone her is telling Elizabeth trade secrets to get even with you and Ross?" Demelza laughed, "hardly unless it is Ross that is his handwriting. Jenny's eyes bugged out of her head, why would he do that. "She kidnapped him," Demelza played it off as just trying to show her kindness. In her mind she was putting together a totally different scenario.

Her and Ross barely spoke on the way home. She decided to send him the email from the firm in America asking for a collaboration. He questioned her on it wondering why she didn't investigate it like she normally would. She asked, if he had anything unusual happen in the past two days, which he answered, "No." That was the height of their conversation.

As usual as soon as they got home Demelza took her son to the nursery to feed him. His mother had seen something in Demelza's eyes but thought better then to try to interfere. Joshua and her had put their noses in a lot of places that should be kept between the two now they were married. They needed to learn their own mistakes. Ross came in gave his son a kiss on the head. Then went down to the gym, when he was done there, he went up to the dining room where his mother was putting supper on the table, he asked she didn't come down yet. Yes, she is in the kitchen. He walked in saw his son sitting it the jumper and picked him up. "How is Daddy's little boy, he asked Jeremy who cooed at him. Joshua came in and said to Ross, "do you want to know how many times he pooped today or peed." Then he looked at Jeremy and smiled "or you could tell him how many times grandpa kissed grandma." Jeremy smiled and cooed some more. Ross hadn't kissed her since the day before, what was happening were they going backwards. Was he tired of her? There was a time he would wait for her to go down to the gym to work out together now he goes by himself. She preferred to walk along the beach anyway.

At dinner Grace asked "Demelza how was your day?" She said, Verity and Caroline want me to go on a holiday with them? Ross looked up, "what, when, you can't go on holiday not now?" Demelza looked at him and said "why not Ross?" His answer shocked everyone, "there is too much to do in the office and you have Jeremy to look after, my parents are not your personal babysitters." Joshua spoke first, "son that is uncalled for she does not take advantage of us." Then Grace said, "as far as it goes we are also babysitting for you!" Jeremy started fussing since Ross was rather loud. Demelza got up picked up Jeremy and said, "Thank you Grace and Joshua, I am sorry if I imposed on either of you." She took Jeremy wrapped him in a blanket and walked down to the beach.

Joshua and Grace both asked Ross what in the hell was his problem yelling at Demelza like he did. That girl does her share around here and then some. She is working two jobs for Christ sake, what do you want from her? "Honesty," Ross said and got up and got in one of the cars going to a bar in Mellon.

Demelza came home, went into the apartment, she got Jeremy ready of bed. Grace knocked at the door, Demelza left her in and led her into the nursery where she placed a blanket on her shoulder and fed her son. Once he was asleep Demelza took laid him down in his crib. She asked Grace if she would watch him while she showered. She came out, Grace asked, "is there something the matter dear." Demelza said, "I don't know I guess we are both tired." Grace nodded and said, "I'll see you in the morning." Demelza asked, "when is Jeremy scheduled for his shots?" Grace said, "oh I forgot they fit him in tomorrow." Demelza said, "then I will be taking the day off to take him." Grace looked at her and smile, "okay dear, but don't take what my son said to heart, like you said he is just tired." Demelza got a book out and laid down on the daybed in the nursery to read. Where she promptly fell to sleep.

Ross came home a lot happier then when he left, he was so sloshed the bartender called Uber to take him home. Joshua helped him in and up the stares then into his bedroom. Ross said, "where is my wife," a little too loudly? Joshua shushed him; "do you want to wake the little one? Be quiet she probably is in the nursery with the baby. Go to bed and sleep it off!" Joshua helped him with his shoes and Ross quickly fell to sleep.

The next morning Ross was in the kitchen wondering where his wife was again. He told his mother, "if she isn't down here in a few minutes she is going to make us late." His mother looked at him and said, "she didn't tell you, she won't be going in today, Jeremy's shots are scheduled for this morning. After what you said last night, she won't be asking your father and I to do anything because the way you made it sound my grandson is an imposition to us." Ross said, I didn't mean it that way." Graced huffed. "well, it was the way it was taken."

Ross went up to the nursery and saw Demelza was feeding Jeremy. He said, "you didn't tell me you weren't going into work." She said, "I didn't think it mattered. I didn't want to dump my son on someone's else's parents." Ross rubbed his temples, "Demelza please, that is not what I meant." "Don't worry Ross, please check the inboxes today you should expect a couple of emails." She got up and took Jeremy to the window holding him tight. Ross came over and kissed Jeremy's head then left. Leaving Demelza feeling like her world was grumbling.

After Jeremy's shots Demelza took him into the office where everyone made a fuss over him. She told Caroline and Verity as long as she could bring Jeremy she was in for the holiday. She asked Caroline if she could watch him for a few minutes, she had a letter to write. She typed out the letter signed it and placed it in a sealed envelope. She went and picked up Jeremy and walked to Ross's office, he wasn't in there at the present, Jenny said she thought he was with his cousin. So, she left the envelope on Ross's desk then went home with Jeremy.

Ross didn't get back to his office until two hours later. There was a pile of mail on his desk, and he started going through it. Why couldn't Demelza come in for a half a day, he hated doing his own mail. Then he came to one that didn't have a postmark on it. He opened and read it. He swore, then yelled Jenny! She came running in. "When was Demelza here" "After Jeremy's shots, she went into her office typed a letter then left?" Ross grabbed his things and said call my driver. Demelza was looking online for different types of cameras for taking photos. The best value and also the best for selling photographs. As soon as she got home Joshua had come and taken Jeremy, for a walk. He said his grandparents wanted to spend some time with the little mite. She said, "as long as, you're sure."

Demelza had supper prepared and waiting when Grace and Joshua returned. She took Jeremy upstairs the fed him. He fell asleep but she knew he would get up soon, it was a busy day for him. She heard Ross before she saw him. "DEMELZA," Jeremy woke screaming, Demelza picked him up smoothing him. Ross came through the door, She turned and said, "you scared him, what is the matter with you?" "With me," Ross yelled, "what is the meaning of this?" He was waving the paper in front of her, and Jeremy was screaming, when Grace and Joshua walked in. Joshua said, "Ross keep you voice down!" I will not this is my house to, I want to know the meaning of this. He shoved the letter at his dad. Joshua said," Grace get the baby, they need to talk, and your son has his voice set on screaming right now." Demelza handed Jeremy off to his grandmother, he was screaming even louder. Ross said, "Well?" Demelza said, "Did you read the letter I think it was pretty self-explanatory." Ross read the letter out loud.

Ross Venor Poldark:

I hereby give my resignation to the Cornmare. I wish to spend my time with my son. It has been brought to my attention that I am imposing on your parents, so I will take a few months to spend with Jeremy until I can find a position where I can provide day care for my son or a position, I can spend most of my days with him.

I will give you a two week notice after which I will no longer be available for work.

Thank You

Demelza Carne Poldark.

Demelza said, "which part did you not understand?" Quit trying to be funny, Demelza it doesn't work," Ross thundered! "Neither does you screaming at me," she countered, she went to walk around him, Ross said, "we are not done here." Demelza looked at him and said, "Yes we are" and walked out of the room to find Jeremy.

It took Ross a few minutes to get himself under control, he went down to eat expecting to see Demelza and Jeremy there. Ross asked, "where is my wife and son?" Grace said, I suspect putting Jeremy in his car seat." Ross said, "just like her if she doesn't want to deal with something she runs away." Grace turned around, She said, "that girl has done everything she can for you even when you are an ass." Ross said, "what did I do?" "Oh," said Joshua, "Just that she should quit modeling if she was tired!" Grace said, "Or that she shouldn't imposition me and your father about babysitting." Ross threw his hands up in time to see, Demelza pulling out of the drive.

What did she think, when he married her, she knew that it was to keep her at Cornmare, not that it was the only reason now he thought about it? Back then it definitely was. Maybe he should remind her of it. Demelza pulled into Killwarren and saw that Dwight was there. She was about to leave when Caroline came to the door. She walked to the car and saw her friend was upset. Then looking into the back saw Jeremy. "Come in Demelza, Caroline offered. "I don't want to interrupt your evening with Dwight," Demelza answered. Caroline laughed, "don't be silly you know he loves Jeremy."

Demelza got out of the car, and Caroline unhooked Jeremy from his seat carrying him in. Demelza carried his diaper bag in behind her. Dwight jumped up when he saw Jeremy took him off Caroling. Dwight said, "Jeremy my main man how ate you doing?" Jeremy was still fussy since being woke up, plus the shot he got today Demelza explained. Dwight realized something was upsetting Demelza, so he excused himself with Jeremy saying he knew what to do for little boys who were tired. Once he was gone, Caroline said, "what did Ross do now?" The whole time she was explaining the past three days her phone kept beeping with text.

Ross: Do you remember our agreement when we married. You cannot quit.

Ross: where are you?

Ross: I expect you to be back here within the hour



After the last one Caroline said, "let him call them. You're the boys mother, if he was being an ass, which I bet his parents saw. He deserves to worry." Demelza said, "but Joshua and Grace don't." Caroline picked up her phone calling Grace.

Grace: Hello

Caroline: I assume Ross is close by

Grace: Yes

Caroline: Demelza is here they are fine and will be spending the night maybe longer. Your son is an ass.

Grace: Yes, I know

Caroline: He texted her telling her she can't quit because that is why he married her.

Grace: he did not.

(Caroline hears Grace yell Ross let me see that phone. Is that Demelza give me your phone mother. It isn't Demelza, I need to see your phone, Ross.)

Grace: Yes, everything will be fine here. I came into the kitchen; you tell her to stay there I will see her tomorrow.

They hung up not ten seconds later another text came through

Ross: The police have been notified.

Ross was furious, she knew he couldn't sleep without her. He needed to see his son. What and the hell, was her problem anyways? She was the one keeping the pregnancy secret. While he was getting ready for bed, he came across Demelza birth control pills. He opened them and noticed that all the doses were taken even the one from this morning. Either she didn't know she was pregnant, or she wasn't. He thought oh shite, how am I going to fix this.

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