Tevun-Krus #101 - The New Fro...

By Ooorah

1.4K 335 290

Welcome to the very first issue of TEVUN-KRUS Vol. 2! After ten years and 100 issues of Wattpad's #1 e-zine... More

Watt's Inside!
On the Edge of the Known - A Story by @DavidGibbs6
Alien Concepts - A Story by @Lamplighter1890
Author Spotlight: @dvdvnr
Magic Reveal - A Story by @wdhenning
Nablai's Nebula
Esperance - A Story by @jinnis
A New Horizon Challenge
Ivy Was in Love - A Story by @theidiotmachine
Vogon Poetry Corner
Brave New World - A Story by @EvelynHail
Cassiopeia's Cooking Corner - The Ooorah Cake by @elveloy
The Mining Chronicles of Lambda Draconis - A Short Story by @HC_Leung
Images of a Science-Fictional Nature
Playing Cowboys - A Story by @johnnedwill
100 Billion Galaxies...
The Surveyor - A Story by @DavidGibbs6
Return to the M'Verse: An Ooorah Anthology
A Good Spot to Die In - A Story by @PhonerionBallznevsky
The Return of... THE OOORAH! AWARD
Looking for More...?
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 1: Intro
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 2: Space Trash
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 3: Gulch Rock
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 4: The Edge
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 5: Sureshot Sam
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 6: One Last Trek
Last Frontier Saloon - Part 7: Finale
Watt's Next!
Closing Time

Scenes from the Mothership... Welcome to Vol. 2!

108 15 10
By Ooorah

As she traverses lush green savannah, Yolenda adjusts her retinals, flicking through various filters until she finds something that suits her. New frontier, new vision. The strange new world around her now looks like one of those computer games from the end of the twentieth century. Not that she's ever played one, having only read about them in the data cubes.

In the distance, a huge slab of architecture juts from the mountains themselves. Homes and hovels can be seen as mere specks etched into the building's base. Constructed by a loan shark with a kink for housing people, the Isenkroff building employs and homes just under seventy percent of the planet's population.

Yolenda is here to end him.

Not because she has any kind of problem with Isenkroff, no. This is what she's paid to do. There are no real laws out in this part of space. Only the gunslinger's mantra—shoot first and shoot fast.

She hears a twig snap behind her. Spinning, she flicks both magnums into her hands and takes aim at the source of the disturbance. Something vaguely man-shaped, red and blue.

"I can see through your camo," Yolenda says. "My vision is augmented."

The red-blue shape flickers. There is a flash and a man with a long, stringy mane of hair steps toward her.

Isenkroff. He's unarmed.

"I know you're here to kill me," he says, "but listen. You don't have to do this. This is the new frontier. Yolenda, you can be whoever you want to be here."

Yolenda's finger twitches. The target is never supposed to know your name.

[Scenes from the Mothership, Entry #612-22]


Well, we actually did it, folks. We actually reached TK100, which at one point was akin to a mirage in the deserts of Mars. An issue as epic as TK100 deserves a round of applause for all you readers and writers aboard the Ooorah mothership. I believe we refer to ourselves as "mothertroopers."

Here's to you.

We begin a new chapter in Tevun-Krus today. Together, the first 100 issues made up Vol. 1 of Wattpad's longest-running WattZine. And today we begin Tevun-Krus Vol. 2...

So where do we take the generation ship from here, mothertroopers? We were never ones to sit around picking space-lint from our bellybuttons, were we? We're always seeking new adventures, new stories, new galaxies, new planets, new sub-genres.

New... frontiers. Or, in the case of TK#101, the New Frontier.

Related to Space Western, the New Frontier aims to  provide a realm of utmost exploration and freedom, where anything can happen and the wild is the rule of law. Big Government has yet to establish itself in the new frontier. Instead we see misfits from all quadrants of the galaxies seeking fame and fortune there—but, in a split second, anything can happen. One minute a blaster-slinger from Pluto is king of the hill, the next minute he's space dust, hunted down by his new friends from the saloon.

What journeys await us here? Let's find out!

Leading us off into the New Frontier, here's an opening crawl from angerbda!

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