Akaza of U.A High (BNHA X MAL...

By Kyoblazing27

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(Y/N) is the son of the former number 4 hero hakuji akaza or better known as the martial arts hero skirmisher... More

(Y/N) Bio
Chapter 1 : Late
Chapter 2 : Explosive shockwaves
chapter 3: Nice to see you too
chapter 4: class rep
chapter 5: The real deal
Chapter 6 : The Symbol of peace
Chapter 7 : Declaration
chapter 8 : The first Years
Chapter 10 : Round 1 Fight!
Chapter 11 : Battle of rivals
Chapter 12 : Try your best
Chapter 13 : Double date ?
Chapter 14 : Hero names
Chapter 15: snacks thought me
Chapter 16 : It just would be you
Chapter 17: Creative Shockwaves
🎥 Chapter 18 : Two heroes part 1 🎥
🎥 Chapter 19 : Two heroes part 2 🎥
Chapter 20: Not some holiday
Chapter 21: Aizawa's Boot camp
Chapter 22: Vanguard's Assault
Chapter 23: Rescue
Chapter 24: Dorms
Chapter 25: New moves
Chapter 26: Challenge from the swordsman
Chapter 27: New gear and new battles
Chapter 28: Waiting
Chapter 29: Waiting for a whale
Chapter 30: Going all out
Chapter 31: Little birdie
Chapter 32 : disturbance
Chapter 33: The third years
Chapter 34: Your kidding right ?
Chapter 35: New Faces
Chapter 36: Battle royal
Chapter 37: Team exercise
Chapter 38: Ready up
Chapter 39: The new enemy
Chapter 40 : Reason for going
Chapter 41: Battle on
Chapter 42: Promise
Chapter 43: Reunion
Chapter 44: I'm no Shakespeare
Chapter 45: Well that's not good
Chapter 46: Here comes the festival
Chapter 47: Something dark is coming
Chapter 48: All for some rope
Chapter 49: A Determined Criminal
Chapter 50: The past always catches up
Chapter 51: Festivities
Chapter 52: Hero Ranking
Chapter 53: If only i had wings
Chapter 54: His start
Chapter 55: 🎥 Heroes Rising part 1 🎥
Chapter 56: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 2 🎥
Chapter 56: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 3 🎥
Chapter: 57 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 4 🎥
Chapter 58: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 5 🎥
Chapter 59: 🎥 Heroes Rising Part 6 🎥
Chapter 60: Back To School
Chapter 61: Regnite
Chapter 62 : Windy Shockwaves
Chapter 63 : Fight On
Chapter 64 : Battle Rages On
Chapter 65: Jealousy
Chapter 66: Visitors
Chapter 67: Hawk's Nest

chapter 9 : calvary

2.7K 54 10
By Kyoblazing27

Midnight explains the calvary battle rules to the contestants

Momo: It's anyone's game then.

Sato: yeah and there will probably be around ten or twelve teams.

Aoyama: Sounds hard

Midnight then tells them to form there teams

Almost all of class 1-A try to convince bakugo to let them join his team while kyojuro and (Y/N) where still standing alongside one another

Testutestu: Hey Rengoku wanna join my team!!

Kyojuro: I don't see why not I don't think you'll mind (Y/N) ?

(Y/N): It only gives me another chance to beat you.

Kyojuro then walks off with Testutestu

(Y/N): (in mind) I gotta admit if I want to beat kyojuro I'd have to join a strong team it looks like Todoroki has pretty much already assembled his team while as for midoriya If I join his team we would have to fight until the end not that I mind but I have to try conserving energy for the last part of the festival so I guess that only leaves me with one option

Kirishima: Bakugo I was gonna try Todoroki but he already picked a group so we should team up

Bakugo: Hey dumb hair.

Kirishima: My name is kirishima! And my hair isn't that much different from yours. C'mon you wanna be the rider right? So your gonna need a strong front horse who ain't gonna be hurt by your blasts ( hardens his arm ) That'll be me.

Bakugo: mmm I need someone with guts.

Kirishima: My quirk was made for this I got you covered man.

???: Woah woah there if it's guts your looking for then you'll definitely need me too

Bakugo: huh half faced basketball ?

(Y/N): The names (Y- you know what never mind but what kirishima said could work he can be your unbreakable shield while I be your spear that can piece through any defense!

Kirishima: Heck Yeah c'mon bakugo let's go charging into battle with our trio that 10 million is has good as ours

Bakugo simply grins at the two's suggestion at the end of it all bakugo was the rider kirishima the unwavering shield upfront sero right wing and (Y/N) left wing

Then everyone got ready as present mic began the count down

Present mic: 3!!!

Bakugo: Get him

Present mic: 2!!!

Todoroki: He's ours

Present mic: 1!!!

Midnight: Begin!!

Everyone the went straight for midoriya they quickly dashed away and made an escape from the rush although as soon as they got out they were rushed almost immediately they then used uraraka's zero gravity and all jumped to escape while in the air Bakugo had used his explosions to fly towards them

Midoriya: huh kacchan

Bakugo: Don't think for a second your save

He then tries to grab midoriya's headband but tokoyami used dark shadow to protect there headband sero then used his tape to bring Bakugo back to their team

Kirishima: woah nice catch sero

Present mic: Is that even allowed?

Midnight: He never touched the ground so technically it's ok.

Present mic shows the score board to see how it's going

Present mic: woah look at that other then midoriya class 1-A isn't looking so good even bakugo is loosing

This was due to monoma taking he's headband

Monoma: Your class is too small minded think bigger

(Y/N): Why you little

Bakugo what did you get back here!!

Monoma: hmph hey say aren't you famous for being attacked by that sludge villain it must be strange to always find yourself in the role of the victim

Bakugo: ( irritated tone ) kirishima,(Y/N) sero change of plan

Kirishima: ahh

(Y/N): I get the feeling that 1-b guy just made a big mistake

Bakugo: Before we take down deku we're gonna kill everyone one of those b-list idiots.

Todoroki had confronted team Midoriya and had begun trying to take there headband kaminari had electrocuted some of the teams chasing midoriya Todoroki had then froze them with his ice although else where

Student: monoma don't provoke him that's the kinda thing he would do

Monoma: I guess your right it's not very heroic of me

Bakugo was beginning to lose it

Kirishima: Calm down Bakugo or we'll never get our points back!

(Y/N): I think it's to late for that he's pretty much turned into a beast that's out for blood

Bakugo let's out a roar and smashes his hands together creating and explosion

Bakugo: Shut up I've never been calmer can't you tell

(Y/N): do we really have to answer that ?

Bakugo: Shut it now let's go after them

Kirishima: please don't make us regret this

The team then charges for monoma and his team

Bakugo: You think your tough ( he extends his hand out ) DIEEE!

Although monoma just simply pushed bakugo's hand to the side with his own but monoma had then set off an explosion in bakugo's face with his own explosion

Monoma: huh well I see why you like this quirk

He then slaps kirishima on the head

Bakugo: My power

Kirishima: woah weird that guy has your quirk

Bakugo attempts another attack but this time monoma blocked with kirishima's hardening

Kirishima: huh what mine too

Bakugo: Bastard

(Y/N): he doesn't have any of your quirks he's copying yours by touching you

Monoma: So even an idiot can figure it out

(Y/N): Grr I'm gonna put you six feet under !!

Bakugo's team tries to charge but one of the 1-b students had shot some type of liquid Infront of them

Kirishima: Danmmit it's too sticky I can't move

(Y/N): ( in mind ) No we can't fail if I lose here everything will go to waste I won't get a chance to face kyojuro or prove myself to the old man I got get us out ( out load ) leave it to me SHOCK WAVE TECHNIC AIR FIRST!

He then hits the open air creating a shock wave although much weaker then usual but still strong enough to free kirishima

Present mic: with less then a minute will these be the final four teams to go through

Monoma: second place not bad we can just let the clock run out now

Bakugo: Losers! Get back here!

Bakugo then blasts off at team monoma but one of he's team members Tsuburaba create solid air to stop bakugo. Bakugo then tries to punch through the it he struggles a bit but eventually smashes threw the solid air and grabs the head bands around monoma's neck sero then uses his tape to pull bakugo back to his team

Sero : I told you to warn us before you do that

Kirishima: whatever atleast were advancing

Bakugo: were not done ( starts hitting kirishima on the head ) were gonna be the undisputed champions of the game

(Y/N): Well I got to admire your attitude.

Aizawa: class 1-b's strategy was good but there's one thing they forget to consider bakugo's overwhelming tenacity

As on cue sero then sero tapes team monoma and (Y/N) sends a air shock wave to them although all it did was force them to cover there eyes it was then that bakugo took back there headband at the over end team midoriya had thought they just took back there 10 million from Todoroki but soon learnt it was a trick

Momo: You underestimate us

???: Don't get cocky now your just holding onto the ten million for us!!

Both team midoriya and Todoroki turn to see (Y/N) and his team smashing threw Todoroki's ice with his shock waves bakugo then launched himself towards Todoroki to get the 10 million same with deku although before anyone could get it the buzzer went off ending the game

Present mic: woah what an end to a game now let's look at the top 4 teams first up we have team Todoroki second we have team bakugo

(Y/N): considering the fact we were in zero points not to long ago I'll take it

Sero: Yeah we're moving on so it's all good

Kirishima: I don't are leader would agree with you

Bakugo: rrahhhhhhh

Present mic: in third place we have team testu...wait team shinso when did they come back from the dead

Midoriya had thought he's team was out but found out tokoyami had grabbed one of Todoroki's headband

Present mic: And in fourth place team midoriya

Midoriya had then begun to cry a river

(Y/N) : wait but if they made it that means..

(Y/N) feels a hand on his shoulder

Kyojuro: I'm sorry (Y/N) but it would appear we won't get our chance to face one another ( he then walks off )

(Y/N): danmmit! ( clinches his fists )

Momo: Hey look I know you wanted to fight kyojuro really bad but you still got the rest of the tournament to prove yourself I'm sure you'll face kyojuro in the future

(Y/N): (sigh) your probably right fate has a weird way of throwing us against one another but anyways congratulations on making it princess ( walks off )

Momo: (blush) you know your the only one I'll let call me that

Although unluckily for her someone heard this

Kyojuro: Ha as I suspected you two like one another

Momo: ( surprised ) what I never said that kyojuro

Kyojuro: but you just said...

Momo: Well you heard wrong and besides what about you and kendo huh I heard the rumors

Kyojuro: There are rumors ? Well if there are they aren't true but if they ever did become true you and (Y/N) would be the first to know ( he says with he's ever smiling face and walks off )

(Y/N) was walking threw the hallways

???: Ah there you are

(Y/N) : mmm ( turns to the voice ) old man

Hakuji: hmph you haven't done bad so far although the real test comes next. You ready?

(Y/N) : Oh Don't worry I'm ready

Hakuji: Good because in the final phase your gonna get to show me how badly you want me to train you and even more importantly you get show everyone how bad you want to become a hero.

(Y/N) : Hmph don't worry old man you just watch I'm gonna be so amazing your jaws gonna be on the floor

Hakuji: well then don't tell me show me

Hakuji them leaves (Y/N) and walks threw the hallways although he then sees the two familiar faces of All might and Endeavor

Hakuji: well well would you look at this we getting the old gang back together or what ?

All might: ah Hakuji

Endeavor: scoffs well if it isn't the washed up hero skirmisher oh my bad your no longer suited for hero work Hakuji Akaza I forget you had succumb to some sickness

All might: Endeavor that's uncalled for.

Endeavor: Whatever let me just assure you All might my shoto will beat you some day and as for you Skirmisher your son shouldn't even try to go toe to toe with shoto

Hakuji: Well see here's the thing even if I tried the kid wouldn't listen he'd die rather then give up and that's the way I raised him he's no quitter I taught him that even if the odds are stacked against you and winning seems impossible you fight till the end and never give up because that is the AKAZA WAY !!

Endeavor: Do you think he can actually beat my son ?

Hakuji: I'm not saying that what I am saying is (Y/N) will never give up so yes your son might beat (Y/N) but he's crazy if he thinks my son is just gonna roll over and die

Endeavor just scoffs and walks off

(Y/N) was looking for momo only to find all the girls wearing cheer leader outfits

(Y/N): Well not the most revealing thing I've seen her wear

Momo: * to mineta and kaminari* You tricked us your gonna regret this

The two of them snicker to one another

(Y/N): You know she was right about the fact that your gonna regret what you did

The two look at (Y/N)

Kaminari: what do you...

(Y/N) grabs their heads and smashes it together

(Y/N): seriously I expect this from you mineta but I thought you were better then this kaminari

Momo: It seems you beat me to beating them up

(Y/N): I guess

???: Ah the knight is protecting he's princess once again

They both turn to the voice flushed

(Y/N): oh just shut it kyojuro!

As they were showing the list of the final contestants ojiro and a student from 1-b withdrawed from the tournament midnight wanted to choose students from Kendo's team

Kendo: We were frozen most of the time you should choose from the team that kept fighting team Testutestu

Testutestu: kendo

Kendo: I'm not doing this as a favor it's just fair

Testutestu: seriously you guys thank you

Kyojuro then puts his hand on Kendo's shoulder

Kyojuro: That's very noble of you kendo.

Kendo: ( slight blush ) oh it's nothing

(Y/N): hey what you doing there kyojuro finding yourself a princess ? ( Smirks )

Kyojuro: ( slight blush ) ah should of expected you try to get me back.

At the end of it Testutestu team decided that him and kyojuro should be the ones to fight

Midnight: Now let's see who each contestants will be facing

The screen then shows the bracket

Kirishima vs Testutestu

Kirishima and Testutestu: seriously how does this keep happening!

Yaoyorozo vs Tokoyami

Tokoyami: I'll give it my all

Momo: Good that's all that I ask of you

Aoyama vs ashido ( let's just say ashido was part of midoriya's team )

Aoyama: I'm afraid it's end of the road for you

Mina : can't wait to melt your but

Shinso vs midoriya

Todoroki vs sero

Ida vs Rengoku

Akaza vs kaminari

Bakugo vs uraraka

Bakugo: Uraraka who the hells that ?

Uraraka gives off a shocked expression

Kyojuro turns to Ida

Kyojuro: Let's give it our all

Ida : agreed

(Y/N) : Hey kyojuro don't go loosing okay your only allowed to lose to me.

Kyojuro: Only if you promise the same

The two rivals smile at one another knowing that if they faced they would have to give every thing they had to win

End of calvary

So I just want to say straight away you probably already noticed a few characters were replaced in the tournament I just wanna also say the bracket might not follow the exact one as the anime or it might but i just wanna say this now so if it does its not a surprise hope you enjoyed.

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