vinnie hacker fluff imagines

By user1022838

22.1K 72 45

an imagines book filled with fluffy oneshots like harry styles books (if you know them)!! will contain a lot... More

home alone prank
missin mama hacker


3.8K 13 7
By user1022838

prompt; in which the hate gets into vinnies head all day while "working" and when he comes home, yn knows something is up. maybe a shoulder to cry on is just the best during that time.

wednesday afternoon

it's been a chill day at the hype house in calabases, ca. vinnie had left early this morning for some business/contract meetings and some brand deals as well in the upcoming weeks. he left a little note for yn, saying good morning and hoping she'd have a good day with a little coffee to go with it.

vinnie loves his job & the stuff he's done to get so far up on his platform but with everything new coming in, the tv show, brand deals, new/fake people in his life, and hate, hate is all leading up to it as well and he doesn't know why.

for the past few weeks though, he's posted on any media, he's noticed in his comments that are in the section say;

"omg yn could do so better"
"vinnies probably a player and they won't last"
"i wouldn't be surprised if yn broke up with him"
"anime is for fkn losers"
etc etc

but one comment that he saw broke his heart so much. "vinnie hacker is so fkn useless. man i wish yn could do better, she's so much prettier and more relevant. vinnie should die in a hole." god that made his heart drop to his stomach. after he read that, he started sobbing, crumpled in his knees but no one could hear him. yn was running errands at the time but she could never know.

however, she had a feeling something was up. she's noticed that he's not eating much, not really social with anyone anymore, and he hasn't tweeted, streamed, or posted on instagram for a few weeks. "hmmm? what could be going on?" she thought to herself.

but now it was a new day, well, afternoon, and yn had her "day off" from her social influencer job. normally she vlogs but every other day now. anyways, she's been cleaning/tiding up, running errands, shopping etc. it was nice waking up to a note from vin earlier, since he's been a little distant to her too. oh how she wishes what was going on.

while getting back home from shopping, she placed the bags in her closet to sort out later and lay back on the bed. soon after that she got a text from vinnie that he was on his way home.

vin: hey love, i miss u. i'm on my way home now

yn: aw i miss you too. i can't wait to hear about your day love. i'll see u soon xo

vin: xo baby

what yn thought after that text was excitement to see her loving bf but if only she knew what was happening on his side of the screen. after sending that text, vinnies sniffled sobs reappeared. earlier, he found an hate page account on instagram that morning and it's just been on his mind all day. there was hate about yn, his relationship, his looks, etc. he felt broken inside and doesn't know what to do.

while his girlfriend waited at home for him, he then realized he was about 5 minutes away from home. "sh*t." he cussed while rubbing his red eyes quickly to make it not look like he's crying. after he then turned, he pulled up, parked, and then sighed getting out of the car. all he hoped was that the rest of the day would go better.

"baby!!" yn said in excitement, his face changing quickly from glum to happy. "h-hi love." he replied kinda quietly. "everything go alright today vin?" she asked softly while looking at him. "o-oh uh yeah. just fine." he slightly smiled while walking to the door. "oh okay." she said back, she knew something was up.

while walking into the house, he took off his shoes and just went to hug yn. "aw hon, are you sure everything is okay?" she asked quietly, muffled into his shirt. "y-yeah yeah everything's good." he sniffled. "okay love." she said, kissing his cheek. "just remember i'm always always here, and if you need anyone to talk too." she said softly, smiling at him.

"i know love. thank you." he said kissing her forehead back. "how about we go see how everyone is, hm?" she asked while vinnies head nodded slightly. they then made their way to the kitchen/living room where everyone was at. "hey guys!" yn said to the crew. "oh hey yn! hey vinnie!" alex said with a chuckle. kouvr made her way over to yn to hug her best friend as well.

"how were the meetings?" thomas asked while vinnie looked up. "oh u-um they went good. y-yeah." he replied quietly. "okay." thomas responded, seeing vinnie quiet was odd so something must be up. yn's face changed too seeing vinnie quiet as well. "well uh we'll be in the living room hanging out for a bit." yn said to the group to change conversation.

"okay we'll be there soon." alex replied. once they made their way to the loveseat couch, vin & yn cuddled up into each other with vinnie laying on her chest. "vin, honey. are you positive everything is okay honey? you just seemed quiet out there." she said softly, her hand gliding through his locks. "mhm 'm fine. promise." he sniffled. "alright love. i understand. we can cuddle for a bit if you'd like." she asked. "i'd love that." he mumbled, digging his head into her chest. comfort was all he needed right now.

after about 20 minutes, alex, thomas, and jack cane over to the couch. "we're gonna go to the gym for a bit, wanna come vinnie?" they asked seeing him now awake on his girlfriend. "n-no thanks guys. it's been a long day." he sighed shaking his head no. "but dude you haven't worked out in weeks! don't you want to?" thomas asked while laughing a bit. "n-no i'm okay." he replied. "fine then. but don't ignore it too much longer, you're already forming a gut!" thomas said laughing while poking his stomach.

that's what broke vinnies heart even more then just the comments. now it was his friends saying hate about his apperence. yn was pissed too a little bit. "knock it off guys he's had a long day! quit being an a$$hole and go away!" she yelled, she didn't like that talk. "fine sorry geez. we're outta here." thomas sighed in a sarcastic voice while the group of friends walked away.

"jerks, complete jerks. right hon-." yn stopped. she then saw her boyfriend with his "i'm about to cry face" and not because of happiness. there, vinnie started sobbing relentlessly in front of his girlfriend, not caring at all on what he looked like at that moment but just sobs leaving his body, and they were quite loud. "oh my god! baby!" yn said frantically. what is going on??

after not knowing what to do to comfort her crying boyfriend in her arms, the only way was to just hold him & give him any possible comfort to calm down his cries. it had been going on for a while but after about 15 minutes, she tried to see what his status was. "babe, honey?" she cooed softly, trying to lift his head up but it wouldn't budge.

"oh baby. oh sweetheart." she coos at the sad sight of vinnie. they were still lying on the couch so maybe a different spot would be more private if he still needed to cry. the only problem is, how do we do that? "vin, honey, should we go to our bedroom? would that be better?" she asks softly over his cries. he still didn't answer so know that would have to carry him up.

"shh shh love its okay. i'm here. here, i'll take you up to the room." she said while getting up and placing him on her hip. "woah what's going on? why is he crying?!" kouvr asked confused. "thomas and his friends were being jerks. maybe you should let alex know that they really hurt his feelings!" yn said in a sarcastic voice while heading up the stairs, rolling her eyes while walking up too. "o-okay. i'm sorry." kouvr replied but you ignored her.

luckily, his 6ft 1 frame matched your 5'10 built which it was easier to carry him like a child up to stairs. his sobs still heard, making it sound like they were in there forever. your heart broke at the sight. "my sweet boy, it'll be alright. it's going to be okay." she cooed while rocking him a bit once they got to the room. once there, yn then placed themselves on the bed.

"here honey, let's lay down for a bit, hm? see if that'll work." she whispered under her breath. unfortunately, his cries still rang throughout the room and yn trying to get him off her embrace didn't help that. "honey, let me lay you down." she said trying to get his arms off of her. when that idea took a twist to make his cries turn into screams, she decided to just leave it as it is.

"woah woah okay okay love. we can stay the way we are. it's okay. don't cry love. awh vin." she said sadly seeing him become more into her embrace. it was like a newborn crying for his mother. she didn't realize how his cries sounded like a kid.

yn just basically gave up to see what was wrong until he was easy. she didn't want to push it any more.

time skip

about 20 minutes later, he had cooled down a bit. his sobs dialed down to hiccuping cries with a snotty nose. "love. vin sweetheart." she coos while he looked up at her. "what's on your mind honey?" she asked while he turned away. "love, answer please. i hate seeing you like this." she pleaded.

as he sniffled he responded quietly, "'m-i'm getting h-hate." he sniffles while yn's jaw dropped. "what kind of hate love? what are they saying?" she asked softly. "s-stuff about our relationship, m-me, and my l-looks." he replied. "can i see you phone love?" yn asks while he gently takes it out.

scrolling through, you see the comments on his posts (mentioned earlier) and you were just surprised & ashamed of how people could talk like that to him. "oh my god." yn blurted out. "vin, babe, how long has this been going on?" she questions but he didn't respond. "vincent." she said calling him by his first name.

"a-a couple w-weeks." he stutters while fiddling with his hands. "love. why didn't you tell me earlier?" you asked, instead of him hiding it. "i-i-i don't k-know i'm s-so-sorryyy!" his cries appearing again. "hey it's okay, i'm not mad vin, i'll never ever be mad at you for this. i just want you to let me know when there's hate again like this because it's ending today." she said while hugging him a bit.

after a little bit of comfort and reassurance, vinnie had calmed down a bit. "sweetheart, i am so very sorry on what happened and the hate you're receiving. you are a wonderful, handsome, and the best boyfriend i could ever ask for. please don't let those jerks get into your head. i'll have kouvr talk to alex and the guys about earlier because that was mean also. they're just jealous they can't be as muscular as you can be. i love you so much vin. i can't picture my life without you." yn said tearing up while making eye contact with him and vinnie doing the same.

"i love you so much yn." he replied with a kiss on her hand. "i love you more honey. forever." she cooed while rubbing his hair. that lasted on for a few minutes until all his tears were dried. yn then came to the thought of posting something regarding the situation on her social media platform.

before all of the thought, while vinnie was crying, yn had taken a picture of him with tears down his face and red blotchy eyes while looking at the camera but still having some comfort. while scrolling through her camera roll, she found the picture and decided to post on instagram.

(imagine vinnie was laying on your chest while his face looked like this)



it has came to my attention that vinnie is getting "hate" for his looks, his relationship, and even me with them saying that i could do better. everything that you say is bs to myself & him. he's now breaking down in front of me sobbing because it's gotten to far. how could you "fans" do this? how can you even call yourself one? i am so ashamed of you all and the fans of mine that have involvement. with this occurring, neither i or vincent will be on social media for a few weeks. this isn't an apology, this is the truth. you've broke my boys heart and i just can't believe you bullies out there. even though he's a social media "star" he's still a human and has feelings.until all of this is over, i will see you later. and i hope you understand. goodbye for now from the both of us. i hope you do better.


@vinnieisbae: who would say that? who do i have to fight? 😡
@vvvincentcole: wow, i am so very sorry because of us. i won't ever want anyone to hurt my baby again. i'm throwing hands

"alright love. i just made a post about the situation addressing everything. i'll be, we'll be, taking a break from social media. how does that sound? is that okay?" she asked hoping that he'll be okay with that. "mhm. that's sounds good. thank y-you." he stuttered a bit while making grabby hands. "of course honey." she cooed while picking him up a bit.

"you like being held like this huh?" she giggled while bouncing him a bit. "f-feel safe w-with you." he blushed while wrapping his arms around your chest. "awe babe. of course." she replied, in awe of her "strong demeanor boyfriend." "should we go back downstairs vin? are you ready? we can stay up here for longer if you're not." she asked softly while rubbing his back. "i'm ready." he replied. "alright hon. wanna be carried down or should do you want to walk?" yn asked.

"c-carried." he blushed again with a stutter. "good choice love." she cooed while hoisting him up on her hip to go downstairs. it was an adorable sight, seeing him so cute & sleepy but so strong at the same time. "gotta stay awake hon. we should tell the others." she whispered while readjusting herself. "i'll try." he mumbled, laying his head on her shoulder.

after making it down the elevator (safer idea), they then walked into the loving room and sat down on the couch. yn noticed that the boys were back including the crew were so shocked on that she was literally holding vinnie like a toddler. "uhm? yn? is a what's going on?" alex asked while laughing a bit, about to take out his camera. "no!" she yelled in a instant. "put that away. we have to talk to you all." she demanded.

alex then carefully set the camera back down in the bag and had a scared look on his face. "what's up yn? everything alright?" thomas asked. "no, actually, everything is not right. it has came to my attention earlier today when vinnie was sobbing in my arms because he's receiving loads of hate on social media platforms about our relationship, himself, and even getting death threats. death threats guys. so no, every thing is not okay." she sighed/yelled while everyone's jaw dropped.

"thomas, your comments that you made towards vinnie earlier is what made him breakdown. he's been nothing but loyal to you and on his worst days you test him like sh*t? wow, i'm sorry but i just can't believe you." she exclaimed while thomas got teary eyes. normally, yn was a friend to him but once the truth comes out, it's ok you this time.

"god, i'm so sorry vinnie. i-i had no idea. h-how long has this been going on? god i feel horrible!" thomas yelled making everyone flinch. "f-for a few uhm w-weeks." vinnie stuttered nervously. "im sorry i-i should've told you sooner." he added, fiddling with his hands. "it's okay. i understand. we'll figure this sh*t out. i just can't believe you're getting so much hate. i am so fkn sorry man." alex said to him.

"i-it's okay. i mean it's not but we'll get through it: y-yn wrote up a post and we won't be on platforms for a little while. it's just too stressful with a majority hating and liking you." vinnie sighed. "well, we're here for you man. always. remember that." thomas sighed & gave a smile to him. "thanks guys. i'm sorry for lashing out but i just didn't know how to. are we all good now? friends?" yn said with a smile. the whole crew nodded and said at the same time, "friends."

"phew." she said wiping the fake sweat off her forehead. "thanks god." yn giggled. after the talk about the situation, the whole gang decided to watch a movie together and since most of the time everyone is busy, they finally took this moment to be with each other. alex put on monsters inc from disney plus while heading back to where kouvr was.

yn & vinnie cuddled up against each other again, with a blanket over them. "i love you so much." yn said softly while seeing vinnie in her arms. "i love you more." he cooed while cuddling himself into her embrace.

and that was the night, just comforting each other when it was needed. vinnie was lucky to have a girlfriend like tbt because he knew none of his other exes would do the same.

she truly was one of a kind & would always have his back.

the end!!! ahhh i hope you all enjoyed this emotional but happy ending prompt! thank you all for reading this book and i'm so excited to write more! please if you'd like, vote, save, add to library, or comment if you enjoyed the chapter! i'm thinking maybe panic attack might be next or clingy would be the other option too.

thank you all for reading, and if you'd like to check out my other book with MDLB chris evans, that would be wonderful! ❤️

all the love.


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