How did I get here?

By Krickets2000

428 21 0

When I first start off my pokemon journey, I expect myself to face many obstacles along the way. But as I go... More

The young encounter
Choice and Decision
Prepare for trouble!
And make it double!
A leafy encounter!
First mission
Origin of Executives
The trainer in Red cap
A spiritual encounter!
Second mission
Unexpected Reunion
Interlude I: Strength and Purpose
PKMN TRAINER RED wants to battle!
Interlude II: Let's Party!
Origin of Team Rocket
Wild MEWTWO appeared!
You're in for a world of pain!
Pokemon Showdown!

Enemy of my companion

19 1 0
By Krickets2000

In the end, I left Viridian Forest and return to Route 3. After all, I already got what I want, so no need to continue my journey to Pallet Town. Besides, knowing Nidoran's move set is like a second priority to me. I can just figure that out later.

Speaking of which, I manage to figure out one of his moves, Peck. Literally, the only attacking move he has. I mean... technically, there's also this other move where he would... glare at me? I- I don't really know what the hell was that supposed to do. I'll just make notes of it and try to figure it out later.

Now back to our training session, I noticed that Nidoran here is getting stronger and stronger, to the point where I'm almost unable to keep up. So the other days, I told him that if he were ready to evolve, halt it for now.

Obviously, he was completely pissed off by that statement. But after a few minutes of reasoning and... wearing him down so that he would finally listen, Nidoran seems to be willing enough to tolerate the idea for a while.

Ok, now that's out of the way. Let's move on to the next topic, my future.

I don't exactly have a plan for the future. But whatever it is, I know for a fact that there will eventually be an obstacle that I must overcome, no matter how much I want to deny it.

That's right! I'm talking about Mount Moon over there, a place filled with those filthy Zubats. If I want to progress here, then the only way forward for me to go is through Mount Moon.

But then that begs the question, how would I come up with a way to deal with those Zubats? I can't exactly buy Repels from the Pokemart since, as I previously stated, I'm broke.

Well, lemme tell you something. There are reasons why our dear Zubats love to use so many Supersonic to begin with. You see, if you take a closer look at those pests of a creature they are, you will notice that something is missing from them. Can you guess what it is? That's right! It's a set of eyes! This is why they like to use Supersonic so much. They aren't trying to annoy you. They're just trying to figure out their location!

Still, doesn't make me hate those winged motherfuckers any less though.

But Gade! How would that information be of any benefit to you at all? Well, guess what. It didn't! It's completely useless and I spent hours trying to figure out a solution to this problem and got nothing! Isn't it great?!

Honestly, I might as well just give up and power through it as any normal trainer would. At least it would be the last time I'd ever encounter those parasites... I hope.

Argh! All those thoughts about Zubats are giving me a headache. Let's just get back to training and see our progress with Nidoran here instead.

So... weeks flash. Nidoran here has learned a new move called Horn Attack. Basically, it's a better version of Peck. Although for some weird reason, Horn Attack is a normal type while Peck is... a flying type...? Honestly, I stop questioning the logic behind these pokemon the moment Dodrio can learn Fly without having any wings.

Putting it aside for now. Lately, Nidoran has been quite itchy for a fight. Like- he'd rammed me over and over again, figuratively speaking of course. So I think it is time for me to keep that promise I have with Nidoran, getting his revenge. Which is exactly why we've been walking around the grass patch for over 30 minutes now. Kinda boring if you ask me.

But don't worry! Because after walking around for a little bit more, we finally found those 2 Nidorinoes we've been looking for. Currently, they're ganging up on what appears to be a blue version of Nidoran. In case you didn't know, Nidoran's gender is determined by the color of their skin's pigment, and this one is female. Pretty neat if you ask me.

Oh, and she's getting molested. Yeah... that part is not neat.

Ok, I believe I owe an explanation as to why am I so calm about this, so here is a little anatomy lesson before we engage. There are 2 kinds of Nidorans here, Nidoran male and Nidoran female. The male variant is, for obvious reason, a stronger version of the two. So their evolution, Nidoking, would always end up as the alpha of the group.

However, here's where things start to get a little bit weird. Nidoqueen on the other hand, cannot become an alpha no matter what circumstances, due to one practical reason being that Nidoqueen cannot reproduce.

For some reason that I do not know, when a female Nidoran evolves, it loses its sex organs, making it impossible for mating. So for the species to repopulate and survive, The male Nidoran has to force their female counterpart to mate with them, even if it means doing it without their consent. Talks about the cruelty of nature.

But in this case, I'm pretty sure that those 2 Nidorinoes are just doing it for shit and giggles. I mean, it's not even mating season yet and they're already going at it!

...I'm getting sidetracked here. Let's just focus on the objective at hand first. I can continue with my inner monologue later.

"Alright Nidoran, we're going to slowly sneak behind them and... Nidoran?" Where did he- ...Oh you son of a Mightyeena.

"NIDORAN!!" Yup. That right there... is Nidoran, for the better word of it, currently ramming his horn against those 2 Nidorinoes. Seriously?! I know you've been waiting for this but come one! It wouldn't hurt to just plan for a bit.

Whatever! I should probably join him before his partner realizes what happened. Better get this over with.

I quickly rush toward the other Nidorino, landing the hardest possible kick onto his right abdomen, sending him flying away in the process.

"You ok there?"

"N- Nidoran...?"

"Yeah yeah, you can thank me lat- ...Actually, I think you may be able to thank me now. See, my friend here has been in a bad mood lately. So, I was thinking of a way to cheer him up. And I was wondering if you could- ...why are you looking at me like that?"


What? Did that Nidorino I kick just cry? Come on! I doubt it was even that painful to begin with! In fact, I think I'm the one here that's actually hurt since my toes are starting to feel numb a bit. So don't be so overdramatic, will ya?! It's not like you're going to die or any- ...why are you 2 Nidoran glaring at me?

Huh? What was that? It sounds like... a footstep? Multiple of them actually.

Oh never mind, it's just another Nidoran... and another one... and another one... and another... one...

...I'm totally fucked, aren't I?


"Uh.... sorry...?"

"...Nidoran..." Hey! Don't you dare shake your head at me like that!

"Look, you can get mad at me if you want. But right now, we have an enemy to fight and a lady here to protect. So you can either focus on getting mad at me or focus on beating the shit out of these trashes. Which one will it be?"


"Now that's more like it! I'll take that one on the left! You take the one on the right!"


"Alright! Let's go!"

The battle has started. I began by charging toward the enemy Nidorans while my Nidoran focuses on his. Both of us are quick to make a work of those pokemon while they were still distracted.

"That's a quarter of them! A few more to go!"

Thanks to all the previous training sessions that I had with Nidoran, I manage to dodge and counter a few of the attacks from the opposing force and began my assault. Eventually, we slowly overwhelm the enemy little by little, making few of them retreat in fear.

But of course, luck wasn't always on our side and there were bound to be a few slips of mistake here and there, which is why when those 2 Nidorinoes join in for a fight, I knew immediately that this battle is going to be more difficult than I initially thought.

"Do not worry, Nidoran! We still have 'that' remember?" After all, they are not the only ones with the powerhouse on their side. As soon as things start to get bad for us, I'll just simply order my Nidoran to stop holding back and unleashed his true power. Then after that, we'll see who will be laughing in the end.

Now that those 2 Nidorinoes are fighting, I can say for sure that I'm starting to have trouble dealing with the enemies here. Nidorino is unlike any other Nidoran that I've previously fought. He's bigger, faster, and stronger than the rest of them. In fact, I don't think I could really inflict any real damage, even if I were to try.

Just as if things look like it couldn't get any worse, I got hit by a barrage of purple stings, making me raise both of my arms to defend myself from the attack. Unfortunately for me, the deed was already done.

My feet start to feel weak, as I begin to stumble and fall onto my knee. Everything seems to look so blurry around me as strength slowly escapes by little over time.

I knew immediately what just happened. The move that the enemy Nidorino has just used was Poison Sting. An attack that has a chance to poison a foe. A poison that's lethal enough to kill someone.

I began to struggle for my survival, crawling my way to escape. But the Nidorino stop me before I could and stomp on my hand, making me let out a painful grunt.

Realizing my fate, I decided to slowly close my eyes and accept the outcome of this battle. But just as I was about to get killed by the enemy Nidorino, I heard a loud noise and a white glow from the corner of my eyes. Then suddenly, another Nidorino attacks the Nidorino in front of me, using a barrage of Fury Attack.

I later realize that the Nidorino who just save me was none other than my Nidoran, who decides to stop holding himself back and rushes to the rescue.

I give him a small weak but genuine smile before everything drifts off into the darkness.

Nidorino (Male)

Nature: Rash

Type: Poison

Move set:

- Peck

- Leer

- Horn Attack

- Fury Attack

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