Possessive CEO Even You Have...

By AshwiniMourya

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This is an amazing story of the family of three. More

Chapter No - 1: Regular lecture of the School.
Chapter No - 2 Talk with Mom.
Chapter No - 4: Alexa's Mom returning Home
Chapter No - 5 Alexa Brother is a CEO
Chapter No - 6: Jason needs Alexa's help in his study.
Chapter No - 7 Alexa & Jason are studying together.
Chapter No - 8: Jason Studying at the Alexa Place.
Chapter No - 9: Alexa goes to Aria's place to do her makeover.
Chapter No - 10: Alexa is going to Aria's place.

Chapter No - 3 Alexa is worried for her mom

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By AshwiniMourya

Alexa ( POV )

" So being left alone in the home and don't know what to do ? Is the worst thing I am feeling now ".

" I am thinking about how can I help my Mumma if she is in any trouble ".

" Because my everything is my mom and brother only, And I can't see my mom is any trouble. She is such a good soul, who never hurt anyone, so exactly what's happening, Even I don't have any idea."

" At that time I got an idea 💡, I ran into to bedroom and brought my laptop with me to the living room ".

" I open my laptop and started writing some codes, and trying to hack the Mumma company's  Camera to get some information from there ".

" After rigorous hardwood, I reach till the last level of the security system of the camera, after breaking the last wall of security, I entered the system ".

" I went through all the tapes recorded in the camera till the mom entered the company,
and when she left the company. In fast forward mode ".

" But going thoroughly through all the records of the camera recording. I noticed that Mumma's mood is a bit off though her facial expressions when observing her ".

" No one can see through her expression if not observed clearly, Because she is very good at hiding her emotions and feelings ".

" I know her from starting, she never approaches anyone even she is in big problem, she will always try to solve it by herself only ".

" But being her daughter I can see it in her face that, she is a bit worried after getting the call in the afternoon ".

" One more important thing I noticed is that she never left the office, It means only one thing that she is in the office only ".

" Without thinking anything else, I called my elder brother Andrew Scott ".

He picked up my call on the second ring, I asked him where are you?

He said I am outside mom's office. why did you call, Is there any problem at home? he asked me back.

" I said, No I just wanted to inform you that, check mom's office, I think she is in her cabin if you don't find her there then just go and check the terrace ".

" I think you can find her there. He hasn't asked me anything else, That's a relief."

' He said " I will go in her cabin and check, if I cannot find her there then, I will also check the Terrace.'

" So I said okay, I am hanging up now and be safe, find Mumma as soon as possible."

" After hanging up, I again tried to call Mumma, but she isn't picking up the calls."

" So I closed my laptop, and lay down on the couch to relax because continuing working on the laptop to go through all the recording is not an easy task for me."

Andrew Scott ( Brother of Alexa POV )

" I entered the mom's office building directly and went towards the lift to go toward her cabin."

" Once the lift comes on the Ground floor I entered the lift, and click the 29th floor, and within minutes, I am on the 29th floor."

" The corridors are empty because at this time the office is off. So know one left here, just. the guards in the front gates.

" I directly go in the direction of mom's office, because I have visited her a very long time ago when I was just 18 years old." so I don't need to search for the cabin.

" After reaching the cabin, I knock on the door But haven't got an answer from inside."

" I tried to open the door, luckily it got open I enter the cabin and I am shocked is an understatement, I am beyond shock to see the mess created in the cabin of my mom."

" She is a clean freak, her things are always neat and clean." 

" She never likes messy table or her cabin, even the single things here and there from its place, and here the whole cabin is upside down."

So I closed the door, directly ran towards the lift, and went towards the Terrace to check, if mom is there or not?

" By entering the lift I click the top button towards the Terrace which is above the 40th floor. "

" Once I reached the terrace, I am trying to find my mom, I went through all the sides of the Terrace but I don't even get the hint of any person is present here or not."

' But again I tried to find her in the corners of the terrace to just check out if she is here or not.'

" After going through all the corners, I went to the left corner of the Terrace where is the small space, and find my mom curl up in the small ball, crying silently."

" I placed my hand on her shoulders, she shivers but I reassure her mom it's me, Andrew. Your Andrew is here, I am here for you."

" My mom looked up at me, her face is a mess, her eyes are red due to crying continuously, she tried to straighten up and stand up on her feet. "

I asked her,  Mom what's wrong with you, why are you crying?

" She doesn't answer me and said let's go, it's late, Alexa will worry about us."

" I again try to talk to her, but she again tries to convert the topic in another direction."

" So I stop asking her because she will tell us when the time comes."

" Because she will never tell us if she doesn't want to share." she is stubborn, so without nagging her. " we left for home, by taking my mom's purse and other things from her cabin."

" We left the office building and take my bike from the parking area and left for home."

" Mom's sitting silently in the backseat of my bike, and we are on the way towards our home in Greenville."

" Once we reach in front of our building, watchman's uncle opens the gate for us to enter."

" I parked my bike in the parking area and went towards the lift."

' Once the lift came down, we went in the lift and reach up in no time.'

" I rang the bell of the home, No one answered the door at first, so again I try to ring the bell, and this time my sister open the door for us."

" From her face, I guess she wanted to ask a lot of questions to mom, but I signal her with my eyes not to ask her anything, and she got my point in no time." And kept her mouth shut. pretending nothing is happening."

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