Peter One Shots

بواسطة WhyNoUsernamesLeft

39.3K 709 210

Random stories about Peter and the Avengers. There are some pretty dark stories and a few happy stories. Requ... المزيد

Read This First!
Post Civil War 🌼
Rogues Come Back 🌼 🐡
The Rogues Meet Peter Parker 🌼🐡
Surprise! 🌼
Love Sick Puppies 🌼🌈
The Streets
The Streets 2 🐡
The Streets 3 🌼🐡
Not My Kid 🌼🐡
The Streets 4 🐡
Josh Gardener 🌼🌈
Number Neighbor 🌼🐡
The Streets 5 🚨
Heartbreaking Encounter 🚨
Asset 🚨🌼
The Field Trip That Ended in a Disaster 🌼🐡
Josh Gardener 2 🌼
Beasts 🐡
Truth Revealed 🌼🐡🚨
Surprise? 🌼
Everything is Fine 🚨
I Used to be Naive 🧅
Come Home 🧅
Tough Decision🌼
The Streets Part 6

Field Trip to Stark Tower 🌼

4.3K 61 30
بواسطة WhyNoUsernamesLeft

Peter was dreading this day ever since he found out where Midtown high's surprise field trip was to. The surprise field trip was supposed to be the highlight of his school year. He and every other kid in his grade have been looking forward to this trip since the beginning of the school year, but last Friday changed that.


"Alright class, listen up!" Mr. Harrinton shouts as he tries and fails to get the class's attention. "Settle down. I have an important announcement to make." he pauses for a moment looking around and seeing that no one was listening. The class were throwing paper airplanes, laughing at lame jokes, gossiping in a group about some party that one of the popular kids was throwing, reading a depressing book, or geeking out about the science behind Captain America's shield. He sighs. "I guess no one wants to hear about where we are going for the surprise field trip." The moment those words left the ignored teacher's mouth, the class got dead silent. Even MJ looked up from her book. Mr. Harrington smiles to himself, proud that he finally got the class's attention.

"Now that you all finally got quiet, I can talk about my announcement." Mr. Harrington started before he was rudely interrupted by an inconsiderate student who is notorious for interrupting teachers.

"What about the field trip!" The student, whose name is Jacob, shouts out in protest followed by a lot of shouting from the other students. Peter had to cover his sensitive ears due to all of the shouting.

"That's the announcement I was talking about Jacob. If you would give me a chance to speak you would know that." Mr. Harrinton fires back. Jacob sinks about down in his seat in embarrassment while the rest of the class snickers. MJ quickly pulled out her sketchbook and scribbled down his embarrassed face.

"Now as I was about to say, we will be having our surprise field trip next Friday and we have the honor of going to... drum roll please." he says adding to the excitement. Kids started banging on their desk and stopping their feet. Everyone had an eager expression on their faces, well everyone except for MJ. Her face was blank, but Peter and Ned have known her long enough to tell that she was excited as well. After a moment he finally gave them what they wanted.

"We will be going to Stark Tower to tour the SI labs!" he shouts with so much enthusiasm. The whole class erupts with cheers. The excitement surges through the whole class. Everyone was so happy, everyone except Peter.

Peter groaned and hid his head in his arms on his desk when he heard where they were going. MJ just laughed as soon as she heard the news and wiped out to draw Peter's reaction in her sketchbook knowing that he was definitely going to make some kind of face. Ned on the other hand started shaking Peter like a maniac and blabbering about how cool the trip is going to be. Flash, upon seeing Peter's despair, decided to make his life a little bit more miserable.

"Ready for you to lie to be exposed, Penis!" Flash shouts over all the other's chatter as he stands up from his seat. Once again the kids go silent, but this time the silence only lasts about a second before they all start whispering to each other. Peter wants to shout back and defend himself, but he knows it will only cause more trouble. Plus he's absolutely exhausted and doesn't have the energy to deal with Flash at the moment. MJ on the other hand, jumped at the opportunity to make Flash look like a complete fool.

"You're just jealous that Peter has an internship and you don't." she says without looking up from her book, but you can clearly see the smirk on her face. Flash was not happy about that comment.

"Me, jealous of the pathetic, weak, Peinis Parker? Ha! As if. I am way better than him in every way." Flash snarls back with overconfidence. MJ's smirk grows bigger. No one can beat MJ in trash talking. She always has a perfect comeback, and today is no exception.

"Then how come Peter has better grades than you." a series of oh's went throughout the class. Flash's face turns bright red as he slowly slides back down into his seat. Peter looks over at MJ and mouths 'thank you'. She responds with an 'anytime loser'.

Mr. Harrington watched the whole exchange. He is extremely grateful for MJ and her amazing comebacks. He has wanted to punish Flash for bullying Peter ever since he first heard of it. Mr. Harrinton sees himself in Peter. They both love math and science, are very awkward, and they both don't stand up for themselves. He did get onto Flash the first time he heard about the bullying, but Flash's dad threatened to get him fired and that he would never be able to work as a teacher again. Mr. Harrington loves his job of teaching these kids, so he keeps silent.

"Alright I will be passing out the permission slips now. Get these signed by a parent or guardian by Monday." he says as he goes up and down the rows passing out the papers. Mr. Harrington really hopes that this will be a normal field trip without any falling elevators, alien ships, or killer drones. Basically no near death experiences. Supervising a field trip is hard enough as it is without having to worry about the safety of his students. He doesn't want to have to worry about any of them disappearing on this trip. He doesn't know if he can handle that happening again.

~End of flashback ~

Peter got his permission slip signed by Pepper that weekend. He is worried about what his aunts and uncles are going to do. He knows they are going to embarrass him, he just doesn't know how.

As the tower comes into view he can feel the excitement of all the other students and his own dreading increase. Peter tried all week to make up excuses to get out of going on this trip, but his parents weren't having it. Curse his healing factor for not allowing him to get sick.

They finally pull up into the parking lot of the tower. Almost every kid in his class stares up at the magnificent building that towers over them. Peter and MJ find their reactions amusing. Peter has been here so many times that it doesn't affect him anymore and MJ is just MJ. It takes a lot to impress her.

All the kids rush off the bus as Mr. Harrington struggles to keep them together. Once he is finally able to get all of them into a group, he starts to count the kids. He counts a total of 17 kids. Mr. Harrington starts freaking out as he looks for who could be missing. He notices that Jess is the one who is missing.

"Jess? Jess! Has anyone seen Jess?" he shouts as he frantically looks for the missing girl. The rest of the class looks around noticing for the first time that Jess isn't with themHe can't believe this is happening again. She has to be okay. She just has to be!

"She's over there!" Sally shouts pointing to a small red haired girl in blue jeans and an orange t-shirt. Mr. Harrington rushes over to the girl and is relieved to see that it indeed is Jess.

"Oh thank goodness." he exhales as all of his stress flows out of him. He then tells her to never run off like that again, but he did it very awkwardly.

"Okay now that everyone is here and did not die, we can go in and start our tour." Peter trudged his feet, not at all wanting to go in. Oh no. What is FRIDAY going to say when he walks through the scanners? He really hopes Mr. Stark changed his name in FRIDAY's systems. He isn't planning on coming out as Peter Stark until he has finished college. Peter doesn't want to be treated differently due to who his dad is.

Once they enter the building, Mr. Harrington walks up to the front desk asking for the tour guide. Moments after he sees Kyle walk out of the employee elevator and over to his school group who are excitedly talking amongst one another.

"Hi my name is Kyle and I will be your tour guide for today!" he says with so much enthusiasm. That is something Peter likes about Kyle. Ever since the two met in the intern labs, Klye has always had a smile on his face. He has this positive vibe about him that affects everyone he meets. Kyle scans the faces of the class he will be guiding today and his smile widens (if that's even possible) when his eyes land on Peters. Kyle would love to go over and start chatting with Peter, but he knows Peter would hate the attention. So instead he nods his head and the rest of the class is none of the wiser.

"I will be giving each of you a temporary pass. To make sure you don't lose it they are all on lanyards for you to wear around your necks. If you do lose your pass you will be escorted off the premises. Am I understood?" Kyle said seriously, his previous enthusiasm vanished. At his new attitude a series of nods and yes' were heard. Many were afraid of what he would do if they didn't respond.

"What do the different passes mean?" Luke asks, noticing the different passes the other employees who were walking by had.

"Excellent question! Basically (Insert a very long and boring description of the passes that you all have read so many times before.) Now I will call out your names to come and get your pass. Blah blah blah. Okay now that everyone has their pass you-"

"Why didn't Penis get a pass?" Flash shouts out with an accusing tone. The class looks at Peter noticing for the first time that he didn't receive a pass, while Kyle just looks at Flash confused. Klye had no idea what the guy was talking about, but he connected the dots when he noticed everyone in the tour group looked at Peter including the teacher. This made him mad, but a girl spoke before he could say anything.

"How come you noticed Peter didn't get a pass, Flash? Do you have a crush on him?" MJ says to him with a smug tone, knowing there was no possible way he could come up with an answer that wouldn't make him sound creepy or like he had a crush on Peter.

"What?! No! I just- I- uh." Flash speaks, trying and failing to come up with a reasonable answer just as MJ had predicted. It's crazy how Flash notices such little things about Peter that allows him to make fun of the teen. It's almost like Flash is obsessed with Peter. Then again, aren't all bullies obsessed with their victims. They spend so much time and energy on the victims of their cruel pranks. It's almost concerning.

Mr. Harrington was once again grateful for the quick witted student that he was blessed with. The teacher knew he couldn't step in and stop the kids teasing no matter how much he wanted to, but he also didn't want to look bad in front of this nice tour guide. If Flash keeps making fun of Peter, Kyle could always report Mr. Harrington to the school district for allowing the kid to be bullied. He would lose his job! He cares so much for his students even if he doesn't really know how to express his feelings to them. He can't imagine being anything else than a teacher.

"Alright, let's get a move on! We have a schedule to keep!" Kyle says, pushing the kids towards the scanner. "You are going to scan your pass right here and then walk through the metal detector which FRIDAY the tower's AI has been programmed into." The class does what they're told and goes through the metal detectors successfully. Eventually it was Peter's turn.

Peter was starting to panic. What if Mr. Stark didn't change his name? What if FRIDAY says something he can't explain? What if Mr. Stark did change his name, but he changed it to something embarrassing? Before Peter can even process what he is doing, he steps through the metal detectors without scanning a pass.

"Hello Peter!" a kind voice rings out. This shocks his classmates since all they got was a monotone voice that told them they were clear to proceed.

"Hey FRIDAY." he responds sheepishly.

"Boss and the gang have been informed of your arrival."

"Thanks FRIDAY." That's just great, Peter thinks. If the team didn't know of his field trip before, they definitely do now. He was really hoping for some miracle that Mr. Stark hadn't told them of his field trip and that they wouldn't be planning anything, but now all his hopes were crushed. MJ and Ned must have realized what Peter was thinking because they both gave him a sympathetic look. He just sighs and walks toward the rest of his class. At least no one is making a big deal of what just happened.

"What the fuck was that Parker!" He spoke too soon. Seriously can't Flash go one minute without saying something to him? At least explaining this won't be too bad, plus it'll prove to everyone that he does in fact have an internship at Stark Industries. It could be a lot worse.

"Language!" a voice shouts from the right of them. The voice happened to be none other than Captain America. It just got worse. Studpid Parker luck! Gasps were heard from many different students in his class.

"Well look who it is!" Kyle says, seizing this magnificent opportunity. "This is a special moment for you guys. Most tour groups don't get to meet an Avenger up close and personal. I hope you all will show Captain America the respect he deserves."

"Thank you uh... Kyle" Steve says, reading the tour guide's name tag. "But I won't be able to stay for long. I just wanted to come down here and say hi to Peter." Once again his whole class turned to look at the red faced teen. Peter really is not enjoying all the attention he has gotten in the last few minutes. This field trip was a terrible idea.

"Hey Un- Steve." Peter can't believe he almost slipped up. Do you know how hard it would be to explain if he didn't catch himself? That's definitely not a conversation he wants to have with his classmates.

"We're having pizza tonight for dinner." Steve informs Peter as he walks away and into the private elevator. Peter's eyes light up. If they're pizza that means they're going to be having a movie night. Without warning an excited yes slips from his mouth. It wasn't too loud, but it was loud enough for his entire class to hear.

After a small moment of silence Kyle starts to continue the tour. Flash decides that this was the perfect opportunity to taunt and question Peter, who's just trying to get through this field trip incident free.

"What did you do Penis to get Captain America to pretend to know you? And what's the deal with FRIDAY? How did you pull it off? I know you did something."

"Look Flash, I didn't do anything okay. I have told you time and time again. I have an internship here, okay?"

"Then how come you don't have a pass Penis? Every employee and intern has a pass. The tour dude said so himself." Peter had to think about how he was going to answer his question. Though in the end it probably won't even matter. It's not like Flash is going to believe him anyway even if he is telling the truth.

"His name is Kyle and my job doesn't need a pass."

"Bullshit Parker. You probably bribed your way in here. You bent down for him didn't you Penis. I bet you liked it, you little fagget." Peter was beyond disgusted by Flash's claims. Uncle Steve was his family! He would never do that just to get something he wanted. He couldn't believe Flash even suggested he did that. It makes Peter feel dirty just thinking about it.

"I would never do anything like that!"

"Well you definitely did something and I'm going to find out Penis. You mark my words. One I do, I will expose all your lies. Everyone will despise you once they learn what a liar you really are. No one would want to even be associated with you. Your parents would be ashamed."

"Whatever Flash." Peter had had enough. He sped up to the front of the group hoping to get away from Flash. He hates to admit it, but Flash's words really did hurt him, especially the last thing he said. Even though Peter knows he's not lying it still makes him wonder if his birth and adoptive parents were proud of him or not. There have been many instances where he feels like no one cares about him. Like he really is a worthless, stupid, ugly thing that no one likes. He tries to block it all out, but it's hard when he is constantly being told that he is all of these things everyday by multiple people.

Even though Flash enjoys making fun of Peter in front of others, he still tried to keep their previous conversation private. He didn't want any of the other employees to do anything to him since none of them here knows what power his father has. Then again it would be fun to watch as his father destroyed their life just because they had the audacity to get onto him. But unbeknownst to either of the two boys, a bird had heard the whole conversation.

That one bird was angry and planning his revenge. Though one bird may not seem that scary, when he informs his flock that their baby bird was in danger, that one angry bird turns into a whole army of angry birds, and anyone who is unlucky enough to feel their wrath shall be terrified. No mercy will be shown to anyone who thinks it would be a good idea to mess with their baby bird.

The group takes the elevator to the lower intern labs to get a glimpse of the life of a SI intern. As soon as the doors open they can see absolute chaos. An explosion had gone off just moments before. There were people dressed in white lab coats running around as they tried to put out the fire. The class just burst out laughing. After a bit they found a fire extinguisher and put out the fire. Coincidentally the guy who caused the explosion and now had ash all over his face, was the same guy who is supposed to talk to the class about what SI is currently working on. No one could take him seriously. Even Peter, who is used to seeing people with ash-covered faces, giggled as he talked.

After viewing a few different labs on the lower level floors, the group was now heading to the hero museum, which Peter has been to multiple times. Everyone rushes off to many different displays, but something feels a bit off to Peter. His senses aren't telling him that he's in danger, but more like something about to happen to someone else. It's almost the same feeling he gets whenever Uncle Clint tries to prank him. Peter focuses his attention on listening to peoples heartbeats, and sure enough he hears one above him. Uncle Clint is in the vents trying to prank someone, but who? Peter doesn't see any other Avengers around.

Peter watches as the vent grate opens and a bow pokes out. Before he has a chance to react, an arrow glides through the air and lands an inch away from Flash's feet. The arrow then explodes coating the unsuspecting teen in rainbow glitter from head to toe. Peter tried his hardest not to laugh, but the sight of Flash covered in rainbow glitter is too darn funny.

"What the fuck!" flash shouts in anger. "Did you do this Penis? Oh you're so dead." Clint, not wanting Peter to get hurt, though he doubts this pathetic kid could really do anything to him, jumps down from the vents announcing his presence.

"Get pranked!" he exclaims and then bursts out in laughter. The kid's reaction was priceless and he will forever remember. The best part was he got a video of the whole thing.

"FRIDAY play the video, zoom in on this kid, and slow it down." Clint says through his laughter. FRIDAY does as he said and played the video. Everyone in the virginity laughed along with it. Flash scrambled over to the bathroom to try and wash off as much glitter as he possibly can. He ended up getting most of it off, but you can never truly get rid of glitter no matter how hard you try.

"Everyone, this is Clint Barton, otherwise known as Hawkeye. He is an amazing archer that never misses. He is also known as the prankster of the Avengers team and you can probably see why." Kyle informs the group.

"Finally my talents of pranking are being recognized!" he exclaims excitedly. "By the way, heads up Peter!" Clint warns seconds before he tossed an object at him. Peter instinctively caught it with the help of his Peter tingle. He looks down and sees the object Uncle Clint threw at him was a gun, but not just any gun. This gun had a black widow spider branded onto it. Peter's eyes widened.

"Is this Aunt Nat's favorite gun?!" Peter shouts at Clint with a hint of fear.

"Yup! So... bye!" Clint then runs out of the hero museum.

"Uncle Clint! Uncle Clint get back here!" Peter protests, but it's no use he's already long gone. He then starts to panic. His class was long forgotten. What's he going to do? Aunt Tasha is going to kill him if she finds him with her gun. He starts pacing as he tries to figure out his game plan. His class stares at him while some try to get his attention, but their attention is drawn away from the pacing boy when an angry Black Widow storms into the museum.

"CLINT!" Natasha shouts with anger. She looks around for the bird themed hero. She then locks eyes with a scared Peter who is holding her favorite gun. Some of her anger in her eyes is lost and suspension fills its place.

"Peter, why are you holding my favorite gun?" She questions him with a look that clearly says don't lie to me.

"I swear I didn't take it, Aunt Tasha! Uncle Clint jumped down from the vents after he shot Flash with a rainbow glitter arrow and tossed me your gun. Before I knew it he had run off in that direction." Peter rushes out as he defends himself. What interested Natasha was that Clint shot a random kid with rainbow glitter. He only uses rainbow glitter on someone who he doesn't like, so why would he use it on some random kid. Unless he wanted her to keep an eye on this kid so he stole her favorite gun and gave it to Peter as a sign. There must be something important about this kid that Clint wanted her to see. She's going to get to the bottom of this one way or another.

"It's okay Ciminnon role." She tells Peter. Nat then turns to the tour guide. "I am going to take over this tour for a bit." she orders with no room for argument. She takes them back into the elevator and Peter knows exactly where they are going once he sees what floor Nat pressed. Flash also decided this was the best time to question Peter even though there was a trained assassin in the same elevator, only three feet away, and keeping an eye on him.

"You better come clean now Penis. It'll save you the trouble later when I expose all your lies. Do you think anyone would care about you once they find out what a lying pathetic loser you are? Your own parents didn't want you, what makes you think anyone else will?" Flash whispers harshly into Peter's ear, but the whole elevator could still hear him, including the very pissed assassin who can easily get away with murder.

Peter has his head down as he tries his hardest not to cry at the moment. He can't even look at Aunt Tasha. Ned went up to Peter's side trying to comfort him and show his support. Mr. Harrington is upset. That was a very low blow. The teacher knows about how Peter's parents abandoned him at an orphanage when he was 6 because it's in his records. He can't imagine how it would feel if his parents abandoned him.

Before MJ could say anything, the doors opened revealing a huge training room where Bucky and Steve Rogers were currently fighting each other. The previous tension is forgotten by most students by the awe of watching two Avengers fight. The students start idly chatting with one another. Some of the girls were also talking about how cute of a couple they would be.

Both of them stopped fighting when they heard the chatter and looked over at Natasha confused as to why she would bring the students here.

"What's going on Natasha?" Steve asks from the mat he and Bucky were currently on.

"I thought it would be a good idea to show these kids some self defense moves." she simply states.

"Well this is very unexpected."

"You're right. Why don't we go over there and discuss what we can teach these kids?" Natasha replies which makes the two super soldiers look at each other weirdly. They go over to a corner and Natasha explains everything she has observed and what Flash has said. The two men were livid. No one messes with their cinnamon roll and gets away with it. They even decide to bring in the reinforcements. Soon all the Avengers were in the training room.

The class was no longer excited considering the Avengers were giving them evil looks. Technically the looks were for Flash, but none of them knew that. Peter wasn't sure what was going on. Ned, MJ, and him tried their best to figure out what was going on. Even Mr. Harrington seemed uncomfortable.

"We need a few volunteers to help us with a demonstration for how to defend yourself against an enemy." Steve announces to the class. Many hands went up, but they already knew who they were going to pick beforehand.

"Peter, why don't you come up here? You seem like the strongest one in your group." Peter hesitates.

"Are you kidding me? Penis is the weakest one here!" Flash calls out from the back of the group. This made many of the Avengers clench their fists, but they have a plan and they're going to stick with it.

"Thank you asshole for volunteering! Peter, you can go back into the group." Tony says with very fake enthusiasm as a language could be heard in the background. Flash struts up to them like he is the most important person in the world.

"My name is Flash and I'm the star quarterback."

"Like I said asshole."

"Alright Trash you're going to hold this weight in your left hand and this weight in your right hand. This is some basic training that we do here." Bucky says handing Flash some weights.

"Now do some squats." Flash tries, but is struggling. "Pick it up Trash. I thought you were the star quarterback, but all I see is a wimp." Rodey tells him.

"Don't forget about the books to help improve your balance." Natasha says as she drops three thick books on his head. This causes Flash to clasps on the ground.

"I've never seen a more pathetic warrior in my life!" Thor's voice booms. The class watches in horror as the Avengers make fun of Flash, though none of them feel any sympathy. Peter couldn't take it anymore.

"Enough!" Peter shouts at the Avengers. They all stop and turn to face him. "This isn't right."

"But he's been bullying you Детеныш паука." Natasha says softly.

"I know, but he still doesn't deserve this!" he says pointing to the collapsed Flash laying on the ground in pain.

"He almost made you cry, son of Stark!" Thor shouts in his loud voice.

"That doesn't matter! I can handle it. I've been handling it for years now!"

"You shouldn't have to handle it! You don't deserve to be bullied, nephew." Uncle Clint tries to reason with him.

"I do deserve it, but that's not important. What's important is if Flash isn't picking on me then he would be picking on some other kid who doesn't deserve and can't handle it! I can't let that happen. I can't be the reason some other kid is being beat up everyday and told that they are worthless, stupid, ugly, and a liar!" Peter tells them this as tears stream down his face. All the Avengers come over to him and hug him.

"Peter, look at me, you are amazing, smart, adorable, fantastic, and the best son I could ever ask for. Don't you dare listen to anyone who tells you anything else. Do you hear me? You have made all of our lives so much happier and you made us better people. We all love you so much. I love you son." Tony tells Peter with so much love in his love that you knew he cares so much for the young teen.

"Thank you dad. I love you too. I love all of you." He tells them and breaks down again, but this time it's happy tears.

~Years Later~

Flash never bothered Peter or anyone else again. Peter learned that he is cared about and that even though his birth parents didn't love him, his new family loves him so much. Years later Peter graduated from MIT, announced he was Peter Stark, and took over Stark Industries. He lived a joyous life, married MJ, and adopted three children.

The End

How was it? Just be honest it was bad wasn't it? I knew it. This is my first time writing a one shot, so I'm sorry it sucks. Also I have no clue how I wrote so much, but don't expect the rest of them to be this long.

Can I ask for a favor from you guys/girls/non gender peeps? I need help on writing insults and comebacks. If you have any that you would be willing to share, that would be greatly appreciated.

Also for whatever reason it won't allow me to upload any pictures, so if you know how I can do that please let me know. (I'm using a tablet if that helps)

Anyways have a wonderful fantastical day! (or night if your reading this when you're supposed to be sleeping! Yeah I see you. Staying up all night to read fanfics. *shaking my head* Don't complain when you're tired tomorrow.)

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