Possessive CEO Even You Have...

By AshwiniMourya

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This is an amazing story of the family of three. More

Chapter No - 1: Regular lecture of the School.
Chapter No - 2 Talk with Mom.
Chapter No - 3 Alexa is worried for her mom
Chapter No - 5 Alexa Brother is a CEO
Chapter No - 6: Jason needs Alexa's help in his study.
Chapter No - 7 Alexa & Jason are studying together.
Chapter No - 8: Jason Studying at the Alexa Place.
Chapter No - 9: Alexa goes to Aria's place to do her makeover.
Chapter No - 10: Alexa is going to Aria's place.

Chapter No - 4: Alexa's Mom returning Home

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By AshwiniMourya

Alexa ( POV )

' Someone rang the bell, at first I think it might be my illusion, but after some time again the bell rings, so I open my eyes from sleep and open the door to see my mom and elder brother at the door.'

" I hug my Mumma, she doesn't say anything just hugs me back."

' I want to ask mom some questions? But my brother signals me with his eyes not to ask her anything. So I kept my mouth shut.'

" After some time she let go of me, from the hug, enter the home, and sat on the couch."

I bring the water for her to drink, and after drinking the water mom asked me, did you have your dinner Alexa?

" I said, No Mumma I didn't have dinner, because I don't have an appetite to eat anything without you guys." so I was waiting for you.

" Mumma you go in the bedroom and get fresh, I will heat the food in the microwave and prepare the dining table for us.

' So once Mumma left for her bedroom, and I confirm that if she is not in the listening area, I asked my brother.'

" What happens to Mumma, she is behaving strangely? and tell me where did you find her? Why she is not talking much, I think she is being crying recently? Because her eyes are swallowed and red due to crying? why are you not answering me drew brother, say something?

" He said to me, Alexa takes a deep breath first, if you will ask me this many questions at once, how can I answer you?"

" So I keep my mouth shut and waited for him to tell me everything."

" He explain to me everything from starting about Mumma's cabin till where did he find her."

I was shocked to listen to all this about my Mumma because she is such a strong woman, we never saw her crying.

" And he also said, he tried talking to her about this, but she always changes the topic."

" So I said okay 😔, we will talk about this once the mom will sleep."

' You also go and get fresh, I prepare the dining for us.'

" He left for his room, after him I also left for the kitchen to prepare the dining table and heat the food for us."

" I heat the food in the microwave and put it on the dining table." Once I am done."

" I called the mom and brother, Mumma, and drew bro food is ready, so come in the dining room."

" They came into the dining room, and we have our dinner, without talking with each other. Mumma hasn't eaten much so, I asked her mom why are you not eating?"

" She said, Alexa, I don't have the appetite to eat much." So this much only, I am eating. and it's already late."

" So don't worry about me dear, I am fine, Just something in the office is going on, that's the reason, I am stressed a bit, but I will be fine."

" Go and take a rest, tomorrow you are having school also, by saying this she is ready to go into the kitchen to wash the dishes."

" Mumma, you take a rest, brother and I will clean the kitchen and wash the dishes, you go to your room and take good sleep." Tomorrow, you will also have a hectic schedule in the office.

She said, ' okay dear thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I am indeed needed a good rest.' Good night drew Alexa and went towards the bedroom.

' But she comes back to kiss my forehead and brother's forehead and then left for her bedroom.'

" Once the mom is gone in her bedroom, my brother and I completed the kitchen chores, and I asked him to come into my bedroom."

" I left for my bedroom and changed into the nightdress, and I am sitting in the bed. My brother knocked on the door? I said, come in.

He enter and sat on the bed in front of me. I ask him, " Do you get to know who visited her in the afternoon? Because something is related to that person is mysterious and after that only she is behaving strangely."

He said, ' I don't get to know about that person till now, but I will find it out soon.' I have given the instructions to my close detective friend, and I am sure he will find some clue about that person.

"But after sometimes, he asks me the question which I don't want him to ask me."

Alexa, can I ask you one question, answer me correctly, don't lie to me?

I said, ' yes bro you can ask me anything.'

" So tell me how do you come to know about the whereabouts of mom? and also who visited her in the afternoon?"

' Because if you haven't told me, to check on the terrace, I wouldn't be able to find her today. so please tell me, dear sister.'

" So I informed him about my hidden talent, which I am learning in my free time."  bro I am learning hacking and coding.

" He was shocked will be an understatement, because he is seeing me like, I have grown two heads."

" Brother don't get mad at me, it's just the skill which I wanted to learn, and my intention is very pure, I will never harm anyone by using this skill."

" And today this hacking comes in the help, to known about the whereabouts of mom's." That it's only my hope to find out about mom. ' So please 🥺 brother don't be mad.'

" I am promising you, that my hacking skill will not harm anyone in the future, except when someone tries to harm me, then only I will use this hacking to find out a culprit."

' Alexa, Don't worry at all dear. I am not mad or unhappy, it's just that getting to know your New skills, At such a crucial time, is something shocking, which I haven't expected at all.'

' But I am not mad at you, so don't worry.'

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